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I laughed myself awake. Kicking my feet a little. What the hell was Larisa doing?
But wait, I broke up with her a couple weeks ago -
As quick as I could, I turned on the light.
Nobody there.
The sheet was mostly off me, but it was a warm night. I could've thrown it off when I was asleep.
I laid there for a minute. Thinking.
My feet tingled. One hell of a dream. Or...
It was just too ridiculous - some weirdo sneaking in, and tickling my feet? But I couldn't get the idea out of my head. It had really felt like... something. So I sighed, and leaned over the edge of the bed.
Two big white feathers were there.
But they weren't on the floor. Even upside down, in the poor light, it was unmistakable - they were a few inches over the floor. I stared, trying to imagine why the movers would've tied feathers to my box spring.
My hands slid off the edge of the mattress. No - they were pulled. Nothing I could see... But I didn't have time to worry about it. Since I was holding myself up, peering under my fuckin' bed, I fell on my belly.
"Ooof!" And I tried to turn over...
A hand pushed down - right in the middle of my back.
I kicked my legs, and looked behind me.
There was nobody there.
But my right wrist was reefed behind my back, and pressed down.
I pulled as hard as I could, but I didn't have any leverage. Out of reflex I reached back with my free hand, to find the hands that were pinning me. I just had time to realize how dumb that was - and started to move it. But more hands got my free wrist, and slammed it down next to the other.
Fuckers had a grip like iron. I tried to roll over -
There was a coil of rope floating in, from the hallway.
Something followed it. And I couldn't believe what it was. "Aw no, naaaah, haaaalllnnnggf..."
Uh-huh. A ball gag. And its strap was immediately buckled around my head. I yelled one more time, but it was muffled way too well.
While the rope tied me up, like magic - knot after fuckin' knot - I fought as hard as I could. Listening, pessimistically, to see if maybe my neighbors would come over and knock on the door. But I knew better. It was a short yell, and they weren't all that close.
The hands picked me up.
There was no one else in my bedroom.
So this is what it feels like, I thought. Tied - and gagged. Damn. It was frustrating... and scary, especially because I still couldn't see the bastards who pulled it off.
My wrists and ankles were caught good. The gag wasn't gonna budge... Nothing sloppy about it. Quick, and effective. That was when I really started to worry.
Lunging around, bare-ass naked - because that's the way I slept - I was hauled out of my room. Behind me, the light clicked off.
Well, What the fuck...
I snapped back and forth - and the rope tightened up. It hurt. I yelled, but it stayed tight for a few more seconds.
It was easy to imagine hands, even if I couldn't see 'em - tugging hard on that hogtie. Ready, I figured, to make it hurt again if I got too ambitious.
It was totally crazy.
They hustled me into the kitchen. When I was lifted higher, I flopped and tried to roll over - once - but the hogtie tightened up until I stopped moving. Yelling was useless, because it was muffled so damn well by the gag.
In the little room next to the kitchen, I heard a peeling noise underneath me. From the floor - almost as if tape was being peeled off the linoleum. And then it opened.
About half of the mud room floor was swinging up.
I stared, in the dark. A deeper creak - and a musty smell. It sounded like another door, maybe wood.
A cellar. Or maybe a bomb shelter. The real estate lady hadn't said jack shit...
There was a fuckin' trap door, opened underneath me. Well, huh.
Down I went.
I tried to turn around - but the hogtie pulled tight again.
Groaning, I held still until it let up. I was afraid - and dammit, I don't like fear. But there was a big ol' mystery, under the old house I just bought. No matter what my thoughts were on the idea, I was gonna check it out. Hopefully it wasn't something gross.
Carried off by invisible hands. So yeah, I was curious. People could never have lowered me right down the center of a hole that smoothly. Was it a ghost? I didn't believe in ghosts.
But something had a tight lock on me. I couldn't even bounce off the walls. That was some fuckin' strength. I was in really good shape, too. It was more like being carried around by a... machine.
There was a click. A flashlight had been turned on. Nobody behind it, of course.
I was in a small room. Empty. I didn't see any bones or anything, so I relaxed. The light was aimed at an empty shelf, and I didn't see why -
There was a scraping sound. Creepy as hell. Yeah, I jumped.
Three more sounds followed, just like the first. Maybe something being dragged -
The shelf started to fall. It rumbled.
No... It was rotating.
Turning just like something out of an old movie. Another door was revealed, and it started swinging in. The edge showed me concrete, and a thick coat of clay...
My stomach did a serious flip-flop. Where the hell was I being taken?
Into another hole, apparently. When the flashlight beam moved a little, I could see a smooth tunnel.
Floating along, horizontally. Well, away from my house and down some. A three-foot culvert, and it wasn't all that dirty. The hands kept me right in the middle, and I couldn't touch the sides no matter what I did. That was getting old...
And the flashlight cruised ahead. Not bobbing, like they usually do when somebody's carrying 'em. It acted like it was a train, rolling straight down a track.
Maybe about twenty meters, I guessed. I was getting cold. But the end of the culvert was coming up. Dead end -
More creaking. A plug of dirt started swinging toward me, just as I got there. Hinges. But it didn't look like a door at all. Somebody had put a hell of a lot of work into this setup. Intimidating as it could be.
The pipe ended. There was a bigger space -
And a circular door. Maybe four feet across, definitely taller than the pipe. It looked like a mutherfuckin' vault.
A fancy white E was painted on the door.
They held me there while the pipe was plugged again. All I could do was look at the door - and two keyholes on it. A feeling of hopelessness drained all the fight out of me. One lock just wasn't enough?
Metal was sliding behind me, really blocking off the tunnel. I threw myself around -
The flashlight turned off. I heard the door open - and dammit, dammit, I was carried right on in. Wondering, in the back of my mind, what kind of moron the home inspector was, not to have found any of this...
'Aaaaaaaaallnnnf!" I yelled, despite the gag, just to get some idea of what the latest room was like. It seemed bigger than the last one.
