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- - 17 - -
Frames materialized in the air.
Tim and Del opened their eyes and saw 'em.
A wave of speed rolled over 'em. And whiskey, for Del...
They saw their beds - from above. Tied or chained into a frame -
And Zeke brought a dozen gloves to each one. For an hour.
Just for starters.
A host of toys came and tickled and went.
A long time into the morning's festivities, Tim was watching some feathers. They moved really... slow. Something about that disturbed him -
A glove appeared. And waved. Slow-motion.
He had an idea, but it was too absurd. Then the feathers made him forget it for a while...
When he remembered, he tried counting to himself. One, one thousand, two, two thousand.
It seemed way too slow. He couldn't get it right...
He tried, despite the tickling, to see how he felt. Wasn't thirsty, wasn't hungry. Tweaking. Not as tired as other times...
A lot of time passed. Gloves, again. Moving even slower.
And he checked himself over...
Counting was ridiculous.
Zeke was slowing down time. He refused to believe that. Okay... his perception of time.
The gloves barely crawled down his ribs. Fully squeezing, and his nerve endings didn't get accustomed to the grip. Stretching out the stimulation - Zeke was prolonging the whole experience.
And Tim realized he wasn't burning through energy at the usual rate. He'd hang here, staying just as aware, ticklish, not even thirsty...
The gloves were hardly moving. And their touch was always as formidable as if they'd just landed.
Tim convulsed once. It took about a minute and a half until he stopped moving.
He was really trapped now...
They turned into days.
And he was still completely reactive.
A week later, maybe two -
There was a jerk, and the gloves were tickling him at the usual rate. Tim hooted at 'em with relief...
After a bit they just held him down, long enough to pour another quart of water down his throat. And they resumed...
And slowed, about halfway -
Then everything seemed to snap back into place. One, one thousand, two, two thousand... Yes. Alright. Whew.
Zeke moderated the gloves' pace a little. Sticking it to him solidly, but not making him laugh.
Things went on like that.
And on.
He kept sweating, fidgeting, pissing when he felt like it...
Tender stroking and fondling, fingers everywhere. Endless -
He opened his eyes. Jamie was still laying there. He hadn't moved.
It just had to have been a couple full days since he woke up. At least. Something was wrong -
Tim knew his sense of time was confused, even before Zeke messed with the slo-mo crap. But this...
He remembered drinking the water. And he was positive it was a hell of a long time ago. He counted again, and it seemed to come out right.
The hands tickling his feet were unruly bastards.
The fingers in his armpits had him undone.
And then a glove curled around his dick and started to pump. Leisurely. He grunted.
It was still pumping him "hours" later. No less exciting...
He wasn't sore. And he wasn't much closer to coming. And it had been jacking him off for a far longer period of time than any other glove had -
Time. Slow-motion...
Normalized. Regressed? He didn't fuckin ' care.
First everything crept along at one-tenth time...
He looked at his cock. Watched the greasy skin move under the tight fingers. Invisible fingers.
That same fuckin' hand, all the hands, feeling more intense than ever.
Hours and hours later, he was still getting pumped. Hot, demanding stimulation all over him. And no cum yet.
It seemed Zeke could take an hour, and make it seem just like ten hours.
Or was it twenty?
Del knew something was wrong, too. Kevin sat there, arms pulled behind him, fast asleep.
A cigar was shoved between his teeth, and no match ever came. That made it worse. This close to smokin'...
The gloves kept plugging along.
He let his head fall back, feeling all the gloves like always. And so it went.
Except he'd looked at Kevin a couple hundred times. Hadn't he?
Not repeating the same hour or anything. It wasn't identical.
But something had happened to time. And he was wide awake, dammit. Never managed to believe that so many more hours of energized stroking was all just a dream.
Del was still being carefully, thoroughly tickled... week after week. Somehow. He estimated he'd looked up and saw the frame waiting... oh, about a year ago. Still real ticklish, too. Made no fuckin' sense, but there it was.
