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- - 12 - -
Jamie yawned real big. Something soft and nice slid under his cheek. He nuzzled down into it sleepily...
Put a hand flat on the bed and moved it. Plush, but it didn't feel right somehow. He opened his eyes.
Lying on top of fur, on a bed. Still dressed - plus he had black gloves on -
Slowly, he rolled over...
Tim was watching him. He was tied down.
* Morning, * Zeke said to Jamie.
* Unh. How long was I out? *
* Ten hours. Are you rested? *
* Uunnh. I'm okay. Ten hours, huh?... Then I'd say he's been lounging around long enough, * Jamie said, with a chuckle.
Kevin had been having a terrific dream. He couldn't remember what it was about. He wanted to fall asleep again and see if he could get back into the dream -
But he coughed, and kept coughing. Then he rubbed his eyes, froze - and looked at the gloves he was still wearing. Slowly, he looked to his right.
Del was there, looking at him as though he was a bug.
He was still caught in those terrific cuffs. His legs were spread wide. And all rested up, if he slept as well as Kevin had.
"You still my prisoner, Del? Huh?" Kevin said softly.
Del spat at him, and strained at the straps.
"Ready for more?"
* Up and at 'em * Zeke called. * Time's a-wastin'. *
* I gotta piss. Then, uh... Same food as last night, * Jamie ordered, cocking a thumb at Tim. * Are you gonna feed him, or should I? *
* I'll do it, if you like, * Zeke offered. The table and chair reappeared.
And, over Tim... a long, wide tube with a capped end. Zeke put his cock in the open end.
Jamie saw it when he returned from the bucket, and gave it a sour look.
* Think of it as a chamber pot, * Zeke told him. * Grub's on. *
A full plate landed on the table. Another popped into existence over Tim and was set down, gently, on his chest.
* We - er, you'll have to go easy on him for the first hour. A sad necessity, but otherwise he might not keep it down. *
* Got it, * Jamie said, cutting his steak.
Del watched Kevin start a smoke, stumble out of bed and go take a leak...
And then he really set his sights on busting the straps. He woke up drunk again, but he didn't waste time thinking about that. There was no way, absolutely no fuckin' way, he was stayin' down for any more of the same. Plus he needed a cigar, bad.
He had a few choice words for the tube, too. No voice left, but he yelled at it as if he did.
It was set in place anyway. He tried to thrust against it... and couldn't. He tried to force himself to laugh - and couldn't.
By the time he stopped to catch his breath, Kevin was eating. His own breakfast appeared before him...
He'd forgotten how long it had been since he ate. Breakfast at the cabin, on Wednesday. Fuck. Seemed like six months ago.
* Lookit him go, * Zeke said.
Kevin turned to watch. Del must've been starved. * We're gonna to have lunch, sometime - right? *
* Up to you. *
* We gotta eat more once a day. *
* Especially those of you on the receiving end. *
Kevin chuckled. * Zeke. *
Jamie chewed on the remains of his roach and looked at Tim. * It's time, * he thought to Zeke -
The grease canister came to him. Tim was twisting, and saying something, eyes all big... but Jamie couldn't make out his urgent whispers.
* You're going to make yesterday look like a picnic, * Zeke said, like it was a promise.
* Fuckin' A, dude. *
Jamie started for Tim's armpits, then changed his mind. Walked around to the foot of the bed with a sinister leer -
Fingertips walked over the tops of Tim's feet. He couldn't see 'em. They disappeared when they got to the ankle-ropes, and touched his shins.
He bucked and tried to scream.
They didn't fly off. They walked up to his knees, up his thighs, across his belly, to his pecs...
Jamie touched down and began fingering gently.
Tim held his breath -
Unseen gloves reached his armpits. Snuggled in there... and started to dig.
He exploded with laughter. So quiet, for such violence -
Jamie chuckled, and kept on tickling.
Del tried to stare him down. Kevin felt bolder than ever.
* He's so fucked, Zeke. *
* It's a whole new day. He's prepped and ready. *
* So am I. *
* Yes. We have to make it more agonizing today... or else, what's the point of all that sleep? *
Kevin smiled.