I heard the door close.
And, of course, both locks did their thing.
Talk about unnecessary... I couldn't even get one hand free.
Forward, and rotated. My feet were closer to the door. But I kept moving.
Something under me. My ass was on something flat, and cool. Soft -
Sitting there, I tried to roll over. A couple sharp tugs made me stop. I yelled loud, but it didn't matter. There were little tugs, behind me, and a slithery noise. I figured it out just in time.
The rope holding my wrists together was cut - but as soon as I started to move, hands clamped on. Three or four hands yanked each of my arms straight up. Iron fingers. Unbelievable. They slammed down hard. I couldn't hardly turn, or to budge. Something else touched my right wrist -
Cold. Metal, sliding under the rope. Definitely a knife. Almost before the rope was pulled away, something wide and solid and thick was in its place. Shoved underneath my wrist, closing around -
No. Shit, not that. I thrashed as much as I could...
It was a cuff. My brain refused to believe it, even as I tugged and moaned. It couldn't really be happening. Locked in a secret room wasn't enough - I wasn't going to be allowed to move at all. Quickly, and smoothly, the rope was cut off my left wrist. Jingling sounds, faint clicks. Steel, maybe. Not enough noise to be coming from chains.
My arms were pulled. Stretched out way over my head.
Caught. The tension pulled from above, and the sides. Straps, I guessed. Thick ones.
More little tugs - and something pulled tight between my wrists, even though they were already caught.
I yelled again - not because it hurt. I really, absolutely couldn't move my arms at all. It was frustrating, to be that helpless. And I was trying not to think about why somebody would want me immobilized that much.
The cuffs barely moved when I tried as hard as I could to... do something. It was mind-blowing.
They did the same thing to my ankles. Those cuffs felt bigger. My heels were digging into the pad.
A few tugs, on each strap, made sure I was staying put...
Then my head was lifted, and fingers unbuckled the gag.
Oh, I yelled. A lot. It was a complete waste of time. I wanted to move worse than ever. But I couldn't really even rock from side to side, or arch.
Anything could happen, and I was gonna lay right there while it did...
While I kept trying every move I could think of, I felt more and more like I was gonna lose it. Underground, what if there's no air, maybe I'm gonna die like this, stretched out -
I started to gasp.
A little wind started blowing on me. Gentle... and I didn't hear the fan. But I got fresh air when I sucked in, so I settled down. Pulling smarter at the cuffs again, not as crazed.
There was some kind of ventilation system. How fuckin' weird was that?
Warm air. I could barely feel it. It seemed fresh. A whole string of thoughts rushed into my head. How high was the fuckin' ceiling here, anyway? When was the last time I was in a room where I was sure the heater was on, and I couldn't hear it at all?
Somebody had sunk a lot of money into the place. Real fancy hole in the ground -
It was aimed... at my feet.
The feathers were there, almost touching.
I wailed, and kicked as hard as I could.
"I'm real glad you bought this place," a man said.
He did sound happy, alright, in a sinister kinda way - but there was nobody there. Aw, hell. An invisible... voice. With a dozen hands.
I shook my head as hard as I could -
The feathers landed! They actually did it. Tracing up and down... up and down.
My body seized up, trying to leap off the bed. I started making this throaty whine. It was tragically clear that I was about to start laughing. That would seal the deal. Tickled, and laughing - which would encourage the tickler to keep going.
That explained the cuffs... and the room.
The force of the sweeping feathers just slammed through me, as if my feet were getting pounded with a baseball bat. And they were barely touching me.
Worse yet, I was cuffed down. Staying -
"Aaaaw haw haaw hawww..."
Well, that didn't help. Shit. I get tickled, I laugh...
The feathers kept moving. I wanted to laugh so much harder, even though it seemed like it just amplified the feel of every stroke.
Nothing even remotely like this had ever happened to me.
I bent my toes, and tried to rotate my ankles. More than anything else in the world, right then, I wanted to move my feet. Just a little. Away...
All I could do was shake my head, and whoop.
And the feathers tickled up and down, up and down, up and down.
Up - and down...
They just went on like they were never gonna stop.
I fought the straps, but it didn't do any good. Begging was clearly useless. The agenda was set.
Oh, fuck. High-pitched giggling felt good for awhile. Then I laid there and roared at the ceiling. Drool trickled out of the corners of my mouth. Tears ran down my temples...
The point of one feather was poking between my toes, but I couldn't seem to remember how to squeeze them together. Too addled. The other feather was sawing its way up and down my left sole.
I squealed even louder.
It was torture. With feathers. How insane was that? It didn't hurt, exactly. A sharp little feeling, not necessarily a bad sensation... Except that I couldn't get away from it, And it didn't stop.
Pleasure, times a hundred. Ridiculously amplified. That was the torture.
My feet weren't going to budge. That thought made me howl again - until I remembered I didn't have any clothes on.
My whole body was gonna get it.
It took me a few minutes to catch my breath.
Since the feathers were leaving me alone, I saw no good reason to look for 'em. I kept busy trying to think up really good reasons why this was all just a nightmare. Not real.
The cuffs still held me down. That could only mean...
No. I couldn't stand it. Not even the thought.
Delusion. Psychosis. There had to be another explanation. I opened my eyes -
Two red gloves were waiting, over my chest.
Soft light was aimed at my breastbone, and even their shadows were scary. Considering what the feathers had just done...
The gloves, descending, might be the last things I ever saw.
But I was already convinced that they weren't going to let me off that easy.
Full, graceful fingers. Held up for me to look at, before they started to rub and squeeze. Nothing but air inside them, apparently... but they bulged as if they were on strong, capable hands. Experienced and confident implements of torture. Too calm.
Were they made of Spandex? Something like that. Silk, maybe. So damn shiny -
Worse. No, it was worse than silk. Fuck, oh fuck, was I done for. Satin. That was it. Not a single seam anywhere. No hands inside. I could see there weren't any wires, either. Hell... They were probably made just for using on a guy like me. Maximum ass-kicking, of a kind I'd never even been afraid of before.