Twenty-five to one, Tim thought, thrusting away. Maybe more.
How could a guy's nipples be this touchy after a mutherfuckin' year of getting rubbed, nonstop?
Their lives went on.
A decade or so later, they were allowed to fall asleep.
- - 18 - -
Jamie woke up hard. Extremely horny. He had to... take care of it.
Tim was sound asleep.
* Zeke, * he whispered. * I need... uh, some privacy. *
In a few seconds, a dark wall appeared between the beds. Jamie sighed hard, unbuckling his belt. * You, too. *
There was no answer. But Jamie wasn't fooled.
Nothing he could do about it... and he had to jack off somethin' fierce. He pulled his jeans down, and his underwear, and took matters into hand.
Who am I gonna think about? A few faces passed through his mind. Some fine ol' memories.
Fur rubbed his ass. Oh, that definitely worked for him. He thought of Tim, flailing around on his bed. Mink.
He replayed some choice moments he'd put his boss through. His hands, with the shiny gloves on, keeping the poor guy hard as a rock...
Before long he'd kicked his boots off, and grunted his way out of his jeans. It was taking longer than he expected.
He pulled his shirt off, and wriggled out of his jeans. And his underwear.
Pulled his socks off with his feet. And hit a nice rhythm.
He was liking it. Just couldn't seem to finish off. Ridiculous, really -
Wait a minute here. He felt around his crotch, thinking he might find something... stuck on there that would explain what was taking him so long. Nothing there to find.
Jamie looked at his hands. The gloves had been taken off. When did that happen? Wasn't he wearing 'em when he unbuckled his belt? Yeah...
* Zeke! * he yelled in his thoughts. Three times.
So he thought for a second. Shrugged, and got back to it. "Ummmmm," he rumbled.
Remembering Tim... those fuckin' armpits. How berzerk he got! Tickling him all over. Pumping him off. And Tim was waiting. He was going to tickle that fucker so much harder, all day.
Jamie was having a blast... But c'mon, already. He decided Zeke was doing something to him after all, but from the inside. He rolled around, the fur adding a little kick...
And when he turned over, he gasped. Oh yeah. There it is. His hands wandered over the mink... over his head. He grabbed it and dragged himself up.
"Oh, y-yeah," he squeaked. "Yeah, oh yeah..."
He pumped and slid for ten phenomenal minutes. He was going to have to slide Tim around some on the fur, or have Zeke keep it moving under him - while oily fingers, lots of mean black fingers, dug in hard. And Jamie's hands were gonna fuck him up the most, keep him insane, hysterical...
Tensing up -
Exploding. Yelling, as he did.
"Whoooo," he said weakly, when it was over. Felt that one down to his toes.
And when he could finally manage to roll over, onto his back... he realized he wanted to do that again. He was ready. Yup...
He could easily go for another round of that.
But he'd messed up the fur wi-
No. He ran a hand all over. Not even sweat. Zeke.
* You fucker, * Jamie said. * Get a good look? * But he didn't get answered.
Well... what the fuck. He rolled over again - onto dry, soft fur, oh fuck yeah - and ground himself into it with a deranged laugh or two.
And he humped it. On and on. The fur sliding over his nipples, and between his fingers, his toes, on his face. Extraordinary. But nothing like he was going to put Tim through.
I have got to get a bedspread like this, he thought vacantly. Don't care how much it costs...
Jamie was sweating freely, grunting away. This was one of the best... times he'd ever had by himself. Wow.
He invented new ways to make Tim roar. Machines, tools, and Tim wriggling desperately underneath it all.
And it went on. He was starting to get tired. He took a little break, rubbing real slow and gulping air. Then he went at it again.
And finally, finally...
He yelled, stuttering a loud growl for a while, biting the fur as he continued to thrust. Then he collapsed.
The afterburn was sweet. He could sleep, cool down, and do that again.
