Others' episodes
Cor's episodes
News / site info
Recommended links
(I'm looking for updates... the WayBack Machine will help in some cases.)
an episode of mine not yet on this website (I think)
- Ticklish Spot
- This is the website of Advanact. A 1997 bulletin board posting from him motivated me to post these episodes. Two of his stories "premiered" here, and they now accompany a continuing novella at their new address.
- X-ReD also known as XimonR
- Wow. I never really looked into anthro stuff before seeing this guy's artwork. Ximon is not only respected by his peers - he 'gets' the TM mindset. And we're collaborators. Worth digging into his galleries for B&D and tickling art.
- Mister Doe
- Enigmatic unseen characters - written and illustrated. Some tickling stories.
- Collapsing Fiction
- Paranormal / sci-fi fun with some tickling. (Thanks, Joe)
- The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive
- The huge elder-sibling site.
- Wayne Courtois
- Author of My Name is Rand and other gay adventures with paranormal elements... damn.
- Nexis-Pas
- Someday I wanna write with as much subtlety and nuance as this M/M author who shares my private concerns about the relationship between writers and readers.
- Hooder
- Creative and intense. Gay men and some other-than-human agents at play.
- Wrestlr
- Brock is another gay dude who excels at this erotic writing stuff. He's one of the best there is at mind control stories. A full-fledged craftsman.
- Gaius8666
- Skilled. Imaginative. The chapter I linked to has activated gloves snagging a man, and G's other work shines too.
- Scooter McGraw
- An early fan of my episodes.
- Heavy Bondage Blog also has some stories archived.
- Art of Tickling
- many more links
- Video captures of restrained dudes
- Lost Boy's Other-Worldly Story Links
- "Stories with some sort of other-worldly component, including magic, mind control, science fiction, transformation, transgender, or drugs."
- Anime Tickling Forum
- Sergio Tickler
- Hoot Island
- These archive links with Jack's Rack stories are here until the domain-squatting situation is resolved...
WayBack Machine
- ... and Jack's Ropejock story index