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My pillow.
Such a relief...
I opened my eyes. For a few seconds, I wondered where I was. Any place other than the fuckin' cell would be okay with me.
Oh. I bought a house. That's where I was.
That was the most bizarre dream...
Why would it make me so tired? I was sportin' wood, though - thinking about the dream -
So I got myself off. Twice.
That was more like it.
And I looked around my bedroom. All the boxes, waiting, and they had to be emptied out sometime.
I reached over to the nightstand and got a smoke. It was perfect.
Somewhere around the fourth drag, I picked a shred of tobacco off my tongue.
Nonfilters. Huh. I looked over at the pack. My old brand. So that was okay. I took another pull, and it finally hit me - didn't I quit smoking?
I sat up.
"Heya, Buzz," Tee said.
"Oh, no."
"Alright. Jesse, then. Good morn-"
"No - I mean, you're only in the dream."
"What is reality, anyway?"
Fuck, so fucked...
"Another tickling marathon might wake you up," it said conspiratorially.
Please don't tickle me, I thought. Was there any point in saying it? I didn't know anymore. Please -
"But you need to rest up first. Get your voice back. Hit the gym. Go out and get royally fucked up with your pals."
I could feel a headache coming on... "Don't mock me."
"I'm not! You're off the hook for awhile. Relax. Chase some women."
That did sound good. "Okay," I finally said.
"Just wanted to make sure you were all settled in," Tee snickered. "I'm going to plan your next marathon. But you're not going to remember a thing, Buzz. It wasn't even a dream. Got it?"
"Well - actually, I still remem-"
Tee interrupted me with a growling noise. "After I give you the right cue."
"Oh." I thought of a question, but just shook my head.
"Talk to me," it said.
"Uh. I just thought... All that time really went by, right? There's gonna be signs of that. Rotten food in the refrigerator - and the grass still grows."
"Yes. And those things would give me away, if I was a complete idiot," Tee said. It sounded a little angry, and I started to brace myself for, well, whatever. "But I keep an eye on the place. Gotta have something to do while you're sleeping. All the perishable stuff was thrown out a couple days after you went in the playroom, so you're gonna have to get your hide to the store. I brought in your mail, and rolled the trash can out every Wednesday. And I hired a guy to come and take care of the lawn. He's coming by to meet you tomorrow, because you'll think you called him - naturally - but after that, I just keep leaving him checks under the doormat and he'll be happy."
"Since when do I have a doormat?"
It sighed. "I'm running the show now. There's going to be changes." Then the pack of cigarettes floated off the nighttable - and the one I was smoking was taken out from between my fingers. "No more of these for awhile."
"What? Maybe I want 'em."
"I don't know." The lit cigarette was ground out in the ashtray.
"Like I have a choice," I grumbled.
"Well," it said thoughtfully. "I can't watch you every second - out here."
Enough, already. "Stop fuckin' with me," I snapped. "You didn't make me smoke my old brand... down there. But I wake up, and here they are."
Tee laughed at me. "Don't give me any lip, or I'll cart you right back down to the playroom. You didn't smoke at all, two weeks ago."
"You made me start again. So - now you're gonna punish me if I -"
"There's a carton sitting on your coffee table," it said.
That threw me. Just more and more head games. "You son of a bitch -"
The pack was tossed to me. "Enjoy 'em," it chuckled...
I sat there, looking at the cigarettes in my hand. Good idea. I shook one out of the pack and lit it.
Time to get up, I figured. A whole new day ahead of me, and no job to go to. I was ready to loaf around for awhile, mortgage or no mortgage. Maybe get to the gym.
The program guide from the cable channel made me do a double-take. Where did the time go? I started doing the math in my head - when I moved, and what my last day at work was - but I got confused. So I gave it up. I needed coffee. Overall, though, I felt fuckin' great. It didn't really matter what day it was.
And if it was Wednesday, like the TV said, Joe would be back in town tonight. He and Bradley and me were gonna check out that new bar by the river. Might as well be tonight.