And he closed his eyes. Just for a second. Then he was gonna eat... and really put the screws to Tim. Yeah. He wouldn't mind a joint first, though -
He smelled it. By his face. Jamie lifted his head, and saw a joint. He was weak, but he managed to roll onto his back.
The joint came to his hand. He had himself a toke. Gotta go fuck with Tim. He's waiting.
Guess he ain't going anywhere...
Kevin yawned. He had to piss...
He saw the cuffs when he was aiming his dick. He jumped a little. Then he remembered it all.
Totally embarrassed -
And aroused, too. Still so curious.
He shook his meat, and tugged on the cigarette that had just appeared between his lips.
Del was lunging back and forth like crazy. As if it was gonna work this time. Moron.
Kevin's fingers explored the cuff on his wrist. Del wasn't going anywhere. He wasn't going to miss out on any of the fun.
The table appeared. And a plate hung over the bed. Waiting for Del to settle down and... quit fighting the obvious.
Jamie got stoned. Get up, c'mon. Up.
When the joint was gone, he almost fell back asleep. Thinking of the fur, rubbing on it, the feel up and down his front-side. The way Tim bucked, tried to arch completely, trying so hard to get away...
But he shook himself. * Huh-uh, Zeke. Zeke the sneak. * He finally sat up. Scratched his chest -
With gloved fingers. So they were back.
Jamie made fists and looked 'em over. "Okay, I'm done," he said loudly. "Gimme my clothes. Let me see what you've been doing to him while -"
The clear wall was gone. Tim was still sleeping.
That had to be a hologram or something. But Jamie walked over to the bed, and poked Tim in the armpits experimentally.
His prisoner grimaced. Yawned real big, opening his eyes as he did.
He looked at Jamie. Fear on his face - that was cool...
But something sad, too. Disappointment?
Jamie pulled his finger away. Caught off-guard -
Well, shit. Like he would've done any different, if the situation was reversed. He thought of some of the daydreams he'd just had. His eyes flicked over there, but the bed was gone. Didn't matter. The images were fresh in his mind.
Fuck this loser, he thought. He's the one tied down here. High-minded asshole. Zeke was right - he was arrogant. Jamie hated that. Still trying to boss him around. Some guys just didn't learn.
He'd show Tim what for.
* Zeke, * he "barked."
* Morning, * it said easily.
* Food. Please. * He walked around, and the table showed up in its usual place. * And I want my fuckin' clothes. *
Plates appeared. Jamie looked back. A water bottle was at Tim's mouth, tilting. And a full plate waited in the air. But Tim's eyes were looking right at Jamie's face. Damn him.
- - 19 - -
* So, uh. Zeke, * Kevin stammered.
* Yessir. *
* What'd you do with my clothes? *
* Same thing I did with Del's clothes. *
Kevin paused. * If I asked for 'em... *
* Wouldn't matter, * Zeke said. * You'd still won't get 'em back 'til tomorrow. *
He ate the rest of his candy bar and thought that one over.
* Why? I mean, Del, yeah. He's gettin' fucked with. *
* Intensely fucked with, * it agreed.
Whew, Kevin thought. So that wasn't it. * Then wh- *
* Kevin. "Dude." Last night, you clearly wished that you were sitting there, naked as the day you were born. * Zeke sounded sure of that, but maybe puzzled that he would be asking -
Naaaah... Uh, wait. He had. Sweating so much. Wondering what the fur pads felt like.
He wouldn't have cigarettes in his pocket, right handy. But so long as they kept coming...
What would Del think?
Fuck him! He was the one who should be embarrassed. Gettin' played with. Zeke was gonna have a lot more fun with him. A month of pure humiliation.
* Yeah, * he thought hard. * Okay. * He got up and walked back to Del. * I wanna cigarette... Is he ever gonna get done eating? *
* He's gonna need lots of energy today, * it said quietly.
Jamie turned down another joint. * For the last time, Zeke. I want my jeans. *
* No, * Zeke said playfully. * Tim's all worried, for some reason. I like that. *
* Now, * Jamie insisted.
