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- - 21 - -

When they were all asleep, the tickled captives were lifted into the air.
Tim and Del got new, clean fur on their beds. Small metal batons touched 'em, moving slowly. Between their legs, under their arms, chest, belly, down the length of their limbs. Butt cracks.
Their body hair was caught in a steady breeze, landing well clear of the beds.
A pair of gloves rubbed 'em down with a pale orange gel.
Then they were anchored, flat on their backs.

Jamie got a fresh fur pillow... and eventually drifted off to sleep.

And another bed appeared, right at the food of Del's.
Kevin's chairs vanished, since he wouldn't be needing 'em any more.
When he conked out, he was laid in the center of his bed.

The hunters napped for an hour.

When Zeke woke 'em, they yawned a lot. Drank more water.
Jamie was annoyed, when he saw Tim had been shaved - even though his tickling would make a lot bigger impression. But what's done is done, so he greased up his gloves, nice and thick...
Oh, Tim's reaction was spectacular.

Kevin discovered his bed. It was like laying on a million soft feather-tips. He started to crawl off, quivering -
A hand closed around his right wrist. He jumped real big. Snatched his arm away. Wishing hard for a cigarette -
And he was smokin'.
He sat there, legs half-off the fur. * If I wanted whiskey right now - *
There was a new bottle in his hand.
* And if I... didn't want to, uh, end up like Del? *
No response at all.
He slid a little further off the bed. Nothing stopped him.
Kevin was confused. After a few drags, he decided Zeke really wasn't going to... hold him down. He relaxed again, and watched the action going on in front of him.
Del was yelling laughs, silently, like it would scare Zeke away or something. It was the most gloves Kevin had seen on him at one time. Just racing.
Slowly, Kevin eased his legs back onto the bed. About eight gloves were steadying Del's feet and playing with his calves. Six were tickling with precision. Delighted...
On his sides, and gut, it almost looked like a shirt.
Kevin took another swig from the bottle -
And it was gently taken away from him. Then, his smoke.
Zeke wrapped ghostly fingers around his wrist again, so slowly... extending his arm.
Kevin pulled once, and his arm came free as he expected. Then he left it there, wondering, hoping -
Zeke took it, and pulled it back toward the bedpost.
A strap appeared there.

And instantly, like magic, the strap was confining his cuff. Wrapped and buckled. Thick strap, and a big buckle he'd never be able to bust -
Another cigarette was stuck between his teeth.
The fingers curled around his other wrist.
"Oh shit," he said quietly, as his hand was pulled way up there. Bound...
The strap was pulled, slowly and magically, until the frame creaked. The sight made Kevin really hard.
A big pillow was under his head, suddenly. Fur. Of course.
Zeke took hold of his left ankle...

As his other leg was being positioned, he started to kick wildly. No, no. Not this.
Zeke just waited, and got him a smoke. Kevin looked frantically at Del -
No, that lop had troubles of his own. A bunch of feathers and gloves were teasing his meat. He pumped and pumped... slamming his head in frustration. Then the fingers tickling his feet went into overdrive, and he squirmed real hard, mouth wide open.
The thigh-strap returned, weaving over and under. Pulling snug.
Hands curled around Kevin's ankle again... and pulled it slowly.

Tim was so devoted to the tickling reports coming in from all over his body that he couldn't think of anything else. Backlogged. Way too far behind. He had to concentrate harder.
On the stomach nerves, tracking electrified feathers.
From his ass, which was monitoring a riot of massage.
Ten other places, all yelling at once. Demanding a full analysis of the effects Zeke was producing there...

If Del wasn't going to be... allowed to cum, at least he could be given a mutherfuckin' cigar.

The red gloves lifted off Del, and slowly floated over to Kevin. Taunting him.
He pulled for all he was worth.