It was sensational to sit on the couch, in front of the tube. My coffee seemed like such a treat, as if I hadn't had any in a couple weeks. And the cigarettes - whoa. There was a sense of freedom or something, when I'd light one and handle it. Ordinary stuff. Maybe the mood was due to the vacation from work. I wouldn't have too much trouble getting another job, and there was no big rush.
Yeah, I could definitely stand to get laid. Soon. Mooning over Larisa wasn't getting me any pussy... that was for damn sure.
I could not fuckin' believe it. Back in the tickle-cell - again?
"Good morning, Jesse."
"No, it's not," I snapped.
"It's a brand new day."
I closed my eyes, hearing the joy in its voice. Dammit. How many times was I going to end up in this situation?
"Can I have a cigarette?"
"I wish you wouldn't," Tee said softly.
"Mutherfucker," I barked, yanking at the chains.
I tracked a whole bunch of feathers, too blown away to move.
They sped up -
And scattered.
"Oh, yeah," Tee said. "Wait."
Finally, I heard... laughter. Some crazy guy -
That got my eyes open.
It was holding a recorder over my face. One of those little things, for taking notes. And I listened to myself laugh.
"There!" it whooped. "Again..."
We listened.
"I don't get it," I said, hoping a cigarette would fuckin' float right on up.
"That wail," Tee laughed. "Ooooo, it's perfect."
"Can I, uh -"
"Hoarse from laughing so much. Not wanting to laugh any more. And that little wail slips out, in between laughs," it said. "That's just so cool... Pure animal protest. Even if I couldn't hear you, that sound would happen every so often, huh?"
"I g-guess so -"
"You think it's a ploy, to get sympathy... or more of a attempt to let the herd know you're in trouble?"
I stared at the ceiling, biting my tongue. Locked in the cage of the world's worst sociologist. "Give me a fucking cigarette and I'll tell you."
Tee laughed - but finally, oh yeah, I saw one coming over. "Liar. You don't know either. But I'll give you one anyway. I like making you smoke."
"You don't have to make me anymore."
"I know that." The lighter came right up. Whew. "But I'm still gonna do it. We're not talking about the desire. You want me to let you go, and that isn't gonna change a thing. You're not smoking because you want to, Buzz - not with your hands caught like that. Only when I make you smoke."
"Ah," I say.
"Next you'll probably tell me you want to laugh today. Right?"
"No... I get it."
I took a monster drag, just in case. "So... feeling bored yet? Even a little?"
"Naaaaah. And this wail just drives me nuts..."
The tape started playing again.
I still didn't see what was so special about it.
Just laying around the house, I was pretty bored...
Needing some excitement. Definitely up for something wild. But I didn't have any good ideas.
The sun had just set, and there was nothing good on TV. I opened a new pack of smokes and lit one -
All of a sudden, my hands went straight out in front of me. Held there.
For a second or two, I just looked at my palms, and tried to move 'em.
Leather cuffs floated up from the floor, and caught me. I fought 'em, slamming around - but there was something oddly familiar about the whole scene. Unchangable.
Sighing, I took a long drag.
My hands went up high, pulled by the cuffs. Something pulled me to my feet. As the TV clicked off, a hand shoved me from behind, toward the kitchen.
Fighting it - and yelling - just seemed so fuckin' pointless.
Halfway down a tunnel I didn't even know was there, my shoes were pulled off. Socks, shirt, jeans, underwear. Even my smoke. All left behind.
Eventually I stopped in midair. The door closed...
And I remembered everything.
A light clicked on, and I dropped down - to the padded bench. My legs were extended, but my arms went down. Fingers reaching toward the floor, I pulled as hard as I could.
It didn't matter. One clip, then another, anchored the cuffs. All I could do was flex my fingers, which must've been pretty close to the floor. I heard the chains, then, and felt my ankles starting to rise -
Meeting up with a clip. I could swing my legs a little.
Feathers cruised up and started tickling me.
Laughing right away, I trying to scoot back or roll over -
More. No! A lot of feathers started in. Sides, armpits, belly, thighs. Roaming quickly.
I couldn't lift my arms at all. The chain rang as I tried to pull my legs down. Oh, fuck, I couldn't move. Nothing I did made any difference.
