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"Echoes" from other places


This Cor guy's sick.

Figures he'd see reminders of TM's everywhere...



We think boys are rude, unsensitive animals, but it is not so in all cases. Each boy has one or two sensitive spots and if you can find out where they are located you have only to touch them and you can scorch him as with fire.

Samuel Clemens


"Once the tulpa is endowed with enough vitality to be capable of playing the part of a real being, it tends to free itself from its maker's control. This, say Tibetan occultists, happens nearly mechanically, just as the child, when his body is completed and able to live apart, leaves its mother's womb. Sometimes the phantom becomes a rebellious son and one hears of uncanny struggles that have taken place between magicians and their creatures, the former being severely hurt or even killed by the latter.

"Tibetan magicians also relate cases in which the tulpa is sent to fulfil a mission, but does not come back and pursues its peregrinations as a half-conscious, dangerously mischievous puppet. The same thing, it is said, may happen when the maker of the tulpa dies before having dissolved it. Yet as a rule the phantom either disappears suddenly at the death of the magician or gradually vanishes like a body that perishes for want of food. On the other hand, some tulpas are expressly intended to survive their creator and are specially formed for that purpose."

Alexandra David-Neel, Magic and Mystery in Tibet, 1965

The same thing
that makes you laugh
can make you cry

Sly Stone


"...Medical researchers looking for the cause of epilepsy have stumbled upon something funny - the small area of the brain that's responsible for laughter.

Dr. Itzhak Fried and colleagues at the University of California in Los Angeles were intently zapping 85 separate spots on a 16-year-old girl's brain in an attempt to control her violent convulsions.

They were shocked when they touched one specific tiny patch - because their patient burst out laughing... The more they zapped the tickle spot, the more genuine humor she found in her surroundings.

"The duration and intensity of laughter increased with the level of stimulation current," Dr. Fried said. "At low currents, only a smile was present, while at higher currents a robust contagious laughter was induced."

from a 4/28/98 supermarket / trash tabloid
(Thanks for the tip, John!)