Jamie panted, rocking slowly on his fur. He got so involved with himself that he quit tickling -
Zeke spread his arms out slowly. When he wrestled, he could move 'em again. Anytime he wanted...
For now, he thought distractedly. Yeah, he could see through Zeke's little games. If he'd been ticklish, even a little, he would've been on his own custom bed by now. Tied down...
He ground his cock against the pillow, yelping with pleasure.
Zeke spread his arms out and held 'em. Then, his legs. He left 'em there. Sorta weird, and... new, to be working at this, so hard, using only his midsection.

But of course, Kevin was really strapped down now. The gloves finally got to him -
Stroking. Fondling.
He bucked under 'em, knowing he'd made a big mistake.
But it felt like the best mistake of his whole fuckin' life.

When he looked up, and saw the frame... Jamie wasn't too surprised.

Black rope came next - a lot of loops - and tied him to it. Just as helpless as Tim was, now. Anything could happen -
He started to come. Yelling triumphantly.

Over the next three hours, each guy got his rocks off. Twice.

Zeke made 'em tweak hard, hit Jamie with THC, forced whiskey and water down Kevin's weary throat..
And then it nudged 'em all up that road one more time.

- - 22 - -

They slept like logs.
Until midnight...

Creams and towels worked all over 'em in a flurry of activity.

Eventually, Tim and Del were brought around. Looking frantically -
But all there was to see was big plates of food.

* Eat up, Tim, * Zeke said.

All Del heard was a rude snort.

Halfway through the rabbit, Tim realized the sound-wall wasn't there. Jamie snored above him, head hanging down. Securely tied.

Del saw Kevin, and his cuffs... and just shook his head.

"What day is this?" Tim asked.
* Sunday, * he heard, in his head. * 12:38 a.m., according to your watch. *
Oh, well, Tim thought. Sure. That settles it. No chance it fiddled with his watch, right?
* Yeah, another time that'll be fun. But I promised you'd get... "sprung"? Is that the word? Sprung today. And you will. *
* Which Sunday is it? *
Zeke laughed.

The fucker didn't say anything. Before, it looked like it had been talkin' to Kevin enough. Not a good sign, Del thought. More to come.
It had to know how fuckin' bad he needed a smoke...

* I never imagined I could get such a charge out of anything involving a native species, * Zeke mused. * And yet... I find it absolutely compelling to tickle you. No less so, the tenth hour than the first. Or each new day - *
* That wouldn't be your version of an apology, would it? * Tim said tiredly.
A pause. * If it's that important to you, to hear it... I'm sorry. *
* Then prove it. Let us go. Now. *
* Oh no. *
* Don't ever lay another finger on a human b- *
The water bottle popped into view, and drifted up to Tim's mouth. * Wrong again. You get so delirious. Out of control. And I'm making that happen. Laughing and laughing, unable to stop. It's... intoxicating. *
* Cut me loose now, dammit. *
* You... and Del, you've always been confident, haven't you? In charge... Oh, wait, even better! "Masters of your own domain"? That's... a "knee-slapper". But anyway. Nobody touched your reins, ever since you were old enough to drive. And one day you set out to hunt down a deer - *
* Let us go, Zeke. *
* ...and end up losing all that control. Very intriguing. *

Del was starting to nod... when a light dose of speed got his attention.
He looked around, blinking. Nothing was there. Kevin snored on his bed. Still cuffed -
And he thought he heard a sigh. Then, slow chuckling...
He scanned the room again.
A cigar appeared in front of him.
He made a strangled noise, and caught himself.
It cruised between his teeth. Then a kitchen match was hanging there, bursting into flame magically...
Del fought the urge to beg.
The match came and lit him up.
He puffed and puffed. And the relief was fuckin' incredible!

