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(I'm looking for updates... the WayBack Machine will help in some cases.)


an episode of mine not yet on this website (I think)
Ticklish Spot
This is the website of Advanact. A 1997 bulletin board posting from him motivated me to post these episodes. Two of his stories "premiered" here, and they now accompany a continuing novella at their new address.
X-ReD also known as XimonR
Wow. I never really looked into anthro stuff before seeing this guy's artwork. Ximon is not only respected by his peers - he 'gets' the TM mindset. And we're collaborators. Worth digging into his galleries for B&D and tickling art.
Mister Doe
Enigmatic unseen characters - written and illustrated. Some tickling stories.
Collapsing Fiction
Paranormal / sci-fi fun with some tickling. (Thanks, Joe)
The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive
The huge elder-sibling site.
Wayne Courtois
Author of My Name is Rand and other gay adventures with paranormal elements... damn.
Someday I wanna write with as much subtlety and nuance as this M/M author who shares my private concerns about the relationship between writers and readers.
Creative and intense. Gay men and some other-than-human agents at play.
Brock is another gay dude who excels at this erotic writing stuff. He's one of the best there is at mind control stories. A full-fledged craftsman.
Skilled. Imaginative. The chapter I linked to has activated gloves snagging a man, and G's other work shines too.
Scooter McGraw
An early fan of my episodes.
Heavy Bondage Blog also has some stories archived.
Art of Tickling
many more links
Video captures of restrained dudes
Lost Boy's Other-Worldly Story Links
"Stories with some sort of other-worldly component, including magic, mind control, science fiction, transformation, transgender, or drugs."
Anime Tickling Forum
Sergio Tickler
Hoot Island
These archive links with Jack's Rack stories are here until the domain-squatting situation is resolved...
WayBack Machine
... and Jack's Ropejock story index

main episode index