* He made a little joke about it. What does "clothing-optional day" mean? *
* I demand you give me my clothes, right now. *
It snorted. * Or you'll do... what? *
Well, that was a good question. What a twisted fuck. Watching him jack off - * You think I don't know what you're up to? *
* Just seeing what I can find. Getting some... bodacious data. *
Jamie wanted out of there. That didn't look like it was going to happen just yet. Tim had to get tortured for another whole day. He looked at Tim, earnestly trying to stretch the rope. Asshole. If it wasn't for Tim, maybe he could be outside. Head back to the cabin, jack off some more. But no. Tim had more fun coming.
I'll show him a good time, then. Fuckin' A.
He stomped over to the bed and stood alongside Tim, arms folded. The grease can appeared before him -
And Tim flipped. Literally. Jamie was looking at his back side.
Tim tried to look around. Started to tug harder, but the ropes still held...
And shuddered. The fur. He was discovering what it felt like, on his belly. His nips -
But that probably wasn't the only reason his ass was... being presented. Legs spread -
* Huh-uh. You're out of your mind, Zeke. Ain't gonna happen. *
* Forget that, * Zeke said softly. * What do you suppose it would be like for him if you tickled those legs or armpits from behind? *
Yeah, as if that was the real reason...
He looked at Tim's ribs. Imagining it - seriously making him squirm on that fur.
Jamie was frustrated. Zeke was trying to run some kind of weird game on him. Wild ideas.
Tim's feet still hung off the bed. All reachable. And those knees.
Only way they were getting through this was... another day of red-hot tickling. Jamie got some grease, and reached -
Ow. He tried to reach differently. So much for Zeke building up their muscles.
Unless, of course, it wanted him to be sore.
The white strips reappeared on his arms. They seemed dirty, though.
Jamie knew he was being manipulated... but no alternative was occurring to him. He was not happy with Zeke -
* Lift me up, then. Feet nice and high. You hear me? *
* Of course. *
He hovered over Tim. Right then, the bed started to... vibrate, a little.
Tim started to wrestle around. But his pits stayed right under Jamie's gloves.
It was just a matter of reaching down a couple inches -
Tim slammed around. Jamie threw himself into the tickling, and he snickered at Tim. Take that, boss. Slither against the fur some more.
* Ready to try something new? * Zeke wondered, all excited.
* Depends, * Kevin replied cautiously.
* I was thinking... here we got this bull strapped down real nice. And we're clean ignoring half of him... *
And blink - Del was on his belly. Still in the cuffs, still strapped down.
Kevin was afraid for a second. Then he sorta liked the idea. Liked it a lot. Del's feet, and his toes, were just as easy to get to as before.
Del realized what had happened. He started to fight, and cringed. Wrestling, then he'd seize up. It was the fur! He was tickling himself... whenever he tried to bust the straps.
"Oh, yeah," Kevin laughed.
* Let's git 'im, * Zeke said.
Kevin reached for Del's feet. His shiny white fingers. A black leather cuff holding the glove on his hand -
Zeke lifted Kevin's arms just a little. Much better. He could rub faster.
A new smoke landed between his teeth.
And Del was throwing his head all around. Another day of hard tickling, starting off real nice.
It was a long morning.
Jamie floated all over Tim, and squeezed and stroked and petted. Twelve invisible hands were helping.
Kevin rolled his chair over and thoroughly rubbed Del's right side, while Zeke took care of his left. And everywhere else.
Apeshit. Completely fuckin' gone -
Tim humped the fur a few hundred times. Jamie was merciless in his armpits. Zeke was rubbing his ass, and his feet, and his legs.
And he finally felt it, like a little bullet, like a missile... Allowed to shoot it out, all the way out.
'Course, then it dawned on him. More ticklish after I shoot -
Jamie reminded him, with his fingers. So did Zeke.
Del pumped and pumped.
Kevin ran back to his feet, with a big ol' grin.