* Hey there, Del. *
He froze. Smoked while he could -
* Remember me? *
Satin fingertips crept between his toes. He couldn't see 'em -
"No more, aw hell," he whispered, starting to pull at the straps again. But he made damn sure to get a good bite on the cigar...
The fingers just sat there. He stopped moving, trying to brace himself -
And they slid out, going away.
Del heaved a huge sigh.
* Smoke up. And give a listen... *
He pulled on the cigar real hard. The voice, it was... in his head -
* I'm Zeke. I'm your tickler. Now, I'm going to keep this short and sweet. The other guys will tell you all about me... *
Another pause. He nodded, just barely. He wanted to keep it from getting pissed off. Anything but that.

* I went into your head and borrowed a word, just now. So you - "get this"? Is that really something you say? Heh heh. Del, pay real close attention. * Zeke waited again.
"Okay," Del finally said.
* Don't talk out loud. Just think it. *
* This is the most fucked-up thing I've ever - *
* Ain't over for yoooo-ooou, * Zeke teased. * From now on, you are my punk. Tickle-punk. *
As that started to sink in, the voice continued.
* You get to go home today... but I just barely started the tickling you're going to get. I'm coming after you. I own you. Ain't nothing can stop me from holding onto what's mine. But whenever I'm not putting you through your paces, you're gonna walk taller than you ever did. I have a few jobs for you to do, and they won't be too hard. Your main job, from now on, is to get tickled like crazy. *
His mouth started to fall open -
* If you want to keep smoking, I'd suggest you mind your cee-gar. * He eventually did. * Right now, the shoe's... off... the other foot. Heh. It's Kevin's time. You get to watch... and help, if you want. *
* Oh yeah, * he ventured.
* Okay, hoss. If you're ready, I surely am. *
Kevin stopped snoring. His eyes started to open.

* So. It's Sunday, huh? *
* Yep. *
There was an uncomfortable pause.
* Why am I still tied down? *
* 'Cause I'm not done tickling you yet. *
Well. Ask a stupid question. * Stop me if I'm wrong, * Tim thought slowly, * but I thought the deal was that Jamie got to - no, that you were gonna use Jamie to get at me, for three days. *
* I don't quite take your meaning. *
* The hell you don't! Saturday, you said. To Jamie. Well, Saturday's over - *
* But the tickling isn't. Nossir. Not over. *
* So you lied. *
* Right and left, * Zeke cackled. * Except about that. Jamie got to have his fun. I promised him full run of you... through Saturday. *
Tim thought hard, and sighed. * And now... it's Sunday. *
* My day! * Zeke "shouted" gleefully. * None of your clumsy hands getting in my way. And I've got a big ol' surprise for Jamie, here. *
Tim nodded. * Don't trouble yourself on my account. If I had any say, I'd want you to let him off that thing - *
* But you don't. I'm gonna show him how it feels, whether you like it or not. Start him off with just a few hard hours of what I like to give you. *
Tim swallowed hard. * Of course. *

And there they were. Scary as hell. About a dozen white gloves.
Del's heart double-timed it. Then he noticed they were facing Kevin, waiting for the dumb fuck to see 'em... Stare, and then remember he was strapped down. Cuffed tight. Alright.
Zeke didn't even give him time to scream.

Del's head came up. All of a sudden, he had a pillow. It was covered in fur, too. Zeke made it easier for him to watch. He stole a look at his own cuffs. Still there. He was gonna stay put while Kevin got it.
And get some more himself. Tickle punk. Aw hell.
Del smoked like a freight train. And watched.
Kevin's turn. Payback.
The guy was goin' apeshit. The hands tore into him. Brawling. He whooped and screamed laughs, real high-pitched. Fuckin' girl.
Del sighed, and puffed slower.

