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There's too many damn episodes from Cor.
(Agreed. If that's your biggest complaint about this site, then I guess things could be worse. Write something and send it in.)
Random episode from Cor suggested by him
At the risk of playing favorites (and pissing off the wrong TM), here's a suggested reading order for my episodes if you're mostly curious about...
- "Female" ticklers - Havik'a, Roy, Bodie, Trickster, Xhi, Manipulators
- Female victims - some of the episodes from other writers (look for the story codes explained here) - and Clarke
- More than one victim - Amusing Zeke, most of the Palace series, Decommissioned, Fair Play, Twofer, Spare Key, Hands Up, Brothers, Room For 2, Vacancy, Reeducation, Honor Camp, Pounder, Sitter, Traction
- a whole lotta victims simultaneously - Bodie, Ampcat, Finger Hollow, Amusing Zeke, Vacancy (episode 2), MATI, Kigo, Ice Man
- gothic - Finger Hollow, Ian, Thruster, Room For 2, Caretaker, Haunted House, Simple, Vacancy, Mel, Spare Key, Mattress, Doctor, Bunker, Gurney, Lodge, Grounded, Remodel
- historical - Anubis, Vagabond, Charholm, Finger Hollow, Noir, TM Origin - Variation G, TM Origin - Variation C
- attempted humor - Ransom, Havik'a, Tutor, Deeny & Drey, Amusing Zeke, Seminar, Gift Exchange, Brothers, Roy, Hah, Seth, Duane, TM Origin - Variation T
- science fiction
- "Alien" ticklers (definitely not from Earth)
- other ticklers who can mess with time and space - Sneaky, Rodder, Salvaje, Bahía Delirante, Coach, Brothers, Interview, Permission, Charholm
- "Machine-assisted" ticklers - Todd, Rodder, Burnhim, Bot-enemy, Contracts, Squealthug, Amusing Zeke, Night School, Free Ball
- more "intense," obsessed ticklers - Mal, Tom 2, Waste, Border, Vacancy (episode 3), Wanted Man, Pal, North Beach, Pounder, Traction, Ruff, Full-on, Decommissioned, Hand Tat, Smack, Rehab, Tickling Door, Buffers, Ruze, Bedspread, Curiosity, Biker Den, Timebox
- ticklers who are seriously fuckin' fond of "head games" - Tom 2, Wanted Man, Decommissioned, Grounded, Rude, Icon, Restarter, The Smell, Forager, Hotel, Smack, MFMC, The Entertainer, Runner, Handler, Nick, Guest Services, Dag, Stick, Convert, Chief
- ticklers who use "mind control" heavily - Ketch, Touchup, Pet Ranch, Turnover, Doctor, Monster Hoot, Rodder, The Palace series, Toolshed, Amusing Zeke, Havik'a, Roy, Handbill, Pounder, Gurney, Ian, Delivery
- "more altruistic" ticklers - Deeny & Drey, Search and Rescue, Tyroderm, Zamazz, Rodder, Benched, Vacancy (episode 2), Bodie, MATI, Rehab, Duane, Tuning, Friends
- "kinky" ticklers (weirder sex play) - Stirrups, Sitter, Palace, Amusing Zeke, Deeny & Drey, The Entertainer, Day & Night, Kittery, Lafrinex, Rodder, Taos, Treatment Summary, Switch, Taker, Smack
- more "chaste" ticklers (no sex play) - Attic, Deke, Shed, Pure Method, Lodge, Crazy, Realization, Tuning, Presents, Caretaker, Reel-In, Coyote, Airlift, Icon, Roadie, Free Ball, Client
- "home-invasion" ticklers - Moving Day, Kennel, The Entertainer, The Smell, Bad Strap, Traction, Cal-Boss, Gift Box, Found Out, Deeny & Drey, Breakout, Free Ball
- how TMs came to exist (or got interested in tickling) - TM Origin - Variation P, TM Origin - Variation G, TM Origin - Variation C, TM Origin - Variation V, TM Origin - Variation T, Tyc, Pounder, Search and Rescue, Anubis, Recaytrix, Rodder, The Big Picture
- "first-time" ticklers - Discovery, The Smell, Rehab, Activator, Promo, Hah, Penryn, Fair Play, Subduers, Switch
- "rookie" ticklers - Tester, Taos, Sounder, Recliner, The Big Picture
- unusual narrative styles or formats - Bahía Delirante, Treatment Summary, White-on-white-on-white, Transcript, Rauders, TM Origin - Variation V, Bedspread, Seminar, PFC