All I could do was laugh at my feet.
So I roared like a monkey...
Letting my head fall back, I blew out smoke and panted for air.
Tee had me strapped to the table, but my legs were hanging off one end. My feet were sorta pointed at each other, probably so I could watch the parade of tools dance on my soles. It had my wrists stuck in some seriously thick cuffs, crossed and bolted to a bracket that was sticking up in front of me. I hunched over a little, almost as if I was leaning on a cane...
"Sweaty," Tee said. "Shoulders rolled forward, big ol' arms. And not even a jockstrap on. Locked down tight. A terrific position for such a ticklish drug dealer. You're staying just like this."
I took another drag.
Brushes swirled around in a swallow bowl of oil.
"Yeah. You'll whoop and tug. Hours will crawl by... Right there, Jesse. Don't even budge."
Five long minutes - maybe ten - and I was still gasping for air.
My skin throbbed in that way it does - as if there were still fingers on me. Echoes, taking a long time to fade away.
"Caught in the playroom," Tee said. "Chained down. There's gonna be more hard tickling today."
There was no point in begging.
"I've got all kinds of stuff planned, Jesse. Let's keep you in here for awhile. So desperate to... move, huh? But you can't. Unable to lift a finger..."
Feathers started coming for me.
I sat in my car, trying to at least shift around. Weirdest fuckin' thing...
Same old supermarket parking lot. Got there just before it closed, came back out to my car - and hands grabbed me.
Invisible hands?
Nothing this weird had ever happened to me before. Nobody would even believe it.
Next thing I knew, the car was rolling. Tooling down the road. I had a cigar between my teeth. A good one.
It felt like there were hands all over me. I couldn't budge.
The steering wheel did, though. Gas pedal, brake pedal, clutch. It was fuckin' weird.
Back to my house. Into the garage...
They all got a good fuckin' grip on me. Inside, through the kitchen, and stopping at the threshold of the mud room. I still couldn't believe the hands were there. Invisible. Strong as they were -
But right then I had a whole new thing to worry about. The fuckin' floor opened up. Like a book cover -
And there was a... tunnel?
When I came around, I realized I wasn't in my own bed... or on the couch.
Cool vinyl, under my ass -
My arms were down. Anchored. My ankles were caught, too.
"Buzz," Tee said happily.
I opened my eyes. "Oh, c'mon. Not again."
"Your skin is flushed."
"Gee, I wonder why -"
"Somebody hasn't been keeping up with the moisturizers."
I woke up on the floor, in front of the TV.
Denim.... Had I fallen asleep with my clothes on?
No - I was wearing overalls. Well-worn. Soft... which was good, since I apparently didn't have any underwear on. No shirt.
I'd never seen 'em before in my life.
My feet were heavy. I saw old army boots on my feet, but I didn't own those either -
Hands pulled me up. I didn't see them, but they sure had a lock on my arms. I stood there, wobbling.
I clomped into the kitchen. Pulling and twisting didn't do any good at all. I just kept moving...
In the mud room, part of the floor was gone. There was a fuckin' tunnel there.
Cheesy banjo music.
After the round door was closed, a light turned on -
I stared at a web of rope, surrounding a small machine. It had tubes. Thick ones -
"Jesse Ray," Tee said happily, "Shoulda been more careful..."
What the hell?
The hands pulled me closer to the ropes - which jumped out and wrapped around my wrists.
"But you just plumb forgot to watch your step."
Like snakes, or whips... More rope curled around my ankles. The boots were untied and pulled off, one after the other. No socks.
One shoulder-strap unhooked, and the overalls were tugged down.
"The Lactrotrontik 520 Super-Adaptive Automatic Milking Machine, with Tactile Palpation Memory - oh hey, now, what were you thinking? You sure didn't want to trip right there, and shove the switch over to 'auto' like that - and you got yourself tangled up in all these durn ropes. Uh-oh. Jesse Ray, it's powering up. That timer knob says it's been 'bypassed', whatever that means. And you're the only animal anywhere near it..."
The machine clicked on, and a tube started heading for my cock.