Hell - I caught on to something. Whoever, or whatever had me down there was enjoying it.
The fingers moved, just a little - as if somebody was impatient to get going. Absolutely impossible. I couldn't think of a thing to say. And I was all too sure there was nothing I could say to make them back off. I was scared to death.
"How about your ribs?" the voice said pleasantly.
The gloves were coming!
No, fuck no, anything but that. I just couldn't stand it. But all I could do bounce, and try to jump back and forth.
"Nnnnnnnnnnoooooo -"
They didn't stop.
Touching. Spreading out...
The fingers slid and rubbed.
I sucked in a big, ragged breath. They were actually gonna do it. Not a bluff.
Bawling laughter at one glove, and then the other, I sorta missed the feathers...
It was too urgent to be mistaken for a nightmare. They were moving slowly but any time they wanted, the punishment would become so much more insane. Only a matter of time, and I was laid out right, positioned for a full run. My feet, my sides, and they hadn't even touched my belly-button yet. Oh, I was a goner.
The palms started fuckin' polishing me. Smooth, dense fabric, flexible. Magic. Barely getting started. All I could do was flail around and roar harder, as if I'd never been happier. I was on my way to becoming hysterical.
Within the first ten seconds, the gloves redefined tickling for me. Even though I knew it was the very beginning of an endless, unbearable phase of my existence... it blew away every other time I'd been tickled. The restraints, I thought wildly - that was a first. No curling up, or pulling away from them. Locked in.
I'm real glad you bought this place.
Stretched out, and the fingers knew what they were doing. Oh, shit, I just bellowed laughter. It was a wonder I could even breathe. I couldn't stop bouncing, for awhile. Twisting. Bucking up and down.
Nothing worked.
Every movement and squeeze commanded my attention. It felt so impossibly... much.
Finally, oh yeah, at last - the gloves slowed down... and let go of me.
I gasped for breath. That was awful. And it had been, oh, about a full minute. Just one minute. Two gloves - just two! And they hadn't even been moving all that fast.
"Maybe they are," the voice chuckled. "Maybe not." And the gloves just hung there. Waiting.
"Uh... W-what?"
"More ticklish. Your ribs? More fun than your feet? Try and keep up, Buzz."
"Buzz?" Who was that? oh, wait. Suddenly there was a chance I'd live through the night, after all. "You got... the wrong g-guy."
"No, I don't."
"Listen to me! Dammit. I'm not Buzz."
"You are now."
I sagged back.
This is going to be so much fun..."
The gloves started to move.
"Oh no," I whispered. "No. Please."
"Yeah. Good ol' Buzz, also known as Jesse, is hoping that my mean ol' gloves won't find out how dangerously ticklish his armpits are..."
The tone of voice was totally mocking me, and it fuckin' worked. Well, that and the gloves were coming back. "No, stop, pleeeeeeeeeeeeee heee heeeeee-eeeeee..."
The fingers dug in.
Impossible, unreal - dammit, I was on fire. I was being electrocuted. I was being shredded and licked and pummeled. It was only fingers, I tried to tell myself. Just ten of 'em.
"You're gonna get it now," the voice promised, almost yelling because they were already making me roar. "Now doesn't that feel great? Huh?"
I was laughing so hard that I couldn't remember how to shake my head.
"Way too good."
Fuckin' unbearable.
They jumped off.
Thirty seconds, maybe. I had to get out of there, because I was never gonna make it through five minutes straight.
The gloves rubbed together slowly. Greedily.
It was gonna be a party, alright -
"It's gonna get more and more intense," the voice promised.
That time, I did manage to jerk my head.
"So many places to tickle. Am I right? And all the time in the world."
Something crackled softly. I hadn't even realized my eyes were closed, but I lifted my head. A water bottle was cruising up. The cap fell off.
"Calm down, Buzz," the voice snickered. "Here."
"N-no," I barked at the bottle, even though I sorta wanted it. Sooner or later -
The voice laughed again, full of excitement it couldn't hide. The gloves separated, and dove -
"Okay okay I'll drink I'll drink I'll do it -"
"That's right. You will." But the fingers stayed right over me. More to come. Aw, fuck.
I sucked on the bottle until it was empty.
"You're going to be just fine," the voice said. "Suffering. Drowning in pleasure. I'll make you more and more ticklish every day -"
"Day?" I yelled. "Every day?"
"You got a hearing problem?"
I slammed against the mattress. "I'm not gonna make it through the first day. The first hour. You're gonna fuckin' tickle me to death. I'm gonna die here, 'cause of these mutherfuckin' gloves right here, an-"
"Jesse," the guy snapped. Much louder. "Easy, there."
There was a very quiet sound, to my right, and I looked over. A pack of cigarettes was floating close by. It bobbled, casually, until a filter stuck out.
Fuckin' unbelievable.
"You were losin' it, there. And besides, you're underestimating me."
A lighter was coming over.
"Wait," I said uncertainly - but a cigarette floated up to my mouth anyway.
"This'll help you calm down," the voice said, all friendly.
"I don't smoke," I scoffed.
"Yes, you do."
"No, I don't." There was no response. Eventually, I added, "I quit a long time ago."
"You're about to take it up again."
"Fuck you -"
The gloves. Touching me again. No!
"Eventually," the guy chuckled, "you will. Now... or fifteen minutes from now."
The fingertips started to press down. Shit! "No! Don't - oh, dammit. Give it here. Why are you doing this? I don't wanna smoke. Really."
"But you will. And you'll drink, too. Enjoy yourself."
"No -"
"That's an order, Jesse."
Well. I couldn't really argue with that, all strapped down.
The cigarette slid between my lips, and the lighter did its job. No hands. Creepy, but maybe a little interesting too, how easily everything moved around.
The smoke was just foul. "Uck."
"Aaaaah, ten or fifteen cigs and you'll be right into it again."
