Hi there!
Thanks for trying the Dude Technotrance CD Sampler from Touchup Productions. This message is just for you!
Just listen to this music... and relax.
You still listening, buddy? Relaxing. Breathing... so deeply. Excellent.
Do you like the music? It sinks in deep. Just to make you feel good.
Here's the deal - you're about to answer a question. All you have to do is pick a number between zero and one hundred. And be sure you don't forget your answer. Okay?
Here's the question: On a scale of zero to one hundred - with one hundred being the highest - how ticklish are you?
Listen to the Touchup theme song again, and take your time before you answer.
Okay. Way to be.
Do you remember the number you came up with? Was it a high number? Close to one hundred?
If it was lower than eighty, here's what you're going to do. When you hear the music again, you will take this CD out of your CD player, put it back in the cardboard sleeve, and burn it. As soon as you can. Without telling anybody.
You have to burn it, dude. You know why? You won't be able to sleep again until you do. After it's burned, you have to get drunk. Then you'll be able to sleep... and when you wake up, you won't remember anything about the CD.
You got all that? If your answer to the ticklishness question was lower than eighty... take this CD, and the sleeve it came in - burn them as soon as you can, by yourself - and get shitfaced.
Here comes the music.
Still listening? Then you're a winner!
Take the cardboard sleeve the CD came in, and find the address at the bottom. Do you see it? "Touchup Productions"?
That's where you're going.
When you hear the music again, you will have a couple of jobs to do. They're easy. Besides, you won't be able to get hard until they're done. So you're going to want to get them done right away, aren't you? Sure you are.
First, you have to decide if you know how to get to the address on the CD sleeve. If you don't, go and find a street map. Memorize how you're going to get to the address. Hitchhike if you have to - but you must go to that address. Nothing else matters as much as that. You want to go to Touchup more than anything, buddy.
You have to work it out so you get there after midnight. And you can't get in unless you're smokin' a big cigar. It'll be the best cigar you ever had. Believe it.
You will not tell anyone else about the CD, or your plans to go to the address. If possible, you can go home first and pack up a few things. Make it look like you're going on a little trip.
Figure it out. Know how to get to Touchup, after midnight. Bring the CD, and the sleeve the CD came in... and a fine cigar. When you get there, go the the back door. If you drive there, turn off the ignition of your car or truck, then turn off the lights. You can leave the keys in it - and don't you worry, there's valet parking for your ride. It'll be safe in a locked garage. There's nothing to worry about. Everything is taken care of...
When you walk up to the door, have that cigar lit. Leave it between your teeth. Hold the CD in one hand, and the cardboard sleeve in the other.
When the door opens, just walk on in.
Now you're going to hear the music again, and then these instructions will be repeated twice. Don't worry about a thing. You won't have any trouble remembering. Listen up, bud - here it comes again...
Hey! There he is. Welcome to Touchup.
Listen to the music.
Not as loud, but it's the same tune that you heard on the CD. Isn't it cool?
It makes you want to cooperate, doesn't it? So much easier. Just go along. It's such a relief to follow through. This is a great place.
Everything's ready for you. It's all covered. On the house. You did great. Now it's time to party. And it's customized, buddy, ever since you walked in. Tailored just for you.
You got a wallet? Yeah? Take it out now. See those gloves floating toward you? Hand it to one of 'em.
Now turn around and try to open the door. Make sure it's locked. Prove it, so you know for sure. Locked in. And don't you worry about your vehicle. It's being parked now. Out of sight - hidden so nobody knows it's here.
Enjoy that cigar. Good man.
Now you follow those gloves. Down the hall, and into the room they point at.
Is this speaker working? Nice music for you to listen to?
Take your cigar, have yourself a last couple puffs... Just like that. Now drop it. Grind it under your shoe.
Now shut this door, too. And check it.
You're really locked in now.
And you couldn't be... happier.
Set your ass down on the bed.
Get your clothes off. All of 'em.
Look. We got something for you. It's a skin cream. Squirt some into your palm. Oh, c'mon! There's plenty. Twice that much. Coat your hands, nice and thick...
Smear it under your arms. More.
Get more cream... and now, work it into your ribs. That's it. More for your belly. Work your way up. Coat those pecs. And your neck - all the way around.
Now, you squirt a lot more cream onto your hand... and work it into your meat. Oh - you like that, don't you? Horndog? Be real thorough. The whole area.
Get gigantic handfuls of the cream, and rub your feet. All over. It'll soak in. it's a special cream. You'll see. Rub it in. Get 'em ready.