"Aw, why do these durn things always happen when everybody else is gone into town for the day?"
Shit! Four red gloves - with wires dangling out of them - reached for my belly. Two of them kept dropping.
Cool fingers slid under my balls.
I lunged back and forth...
Yawning, I locked the door. Good. Now I was definitely ready for bed -
Hands wrapped around my arms.
No hands, though. Solid, but I couldn't see 'em. I'd had weird fuckin' dreams that started out the same way. I never got loose, though.
Before I could really think about it, a wooden chair slid out from the wall. I'd never seen it before - and much more important to me, right then, a coil of rope was lifting off the seat...
Maybe thirty seconds later, I was in the mud room, trying to pull the knots apart. Somehow I knew that the neighbors' houses were too far away for them to hear me. Oh, I yelled anyway. I mean, magic rope had just tied me up. In my own house. Stupid crazy shit.
A pack of cigarettes floated out of my t-shirt pocket. What the hell were they doing there? I hadn't smoked in years. Tobacco, anyway.
So I fought the first smoke when it slid out of the pack and headed for my mouth.
A hand slapped the back of my head, over and over, until I cooperated.
So I was sitting there like an idiot, kicking out smoke -
And the washer opened. The door banged, and it made me jump. All these clothes just... rose up, and hung there. Then the dryer opened. In they went.
Tumbling around. I didn't recognize 'em at all. The chair slid over, about a yard. I was right in front of the dryer, and the hands must've been holding the chair down. I couldn't even shift around.
New cigarettes came, one after the other, and two beers floated in from the kitchen - already open. Nothing else too exciting. Just the laundry. That was obviously the point. Watching some clothes tumble around. Big deal. I was trying to remember why I'd bought a dryer with a clear glass door, which was probably more expensive. Or when the old one broke.
All I could do was sit there and smoke.
Red, shiny clothes. Some white flashes, and some black ones... One zebra-striped thing. It almost looked like a jockstrap. Whose clothes were these?
They bothered me.
Socks? Thong underwear, maybe. So shiny. Satin. That made me think of womens' panties -
Until one slid past the glass. It had fingers.
My heart was pounding away. Why the hell was I being forced to watch fuckin' gloves dry? Creepy, somehow. I had no fuckin' idea why, but it was. They bounced around - flying, in there. Almost as if they were alive...
I took a long drag. Enjoying it. Okay, then, bring it on. The mystery was getting to me, but there was something exciting on the way too. Not altogether bad. It had to do with those gloves.
I looked around. This wasn't my living room.
Doctor's office? Again?
Fuck. And I didn't even remember driving there. My feet throbbed, though. Some condition I had, no big deal, but I could never remember the name.
I lit a cigarette, because my doctor was cool about that, and pulled my jacket off. Looked around. I wondered how many times I'd been in this office, or ones that looked just like it. Knew it by heart. Even that weird round door - it didn't have a lock or a doorknob, nothing at all, and that had always been fascinating to me.
I sat on the end of the examining table - hearing the pad sigh under my weight, as it always did - and pulled off my clothes. I flicked ash on the floor, and waited.
When it came time to snuff the butt, I looked around - shit. There was an ashtray sitting right there, on the counter. I'd probably catch hell for not using it. Wondering why I hadn't seen it earlier, I reached over to pick it up -
Something took hold of my arm.
A black leather cuff flew up!
I pulled - even grabbing my right arm with my left hand - and then something got that wrist too. Another fuckin' cuff raced up. Jumping around didn't help at all. Tight grip...
I watched the cuffs close, and buckle.
A metal sound rattled behind me -
What the fuck.
There was a big loop in the ceiling, with a chain pulled through it. One-inch links, at least. Thick galvanized chain, with snap hooks on each end. My arms were pulled up - and I stumbled backward. My ass bumped into the bench, and the cuffs pulled me higher. I slid along the pad until the hooks were over my hands - and they swerved right to the cuffs, snapping through the fat chrome rings.
Well, I was really fucked then. The chain seemed to be just the right length. My arms were up, all the way, but my ass was still on the pad -
My shins were pushed down. When two more cuffs showed up, for my ankles, I wasn't too surprised. But I kicked as much as I could...