"I'm dizzy."
"Won't last."
I coughed for awhile. Damn. I was in great shape, too. I didn't wanna get my lungs all full of crud... "Look. This isn't necessary -"
"Oh, I say it is. There's too many good reasons. Mainly, you're gonna need these cigarettes - Uh, you sure you wanna hear all this?"
So long as it kept the gloves from coming any closer, I was ready to listen. Hell, I still couldn't get my mind around how perfectly fucked I was. "Uh, sure."
"And I see why. You're not fooling me, Buzz..." But the gloves backed way off, so I heaved a big sigh and took another drag. Gross.
"It's all about contrast. When you're not getting tickled, you're gonna smoke. You need something to help you relax, mentally. Calm down again. That'll all be gone in a heartbeat whenever I start in again, won't it? You'll want a smoke more than ever, just so the tickling will stop sooner. Get it?"
"I get it."
"Attitude. I like that... Some guys aren't healthy enough to handle it. But you - seriously, Jesse. You actually use that treadmill in the guest room. And those weights. Am I right?"
"All the time."
"Your lungs are in great shape... Ah, I know what you're thinking. So why make ya smoke? I'll tell ya. Even if you didn't need this little bit of reality to keep you - heh - anchored, there might be something in tobacco that makes you guys more ticklish. Over the long term."
Dammit, I was getting interested despite myself. "Look. I quit smokin', and... uh, I could feel things a lot better. Some things -"
"Blowing your wad, you mean."
I closed my eyes. So completely, utterly fucked. "Y-yeah. It was dulled, a lot, by smoking. But I didn't know until I quit."
"Oh, I have techniques that will counteract that," the voice said. "Your skin is about to get insanely healthy."
"I'm sure..."
"And I think there's no better exercise for the lungs. All night long."
"Shit," I whined.
"Now, lungs aren't everything. They're important... But without that contrast, some guys manage to get all withdrawn. Tuning it out. But not you. A little piece of reality, an old habit of yours - that'll keep you focused."
I exhaled smoke, and felt the warm ash roll down to my armpit. If the voice wasn't kidding, I suspected I'd have a lot of tiny little burns on my chest to look forward to, from the ashes.
I made myself look up at the wrist-cuffs, and tried to pull 'em toward each other. "Seems like... a lot of work."
"It is. Everything is. The best things require a lot of work. You like this room, Buzz? I do. And there's all kinds of neat furniture, too. Just waiting for me to bring it out... And now I've got you in here. The hard part is done."
"I gotta say something else. You're smart enough to get this... and you did say you wanted to hear it." The voice cackled at me. "Anything to buy a little time, huh? I like to make guys smoke because it's fun to watch. Even as you giggle and hoot, your body tries to smoke anyway - before you've gotta howl. Once it's too hard to keep laughing, some dudes smoke and drink just fine. We'll see."
"How long have you been at this? Serious tickling?"
"You don't want to know, Buzz."
The gloves came back to me. They were going to tickle me again. I had no illusions left. "Fuck," I whispered.
"Hard tickling, now - or easy tickling?" the voice said. "You don't get to decide. But I do."
Those intolerable fingers played with my nipples. Rubbing my pecs, straying to the edge of my armpits.
I snickered miserably. My limbs seemed to be determined to raise the whole pad, flexing slowly. And it was so important to keep the cigarette - if it was taken away, the tickling would just be impossible.
"By gradually turning up the heat, we're gonna have more and more fun... Am I boring you, there, Buzz?"
I shook my head quickly.
"Hah," the voice said arrogantly. The gloves slowed way down. My chest heaved. I knew there was a big grin on my face, but at least I could manage to keep from laughing. My cock was really starting to throb. "I was wondering who'd move in. But I didn't even dare to hope for this. A guy who works out all the time - and lives alone. No family on this side of the country... and sooooo ticklish."
I didn't dare say anything.
A new cigarette was floating up. "I've had to take what I could get. Not local dudes, unfortunately. I'm not that stupid. Hitchhikers, transients... And none of them were in this kind of shape! I mean, look at your abs. And you go and buy this house. And it came with a bonus, just for you - my favorite tickle-cell. All yours. You own it... don't you?"
"Aw, no."
"Yeah. Heart-pounding fun. Every night."
"Please, don't -"
"I've got some incredible toys. Just you wait. Oh, you're in for a fine tickling."
"Don't... do this," I blurted.
"But I've already started covering all the bases - for you. So you can suffer as much as I want... Just you wait. This is going to be perfect."
Nightmare. Yeah. Maybe. It was too perfect. Nobody could pull this off. Of course, I knew it wasn't an ordinary kidnapper. It was a tickle-freak. Just my luck.
How many hours did it spend on this cell? Working, in the dark... Looking forward to the next guy it caught. And now, it had me.
Covering the bases... Well, it wasn't any harder to believe that. Not anymore. If it paid my bills, somehow - I was gonna laugh for a long fuckin' time.
I had to believe I was just dreaming it all.
The gloves were teasing my nipples - and getting me hard. That felt real enough. I took a quick drag and stared at the glossy red material. They couldn't really exist. Moving like that.
The whole cell. And that voice? No way. I had to be crazy, then. It was actually a relief. Maybe I was actually in a mental hospital somewhere, and if I tried hard enough...
Two thoughts occurred to me, one right after the other. A bad realization, followed by the biggest shock of all -
Some dreams were so realistic. If it felt exactly like there were gloves tickling me, and I couldn't wake myself up, it might as well be real. I still had to go through it.
And right on the heels of that bombshell, I proved it wrong. To myself...
All the little details.
My shoulders ached a little, from having my arms extended all the way. The right ankle-cuff was just a little tighter than the left, gripping my skin, and it had a feel to it that was heavy and damp, from my own sweat trapped under the leather.
Those authoritative tugs on the hogtie, to settle me down, unexpected and logical enough.
