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- - 5 - -
"We gotta get out of here. Now," Tim said quietly. He started to swing his legs off the bed -
* Where's the fire? * Jamie thought back. And to Zeke: * How about... giving me a hand? *
Zeke cackled. * Where would you like it? *
* Center of his chest. One finger, at first, then spread out. Shove him back down - *
Tim stopped moving. He was staring... at his breastbone. He jerked back and tried to jump off the bed. He fell on his back instead - breathing hard, looking up at Jamie with enormous eyes.
"Don't. You can't. Wouldn't. Please, please, aw no..." he moaned, starting to flail -
* Grab his arms, * Jamie ordered.
* Yessir. Ready for that rope now? * Zeke asked.
* Hah. Half-inch nylon... let's try fifty feet for each limb. *
* Wait - I reckon I understand the measurements... but nylon is a new one on me. Are you wearing anything similiar? *
Jamie tore his gaze away from Tim and looked himself over. He smiled, and started fingering the pull-cord from the hood of his sweatshirt.
* Oh ho. Color? *
* Black, * Jamie thought excitedly.
Kevin stood over Del's huge feet.
* Do you need anything? *
* Feather, * he replied vacantly.
* I see different varieties in your mind... Tell you what. You just think about one, as clearly as you can, and I'll make one, get as near to the mark as I can... * Kevin thought for a couple seconds -
And there it was, in midair, in front of his nose. White, fluffy at the bottom. He actually stepped back from it, out of reflex. But it didn't come after him. Of course. It wasn't gunning for him. Zeke made it... for Del.
"Al-right!" he exclaimed. Cautiously, he reached out and took hold of the shaft. He dragged it across his other hand.
* How do you do that? *
* Is it satisfactory? * Zeke asked.
* Dude, it's perfect. *
* I reckon I don't know how that soft little thing will help you... but I can think of a half-dozen things with similar textures I could provide. *
* Excellent, * Kevin said. He drew closer, and hesitated. * Just testing. *
* Yessir. *
* Uh... it would be cool if he didn't remember this test, at all. So it's a big fat surprise if... when it starts for real. *
* I like the way you think, Kevin. Yes. I can make him forget anything. * Kevin nodded, and stood there uncertainly. * Something else ? *
* We sorta need him to be awake. *
Del yawned.
"Oh shit," Kevin said, freezing.
* What? * Zeke coaxed.
* He's gonna pound me - *
* No. *
* I mean, later. When you let him go, * Kevin thought.
* A-ha. Now see here. He'll be afraid to roll his eyes at you, if you put him through his paces. * Zeke lowered his voice. * And if you help move me out of the woods, I can keep a close eye on this scalawag. Arrange... a vacation for Del, as often as his nose gets out of joint. For as long as you wish. *
* You better be telling the truth, man. He can snap me like a twig - *
* Not anymore. You're about to even the score. And then some. *
Kevin nodded, and took a breath... and dragged the feather up Del's left foot.
Del jerked his leg up immediately, and shook his head to clear it.
* It wouldn't ... affect this test if I held his legs down. Would it? * Zeke wondered.
* No. Could you? * Kevin said, relieved.
Del's leg stretched out, and slammed down onto the fur. He looked confused. His thighs were trying to move, or maybe kick -
Kevin put the feather to use. Fast swipes all over the huge sole, then along each of the sides. Back to the arch, more slowly.
Del stared at him. For a second. Then, he squawked, twisting. "Naw uh huh huhhuh huh huh awwwww -" But Kevin kept his eyes on what he was doing. His victim tried to sit up, get at the feather - but couldn't quite manage it, for some reason.
After ten or fifteen seconds, Kevin stopped, nodding. * Okay. I hope you can put him back to sleep now - *
Del slumped.
* Kevin! The readings - why, this data. Extraordinary! *
He nodded, sighed... and chuckled in a very sinister tone.
Suddenly, there they were, hanging in the air.
* Yes! * Jamie yowled.
* Would you like the honors? * Zeke said.
* If you can tie 'em all at once, the job is yours. *
Zeke just laughed.
It was a charge to see. The ropes floated right to their corners.... Tim's arms and legs landed flat on the mink, and moved toward the posts.
And the rope dipped and circled and knotted. Wonderful magic.
"Jamie! No! Call it off!"
But the tying was already done.
* I've been waiting a long time for this, * Zeke crowed.