The little prick squirmed back and forth. Del knew what that felt like, with the fur ridin' your ass. Didn't he though. Above the cuffs, Kevin's hands opened and closed slowly. His toes wiggled around. He was desperately trying to move his feet. Even with the pillow, Del could barely see the other guy's ankle cuffs. The straps were tight... but it was weird to see his feet just staying put. The gloves - Zeke - was pumping one foot, and running fingertips all over the other, up between the toes.
Kevin roared, tears streaming down his face. Throwing his head around.
And he didn't move his feet... 'cause he couldn't.
That head-banging don't help, Del thought. He'll quit it pretty soon.
Satin roamed all over him. Dug in his pits, squeezed his pecs, ran up and down his arms. Del watched a pair of gloves grip Kevin's knees slowly - and then they arced up and pounced on his belly. Kinda like cats - and then they settled in, like they were going to curl up and go to sleep. But they slid back and forth, fingers spread, palms pressing down. And he squealed, trying to arch... but he was just too addled. The gloves rode it out. No problem.

Since Del wasn't the one gettin' tickled, he could watch 'em better. And he noticed something... They were happy. The way they moved. What was the word? Enthusiastic. They weren't just smooth. They were fuckin' into this. Not just good at this...
Fuck that. They were experts, having really stuck it to him all this time. Oh, wait - Zeke. Make that one real happy expert, havin' fun.
The one who just said it had major designs on his ass. Mutherfuck.
It loves to tickle us.

Del looked at his own cuffs. Still holding him down. Put there by a fucker who really likes to tickle.
Zeke was having a hell of a good time with 'em.
A thick wand showed up. It landed in Kevin's crotch. As it moved, his pubes fell away.
* Enjoying the show? * Zeke asked. It sounded happy.
Del risked a small nod.
A bottle of whiskey appeared over his chest. The seal was cracked as the cap came off. Del's cigar was pulled out, and it hung a couple inches away. The bottle came. No hesitation. It sat on his bottom lip and started tilting. Steady as if he was doing it himself. Choosing to -
Zeke wasn't gonna take any shit off him. Never asked if Del wanted to get drunker. It wasn't up to him.
The bottle kept pouring.
He didn't dare balk. This was the tickler, deciding how much he'd be drinking. Right then, Del knew it was going to tickle him again, here. Zeke enjoyed it too much to lay off.
Del's cigar was returned.
The wand moved up to Kevin's armpits.

The gloves did something different. They took their holds and quit moving.
Four new ones popped into view. Right in front of Kevin's feet. They clamped on the top sides, so he couldn't even wiggle... and other fingertips carefully straightened his toes.
Two feathers appeared. They started to tickle the fuck out of his feet. He whooped again, and lifted his head. Trying to figure out what was going on. His legs shook, like he wanted to kick the gloves away. Wanted it so bad.
Kevin wailed and laughed. The feathers were all over his feet. Tips, edges, the hard stem part. Zeke was thorough.

Then the feathers spent a few minutes between his toes. The wails turned into really hard chuckles. Kevin was chuckling as hard as he could.
Eventually they jumped up high, and the four gloves held on to the bottoms of his feet.
Kevin had almost stopped laughing when the feathers attacked his armpits. He went wild all over again.
The wand had finished shaving his chest...
I get it, Del thought suddenly. Zeke's checking him out. Part by part. See which spots are worst.
More ticklish. More fun for Zeke. Real fuckin' happy...
Del smoked, looking at his wrist-cuffs again. Pulling slowly on the straps.

So the tickling didn't end 'cause Zeke had found out what it wanted to know. That would've been bad enough. This psycho... it was happy they were ticklish. Fuck tests. This was for fun. The more fun, the better. Right? And it had 'em cuffed down. Stuck here, just so it could have its fun -
And it was gonna come after 'em.
Del thought about what his last three days had been like.
He kicked hard. The straps didn't budge.
A blindfold appeared over Kevin's eyes -
And it immediately changed to a hood. Black. Probably leather. Big mouth hole... but still. Shit.

Jamie shook himself. His limbs didn't move enough.
* Hold still, * Zeke muttered -
A fire started. In his skull. Around, and through, down his spine. Out from there. Down, up, in -
He yelled loud.
And it was over.