More chain was hooked on, pulling tight. My heels hung just over the edge of the pad. Legs extended - and I was sitting up straight, trying to twist. I couldn't get anywhere.
A thick strap showed up, from somewhere behind my head, and laid down over my beltline. It was pulled tighter and tighter until I started to growl. I was still trying to figure out what was keeping it taut - when a cigarette tapped my front teeth.
All of the weirdness had confused me so much that I closed my lips around it, without thinking. Well, why not. My lighter came next.
I tugged at the cuffs for a minute or two - until the door opened.
Nobody came in... but the door closed, all by itself. A lock made noise, faintly, and then I heard another lock.
Somebody was making sure I didn't go anywhere.
I just kicked out smoke.
"Hello, Jesse," a voice said.
That made me jump. "What's the fuckin' deal, here?" I yelled, looking all around.
"You just calm down."
"Where's the doctor?"
The voice just chuckled.
My cigarettes hovered up, and one came out -
"Forget it!"
"Last smoke... for a long time. Play along, or you'll be sorry."
I was sorry already, and I gave the wrist-chains a good hard tug. Nothing. I was stuck good. So I traded cigarettes, in case it really was gonna be a while before the next one. Clearly I wouldn't be lighting one for myself any time soon.
"Yeah," the voice said.
"I'm gonna yell until somebody comes," I finally announced.
"Nobody will hear you. It's a special room."
"This is crazy," I said, trying to whip from side to side.
"Are you caught good? Helpless?"
"I'm here for an appointment," I yelled.
"But you never showed up," the voice chuckled. "That's what the computer says. I typed it in myself."
"What? Lemme out of these things -"
"You know what's even better? This room. Supposedly, it's got a wiring problem. Nobody will come around here."
"Why are you... Uh -"
"You have some impressive arms, Buzz. Chained up like that."
I took a drag and tried to stay calm. "I want my doctor. Now."
Uh-oh. I tried to lift my butt off the pad.
"I'm in charge."
"I don't wan-"
"Feet, pits, those fine abdominals... and you're well-endowed."
That made me wince. "You're not a doctor," I said stupidly.
"I'm... The Entertainer."
My cigarette was taken away. I watched it fall in the ashtray, and smoulder there. "You don't remember me, huh?"
"Remember? No," I muttered, looking over at the closed door again. Dammit.
"Okay. How about... now?"
It all came flooding back.
A cabinet door opened. The wrong one -
I started wrestling around like crazy, because it was their cabinet. The red fingers appeared first.
"Aw no, no, please, Tee, please don't..."
Six red, shiny hands were coming. Magic gloves that tickle, and tickle -
They cruised over steadily, just like always, scaring the shit out of me. "Haaaaallllp!"
Two of them posed over my feet. The others kept floating... "Jesse. You know better. No one's going to get you out of this. No hope for you. Just lots and lots of suffering."
The fingers laid down, paused - and started to move.
"Noooooooowaaaah haaah hah haaaaah heeeee eeeee..."
"You don't sound happy enough," the voice barked.
But I was hollering laughter. Pulling at the chains, trying to swing, bucking, arching - and the gloves didn't stop. They never stopped, they were never going to stop. I was going to be worked over like that for years, decades.
Digging into my armpits, polishing my ribs. Trailing their smooth fingertips up and down my arms...
"Laugh harder. Maybe that'll help."
I howled, alright. The damn wrist-chains wouldn't break.
"So vulnerable. Strung up like this. Way too ticklish. Strong, and healthy..."
"Oh nooooooo hooo hoooo hooo hooooooaaawooooooeeeeeeeeee..."
Red blurs were gonna set me on fire. So impossible, piercing -
"Too much?"
"Aaaw hah hah whaaahh hah hah huh haa-aaaahh!"
"But we're just getting started. Days and days of insanity, Buzz. You're really in for it now."
"Neeeeeee eeeeeeyyyah hah hah hah hoo hoooooooo..."
"Am I driving you out of your mind?"
I shook my head frantically, and kept hooting.