* Far more intense, * Zeke said. It sounded mad.
* Oh yeah. *
* All day. *
* And all night. *
* Are you ready? *
* Ready. *
* To make him feel it? *
* He's gonna feel it! * Kevin "yelled" excitedly.
* We're going to make this roughneck feeeeeeeeeel it! *
Kevin rushed up to the bed and worked Del's ribs over -
But nothing like the ferocious tickling Zeke immediately started all over his feet.
The "urinals" started to vibrate. On the inside.
Del and Tim reacted nicely. The other guys just chalked it up to their expertise.
Tim pulled it together enough to lift his head and peek. The tube was humming against the top of his dick - but from the outside it didn't appear to be moving. Because of the tears, he wasn't positive... but he couldn't spare the effort, so he let his head fall back down and shook it deliriously. Jamie wouldn't notice, of course.
But damn...
Oh, the fuckin' tube. Del wanted to come so bad. So. Damn. Bad.
After what seemed like a month of trying, he gave it up. Whimpered once, and caught himself...
The gloves he couldn't see, wearing that fuckin' silky shit, had his toes spread. And they were sliding hard, haulin' ass... making sparks slam all the way into his brain.
A while later, he pictured the dipshit Kevin's gloved hands. On his tits. Thanks to the feathers, Del's nipples had come all the way to fuckin' life. Didn't really need to imagine it, since that's where the asshole was workin' him over right then. Could've just opened his eyes and looked. But he didn't want to give him the satisfa-
The gloves - Kevin's. Grew. In his mind, they swelled up. Got big -
A yard wide. Swallowing him! No, aw fuck no.
He thrashed around a little, and blinked. Kevin was right there, but his hands looked normal-size.
Del grunted, trying to think. But the fuckers started racing on his feet again, and his head rolled back...
Magic gloves. Huge mutherfuckers, oh no, they got him -
He jumped. Looked around frantically. No. Just Kevin, there. And the other ones, of course. The sick fucks who thought they owned him, oh his fuckin' toes. He squinted at 'em, leaking water, concentrating on his feet. Where the ghost hands were tickling, real shiny, mutherfuck...
Kevin had moved down to his belly.
Two hands, in white, slippery. Busy -
Expanding. Huge. Like clam shells, folding over him. His whole upper half. Got him. Press, and slide -
He coughed a couple times, head up, all panicky. No. Dammit! No huge gloves.
Del tried to watch Kevin, and couldn't. Made himself stare at the ceiling. Grey metal, all the same. The tickling throbbed, just fuckin' pulsed, all the way up his arms and legs...
And he was set upon again. Big fuckers, interlocking their fingers, with him between 'em somehow. Grinding -
He tried to yell, looking at himself frantically. Still just Kevin. Daydream, or something.
With the way his feet were gettin' the business - and without being allowed to laugh at 'em, as they worked - it was beyond him to keep his eyes open.
And now he was afraid to close his eyes.
He whimpered again. They started to give the top side of his toes a good buffing. His mouth opened wide, and his eyes slammed shut...
When Jamie started in on his chest, the fuckers just walked on down and made themselves at home in Tim's crotch. Everywhere except the top half of his cock, which was still getting a subsonic massage from the constricting tube - just enough to prevent him from spurting. A sleeve of tingling, maddening, mouth-watering frustration.
He wanted to squeal, but he couldn't hear it when he did. So he settled for lunging around.
The invisible hands kept going and going. Then Jamie slithered into his pits, and the combination made all wriggling impossible for a rough, sweaty hour.
The tickling stopped just long enough to pour water down their throats.
More and more unseen hands supplemented the human ticklers' efforts.
And the tickling went on.
* Hey, I got an idea, * Kevin thought. He started kneading Del's right leg. * Mirror me, Zeke. *
* Eh? *
* Do what I do, but on the other side of his body. *
A pair of white gloves appeared on the other leg, matching Kevin's pressure and pace.
Kevin nodded and chuckled.