Kevin snickered at the sleeping Del.
* I don't know how to tell you how... useful - He's feeling so much pleasure, it's registering as pain. Very curious, * Zeke said thoughtfully.
* Good. *
* This cries out for extensive study... But you have a score to settle, don't you? And we've found a major weakness. He surely has others... I'd be right interested to hear any ideas you come up with - *
* Count on it, * Kevin nodded.
* Land sakes, the data I'll be getting. But that's not the important thing. He's a villain. High time he got his comeuppance. *
Kevin exhaled smoke. "Uh, dude -"
* The more I mull it over, the madder I get. Damnation! * Zeke barked. * This blackhearted scoundrel - he took liberties with your wife! The cad! He's beneath the pity of respectable folk - *
* Well - *
* And I will not tolerate it! He has to pay! I'll teach him a lesson he'll never forget. * Kevin grinned, liking the sound of this. * Why I'll... I'll - tickle him! I will! Hold him down, and tickle him like he's never been tickled before! Lowdown dirty dog! *
* Uh - *
* Never mind Saturday. I'm fit to bust! He'll spend a full week here, under my thumb. A month! *
Kevin looked at the other guy. * Hold on, now - *
* A solid month of tickling - and don't think I won't do it! *
* Oh, I believe you. It's jus- *
* He's in for it now. Tickling like hellfire, covering his body. I'll soak him in agitated feathers. He won't dare to look at another man's wife, when I get through with him. Not ever again! *
* A whole month? * Kevin asked uncertainly.
* At least! *
* Well, c'mon. I mean, he's got a girlfriend. She'll wonder wh- *
* So? He brought it on himself, didn't he? And I've got him trapped here. The world would be better off without him. No marriage is safe. I have half a mind to - to throw away the key. Tickle him day and night - *
Kevin was confused. * Wait, now, just wait. It was my idea. *
* And a damn fine idea, too - *
* You don't really know how to tickle somebody. Not first-hand. Do you? *
There was a pause. * It seems simple enough, * Zeke finally said.
* Well, yeah. * Kevin looked down. * I just... sorta thought I was getting a piece of this. *
* Eh? *
* Uh. She was my wife. *
* Of course - * Zeke stopped suddenly. * Yes. Right you are, Kevin. Please excuse me. You're the offended party. Revenge is yours. *
* Thank you. *
* But I tell you plainly, Kevin... If you don't make him suffer - make him pay - then I surely will. *
* So - I get first shot. Right? *
Zeke chuckled. * Only if you'll allow me to... help. *
* Shoot, yeah. It's a deal. * He looked at Del, and grinned again. * What say we work him over good and hard, 'til Sunday... and maybe postpone the rest of the month? Y'know, 'til he's all rested up... and ready for more? *
Another pause. * It's a hard thing. Showing any kindness to a snake like this... But of course I'll accept your terms, Kevin. And I trust you'll remember you plainly said... * Del's arms went up, and over his head. * ...that I can assist you. Make him holler. We'll make him laugh at the top of his lungs. Tonight, Friday, and Saturday... and again after that. * Del's head moved as if it was slapped or something. He didn't open his eyes. * I won't rest until he's been tickled, and I mean tickled severely, for thirty nights and days. *
* Cool, * Kevin snickered. Better him than me.
*What's the matter... boss? * Jamie thought to Tim, softly.
"Lemme - go," Tim shouted, flailing all around.
* Why you so damn scared... from being tied up, all laid out like that? Exposed?*
* Show me how it's done, sir. Ride him hard, * Zeke urged.
"No, Jamie, I - no, aw fuck, you can't let it do this -"
Jamie drew closer. "I think Zeke may be right. You're seriously ticklish, huh?"
"Noooooooo -"
"Aw, that's just a lie, now," Jamie said out loud.
* Make him howl, * Zeke ordered, * And I'll make sure he keeps on howling... *
"Jamie! C'mon! You can't do this, you wouldn't want me doin' this to you -"
Jamie leaned over him and smiled real big. * Impossible, dude. And you wanna know why? I'm not ticklish. *
"You're... not?"
* Not even a little. *
Tim snapped at the wrist-ropes again. "Not - yet," he blurted.