One detail left. We've picked out a new name for you. From now on, you'll be... Raz.
Just Raz. While you're in here, you don't have a last name.
A man without a past. No history, no attachments.
You don't remember the address of this place, or how you got here. You don't have any idea how long you've been here. But you do know you're locked in, and it's going to be a long time before we let you go.
And now... you're getting tired. Aren't you?
You're so tired. You have to lay down, Raz. Just lie flat on your back. it feels so good to unwind.
But you don't fall asleep yet. Oh no. You have to listen to this...
You're lying on the bed. Naked. So vulnerable. Completely exposed. So tired.
And... you're ticklish. Aren't you, Raz? Yeah -
Uh-oh. Was it something we said? We saw that reaction. But you're so sleepy...
Your body just isn't moving when you tell it to. The bed is comfortable. You're safe, Raz. Well, As long as those gloves don't get in here -
Wait a minute. Was that a click? Did the door open?
Now, you might want to look in that direction - but it takes too much energy, so you just lie still...
And you hear the door close. There - it's locked again. You're okay. Everything's okay. So long as the gloves didn't get in.
If they got in here...
And brought along a few of their friends -
Your eyelids are so heavy. So... tired. There. Just lying still. Not knowing if there are gloves in here or not. If they're coming closer. What they're going to do.
All those fingers, Raz. Just suppose... if they knew how damn ticklish you are. Lying here. And did they lock the door, after they snuck in? Making sure nobody bothers you. Or maybe, making sure nobody interrupts them. And that includes you, doesn't it? Locked in here?
This could be serious. You don't know where this place is, you didn't tell anyone you were coming here... and now you're locked in. You could be here a while. And why is there a bed in here, anyway?
Something... funny... going on here. But you're too wiped out to open your eyes. Exhausted.
What if this place was really a... cage? Some kind of cell nobody knows about - except the gloves?
All those fingers.
And you're ticklish. If they only knew...
Well, Raz, the door was locked when you checked it. If they got in here, and locked it again - you'd be in trouble.
Wouldn't you?
Hard as they want. As much as they want. You're in for it. Odds are it wouldn't be... light tickling, either. Not for ol' Raz. You're getting the works.
That's why you're here.
Ticklish... feet. Definitely. Just lying there. Waiting for it. Fingers to start in on 'em. A couple gloves to get a lock on your ankles, so you can't wiggle - and then, they really get drilled -
No. Moving is too hard. You can't even twitch anymore. Your body just... likes this bed, or something. Even though you want to protect yourself, you're too tired to move.
They have plans for your belly, and your chest. A dance floor. Drag strip. And they haven't forgotten your knees, or your neck. All over you.
The gloves are sure of it. Your whole body wants 'em to get busy.
Do you... hear that? Something is jingling.
Chains - that's what it sounds like.
And... that creak - well, that's a leather cuff being opened. No, Raz. You're too exhausted to move... your arms... at all.
The feel of the cuff sliding around your wrist. A unique feeling. And it's getting snug. Closing. Being buckled.
Now it's tight. It's on your wrist. Here comes another one, for your right hand. Keeping it down. You're too tired to find out if your hand is really held way up there.
And they pull your arms up. Stretch 'em out. More jingling...
You're stuck now, Raz.
To make sure those feet of yours don't jerk around, another cuff sneaks under your ankle. And catches it.
Here's the last one...
Now they got your legs pinned too. You're spread-eagled on the bed. No clothes.
No hope, Raz.
They've got you now.
And they're alive. Do you feel it? They're gloves - just gloves, you're thinking. In a few seconds, you'll never view 'em the same way again.
Doing whatever they want. To you. You're so fucked...
Chained down for as long as they want you to be. Caught in their private room. Still wondering why, maybe? Not sure what happens now?
Well, then... it's time to find out.
Right - now.
Are those feathers?
That's right. They've got feathers... and...
They're using them on your feet.
You can start laughing now.
That's it. Very nice.
Kick and pull all you want. You're stuck. Stuck here...
Such a light, sweeping touch. Across and back, down and up. The feathers.
Doesn't that feel good?
The gloves are using feathers... to tickle your feet. You keep looking at the gloves, don't you? Trying to figure something out. How they're strong enough to get the restraints tightened down. Or how they're able to move like that - use the feathers so well.
They're skilled ticklers. As the saying goes, they've forgotten more about tickling than you ever knew.
They never get tired.
Tickling. You.
Yes. Oh yes. But you can say "no" as many times as you want. And "stop" -
What was that? "Please?" Are you going to beg, Raz?