Tickle. To dream of being tickled, denotes insistent worries and illness. If you tickle others, you will throw away much enjoyment through weakness and folly.
Monster. To dream of being pursued by a monster, denotes that sorrow and misfortune hold prominent places in your immediate future.
Laughter. To dream that you laugh and feel cheerful, means success in your undertakings, and bright companions socially. Laughing immoderately at some weird object, denotes disappointment and lack of harmony in your surroundings. To hear mocking laughter, denotes illness and disappointing affairs.
Torture. To dream of being tortured, denotes that you will undergo disappointment and grief through the machination of false friends. If you are torturing others, you will fail to carry out well-laid plans for increasing your fortune.
Gloves. To dream of wearing new gloves, denotes that you will be cautious and economical in your dealings with others, but not mercenary. If you wear old or ragged gloves, you will be betrayed and suffer loss. To find a pair of gloves, denotes a marriage or new love affair.
Trap. If you are caught in a trap, you will be outwitted by your opponents.
Ropes. Ropes in dreams, signify perplexities and complications in affairs, and uncertain love making. If you are tied with them, you are likely to yield to love contrary to your judgment.
Knots. To dream of seeing knots, denotes much worry over the most trifling affairs. If your sweetheart notices another, you will immediately find cause to censure him. To tie a knot, signifies an independent nature, and you will refuse to be nagged by [an] ill-disposed lover or friend.
Handcuffs. To find yourself handcuffed, you will be annoyed and vexed by enemies. To see handcuffs, you will be menaced with sickness and danger. To dream of handcuffs, denotes formidable enemies are surrounding you with objectionable conditions.
Buckle. To dream of buckles, foretells that you will be beset with invitations to places of pleasure, and your affairs will be in danger of chaotic confusion.
Collar. To dream of wearing a collar, you will have high honors thrust upon you that you will hardly be worthy of. For a woman to dream of collars, she will have many admirers, but no sincere ones. She will be likely to remain single for a long while.
Feather. To dream of seeing feathers falling around you, denotes that your burdens in life will be light and easily borne. To see eagle feathers, denotes that your aspirations will be realized. To dream of black feathers, denotes disappointment and unhappy amours. For a woman to dream of seeing ostrich and other ornamental feathers, denotes that she will advance in society, but her ways of gaining favor will not bear imitating.
Fur. To be dressed in fur, signifies your safety from want and poverty. To see fine fur, denotes honor and riches.
Brush. To dream of using a hair-brush, denotes you will suffer misfortune from your mismanagement. To see clothes brushes, indicates a heavy task is pending over you. To see miscellaneous brushes, foretells a varied line of work, yet withal, rather pleasing and remunerative.
Silk. To dream of wearing silk clothes, is a sign of high ambitions being gratified, and friendly relations will be established between those who were estranged. For a young woman to dream of silk that is soiled or torn, denotes that she will drag her ancestral pride in the slums of disgrace.
Undress. To dream that you are undressing, foretells scandalous gossip will overshadow you. To see others undressed, is an omen of stolen pleasures, which will rebound with grief.
Feet. To dream of seeing your own feet, is ominous of despair. You will be overcome by the will and temper of another. To see others' feet, denotes that you will maintain your rights in a pleasant, but determined way, and win for yourself a place above the common walks of life. To dream that your feet are hurting you, portends troubles of a humiliating character, as they usually are family quarrels.
Hands. If you see beautiful hands in your dream, you will enjoy great distinction, and rise rapidly in your calling; but ugly and malformed hands point to disappointments and poverty. To see a detached hand, indicates a solitary life, that is, people will fail to uderstand your views and feelings. To dream that your hands are tied, denotes that you will be involved in difficulties. To see beautiful hands, with white fingers, denotes that your love will be requited and that you will become renowned for your benevolence.
Abdomen. To see your abdomen in a dream, foretells that you will have greaty expectations, but you must curb hardheadedness and redouble your energies on your labor, as pleasure is approaching to your hurt. To see a healthy belly, denotes insane desires.
Oil. Quantities of oil, prognosticates excesses in pleasurable enterprises. For a woman to dream that she is anointed with oil, shows that she will be open to indiscreet advances. Sweet oil in dreams, implies considerate treatment will be withheld from you in some unfortunate occurrence.
Ointment. To dream of ointment, denotes that you will form friendships which will prove beneficial and pleasing to you.
Perspiration. To dream that you are in a perspiration, foretells that you will come out of some difficulty, which has caused much gossip, with new honors.
Victim. To dream that you are the victim of any scheme, foretells that you will be opressed and overpowered by your enemies. Your family relations will also be strained. To victimize others, denotes that you will amass great wealth dishonorably and prefer illicit relations, to the sorrow of your companions.

G.H. Miller, 10,000 Dreams Interpreted
(© 1981 - but apparently much older, with an intended audience of Canadian women)



Some mornings, it's just not worth chewing through the leather straps.

Emo Phillips


" have others eluded us by skulking in the absolutely colorless...
Bjornsen bestowed upon them the name of Vitons. Not only are they alive - they are intelligent! They are the Lords of Terra; we, the sheep of their fields. They are cruel and callous sultans of the unseen; we, their mumbling, sweating, half-witted slaves, so indescribably stupid that only now have we become aware of our fetters."

"...At any rate, they can read and understand human thoughts at short range, but not at long range. Beach gave them the name of Vitons, since obviously they are not flesh, and are composed of energy."

"...not only are the Vitons composed of energy, but also that they feed on it - our energy!... They herd us, drive us, milk us, fattening on the currents generated by our emotions in preceisely the same way that we fatten on juice involuntarily surrendered by cattle to whom we have given fodder containing stimulants for lactation."

"Aware or unaware, no man could prevent a hungry phantom from seating itself on his spine, inserting into his cringing body strange, thrilling threads of energy through which his nervous currents were greedily sucked..."

"There were ten of the things speeding through the atmosphere in single file, moving with that apparently effortless but bullet-like pace characteristic of their kind..."

"'Viton got me,' Wohl repeated dully. 'Felt its ghoulish fingers... feeling around... inside my brain... searching, probing...'"

"...I wanted him to explain why it's so difficult to find a weapon against them... He said that we hadn't yet learned how to handle forces as familiarly as substances, that we'd advanced sufficiently to discover the Vitons but not enough to develop a means of removing them... We can't even capture and hold a Viton to find out whether it repels energy or absorbs it and re-radiates it. We can't grab one to discover what it's made of."

Eric Frank Russell, Sinister Barrier, 1939


How can I run
from something I can't see?

George Jones (?)



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