* Huh? *
"C'mon, Jamie. It's playin' you for a sucker. It'll find a way to make you ti-"
Zeke hooted merrily. * I declare. That's a good one. *
After a second, Jamie laughed out loud. * Good try, asshole. But not good enough to keep you from getting worked over... *
* Should I just hold him down... or restrain him somehow? * Zeke asked.
Kevin smoked and thought it over. * Personally, there's a big kick in... seeing something, real strong, on ya - *
* Do you have, uh, direct experience? Some memory I didn't find? *
* No. Not like that. I just... you know, magazines, and videos. *
A few seconds passed. Then Zeke said, * I think I understand now. The idea of being restrained is interesting, but more than that you'd like to have a beautiful woman... immobilized. *
Kevin felt a blush coming on. He looked down at Del, and the earlier thought came back -
The cuffs, spreading him out - yeah, with his limbs just like th-
Kevin boggled. They were real. Thick, and shiny. Snug around Del's wrists. Even larger ones hiding his ankles.
They were beautiful.
"Straps," Kevin said -
Instantly, it was done.
Del still slept. But his arms were stretched toward the bedposts. Heels almost together, hanging off the mink-covered mattress...
Two huge straps were anchoring each hand and each foot. Thick buckles. They didn't look iffy at all. He wasn't gonna break these straps, no matter what. Unbelievable. Zeke didn't fuck around.
And Del, of all people! Laid out like this.
"Hoh - oh yeah," Kevin finally laughed out loud. * That's beautiful. *
Tim kept thrashing. Like that's gonna do him any good, Jamie scoffed. But still...
* Zeke, I'd like him to calm down some. That shot of... I dunno, when you made us feel good, way inside - *
* Do you mean this? *
Whoosh. His knees almost buckled. * Oh baby. *
Tim moaned, but he stopped rasslin' around.
* If I keep him calm like this - with endorphins - I'd suspect he's going to be less ticklish. *
* Wha? Oh. * Jamie thought it over. * Maybe if he was high. *
* I find... several different memories of yours, Jamie. Perhaps you could think about a specific one. A good one. And then I can reproduce it... *
Jamie obliged. Within a few seconds, the first rush left him - and another took its place. A good pot-buzz, primo shit there.
* Zeke, you're a fuckin' genius. Think this'll get in the way of his fun? *
* Hmmmm, * came the reply. * I don't see why. Let's lower the dose... and see. *
Tim perked up again, blinking fast. Then he sagged. His head wobbled a little when he tried to look around.
"You ready, stoner?" Jamie taunted.
"Unh. No... c'mon now, Jamie... C'mon..."
* You really like him caught like this, don't you? * Zeke remarked.
* So perfect. He's like the last one in the world you'd expect to see. Like this. * Kevin stepped up and touched the cuff hobbling Del's right ankle. Tried to give the strap a tug... but it was too tight. Thick straps. Wide cuffs. He wasn't going to be able to bust loose. No getting out of this one. * We could do anything to him... *
Zeke laughed.
* Can you... uh - *
* Name it. *
* Well. This might not make sense to you... but I'm gonna run out of smokes pretty soon. * No reply. * I, uh, this whole scene will be a lot more fun, for me, if I'm not wishin' - *
* I could take the habit away, * Zeke suggested.
* And double it, I bet. Maybe later. If I can, I'd really rather sm- *
* Are you... going to let him smoke? *
Kevin snickered. * Later. Maybe. *
* So. Would it possibly make his suffering worse if he had a real hankering? *
* What? * And a pang hit him - I gotta have a smoke. But he had one goin'. He sucked hard, and the urge went away. * Wow. Dude, you're mean. *
* He's a lying, adulterous snake, Kevin. *
* Yeah. He is. *
* Well. I'll copy one of your cigarettes, and get as close as I can. *
* Much obliged, * Kevin sighed.
* Maybe later, you'll let Del smoke - is that what you said? I think I'll take one of his cigars, too - *
* Hey, bring me one, * Kevin interrupted.
* Al-righty. * A cigar appeared in front of him. He reached out and took it, and stuck it in his pocket. * Since you mention... habits, * Zeke said casually, * is there any other, uh, substance, or drug, I can give him? To make him... oh, I don't know, more ticklish? *
Kevin looked lost. * I dunno. Maybe speed. * He looked at Del. * He drinks, more'n anything else. *
* Ah, * Zeke said, sighing happily. * From his memories, I'd say that would be... very interesting data to get. *
* 'Kay. You can get him a little drunk, but not shitfa- *
* Whoa there. Original Zeke talked about something called "rotgut" - a lot - but he didn't have any. I can try to copy your best drunk memory over to Del... Or, if you had any alcohol with you - *
Kevin sighed. * No. Wish I di- Hey! One of the other guys must've h- * Jamie, no doubt.