Of course, the visible hands had priority... so the invisible ones just moved out of their way, and then resumed where they'd been rubbing...
* Lose that thing, * Jamie said, gesturing. * Take it away. *
Tim finally realized it was gone. He started to feel relief -
And then Jamie's fingers started combing his crotch hair. A lump of bear grease splattered on his scrotum.
Kevin didn't want to interrupt the rhythm they had going...
* Cigarette, * he thought. * Please. *
One appeared between his lips. His lighter was there too. It fired, and he cocked his head.
"Cool," he murmured.
Del lay with his head back, sweating like a pig. More than anything in the world, he wanted to come. No other need had ever, ever been like this...
And he was beyond desperate when it came to the absolute tickling all over him.
A fuckin' platoon of gloves was on him. Not just... four. There were at least two more on each side, and some in his pits, on his neck, under his ass... Aw, hell. He couldn't even count 'em. Kevin didn't seem to be aware of 'em.
He was gettin' bulldozed, all over his fuckin' body. Had been all day.
And he'd only slept once. So this was - maybe - Friday. He couldn't take it. Not for another fuckin' minute...
It went on.
After a long time, he glanced at Kevin again. Still there.
If I could laugh, Del thought desperately. I could stand it, if they'd just let me... laugh...
Zeke had to let him come. Soon. They had to. He hated that fuckin' tube.
He wanted to come worst of all, and to not be tickled any more. Both desires were ridiculous, because they were so thoroughly blocked. Both of 'em.
And when he could manage to, he'd think about cigars. Oh, fuck. He kept thinking about this Cuban-seed he'd smoked a couple years ago. That party, in Butte. Everything was perfect, that whole day. And the cigar! Fuck...
Del replayed the last cigar he smoked. Cigars from the drive up here, and in the cabin. He could picture the three fat cheroots in the pocket of his hunting jacket. His jacket was here, somewhere. And his cigars had to be there, three of 'em, dammit. At least two, since Kevin had smoked one. Dammit.
Then he'd start thinking about his dick again. And after a while he'd get stuck on the feel of the hands, everywhere...
He was dying to pass out, but he kept getting real alert. No chance. Maybe dex in the water or something, maybe caffeine. And always fuckin' drunk -
This was unbearable. He'd always thought nothing could be worse than two-a-day's, summer football practice in high school. Harder than anything else would ever be.
But this tickling shit blew everything else away.
Can't take this insanity any more, I can't, I just can't... If I don't shoot I'm gonna go crazy. Can't laugh. Dyin' for a cigar, any cigar, even one of Kevin's fuckin' cigarettes.
There was no way he could be gettin' tickled like this. For this long. Intense, and nonstop. No way.
* Lunch? * Jamie said.
Zeke hesitated. * Okay, hoss. Rabbit, goat, squirrel? *
He made a face. * Rabbit. *
- - 13 - -
* Lookit that face, * Kevin said as the plates disappeared. * He misses his cee-gars somethin' awful. *
* Yes, yes, * Zeke said, positioning white gloves on Del's arm and belly. * Let's not lose a minute. *
Kevin nodded, and lit a cigarette... and sighed with contentment. He walked over to the bed.
All over Del, the invisible gloves tightened their grip. Ready to go.
Jamie greased up his gloves and watched the water bottle leave. * I don't believe he's shot his load... *
Zeke said nothing.
* So, how about counteracting me? *
Four gloves winked into existence, already greased. Tim shook his head faintly.
Jamie didn't look too happy. * Four? *
* That's a powerful impulse you're going to be coaxing... And he's already worked up, all over h- *
* Fine. * He curled his fingers and started, as lightly as he could.
The animated gloves took charge of Tim's sides and feet -
And others crept under the small of his back. Working their way up... and down.
Del was beside himself.
Fingerfucked. Shoulda known - but on top of everything else...
Kevin started fondling Del's balls.
The two gloves that had already been polishing his scrotum disappeared. Fingers crept down his calves. That made him restless. The impact was fuckin' absurd, considering...
It went on for days and days. Weeks.