"What the hell was that?" he said to Tim.
A feather appeared. Magically starting to flick Tim's nipples...
Then it stopped. Sat there for a couple seconds.
And began to rise. It was coming.
"What?" Jamie said, with a snort. "Oh, fuck off. You know I'm not..."
The feather went to his left armpit. Paused again.
It poked him.
He jumped! "Hey -"
The feather... started to move!
Jamie. Just. Freaked.

It couldn't be doing that to him and it wouldn't work anyway and what the hell was going on it was making him laugh there there right there laugh harder oh shit I'm dammit I am I'm...
He tried to leap out of the frame. Roll, snap, anything. The feather could still tickle him. All ov-
Four gloves appeared between him and Tim. Already greased.
Moving this way and that... as if they couldn't decide.
But Jamie got to watch 'em grab onto his ribs...
And his feet. Didn't watch those, but oh wow. Dammit, Zeke, I'm... really ticklish now. Whooooh...

He looked down at Tim again - well, tears were falling on the other dude, actually. His boss' expression was pained. Didn't seem to be enjoying what he saw -
But Zeke sure as hell enjoyed this. Jamie had never known it. So obvious now. What a time Zeke was havin' with Tim.
With all of 'em. Humility lessons, for Tim -
Custom cabin hideaway, for much more of this shit. Jamie howled at the thought - or he howled for the gloves, he wasn't sure - of a room, like this, where he'd end up too. Maybe alternate weekends. Tim, me, Tim, me, Tim.
Jamie convulsed. All of the fuckin' gloves seemed like they'd doubled - Absolutely wild - when a feather started dusting his shaft.
He whooped and snorted, unable to look. Too. Fuckin'. Busy.

Feet, Del thought. Lookit that.
Nothing was tickling Kevin's feet. What the fuck -
Then a few gloves appeared. More gloves. Yeah. And they dug in.
Good. Make it pay. He wondered...
* Tie his toes back, * he thought to the tickler.
Little straps appeared over Kevin's feet. They wandered down and looped over his toes, and pulled 'em upright. The fingers took full fuckin' advantage of that... Looked like that wasn't Kevin's panic button, though. He squirmed when the gloves started to pet hard, but not enough.
Del looked him over. * Hey. Lay into his fuckin' nipples. * For a change, he thought to himself. Let's see how he likes it -
Gloves became visible by the dumbshit's pecs, and started fingering carefully. Kevin squealed again.
Now we're getting somewhere.

Jamie knew nothing except the avalanche of sensation, ramming his brain - and he had no way to deal with the avalanche of pleasure...

* Should I feed him? *
Tim frowned. * Why are you even asking me, Zeke? *
* Humor me, * came the reply. Then, very sinister, * Play along. *
* Yeah. Yes, Zeke, let's eat. *
* So he'll have lots of energy. *
* Uh-huh. *

Del had made at least a dozen suggestions by the time lunch showed up.
He was amazed. How long had Kevin been getting fucked with, anyway?

* Let's give you both some speed - * And Tim's head went back, whoa - * And ol' Jamie gets some of that THC he likes so much... *
Gloves reappeared. White. Satin.
Jamie saw 'em, and he started to cackle harder.

Del was starting to enjoy himself. He watched Kevin thrust hopelessly, and had himself a couple long puffs -
His cigar was yanked from his teeth.
"Hey," he said, looking around.
A dozen black gloves were over him. And a can.
* Aw, c'mon - *
They dug some grease out of the can and coated each other as they came down.
To his feet. Of course.
Squeezing -
Del threw his head back and fuckin' laughed.
More magic hands started to skate real hard on his belly, and his legs, and his fuckin' titties.

It started again... very slowly.
Fingers - so gentle in Tim's armpits, and on his sides.
He tugged miserably, even though they were barely starting... 'cause Zeke was gonna wind him up real slow.
He barely noticed the fingertips starting on his feet.
And his balls.

All four dudes. Worked over methodically, zealously.
Tickled into slack-jawed, drooling hyenas.
Tickled merrily, with passionate care.


Zeke took six luxurious hours to pet them into unconsciousness.