And a flask appeared. * Perhaps... this? *
He whooped, looking quickly over at the restrained Del. Took the flask, opened it. Took a sip. * O-kay. *
* Is that rotgut? *
* JD. Whiskey. And it's fine. Is it Jamie's? *
* Actually, * Zeke snickered, * it belongs to Del. *
* Even... better. *
Jamie cracked his knuckles. He thought at Tim, * You feel it, Tim? The energy? *
Tim looked even more confused.
* Not just me, ready to dig in. Zeke. All around us. It's like a gas. You could cut it with a knife. It's on fire. Oh yeah. It's all hot to see you get what you got coming to ya... *
Tim groaned and closed his eyes.
Jamie laughed at him. * Well, Zeke, if you want this asshole to get worked over like I do... long, hard and deep... I could use something slippery. *
A long second passed. * You mean... lubricant. *
* Yes, I do. *
* If you don't mind a suggestion - * And a silver canister appeared. Filled with lard? Something darker.
* What in the hell is that? *
* Bear grease. *
They both whooped.
* How much you got there, Zeke? *
* About... three pounds. *
Jamie smiled, showing his teeth. * That'll do, for a start. *
Kevin swallowed, and looked again at the bottle Zeke had just made. * That's not bad, * he said, surprised.
* Shucks. The smokes are going to take a while longer. Do you know how many chemicals are in th- *
* Yeah, yeah. Uh, thanks. * He admired the bottle. The shape was almost right, and the label looked just like the real thing. From a distance, anyway. * This will work. Oh yeah. * He walked up toward Del's head. Damn, but those cuffs and straps were sweet, he thought. Del's not getting out of this one. This is going to be so much fun. * So... Can you make him swallow? *
* Any time you wish, * Zeke said. Del's head lifted up a few inches, and his month opened. Kevin got ready to pour, and nodded. It was weird, because Del was obviously sound asleep... but his adam's apple bobbed up and down obediently.
* There, * Kevin said. * That's about two shots - *
* "Shot"... oh. Closer to three, by my estimation. *
* That's okay, * Kevin said, straightening up, watching Del's head return to the fur bedspread. * He's a big boy. *
* And he's been a bad boy. *
* Very bad - *
* And he's about to learn a harsh lesson, * Zeke said, like a threat.
* The harsher, the better. * Kevin took a pull off the bottle and looked around. * Here, take this. Hide it. *
The bottle was taken away. It disappeared. * Just say the word, and I'll put it back in your hand. You know, since you'll be busy tickling the dickens out of him - I could make him drink up. *
Kevin blinked. * You mean... keep him drunk? All the time? *
* Yes I do. So long as it doesn't reduce his ticklishness any. *
* Huh. Well, we could try it - *
* Say no more. I'll know soon enough if the whiskey is making him more miserable. Helping our cause, * Zeke pondered. Kevin chuckled at that. * I think it will. So I'll keep a sharp eye on him - on his brain chemistry - so he's at just the right level of intoxication. *
* It's a deal, * Kevin crowed.
* Leave everything... to me. *
Jamie rubbed his hands slowly, tauntingly. The grease dripped from between his fingers, onto the floor. He looked all up and down Tim's body. They locked eyes -
"Please... nooooooooh," Tim shouted.
"Yes!" Jamie barked. His pupils were big. Too big.
* Anything else? * Zeke asked.
Kevin thought it over and chucked his cigarette. He lit the cigar, grinned - and coughed. Finally, he shook his head.
* Let's do it. *
* Are we going to make him pay? *
* Hooo yeah. *
* Is it time to torture this barbarian? *
"Yeah," Kevin said decisively.
* Will he remember the revenge of Kevin, and the wrath of Zeke? *
"Yeah!," Kevin shouted. "Wake his ass up!"
Del's eyes opened. He lifted his head, and shook it. Then he saw his ankles. Cuffed. Strapped down.
He blinked, and looked again. Then at his left wrist, right wrist -
And he saw Kevin, standing past his feet, with a cigar.