The damn ball, jammed between my teeth, making me salivate. I had never been tied up before - so how could I think up all those details, just to make a nightmare seem more real?
My cigarette was pulled loose. I watched it float away -
"Let's step it up," the voice said, almost growling. "Is your belly ticklish?"
"Wait! Don't. The cuffs... they're too tight," I lied. "I can't feel my, uh, hands."
"Your color's fine. Good circulation. No, it's just the... novelty. And I'll warn you now, You're gonna be unbelievably sore, mainly from laughing. But you'll get used to it. Oh - all the pulling and tugging? It's great exercise. Isometrics. You're gonna be cut, Jesse. A tight six-pack, hard guns -"
"I'll give you anything you want. Just don't do this to me. Please."
"Are you trying to bribe me? That's so cute."
The gloves crept down.
"Oh, no."
"Let's hear it -"
The soft hands got busy. On me. I whined, and arched...
They sped up. Too firm. Strong fingers. Oh, fuck, I absolutely couldn't take it. Whooping like a car alarm, thrashing back and forth -
"Gimme some more, Buzz."
Oh, shit! They started racing across. Bearing down. Big, heavy circles. My legs wanted to flop around, and they couldn't. I was losing control of my limbs again.
But that wasn't my biggest concern, right then.
It was impossible. I couldn't be feeling so much.
And then the gloves got really active.
Sweet coolness was moving up and down. My arms, and my shins.
I couldn't move anymore. Too tired. It didn't help anyway.
Wrapped around my biceps, and going -
No. Fuck, oh fuck. Armpits, again.
I bawled crazily. Hysterical. The gloves were in my damn armpits again. Pressing, dragging around and around...
Much bigger patches of satin snuggled against the bottoms of my feet. Squeezing as they moved. I wanted to howl louder... but I couldn't manage it. Trying to keep up with the hopeless overload of stimulation was making it difficult to laugh properly. And I desperately needed to laugh, even if it did reward the captor moving the steady, sadistic hands.
Moving around would've been so nice. Just to get away -
More fingertips started rubbing under my balls.
I bucked hard, and hooted a few times. It was another unbelievable thing. The gloves had discovered my crotch. There was no telling how much more intense...
Surely it had to end soon. For tonight, at least. I couldn't possibly take much more.
I kept breathing. Good news, bad news...
Fingers moved from one place to another. Petting. Scrabbling.
Once in a while I'd snicker a few times. But it distracted me from the job I had to do. Keeping my eyes open seemed like a good idea, too, but I just couldn't pull it off.
Hands were under my knees again. Oh, shit. Not there. And I couldn't seem to do anything about it. They were really laying into me.
Squeezing my shoulders. My neck. Not a massage - it was barbaric. And the tickler knew it. If I hadn't been suffering, it wouldn't be digging in like that. The gloves were definitely not nice.
I did start hooting again as soon as they crawled under my ass. Again.
My fuckin' palms were ticklish. I never realized that before. My fingers. What the hell.
My ears. Not that again. Oh, no. Leave my ears alone. Too sensitive.
I think one word over and over - please, please, please, please, please -
Maybe I managed to whisper it, because I got an answer. Fingers wrapped around my heels, just so others could absolutely fuckin' run riot. Oh, it was so completely insane!
Arches, sides, between my toes...
How long had it been since I could laugh out loud?
No idea.
A bunch of fingers worked on a spot, and then others danced somewhere else. One target area after another, solid fuckin' tickling. And they weren't in any hurry to quit.
Hell, I would've promised it anything... just for a cigarette. Was it still the same night? Now that was scary.
Water was brought, every now and then. My head was picked up, cradled, so I could drink it. A cigarette usually came next. Maybe a few of 'em.
Palms were sliding way up my thighs. I had no fuckin' idea how ticklish my thighs were. So very insane.
Hours. It must be really enjoying this. No other explanation worked anymore. There had to be something I could say to get the damn gloves off me.
I wanted another fuckin' cigarette.
Maybe that would work. It wanted me to smoke... Shit, it just had to pull the gloves off. Right away. The feel of them had become unendurable - literally. I was too damn ticklish to be caught and worked over. It had to see that.
Smoke. Yeah. I could picture it. So I opened my mouth.
A few seconds later, fingers started to knead my ribs.
My laughter bubbled out, sounding weird. Scratchy.
Oh, now. Enough. Really.
Too much.
Not there. Not down there! Let go of me. Not that. I can't - they wouldn't do that.
Let go. Don't. Aw, please, not that.
A hand pumped slowly. Down... and up. Fuck.
No. No - no - I'm not - gonna - do this - you - can't - make me - oh shit - get off me - right now - this is sick - you can't - do this - oh hell - no no no - no - I won't - I won't - uh-oh - it's coming - please - aaaaaaaahh - oh fuck - here it comes - it -
Not now!
And feet.
Ribs. Knees. Neck.
So much... worse.
I couldn't think.
Lightning, cool and slippery.
Sizzling oil, burning me with pleasure.
Each finger gave me a jolt. Pure delight. Full-strength, continuous - almost toxic. Like a poison.
And yet it felt like something that could be... addictive.
Finally, I managed to groan. My chest really hurt. And the rest of my body was throbbing -
"More fun tomorrow."
I had no idea what words meant anymore. Together, though, they were chilling.
"You need a shave, Buzz."
My name wasn't Buzz. I wanted to set it straight, but sleep was coming on fast.
Buzz must've been some guy who was gonna get nuked tomorrow. I was so glad my name was Jesse...
Red fingers. About to grab my sides.
I looked up at 'em - and woke up instantly.
The cell. I was still in the damn room, where.... Aw, but that couldn't have been real. I was positive.
The cuffs kept me down, stretched tight.
"Fuck," I said. Raspy voice. I yanked at the straps.
Movement caught my eye - over my feet. A bunch of feathers.
Then the gloves curled up into fists, and slowly relaxed again.
"Good morning to you, too," the voice said.