- - 23 - -

He moved his head, and blinked at the cuffs for a while. Dammit -
Pulling, and snapping, and yelling. As usual.
Didn't do any fuckin' good. Not again. Not no more, aw please, ya got Kevin, just kick his ass -
* Del. *
That drunk feeling took him again.
He sighed hard and quit struggling. * Uh... yeah? *
A cigar floated in front of his nose. * You 'bout ready for another? *
The urge was bad, suddenly. Up through him like a geyser.
* You know it, * he replied - calmly, like it didn't really matter.
* Then you gotta earn it, * Zeke said. * You'll like this. *

The cigar came to his mouth, and a match followed it. Hot damn!
Del got it going... but he was worried. With this fucker, you never kn-
* All right, * Zeke chuckled. * Hey, Kevin's got a secret. He likes dirty magazines - * Del's eyes widened. * Hold on. You're okay. No stranger to 'em yourself, are ya, hoss? What I mean is... he likes a particular variety. It came as quite a surprise, let me tell you. *
Del puffed, fighting the urge to interrupt. Get to the fuckin' point already -
* Ah. Hold your horses, punk. Don't vex me. Bottom line... he's got some interesting fantasies. *
It dumped some of Kevin's memories and daydreams into Del.
When it was done, he laid still, blinking rapidly.
* They're going to come true. Only, he's not going to... give. He's going to receive. *
After a few seconds, Del snickered.

* So. Seeing as you have some passing acquaintance with this "bondage" literature, I want every memory you can give me. Photographs, movies... "peep shows". Jokes. You're gonna... "kick back", and enjoy this cigar, and ponder everything you've ever come across from that kind of play... that I can turn against ol' Kevin, here. Lots of wild surprises. *
* Everything? *
* Uh-huh. *
Del paused. * It'll take me a few cigars. *
Zeke finally got it, and laughed a while.
He relaxed a little, and took another pull. Where to start. Maybe go in order. Okay... his uncle's fuckrags, the summer he was thirteen. All that sick foreign shit from the seventies...

Tim was on the floor. He sat up and looked -
He was dressed. Somehow, it didn't drive him nuts. He examined his clothes numbly, wanting to bawl. So thrilled to be wearing 'em... but it could be another trick.
And Jamie appeared. He had an odd expression on his face. Tim waited.
* If I could take it all back, I would. *
" I kn-," Tim whispered, starting to cough. So he thought it at Jamie instead. * I know. *
* I am really, really so sorry, dude - *
* I know that too. Uh, it'll take me some time to forgive this. * He looked down. * You made some bad decisions here. Really fuckin' stupid, especially that last one. * He smirked. "But Zeke would've forced you to do whatever it wanted, eventually."
Jamie looked miserable. * So I'm still fired. *
* Naw. You should be, but thanks to Zeke... I have this overwhelming compulsion to give you a big ol' raise, * Tim thought acidly. * It's got bigger plans for us. *

* Huh? *
* Reno, * Tim said, with a sigh. * You're goin' down to Reno, Jamie. With an escort. Keep ya from drinkin' too much... One who can see the other player's hands at the card tables. * He cracked his neck and groaned softly. * You'll be modestly ahead, and you'll lose almost all of it - and then slowly start to win. You get out with about twenty-five grand. After taxes. * He chuckled.
"No shit?" Jamie said out loud.
* No shit. I'm going to do pretty well in the stock market... Something called an "IPO". Kevin, he's going to find some rare coins in his great-great-grandpa's buckskin jacket. * He thought for a second. *Jeez. And ol' Del, he's gonna go into imports. Run a couple truckloads of Cuban cigars over from Vancouver to Seattle. Watched over by our new... boss. *
Jamie stared at him. * And then? *

* And then we get a couple bright ideas. Simple things, inexpensive... obvious, even. But we'll hold the patents. For this cheap, simple shit. * He looked at Jamie and sighed. * We'll buy a bunch of land out past the old Ellis ranch. Build us a little factory, hire a bunch of lawyer-sharks from Billings, and an accountant-shark and a plant-manager shark. Build another factory. Open an operation in L.A., another in New York. Then Washington D.C. - *
You left out a part," Jamie said quietly.
* Yeah. I left out a few parts - *
* When Zeke gets to town. Before we make all that money. He's gonna build us some cabins. *
Tim nodded. * I don't want to think about that yet, * he thought weakly, closing his eyes.
Jamie nodded slowly.