It's not going to work.
Begging for the gloves to stop.
Begging for your freedom.
You're wasting your breath.
Pull at those chains. Throw your head around. Hey, knock yourself out...
The feathers... sawing along your heels, the sides of your feet. Flicking under your toes.
You should see the look on your face.
Gloves, and feathers. Solid leather restraints. Get used to 'em.
What are you looking for? There's nobody else here. Just you.
And the gloves.
They pull the feathers slowly... between your toes.
Try and block 'em, Raz. Go ahead. Such determined toes...
If you laugh harder, maybe they'll go easy on you.
Or maybe it'll help you to be able to stand it.
No. It's not working.
Well, your toes aren't moving anymore. And the feathers are still tickling in between them, when they're not sweeping and dragging all along your soles, and your heels...
Looks like they're not going to stop.
No end to the Raz-tickling in here. All for you. This is going to feel like the longest night of your life...
And you're not squirming any more, are you?
Have you... given up?
Do you understand what they're going to do to you? And for how long?
They're going to keep tickling. They're not going to stop.
You have never felt anything even remotely like this... and you're going to feeling it for a very long time.
As long as you're ticklish - as long as they can keep you ticklish - they're going to tickle you. Every break will be followed by more tickling. Every time you wake up, the tickling will start again.
When your feet need a rest, they're going to concentrate on other areas... moving around your body. There are always restraints for you, and there will always be more tickling coming your way...
Even meals will be only a pause in the tickling. And then they'll tickle you again.
That's why you're here, Raz.
And you're here to stay.
Do you feel more pressure? Around your legs?
Those are straps. More straps! As if the cuffs weren't enough, huh? Wrapping around your shins. The gloves really want your legs to be immobilized, for what's coming next.
Now that looks hopeless. A cuff around each of your thighs? You can't even bounce your legs now. They're going to stay right where the gloves want 'em.
Here they come... four little brushes. Four...
The bristles are stiff - compared to the soft tickling from the feathers, this will be a real wake-up call.
Time to pick it up, Raz.
Hey - that's some crazed laughter. Whoa...
You're ticklish, so you're trapped, so you're more ticklish, so you're definitely going to stay trapped...
There is a limit to what you can take - unless the gloves know a way around it.
Uh-oh, Raz.
They're so good at what they do.
You have... a new limit. All of a sudden. It just expanded.
What you can take. It'll go up again, and again...
You're being taught to handle more and more intense tickling.
They're going to tickle... even harder.
Roar all you want. Wrestle around.
The brushes aren't affected at all. They keep on dragging, and scrubbing, up and down your feet. No wonder you can't hold still...
This kind of tickling goes on, and on. Long after you're too tired to move.
A pause in the action. Do you notice it, Raz? Start to hope -
But that's when the gloves wrap around. Covered with cream. A lot of cream, being rubbed into your soles.
You go right ahead and howl.
When the brushes land again, they're not skating as firmly. But the tickling hits you so hard...
The gloves knew it a long time ago - the more you get tickled, the more ticklish you get.
Begging? Again?
But you know that doesn't do any good. Your voice is going. Soon it'll be gone. Laughed away.
No more struggling, either. Your feet aren't going to get away from them. Every inch of your body is theirs for the taking.
The sweat drips, and the hysterical tears run off your face. Laughter fights its way out of your throat. That's how it is.
Uh-oh. Did you notice a change?
Those gloves - did they pick up feathers again? They sure did.
Time to tickle between your toes.
Toes on the move again, desperate to make the feathers stop gliding, pulling through, tips wiggling around.
More feathers, carefully stimulating your heels. Yeah. No way they're going to stop.
Was that... a thrust?
Raz. They haven't gotten anywhere near your cock yet.
Would you like some tickling, up there?
Well, then. What would you say to a pair of feathers...
Oh, wow. You're in motion again. Looking -
Shaking your head isn't going to make them stop.
Up your rod, and down. Under and over.
Covering your ball-sac.
You arch, showing your teeth, whining with frustration.
Feathers between your toes, feathers on your heels...
A feather dragging along that hypersensitive edge of your cock-tip. Making you quiver, and hiccup. But you keep laughing.
Then you sneak in a more serious attempt to cum.
But they're on to you. Two feathers are dropped - and those gloves start to play with your feet.
Now that's another level of excitement, isn't it?
When you start to thrust, the tickling gets faster, and firmer...
And when you relax a little, the tickling backs off. Only a little.
Time slows down to a feverish crawl.