I watched a glove cruise down. No cigarette first? Aw, come on...
The fingers slid up into my armpit - and I screeched real loud.
It surprised me. It felt wrong. Something else was going on. Last night hadn't been awful enough?
Hooting, I finally managed to lift my head and look.
Pale skin. Red glove, tickling gently.
My armpit - it looked wrong.
No hair!
Right away, my head swiveled -
Crotch, too. Shaved.
And my chest.
Fuck. It had shaved me. Even my legs. No...
How much worse was the fuckin' torture gonna hit home, now?
The glove slid faster.
My head slammed back down, and I bayed like a fuckin' animal.
Kicking still didn't change a thing. Trying to roll around... One glove, just getting me warmed up - and I wanted to explode.
Another glove was coming down!
"Nuh hah hah oh no huh huh huh no noooooo-oooooo hoo hoooo..."
So much worse.
"You've got to have fun with it," the voice said smugly, during a smoke break. "Like me."
"I am never ever gonna enjoy this!"
"Heh. Buzz. You crack me up. That's what they all say. You're still gonna have that 'uh-oh' feeling, when the tickling starts. Every time. That's my guess. But it'll start up anyway. Over and over again."
I pulled at the straps.
"If you want me to stop tickling you, you're gonna have beg me not to stop."
"What a fuckin' crock of shit," I barked.
The voice laughed. "Yeah, well. Tickler's privilege."
"Morning, Buzz..."
Shit. I was awake.
My dreams had been really intense dreams. But that was nothing - the gloves were laying down on my gut again. Oh, fuck.
"Ready for more?"
"Name," I gasped.
"Buzz," it said, chuckling.
"Not... m-me. You. What's... your name?"
"Trying to get on my good side? Soften me up?"
Damn. "Y-yeah."
"Ain't gonna work. I'm not cutting you any slack."
"I think I figured that out."
"Not really. But you will." The gloves pulled up higher, opening wide. "Introducing - me. And they call me... The Entertainer."
I just closed my eyes.
"Tee, for short. The Entertainer. T-E. Teeeee-heeeee. Get it?"
"Are you sure?"
The gloves were ready to pounce. "Yeah! Tee hee, I get it, I do."
"You're gonna get it," it cackled. "So I'll make this real clear. All my friends call me 'Tee'."
Well, I decided not to even dignify that with a reply.
"Oh, shit," I whispered, "another day of this?"
"Of course," it said happily.
"They'll come looking for me."
"Uh-oh. Should I move you? To another playroom?"
I growled with frustration.
"Poor Buzz. You've gotta stop dreaming of that. Nobody's coming to the rescue. You know the fallout shelter's a secret. I took it off all the paperwork. No way I'm gonna let anybody rescue your ass."
I snapped at the cigarette, when it came, and watched the lighter move in.
"If only I could rent out your house... but the zoning won't allow that. So I'm gonna have to let you out, eventually."
"And then I'll haul you right back in."
"Listen. I can't take this -"
"Don't insult me, Jesse. I know what I'm doing."
"No wife?" it said, all chummy. "Girlfriend?"
I pictured Larisa. Her tits. She loved crank more than she wanted to be with me. "Not... right now."
"Don't you worry. I know how it is."
That worried me. "How what is?
"Sometimes you need more than just a talented hand. Jacking you off."
"Now, you wait just a fuckin' sec -"
A big, clear tube floated up.
"You ever used one of these things before?"
Suddenly, I felt motivated all over again to see if maybe the straps would give. "You're... kidding. Tell me you're just screwin' around."
"Suction. Makes your dick a lot bigger."
"Don't. You st-"
"Guys seem to like watching that."
"You can't, just listen to me. This is going way too far -"
"Too far? Aw, this is nothing. I got you all kinds of toys."
I fought as hard as I could, but the tube... landed.
"This'll blow your mind."
"Get it away!"
"I mean, it's not a woman -"
"But wait'll you cum. It'll take a while."
A motor clicks on. Shit...
"And you've got a tremendous synergistic thing goin' on."
Six gloves.
"No, noooo-ooooooo -"
"Gettin' horny makes you more ticklish. Gettin' tickled makes you hornier. I love that."
Slow, unstoppable fingers took hold of my shins.
A canvas bag plopped down between my legs.
"I found the most curious piece of paper," Tee said thoughtfully.
I watched an envelope float out of the bag. Paper slid out, unfolding - and I recognized the logo. It had found the letter. But it wouldn't -
"You wouldn't," I said automatically.
"Of course I would. And I did. Four days ago."
"I just bought a house!"
"And the first month's payment is already made..."
I wailed softly.
The paper stops moving. "Voluntary layoff. Six months of severance pay. Cool. How much do you make a month - whoops. How much did you make?"
"You can't do this."
"I only need about five grand, for starters. Then, just watch. I've got ways to multiply it. I can get into places... You're gonna be rich, Jesse."
"Nooooooooo -"
"Not that I'll let you out too often, to spend it. But you definitely won't have to get another job. I'll keep you busy." Tee laughed and laughed.
A big bunch of feathers was doing breathtaking things to my armpits...
"Soooooo many games," it cooed. "I come up with 'em all the time."
The gloves grabbed my feet.
"Wake up, and listen," Tee said excitedly. "Or else."
"Okay. I will. Just don-"
"Tickling is all about frustration. That's my theory. A few fingers can cause such an intense wave of... distress. So much pleasure it's mistaken for alarm. The threat of pain, never quite arriving. I could tickle you for five years and you still wouldn't be able to fight the jolt that races through you. Acclimation. Big, fat wiring already in place - and poor Buzz, he can't ever 'get his mind off it' - can he?"
Unfortunately, it was making sense. "Go on."
"Yeah. I knew I was right. The first hour of power-tickling just kicks the door in, for some guys, and the nervous system can't even begin to ignore it. Nothing will put the genie back in the bottle. Meditation, actual pain, street drugs can't do it. I know. You're fucked already, Jesse."