A while later, they all needed a little rest.
Tubes ran from levitating water bottles, letting Tim and Del suck it down.
Kevin and Jamie guzzled their water the usual way.
Tim had trails of cum on his back and legs. Jamie pretended not to notice.
Kevin was aware he'd been... dribbling, but he was enjoying this too much to care.
- - 20 - -
When Zeke thought they'd rested enough, it put six visible gloves to work on each of the target's backsides.
Kevin nodded approval, and stole a look back at the new chair.
Jamie thought it was getting too damn pushy... but right then a joint came within his reach. He floated over the magic hands and blew smoke at 'em.
Kevin kicked out smoke and backed up slowly. The gloves massaged Del's sides, down by his hips, making him twitch.
After exhaling air real hard, Kevin went - casually, like it was no big deal - to the weird chair.
Jamie parked the joint and started fucking with Tim's knees.
His nose was getting closer and closer to the other guy's butt cheeks. * No you don't. Raise me up, Zeke. You know what I mean. *
Kevin watched Del suffer. He smoked hard. It was all he had left - because moving wasn't... something he could do anymore.
To his astonishment, his cuffs had been caught by big hooks. Zeke had him stuck too. Trapped there.
It shouldn't have been a surprise, really. Zeke couldn't get enough of this. He was always going to end up as doomed as Del was.
Being held down in the treehouse by his older brothers - that was nothing, compared to what Del was going through. Zeke was very serious about tickling. Enjoyed it a lot. Too much, maybe.
They were locked in here... to get tickled.
Serious, diabolical tickling.
Jamie got into provoking Tim's neck. His shoulders, triceps - he was fuckin' squeamish everywhere!
He squeezed thoroughly. And thrust a little -
Against something. What the hell?
He confirmed, by pushing just a little. Dammit, he didn't want to look...
The pack of satin hands stopped tickling Del.
Kevin's chair moved. He flailed around, but he was stuck. It was dragged right next to the bed.
Four more gloves appeared over Del. They were red. One turned, and floated toward Kevin.
* No, Zeke. Aw, no. *
But he was really dying to know what the glove would... where it -
He tracked it. Shit! Shaking his head -
Secretly hoping. He got in a last hard drag on his smoke.
The soft fingers curled slowly around his meat.
Kevin pulled on the cuffs as hard as he could.
The glove resettled its fingers and started to pump at a snail's pace.
He banged his head against the heavy fur, arching slowly.
"Up!" Jamie yelled. "You pull me - raise me up, at least... three feet, right now!"
Tim tensed up as it separated them. Then he collapsed on the shivering fur, and gulped for air.
The rest of the gloves went at Del with gusto.
And this one, it took advantage of Kevin's helplessness. It knew when to hold off. How to make him beg. It kept teasing.
Kevin was wild, inside. Sweating like Del.
* Zeke, let me go - *
But it didn't. The glove kept stroking.
And Kevin didn't really want it to stop.
* Whatever you want, Jamie. *
* But I don't want t- *
* Oh really, * Zeke said sarcastically.
* You... positioned it! When I wasn't looking! *
* And you never would've done that on your own. *
"No!" he yelled.
* Are you entirely sure? I can see your memories, you know. *
Jamie opened his mouth again, thinking - and then he scowled. * You're making me want that. *
* No, I'm not. I've been redirecting your attention to it, from time to time. But it was your idea. *
* You're a liar. *
* When it suits me, yep. But not about this. *
* I can't be sure of that. *
* No, you can't. *
He growled. * If I... I know. Look at my memory of... Dianna. *
* Very nice. *
* Fuck that, I don't need your approval. Now compare it to this - this thing you're saying I want. *
* Again. *
* Well, shit, I was drunk and - *
* Easy, there. 'No problem,' as you guys say. Dominance is natural -
* Fuck that! *
* There are strong similarities to your interest in Dianna. *
* And stronger differences! *
* Hmmmmm, * Zeke teased.