No, that's just crazy.
A long time later, Tim tensed, and yelled... and came.
* Whoa, * Jamie said. He stepped back.
The cleanup-towels appeared when Tim was done.
* What are you doing? * Zeke said, amazed.
* Waiting. *
There was a pause. * He seems to be afraid... that he's much more ticklish after... release. *
Jamie reached for Tim's armpits. * You don't say. *
* That looks like it hurts, * Kevin decided. * Let him shoot his load. *
* Kevin - *
* No, I mean it. * He got another cigarette out. * You don't know... Where a guy's rod is concerned, there's such a thing as too much waiting. Trust me. *
* Well... okay - *
An invisible glove grabbed the base of Del's cock and squeezed hard. He bucked.
Others began petting his tip aggressively.
The tickling up his ass... sped up.
Zeke released the thrust-block a bit at a time.
Del caught on, and perked right up. He threw himself into it...
But Kevin started another smoke before the eruption came.
Tim was astounded.
And even weirder, he could think. Now and then. Laughing was completely out of the question.
He would've bet his truck, before - but now...
Ticklish. This was the real deal.
Del managed to yell and yell. Voice just about shot...
Before he was even through, the ghostly toe-tickling and calf-tickling and belly-tickling started again.
An hour later, as Jamie ran his fingertips all over his victim's privates...
Another idea grabbed his attention. He trembled. He was curious.
What would that... feel like, he wondered. Staring.
Right then, Zeke dropped more grease on Tim's cock. Eased Jamie out of the way, and fondled Tim slowly.
* Everything all right, Jamie? *
He was lost in thought.
* Jamie? *
He stepped away from the bed quickly. Rubbed his arm across his sweaty forehead. * I'm fine. * He looked at Tim. Confused, frightened - furious.
* Get me a joint, Zeke. A big one. I gotta think. * He wiped his gloves on his shirt. When he looked, a fine bomber was smoldering between his fingers. He did a little math... * Did I run out of pot yet? *
* Yessir. I made more. *
And laced it, he thought to himself. Goosed it up real good. I just bet. He hesitated, looked at Tim, felt that blend of emotions again -
* Jamie? What about Tim? *
* I don't care, * he thought, bringing the joint up. * Do what you want. *
Speed coursed through Tim.
Six more hands jumped on his limbs. Visible hands. They started to hound him like there was no tomorrow.
Jamie didn't notice right away. He walked to the other end of the room. By the time he got there, Zeke's mix had hit his brain. He staggered -
An easy chair appeared and caught him. It looked familiar, but he was too dizzy to think. He concentrated on bringing the joint back to his mouth.
Behind him, the gloves made Tim writhe and grind his ass on the fur.
* More, * Zeke said.
* More what?, * Kevin asked.
* More... hands. *
He looked up - and there were six white gloves over Del. Just waiting for permission.
* Go for it, * he said casually.
The giant-glove thing started up in Del's head again. So he had incentive to watch the hands tickle him... now that there were more revealed gloves to watch.
Jamie nodded off.
Tim came again.
More ticklish. Just not possible.
He was embarrassed in an obscure way. So sure, earlier, he was maxed out.
* Gimme a chair, Zeke. *
The mealtime seat appeared. Kevin started to drag it - * You got one with wheels? *
* Anything you need. * The chair changed in his hand. An office chair, sorta.
Kevin positioned himself at Del's soles. * Don't let those gloves loaf, Zeke. *
After a second... * Oh, I never get tired. *
They sped up - all of 'em.
* Feathers, please. *
Shiny white gloves, running hard and fast. Feathers between his toes...
After an insane amount of time passed, Del looked down there.
Kevin was sitting in a chair, past his feet, smoking like a chimney. Watching. Gesturing, once in a while, with his cigarette. And the gloves would pick up and rub his belly, massage his pecs, tear into his knees.
Del felt, rather then saw, the feathers... on his soles now, working their way back up.
But there was a tomorrow. Wasn't there, Zeke?
And I'll be right here. Zeke and Tim, and Jamie, all day.