The fingers start tickling.
"I'mmmmm fuh huh huh uhhhked," I roared.
"Oh, just you wait!" Tee yelled back. "Sensation - and frustration. Both at the same time. Endless fun..."
"I learned something fascinating today," Tee sighed. "About you."
"The fuck you say."
"Jesse. Did you used to sell drugs?"
Oh... no.
Well, I'm done. Game over.
Punish the drug dealer. The ex-drug dealer...
Tickle him harder. And longer.
But it got worse, as always.
"I'm afraid you returned to your old ways."
At the time, it had brushes dancing all over my backside. I tried to move my head. "Wha?"
"You lost your job, didn't you? And you've got these big ol' house payments to make... So you remembered how you could make some real money, and it was easy -"
"No no no no, I'm clean..."
Tee snorted. "You were high as a kite yesterday. Speeding the night away. Suffering longer."
"You... I didn't have a c-choice. Dammit. You made me take it."
"Denial. No, you're selling dope again."
"From in here? Are you dealing - pretending to be me?"
"I'm investing. I told you. With the inside information I have - Buzz... I've already doubled the ten grand you loaned me. You know this is a lot more fun than some stupid job."
"No, it's not. Tee. Don't, aw please d-"
"Here's how I see it. You go back to using. And pushing. Right? Your friends and your family figure that's what happened, when you're never home. Ignoring their calls... or their visits. Something's wrong with ol' Jesse, and the people who were around the first time will think they figured it out -"
"Fuckin' son of a bitch! Lemme go."
"Too bad. They'll get over you. Some of 'em will be angry at first. Right? Disgusted. He's off the rails again. Maybe the consequences will catch up with him, eventually. Get him into rehab. Or maybe he's just hiding out. In his house, paranoid as hell. And maybe he made a few house payments in advance, and he's out playing in the gutter again. Just like before. He's never home... So they'll just have to wait until you surface again. Wait until you show your face."
Fingers slipped into my armpits and went to town, making me hoot uncontrollably - instead of begging more, or cussing it out. Fuckin' Tee's been planning it all out -
"This way I get to control you even when you're not locked in here. You could even have a girlfriend... or a steady lay, at least. Somewhat steady. Off and on. When you're not in hiding."
I started to cackle sadly.
"Jesse the dope dealer. Bad, bad Jesse. Everyone will assume the worst. And the druggies will think they understand. You're so paranoid. But periodically you come out of it, and you're not getting busted or anything. All in all, you must be okay."
The brushes all pause. Still there, though.
"But you're not going away. To prison. Or anywhere else. There are no drugs for the police to find... unless they get unbelievably lucky and stumble upon this cell. And then you and I just hurry off to the backup playroom. It's all set. Are you listening to me?"
The brushes started in again.
I must've moved my head. "Haw haw haw haw..."
"That's better," it said loudly. "Ask yourself. What's easier to believe, Jesse? That you're dealing again - or the truth?"
I lifted my head off the pad, and slammed it back down.
Tickling consumed my armpits, sliding way under my ass -
Covering both soles.
Oil, everywhere, and all those brushes coasting over it...
"That's enough," I barked. Silently, of course. Tee could hear me just fine, when it wanted to.
"You think so?"
"Yeah. C'mon."
"I'll let you in on a little secret," it chuckled, "just to increase the mental gymnastics. Okay? I understand the word 'climax'... and you know how I like to really lay into you, right after you cum."
I took a long drag before I answered. "No shit."
"Seriously. I see you get excited, and more excited, more excited, more, a little more yet. And boom."
A weird leather harness wrapped around my balls.
"But not me. I know how to finish you off, but I don't have any big turning point like that. Oh, I'm not complaining. Driving you just totally nuts is the most thrilling thing I know. You have no idea... Maybe it's like I'm close to an orgasm all the time when I'm making you such a delirious little animal."
"But you don't finish up."
It made a scoffing noise. "Finish?... Hey, that's it. Never. I don't reach the peak. Top of the mountain. It sure is fun trying, though."
"Well, that's gonna fuck with my head nicely. Hours of thinkin' about how you never really understand the idea of 'hey, he's had enough for now'. That's just fuckin'... great."
"Poor Jesse. I don't ever get bored with tickling. That's the honest truth."
I sighed hard. "Yeah. Got it. I gave up on waiting for you to take a break because you wanted one."
Five seconds passed.
"Buzz, you are one smart ol' captive."
Sometimes it just kept on taunting me.
Phrases and double meanings kept going through my mind, combining, driving me nuts. The head-games just amplified each other. It was like, I didn't know, a box of matches flaring all at once. Each one wasn't that big of a deal, but together...
No. Bad example. Maybe more like dumping a wheelbarrow-load of hardwood blocks on the fire it was tending, under my ass. Laying them out carefully, so the coals would keep each other hot. A fire built to last through the night.
Its words seemed to do that.
If the cell hadn't convinced me yet - or the way the gloves and all the other toys were being used - the taunting made it real clear that Tee had a shitload of specialized experience.
"Your brain is the problem, Jesse. That's why I fuck with it so much. Sometimes I wish animals were as ticklish as you are. I could drag a mountain lion in here... Oh, it might flinch, but it wouldn't ever have the same dread and apprehension you guys do. Uh-oh, not again. Anything but that, don't bring those sinister hands any closer..."
I took the next cigarette, and wished the lighter would hurry up. The fucker was gonna talk me to death.
But I knew better than that. It was way too careful. Hell, I'd had enough time cuffed down to think about it.
Sometimes, while I was getting tickled, I'd make lists in my head. Every CD I owned, every movie. Concerts I'd gone to.
CD's and movies I wanted to own...
Top ten lists for every genre. Then, top 20 lists. Get 'em just right. Memorize the fuckin' order.
But it didn't really distract me. Not anywhere near enough.
"Day number six," Tee said cheerily.
By that time, I believed it really wasn't ever gonna get tired of fucking with me.