"Don't kill me," Kevin said again.
Del just drew on his cigar slowly. Looked at his clothes again, and took a lot of comfort in their protection. Especially his boots. Zeke did something to him that kept the clothes from driving him nuts. He took his time exhaling the smoke -
"I got tricked," Kevin blurted.
Del nodded, chomping slowly on the cigar.
"It might've gone that way anyway. I didn't ask to - for you to be the one... uh..."
Del chuckled once. It was silent, since his voice was shot, but Kevin swallowed hard, even so. He couldn't stand the suspense. "What?"
He had to wait for a couple more puffs. Then Del thought, * I was fuckin' in for it, whether you were there or not. The full ride. *
Kevin almost started to believe he still had a future. The need to tell on himself was really not smart here, but... * But it... uh... learned. Stuff. From me. *
* It was gonna find out anyway, * Del answered, as he smoked. * Can't beat somethin' that can mess with your head like that. *
Kevin nodded cautiously. "I gotta say..." His cheeks reddened. He couldn't say it out loud. * I am really, really sorry for... I wish - I'd never come on this mutherfuckin' trip. That ain't worth shit, but I am. *
Del didn't reply right away. He just looked at Kevin, real calm...

He had been making plans. Big payback. Huge fuckin' plans. One list of plans if Zeke ever turned its back, another that would need Zeke's cooperation. Revenge was okay with Zeke. More than okay. Interesting, even.
He was real sure he'd never be allowed to settle things, his way. But he was just as sure he'd get to dream up all kinds of weird shit for Kevin to go through...
And he also knew that what he'd just said was right. Kevin had just been a tool. Didn't matter that it was him. Zeke would've learned what it wanted from prit'near anybody. Kevin was in for a world of hurt, with or without Del gunning for him.
Of course, Del was in for a fuckin' king-size hard time, himself. And they both knew it.
He figured that eventually he'd take all that anger and aim it back at Zeke, where it belonged...

* I say, * Del thought, and then he took another drag to prolong the suspense, * you got fucked over. * He tapped ash onto the floor. * Not nuthin' like I did. But just the same... *
Kevin exhaled with bigtime relief, and got out a cigarette.
Del just smiled a private little smile.

And just like that, Kevin was there. Del, too. They blinked, and saw the others -
Jamie turned, and looked at Kevin. And they gave each other a big ol' high-five. It seemed oddly appropriate. Tim watched 'em with a frown, but Del's face was unreadable.
"Guess we found out where all the deer went to," Kevin said.

Del ambled over to Tim, who got to his feet with a little groan or two... and stuck out his hand.
Del grabbed it immediately, and they shook in that soul-brother way, eyes locked. Comrades in suffering.
"We are so fucked," Del rumbled.
"We're doomed," Tim rasped, frowning.
Neither of 'em made a move to let go. Del sucked his teeth, and reached into his jacket. Got a cigar and held it out to Tim.
They both looked at it -
And Tim grinned. He started to chuckle, but that hurt. "Ow." They let go of each other, and he took the cigar. Shook his head, looked it over, bit off the end. Looked over at Del -
Who got a wooden match out. Struck it on his stubble and handed it to Tim, who fired up... And nodded his thanks.
They all relaxed. No one said much. Tim, especially, seemed to be thinking a lot.

When the cigars were halfway gone, a round table appeared. Four chairs materialized around it. Bowls and platters were heaped with food.



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