Jamie came around, and shuffled back over. He watched ten gloves rub zealously...
* You haven't given him a break, have you? Rest break? *
* He got water a half-hour ago, * Zeke replied quickly.
* Rest, Zeke. C'mon. *
* Aw, Jamie. *
* Do it. All gloves off him. *
* What, these gloves? *
* Now. *
With a sad sigh, Zeke lifted those gloves off. Ten invisible gloves didn't pause. They continued, light and slow.
* Give us both... uh, some of those Baby Ruths. And some more water. *
Del came again, like a stallion.
* He's needin' a rest, * Kevin advised.
* One more hour. *
* And water - *
* A half-hour? *
* No, * Kevin laughed. * Now. And some of those candy bars. He ate those... *
* He eats whatever I ma- er, put in front of him. *
- - 14 - -
* He doesn't look like he's enjoying this, * Jamie thought.
* Oh, he is. Take my word for it, * Zeke said.
Tim broke out in a huge smile, still laughing silently. It looked fake.
Jamie stopped playing in Tim's armpits. * C'mon, Zeke. Like I'm going to fall for that. *
Tim's face relaxed. He kept on laughing. Invisible hands were stroking every surface of his feet. They meant business. Zeke was experimenting with a very mild electrical charge, so it could force-feed the stimulation to the overtaxed nerve endings. Its fingers didn't even pause.
He's gotta take a nap or something, Jamie thought. Look at him -
* Jamie. What is... a "pussy" ? *
* What? *
* Isn't that another word for a cat? * There was a pause. * Or a... woman? *
* Yeah. Why do you ask? *
Zeke hemmed and hawed. * Er. No special reason - *
Jamie got angry. * Did Tim think that? *
* Now, Jamie - *
* Did he think that? About me? He called me a pussy, didn't he? *
* I didn't say that - *
* He did. * He looked down at Tim. "Pussy, huh?" I'll show you who's the pussy -
And he attacked Tim's pits furiously.
Tim howled, and threw his head from side to side. And just then, Zeke found a suitable voltage... and the sensation increased, like mortar shells.
More energized fingers started tracing up his calves, and down his shins. Around his privates and his chest. Wiggling diligently under his knees.
And a pair of the charged hands started provoking the back of his neck.
He quit moving. Couldn't manage it. But he was allowed to yell laughter, from his gut. Howl and howl.
Zeke threw another dose of speed into his brain.
Kevin sat down again, exhaling smoke.
* What do we do first? *
"I dunno," he shrugged. "Surprise me."
That son of a bitch, Del thought vaguely... what the hell did he just sa-
Double shot of speed. And his eyes flew open.
Del felt fingers... everywhere! All at once -
But what he saw was a couple dozen feathers. Kevin hooted appreciatively. Arms crossed, cig between his lips.
They whaled on Del -
* And, Zeke... Let him laugh now. *
He shouted and barked like that was the best joke in the world.
Skin. Reporting in. All of it. Abso-fuckin'-lutely. Impossible.
He felt like he was a little kid again. Caught in a big machine.
Del couldn't even begin to guess how long it went on, like that.
Now and then, he thought about a party. Motorcycle club, in Butte. That great Havana. Eager chicks everywhere. Didn't drink for two weeks after that...
He'd thought that was the ultimate party. Now, he roared and roared. Biker party. This was -
Strong hands, rockin' everywhere. Aggressive feathers. He was like that campground...
A long time later, he picked up the train of thought again. He knew what the dance floor must've felt like, under all those bikers. Partying. On it.
* Why isn't he sore? * Jamie demanded.