"Come on. Insanity is out of the question. You're not getting off that easy. I won't permit it."
"Aaaaaaaah hah hah haaaaawhoooo ooooo hoooooo haaaw haw haw haaaawaaaaaaah."
I dropped my head, and swung a little. The tickling pounded through me - and I pissed all over myself.
"I love this," the voice said. "You're more ticklish than ever."
Fingers kept drilling my arches, buffing the sides, slipping under my toes. My feet were so damn alive it took my breath away. And this bastard knew exactly how to work on 'em.
The wrist-chains stayed over me, straight up. The cuffs kept my hands up there - so the tickling could cover me thoroughly. I couldn't stand it. If the chain didn't break, I didn't see how I could do a single thing to make it stop.
Oh, fuck. I arched my back and and tried to roll over, as hard as I could. A wet towel cleaned up the piss.
The loop in the ceiling wasn't moving. I whooped and screamed at it, then threw my head all around. Tee kept on bulldozing me. I was gonna be a wild man for as long as it wanted.
The fingers sped up. It knew right where to put 'em, and what motions made me come unglued. I laughed so hard I saw spots in front of my eyes.
The gloves showed how much Tee was enjoying itself. Torturing me, just like that. Enthusiastic tickling.
I was just a big ol' plaything if I couldn't bust the chains. Impossible, massive surges of pleasure raced up through me, endless, riveting, unstoppable.
Something tightened around my cock. I wasn't sure, because of the tears, but it felt like thin cords. Wrapping me up - pulling around and around my balls.
At least the fingers were slowing down, finally. But they didn't stop.
There was no way to tell how long its gloves roamed, all over me - except I didn't get to cum.
Rest breaks came and went. Water, cigarettes, beef jerky, pecan logs.
And the red fingers, floating back up. Petting my sides until I couldn't even sway anymore. Sliding under my knees, creeping over my belly. Arches, and toes. Neck.
I smelled the smoke first. Tried a quick drag - yeah. Good.
Beyond shaky, feet throbbing, shoulders numb. Squinting, I saw no gloves. That was very good. All those shiny fingers could've been hanging around, like usual, as if Tee was eager to get 'em back to work...
A noise over me made me look straight up.
There was a artist's brush by my hands. A fairly big one. It was dripping.
I couldn't help but groan.
As the brush moved, Tee laughed deviously.
That was my cue. I started to squirm -
An invisible hand grabbed my right wrist. I looked up there, squinting through the smoke. I couldn't see anything.
Fingers pried my fist open. They weren't in any hurry about it. Depressingly strong -
"What now?," I snapped.
"Don't give me any crap," Tee chuckled. "Open your hand."
I didn't want to, but it straightened my fingers anyway.
"What if I don't want to?"
Tee thought that was pretty damn funny. I felt something touch my index finger -
The brush. Stroking up and down.
"Your skin is a little dry. So I'm going to oil you up," it said. "All the way to your heels."
I slammed my body around as much as I could.
The brush landed again. It oiled the back side of that finger.
"This is gonna take forever," I complained.
"A couple hours. At least you'll get to smoke -"
"If you can manage it. The real excitement comes right after. I'm thinking, six rubber gloves... to work in all that oil. And extra lube. Patient hands."
The brush moved down my middle finger.
I couldn't fuckin' guess how many times I watched the gloves come back and take hold. Lubed up again.
Slick, powerful hands.
Deep tickling, going on and on. It kept a cigarette between my lips. I was past making any noises louder than a moan, or a growl...
We were both just drunk enough. In the mood for a little adventure...
I told her to call me Chuck, and she wanted me to call her Valerie. She had the advantage, since we did it at my house. But it only seemed fair.
Just passing through, she said - with a big smirk on her face - and whether it was actually true or not, we had a great time. I remember thinking I was good for one more round, and she seemed to be up for it too. And then she would leave. Hit-and-run, no cuddling, no talking.
She kept tickling my armpits, and denying it. That made me jump, but finally I just gritted my teeth and barrelled on through, hooting away. She was such a freak.
As soon as I woke up, I knew something was different. That was never a good thing.