* Which desire is more... aw hell, central to who I am - the Dianna kind, or this thing with Tim ? *
* They're both strong. Animal level. *
Jamie rolled his eyes. * You're waffling. Look at my whole sexual experience. Preference. Do it. *
A much longer pause. * So... you've put a lot of effort into - Oh. *
* Effort, * Jamie snorted. * I want Dianna more than I want a guy. *
* But I thought action - externalized thought - was the proof. *
* Huh. No. Not always. * He shook his head. * You've got a lot to learn about us. We're not... deer - smart deer that happened to learn how to talk. *
Zeke said nothing for a few seconds.
* Jamie. *
* What. *
* Tim is like you. *
* Like me, how? *
* His experience... is not just with females. *
Jamie looked at Tim. * Shit - you don't realize how little you understand us. Some people want it both ways. Some people experiment, take a while to decide, and change their minds again. * He shrugged.
* How can you want a thing, and not want it? And sex is so elemental. *
Jamie shook his head. * I dunno. But we do all the time. *
* I tell you... right now, Tim would enjoy a good - *
* Stop right there. We can't read each other's minds, Zeke. Not like you can. And how the hell am I supposed to believe you? About anything? * No reply came.
Jamie took a deep breath. * Maybe he would. Might be an old fantasy of his, I don't know. It's pretty suspicious to hear you, all of a sudden, in favor of doing something he'd really like - *
* Well, I'm just tel- *
* When his whole time here has been full of tickling he'd give anything to avoid. *
* Okay, okay, * Zeke mumbled.
* Fuck, * Jamie snapped. * I wish I knew when you were really curious, and not just turnin' up the head-games. *
He rolled his eyes - and slapped Tim on the ass. * You've got us, Zeke. Total control. I like being on top... but not enough to take him all the way down. *
* If he was a female - *
* I know, I know. I'm a hypocrite. At least in my dreams. * He pointed a shiny finger at nothing, at an imaginary point over Tim's feet. * I'm too high to explain it clearly. He could probably take you in a debate, * he said, pointing at Tim, * but we're not at our best here, are we? And you know that. I only went along with this conversation 'cause I think you really are trying to get some facts straight, about us. *
* I am. Really, I am. We can talk more, later. *
* So why don't you prove your good intentions and let us go? *
Zeke sounded surprised. * I thought you weren't done tickling him. *
Tim considered it, and had barely started to shake his head - when a hot gust of superiority, hunter-and-prey, hit him.
* I said, I thought you weren't done tickling him... pussy. *
He growled, and jumped on the bed. Polishing Tim's sides. Playing him like a piano.
Globs of bear grease floated over from the canister and landed on the roaring man's back.
Kevin finally came, howling as he did.
Steaks appeared. Plates hovered near their mouths.
Only Jamie got to cut his own steak.
The rest of the guys were fed by Zeke.
After more water, the gloves grabbed 'em again. More fingers slid under Tim and Del. Feathers roamed all up and down their bodies...
A second glove took charge of Kevin's balls.
Jamie sat on the edge of the bed and smoked a joint. He was sure gonna fight being made to take advantage of somebody else while he was trapped in here.
He still wanted to see Tim get nuked. The tickling seemed like way more than he could take already. Jamie was hot for him to feel that.
* Alright, Zeke, here's how it's gonna be, * he said, well aware of the irony...
Two minutes later, with a thick fur pillow vibrating against his crotch, Jamie sat in a chair. He growled happily and worked on Tim's feet - gently, for now, because he was going to buff them faster and harder.
Right then, Zeke probably had more than a dozen gloves laying into Tim. Sure it did. As if Jamie couldn't see the skin moving. But he couldn't do anything about that.
Anyway, it kinda added to the spice.
Kevin shot his load again, seeing stars...
Del and Tim were way beyond moving at all. The fur was soaked.
Jamie started another joint, but halfway through he couldn't keep his eyes open anymore.
On to Part 6
Back to Part 1 - Part 4