* He will be, when I g- *
* No. I mean, how can you say he's not getting injured? *
Zeke seemed surprised. * Well... check his limbs. The rope - *
* Not that, * Jamie said impatiently. * His skin is a high priority of yours, I'm sure. I mean... Damn. Muscle fibers. Tendons 'n shit. Tubes, vessels, lung sacs - vocal cords... *
* You really don't realize how much... Chemical reactions, Jamie. They rule everything that goes on inside you critters. I made sure I knew how you guys functioned, physically, before I even woke you up. *
* But I'm asking you about physical damage - *
* All taken care of. * Zeke paused. * Your medical knowledge is sorely lacking, hoss. Tim's isn't much better. All those physical structures can be... built up, like scaffolding. Or a dam- *
* Scaffold don't necessarily support - *
* But I am. Let's see... how about the example of an "injection mold"? No?... "Concrete forms"? If nothing else, I've got a big ol' paintbrush, and I'm slapping on layer after payer of paint. He weakens a muscle or a tissue through overuse, but I'm layering more nutrients on there than he had before you guys dropped in. Muscles use a particular mix of chemicals as food. Your air-exchange cells use another. I had my little paintbrushes in place before you laid a finger on him. Accelerated the process. And I've been beefing him up ever since. All of you, actually.*
* So why's his voice gone? *
Zeke sighed with annoyance. * I'm working on that. Tarnation, that's a lot of air he's... "huffing" in and out. Nice word, Jamie. I think it's a lubrication problem. He'll get his voice back... and it's not like he's an opera singer or anything. *
Jamie let go of Tim's knees for a second, thinking this over. * You could kill him. *
* Oh, for - lend me an ear. *
A joint was suddenly hanging out of his mouth. He was startled, but he took a little hit out of pure reflex, and then another...
* I am going to become Tim's new... boss, * Zeke said slowly. * I want nothing more than to build him a nice private cell and tickle the vinegar out of him. And I mean that literally. It's the... number-two priority of my existence. If I kill him, I miss out on all that. *
Jamie said nothing for a while. Then, * And your number-one priority? *
* Without it, I won't ever tickle Tim again. With it, I foresee nothing that can stop me from tickling every particle of arrogance clean out of his hide. * Another pause. * So I need you guys to help move my "brain". Take it home, hopefully. Tim's house. Hee hee. Or any town, anywhere, and I'll come get him. * Zeke hit Jamie with a light dose of endorphins. * Do that, and he's aaaaallll mine. *
- - 15 - -
They ate again. Del and Tim chewing fearfully, still held tight all over. It was hard to stretch out the meal, with Zeke not letting go like that. And they wanted to take as long as they could, 'cause they knew what would start back up after the plates had gone away.
Kevin and Jamie wolfed their food.
They didn't look back until they were done, pushing the chairs away and stepping back to the beds.
The ticklers felt a soreness throbbing in their shoulders...
* You've been blocking that all along, haven't you? * Jamie said.
* Of course, * Zeke said. * I'm not fond of distractions. * Jamie looked worried. * C'mon, hoss. When's the last time you used your arms and back, this much, for this long? *
* Well... *
* I'm feeding your muscles too. You're just using... some of 'em more than Tim is. *
* So - I need to quit? *
* No. Just use 'em less. For a while. I'm rebuilding while you sleep. Hard muscle, Jamie. Arms, shoulders, back - *
* And just let you drill Tim, huh? *
Zeke hesitated. * Oh, well... I'd just keep doing what we've been doing... *
* I'm sure you would, * Jamie said. * Give me another choice. *
After a pause, * Sit there and direct my gloves. We could... pull out all the stops. *
* Naaah, * he said, after thinking it over.
* The only other choice here is for me to assist you. Support your arms... and maybe your wrists, * Zeke said thoughtfully.
* How would that work? *
* Lift your right arm for a second. *
Jamie did - and bands appeared. White, thin. Like cloth. He pulled his arm in and flexed it tentatively.
* I can always override you? *
Zeke didn't reply, but Jamie failed to notice.
* So you'll, what... let me relax my arms, and keep on tickling? *
* Would you like to be over him? *
Jamie scowled. He had been thinking of that, off and on... * Demonstrate - over here. Not over Tim. *
He started to rise from the floor. When he was high enough, he rotated slowly. His hands were lower than his legs. It made him think of a long mechanic's creeper... except that there wasn't any flat board pressing on his chest, and it was angled any way he wanted.