I had gone to bed, at home, but my backside wasn't on my old cotton sheets. And it wasn't vinyl, or leather. What a relief. Tee hadn't reeled me in again. I was spread-eagled, but I usually woke up in that position from the dreams. Real dreams, I mean. Tee was almost always in 'em, and they tended to be thoroughly intense.
Cautiously, I opened my eyes.
Dammit. It was the ceiling of the playroom. The fucker had faked me out.
Not once had I ever seen a bed down there, in my cell. And the white satin sheets. Another first. Oh, yeah, it looked incredibly fuckin' bad for me.
A pack of cigarettes wandered up from the mattress, near my right elbow. I sighed at it, and pulled one loose with my teeth. Tough-guy. Very casual. I craned my neck to reach the flame of my own damn lighter.
"Well, let's get started," Tee said.
I tried to pull the cuffs loose...
"First of all - uh, welcome. I'm going to keep you extremely busy, but your willingness to participate is truly appreciated."
That got to me. I just snorted.
"The discoveries we make will be invaluable."
I exhaled smoke and tried to roll over. Nothing doing.
"Of course, this is going to be a... challenging six weeks."
That hit me hard. I flopped back down.
Six weeks? Imagine that. Fuck -
It was just messing with my head again. Probably. But I couldn't remember Tee ever promising me a specific length of time. I'm going to tickle you for days and days, or I'll keep you hysterical for months.
Tee had tickled me a lot, and when I was pulled back down there I always seemed to remember the other times. None had gone on anything like six weeks. Why had it been so precise?
The mutherfucker couldn't be serious. Forty-two days. A month and a half.
I couldn't force it to let me go any earlier.
Natural progression, right? Enjoying itself, and I was able to take it. It said I was getting more and more ticklish. The length of time was bound to increase
"Now, wait," I finally said. But then I had to shut up, because there wasn't a damn thing I could think of to get out of it. Tee never backed down. If it could keep me healthy and strong for three weeks... why not six? Or twelve?
Damn. Why not six months? Tee was probably already planning that...
What else could I say that it hadn't already heard out of me, a hundred times?
It gave me another cigarette.
"I'm not enthusiastic about the smoking," it said, "but I reviewed the plan. I'll adjust as we go along. And really, your task will be hard enough. I don't want you to be distracted."
I let the taunts go by, without answering them, but they hit home.
Something flat hovered into the air. It got bigger -
A laptop computer.
"Let's review the outline, quickly, and get down to it."
The screen turned around so I could see it. A document was displayed...
Feverish State Univ.
TIK 501
Sec. 001
Research Project
N. Tertainer, Ph.D.
Tickling Studies |
Week 1
Initial Survey |
Depilatory and Lubrication Effects
Exploratory Techniques
Influence of Sexual Arousal
Introductory Stimulants and Tactile Sense Enhancing Pharmaceuticals
Week 2
Enhanced Stimulation (Basic) |
Extended Duration Methods
Qualitative Comparison of Body Regions |
I didn't want Tee to scroll down any further.
Words failed me. Six full weeks.
"Don't worry about giving me feedback," it said from behind me, making me jump again. "I know you won't be too coherent. It's my job to observe."
"Tickling Studies," I said. "Shit, of course."
"Well. Let's get you some water." It took my cigarette away.
One of the tables wheeled up, and I watched the laptop go over to it. The cursor was moving. Another file opened - I thought it was a spreadsheet - but the computer was turned around before I could see anything more.
A water bottle was heading for my mouth.
"Relax. Let me do all the work," Tee said easily. "Today we'll start by establishing a baseline. We'll compare it with the results at the end of the study."
"Six fuckin' weeks," I said to the water bottle as it left.
"This is as good a time as any to let you know about a followup project I'm planning. Based upon the results we'll get here -"
"Advanced Tickling Studies," I giggled.
"Of course."
Fuck, I was already losing it...
After a few quiet taps on the keyboard, I heard a few chuckles. "All set. You're comfortable, right? And you can't move?"
Four red gloves drifted out of the usual cabinet.
And I was snickering away, long before they reached my feet.
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