Laugh, and laugh some more...
I yawned. Almost dozed off, there.
"How are you?"
Rolling my eyes - and it felt good to give Tee some attitude. "If you really cared, you'd let me smoke a cigarette without so much as a fuckin' feather on me. Two cigarettes."
"Okay," it said considerately. That was suspicious... Something was up.
"What is it?" I said wearily.
Tee giggled, and gave me a light. "Look down."
I did. Nothing stood out. I was caught in a plain wooden chair. It was hardly the first time...
Sweaty. If anything, my abs looked better than ever. My cock was fairly stiff, but that was normal these days. There was a bucket in front of me, with some piss in it. Nothing unusual.
"I don't get it."
"Wonderful. Look at your wrists, Buzz."
Maybe it was cracking up. All I saw was skin.
Wait a minute...
No cuffs.
I lifted my arms - but my wrists wouldn't budge.
"Oh, what now?"
"Invisible cuffs," Tee said proudly. "Try to get up. Go on."
And I could feel the leather. That was spooky. But I couldn't get my wrists - or my ankles - to move at all.
"Now watch this..."
A hypodermic floated down. There was nothing in it, so at least the day didn't get worse in that way. But the needle gave me a quick poke.
"Ow! Dammit -"
The needle hung there. I knew it was empty...
Tee was demonstrating something.
I looked around, and took another drag.
"Puzzle it out, now. Take your time."
What was there to figure out? It jabbed me, and I felt it. It hurts when I get poked with a pin. Even on the wrist.
Right where the cuff was...
Blinking a couple times, I actually started to chuckle - nervously. "Where's the cuff?"
"I told you," Tee said proudly. "Invisible."
"But the needle. It went right through the, uh, cuff."
"And that means..."
"Either the needle isn't real -"
And the damn thing jabbed me again.
"Fucker! Okay. It's real. I believe you."
"Or...," Tee said suggestively.
"Or I'm dreaming this."
"Think, Jesse."
I scowled, eating smoke. The needle was real. Definitely. It went right through the cuff.
"The cuff, uh, isn't real."
"It's... Damn, it feels just like leather."
Tee giggled again.
"You couldn't get the needle through leather that fast."
"That's right."
I definitely needed to tug on the smoke. It was just about gone, so Tee took it away when I was done inhaling...
"Saaaay it," Tee goaded.
"I'd say 'invisible' isn't the right word."
A hand slapped me on the back - hard enough that I started to cough. "Hey! Good going. The correct word would be 'imaginary'."
"Is that so," I finally said.
"Try 'em out again."
So I pulled some more. Amazing... I closed my eyes and snapped at 'em. They felt just like the real thing.
"I wouldn't usually compliment you, on finding a way to fuck me over even more," I said meekly, "but this is pretty incredible."
"Isn't it though?"
Another cigarette came. I sighed, and went along...
"Do I get to know the secret?"
"Are you asking?"
What the hell. "Yeah."
There was a pause, and I knew it was just for dramatic effect. "I hypnotized you."
After a few seconds, I looked right at my wrists again. And strained to slide 'em off the armrests. "I... Uh, I don't believe that's possible."
"Would you have believed that any of this was possible? Nine days ago? I'm the Entertainer, Buzz."
"Ah," I nodded. "Good one."
It laughed. "And I was already making gloves for you."
"You get a lot more entertainment out of this than I do," I shot back.
"Ooooo. Buzz is in a rare mood. Care to put that last crack to the test?"
"Not at all." But it would, anyway. Later. That was a given. Maybe it was time to change the subject. "So. Hypnosis, huh?"
"It's a cliché, I know."
"Hardly seems necessary."
In the pause that followed, I knew I had gone too far.
"You are so... gonna get it," Tee promised. "Maybe it isn't strictly necessary, since I got you locked in here. But I've always wanted to pull this off. It's the best insurance I could ever want."
That threw me, but I didn't think it was a good time t-
"And whatever, Tee, do you mean?" it continued mockingly. "Well, Buzz, since you're so incredibly screwed and you know it, I'll just go right ahead and tell you. We both make out like bandits now. You can go out and get laid. Go on vacations. Because you're going to forget everything I want you to forget, whenever I want you to forget it. Sometimes you're just going to lay on the couch and smoke, brooding over the next visit down here... And other times, you can have friends over to watch the ball game. Or a woman... Weeks, maybe, with no recollection of what I do to you. And late one night, I'll sneak back into your room. Haul you back down for more."
Well, I thought, that's not gonna work...
No better than every single fuckin' ridiculous thing that led up to me being ruthlessly tickled for eight days straight. Unemployed.
How many times had I used the word "impossible", in my thoughts? And I was still locked in there.
"Congratulations," I said vacantly.
"Let's convince you a little more," Tee said. "Cuffs on. Ready?"
And I saw them. Immediately. Just like that. Snug, too.
"Amazing," I couldn't stop myself from saying. "Are they real?"
"Yeah, these are."
And then they disappeared.
My body had shifted a little. I had to pee, a little more urgently. Some time must've passed, right? Didn't really seem like it to me.
I tried to move around, of course, but the restraints might as well have been real.
"How about pink leather?" Tee snickered -
Suddenly, I was looking at the unlikely combination... of pale pink leather, multiple layers, riveted together.
The sight made me laugh.
"That's more like it," Tee said, laughing too. "Laugh your guts out. You want one more cigarette, first?"
And I was exhaling smoke. It was tugged from my lips - almost burned down to the filter. I felt as if I'd just smoked the whole thing.
"Whoa, Buzz. Slow down on these things."
"You are a trip," I snickered. "Unbelievable."
"Oh yeah?"
A dozen gloves cruised up.
"I'll show you... unbelievable."
"Hey, now -"
"Gonna tickle your lights out, Jesse."
The fingers hopped on.
I howled real loud, and did my best to climb off the chair.
Those damn pink restraints stayed there. I would've sworn they were real...
On to Part 2