And Zeke could take the weight of his arms, no matter what position -
* Huh. * He wiggled his fingers. Bent his wrists - and pulled an arm across his chest real fast. It came loose without resistance. He bent his legs, and they moved just like he wanted. * Tilt my head a little lower. * Zeke did.
It was surprisingly comfortable. He could really terrorize Tim's armpits... and have more angles to choose from, like Zeke did.
* Okay. Float me over him. I wanna party. *
Kevin didn't like being sore, either. But he was already okay with being the director.
Lying down didn't sound too bad... didn't seem smart, though. Del was squirming nice and hard from Zeke's dedicated gloves. So that was okay.
* Zeke. How 'bout a recliner or something? *
A new chair appeared. Really weird. But something about it made Kevin's heart start to pound...
It was steel and pads. That was all. A thick, wide pad for his shoulders, and support for his back. A seat. And maybe those spots were for his knees.
The pads were all covered in fur.
* You wanna try it? * Zeke asked.
* I don't know. Should I? * Kevin finally answered. He walked over to it.
Tim heard the slow snickering... over him. He blinked tears out, and looked.
Jamie was there. Hanging there. Hard at work.
There was a frame above him... just like Tim had been in. Rope was coiled up at the corners.
Tim looked at Jamie's gloves - and as he watched, the bottom cuffs darkened from white to ash-gray.
He figured it out. They'd get darker, and thicker. And Jamie, he'd find out there was a frame there, shadowing him... probably after he was tied to it.
Zeke must've figured out how to make Jamie ticklish.
They were going to both get thrashed. Both at once. At some point, side by side or toe-to-toe. Bucking and howling...
- - 16 - -
* Is it comfortable? * Zeke said.
* Very comfortable, * Kevin admitted. * How 'bout arm-rests? *
They appeared. * Trouble is, with this body posture, there's no really comfortable place to put 'em. *
Kevin saw what he meant. He picked his arms up and let 'em fall. Behind his back... but they hung too low or something. He didn't really need his hands up front, if...
Zeke replaced his cigarette with another one, already lit.
* Maybe some handles, back here? * and he moved his hands.
* Hmmmm. No, wait. I have another idea. *
Kevin's hands were lifted up a little. He jerked reflexively, but they came free. When he returned 'em to the same general area, they were lifted again.
He relaxed. And, dammit, his arms did feel really good there.
* Take a look, * Zeke suggested. Kevin did. There were... sweatbands? Cloth. Wrists, forearms and around his biceps. Lightweight. * Suspension strips. *
He looked doubtful. * But... I get to move 'em, whenever I want. * And he added quickly, * always. *
Zeke chuckled. * You can move 'em now, can't you? *
* That's not what I asked - *
* Kevin. C'mon, hoss. If I wanted to hobble you, like ol' Del there... I could've done it any time. *
The gloves were sliding all up and down Del's sides, from his wrists to his ankles... and he was just shaking his head wearily. His cock had been dribbling cum -
It looked exciting, Kevin thought wistfully. For Del.
He looked at the "strips" again. * Maybe I just wanna tickle the fuck out of Del's feet. Will these help? *
* Try it and see. *
He turned and grabbed a foot, held it tight and gave it the works.
Zeke lifted his arms gently, and his wrists. Kevin could relax and keep drilling Del. Just whaling on him.
"Cool!" he said happily. He squatted until his butt touched the rolling chair.
He spent about ten minutes tickling Del's foot soundly. Several times he yanked a hand back quickly, to see if Zeke was really going to let go whever he wanted. And it always worked.
When he switched feet, Del pissed himself.
And as his cigarette was done, Zeke replaced it with a new one...
Finally he rolled back. * Okay. I need a drink. *
A bottle was stuck in his hand. He had a couple shots, and watched the gloves play in Del's crotch.
He looked over at the new chair. What the hell, he thought...
Kevin had another swig, and switched seats. He pulled it closer to the bed, sat down and threw the bottle behind him. He settled in, and sighed. It was a very relaxing posture.
A cigarette showed up in front of his face, just lit. He nodded. It sat on his lip.
