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15 January 2023
Don't know what it may reveal about me, but I'm noticing now that when I wrote about TMs that sound male, they're an "it" - but female-sounding TMs are almost always "she". Well, huh.
You watch your fuckin' back, bro...
- Cor -
31 December 2022
I'm on to something.
Maybe doing some legwork for the folks who will investigate paranormal, nonhuman ideas after I shuffle off this coil...?
Web page conversion and proofreading continues...
This website is 25 years old.
Now I'm using two domains - which can eventually be two separate websites, if there's enough interest - because I want to encourage writers and artists of human ticklers to consider one of them to be a place for their work.
Learning new web page setup stuff, it seems my prior work was not kind to cell phones and those using assistive technology like screen-readers. This will take me a while to fix, since there's a few hundred web pages on the site.
Also. Way back when, I didn't know "sounding" was already in use by writers of adult stuff. My attempt was to indicate depth of sensation on ticklish spots everywhere, as they do with water. That's the second definition in the link a couple sentences ago. Replacing the last appearances of it here is on my worklist (though I have an episode with the title of "Sounder", so, um) and I hope to come up with a new word...
Here's the old, reliable Call for Submissions.
If you like something, let me know. Does some episode seem totally confusing? Let me know. Many episodes of mine were the result of trading e-mail or IM chat with somebody...
E-mail me, and I also plan to install an anonymous messaging app or bulletin board soon.
You watch your fuckin' back, bro...
- Cor -
About this website
Thank you, all you great authors and artists who have permitted your work to be included here!
Maybe it was way beyond time to snag a couple of domains. We will try this setup for a year-plus -
and see if it's worth everyones' time and attention.
What's a TM?
We use it 'round here to abbreviate Tickle Monster - a nonhuman (or magical) tickler that is visible or not, terrestrial or not, "believable"...
or not, that hunts adults*. "Paranormal." Several "origin of" episodes exist. Inanimate objects that catch and tickle people are included, too.
* - The only exception is for an alien-TM story writer in another country, because I didn't notice (for a couple of years) that his great episodes feature teenage victims.
That loophole is now closed. In many other episodes, teenagers getting tickled is implied but not described.
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