He watched Del sweat. Glad that ain't me, he thought. Whoa. He's gettin' thrashed.
Gloves massaged Del's knees slowly.
Sitting here, in this angle... Kevin's own knees were out there. Pretty far apart.
What if Zeke had cuffed him -
He jerked forward. No. He could move. Just the thin white strips.
Kevin was oddly... disappointed.
* What's wrong? * Zeke asked.
* Nothing, * he said quickly, smoking up. He was embarrassed. And... his cock was on the rise.
He looked at Del's ankle cuffs again...
* Nice, huh? *
Kevin nodded before he realized wh-
* Kevin. *
Another set of cuffs appeared in the air, right over Del.
Kevin swallowed hard. His meat was awake - but that wasn't because of fear.
* If you want to try 'em - *
* No, * he said. * Uh, I've never actually h- *
* I know, * Zeke said gently. * Do you trust me? *
Well now, that's a puzzler, Kevin thought drunkenly.
The cuffs moved a couple inches. Away. * That's okay. I understand - *
* No, now wait. Wait. Gimme a second - *
Zeke sighed. * Let's just torture Del, okay? *
"Wait," Kevin said. * Just don't get all weird on me, Zeke. *
* No matter. If y- *
* Okay. I'm counting on you - *
* Are ya, now? * Zeke's tone was weird.
* Do it - *
And poof. Kevin was stunned. There they were, on his wrists. His ankles, too.
Like Del's... except he was free. He wasn't the one sweatin' under all those gloves.
He moved his arms apart, and tapped the cuffs together. Thick suckers. He'd wondered for years what they would feel like. He had magazines...
Zeke didn't say anything.
Kevin... liked 'em. He looked 'em over more carefully, and then sat back again. Relaxed.
Zeke got him another smoke.
Three or four times, he jumped around. On purpose. Once right off the chair. But his limbs always moved just the way he told 'em to.
And when he relaxed, they were held up gently. Totally at rest.
It was like the best of both worlds. He was free, unless he didn't want to be. Then Zeke would hold him... let him smoke, drink -
Del started to thrust right then. Mouth wide open. He wore himself out, without coming... Obviously too tired. A strap came and snaked around his thighs. It ran under each side of the mattress and pulled tight. Del couldn't manage to finish up, and Zeke went and did that to him. He'd really have trouble now -
Feathers appeared, and went at his cock and balls. They dusted him energetically. Just blitzed his tip.
His head came up slowly... and he tried to kick...
Then he let his head fall back down.
Kevin was just about ready to cum. But I can't, he thought excitedly. He twitched -
Both wrists moved easily.
At some level, he was definitely relieved.
But then he picked up the fantasy again. That was carelessness on Zeke's part, that's all. It won't let that happen again. Fuck... My hands... can't move my hands. Or my feet.
I'm fuckin' cuffed here. Del, and now me. And I want to jack off so bad...
Kevin made fists, and pulled. Pulled, slowly as hard as he could -
He couldn't budge 'em.
Same with his ankles.
Another cigarette appeared. His smoke was pulled slowly - almost... courteously - and used to light it.
Kevin relaxed a little more. He wanted to cum, so bad. It was a wonderful, awful need. He smoked hard...
Twisting slowly.
His cuffs didn't budge at all.
Zeke was enjoying this far too much to just let him go. Tim was more certain than ever, when he saw the frame behind Jamie.
They were hidden away from the world, in here.
He closed his eyes. And kept 'em closed until bedtime.
Three century-hours.
I'm glad I'm not ticklish, Jamie thought, stroking Tim's belly. Damn.
I'm next, Kevin thought feverishly. First Del, and then me.
Eventually, his head sagged.
So did Jamie's.When Zeke eased the gloves and feathers away, Del and Tim slid into unconsciousness, quickly and gratefully...
Jamie's bed returned. He was laid on it, with his back to Tim.
Kevin had already started to snore. He was left in the special chair.
His clothes disappeared.
Four hours passed.
Then the clear walls reappeared.
On to Part 5
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