Cigar, Del thought. Sounded real damn good - and he looked at the cuffs again. Later.
"Del," Kevin said, real cocky. "How's Shawna?... She a good fuck?"
Del's expression slid from confusion to anger. He looked around the room, then said, "You know she is."
* What an attitude. He's not even sorry, * Zeke muttered.
"Yep. We both know. Exceptin' that she was my wife."
"Yeah," Del said, after a pause.
"And you fucked her."
Del snorted once, and rolled his eyes. "Fuck you." He started twisting in the cuffs. "You got about five seconds before I bust outa these fuckin' things and break every bone in your body."
Zeke snickered.
* You're gonna back me up here, right? * Kevin said, as Del started growling and snapping at the tethers.
After a couple seconds, the reply came. * I'm going to help you, yessir. Here, and back in town. He's going to howl for a month, remember? I meant what I said. *
Kevin sighed with relief. "You're a piece of shit. You know that? Came into my house... and fucked my wife."
After she threw you out, Del thought. But he knows that... It was no secret. Del's first priority was getting off this fuckin' bed. The straps didn't break like he expected...
He felt a little stab of fear.
Buzzed, too. So that's how - Kevin got him that drunk? Yeah, like he'd want to drink with Kevin. And where the hell is this place? They were out in the fuckin' forest -
"Think you found some fuckin' balls, huh?" Del snarled. Angry, a little fucked up... and the bed frame wasn't creaking or anything.
* Punish him. The only thing his kind understands, * Zeke added.
"Sneak around, fuck my wife, she shows me the door - and then you take up with her in public. Rub my face in it. You're scum, you're dead meat, an-"
"Run for your life, punk!" Del exploded. His efforts weren't working, and that didn't make sense. What if - no, now he was really mad.
"From what?" Kevin scoffed. "I'm your worst nightmare, right now -"
"Get these things off me, you fuckin' prevert cocksucker!"
* Gag him! * Kevin thought, totally furious.
* With what? * Zeke repiled.
Kevin closed his eyes and thought about a ball gag. Orange ball, black leather strap. When he opened 'em -
Already in place. But it filled Del's mouth. He was snorting frantically, and his eyes were huge, and still angry.
* Not so big, * Kevin "told" Zeke. * He can't breathe. *
The ball shrunk -
* Naw. A little bigger, * Kevin suggested.
It expanded. There was still room for air on either side of the ball.
After he got a few breaths, Del let his head fall. And he yelled. The gag made it sound hilarious, Kevin thought.
Del started fighting like a cougar. The asshole was dead. Dead. Of course Shawna would want a real man, after that -
He stopped in mid-tug, thinking hard. Fuck my wife, she shows me the door. Other way around. Del was a horndog, but he wasn't a homewrecker. He looked at Kevin. Hey, he thought, no. I never slept with her until the divorce was final. That's the truth. You got me all wrong...
Then he realized he'd been speaking. But none of it got past the gag.
"Waaught! Lehza tauuh uh mehnuh!" he hollered, locking eyes on Kevin as he tried to twist or arch. He saw Kevin's cigar - that's one of my cigars, dammit - and all of a sudden he wanted it bad. Parked between his back teeth, burning well as he sucked in. Damn, what I wouldn't give for one right now. He gulped -
* His expression surely changed, there, didn't it? * Zeke laughed.
* Uh-huh. *
* What do you think brought that on? *
Kevin studied the other guy. He didn't look mad now. Not at all. More like he thought of something important, or realized something. Almost a plea, there, in his face.
* He's catching on, * Kevin thought. * Trying a new tack. *
Zeke retrieved the meaning of the cliché. * He can't sincerely believe he can talk his way out. Can he? *
* He's pretty thick, * Kevin reassured it. He took a few puffs, and looked at Del's face. His eyes narrowed. * Get me two of those feathers. *
* Where are you going to start? * Zeke asked politely.
* I'm gonna work him over everywhere, head to toe, * Jamie boasted, * starting with his ribs. *
* Make him scream. *
Like that whore did, Jamie thought, for the original Zeke. He was almost dizzy with anticipation.
Slowly, he reached down and across Tim's chest...
Del saw the feathers appear - out of thin air - and he froze. No no no no no no no no no no...
Kevin parked his cigar, reached out and took 'em.
"Nnh. Nnh nnh uw faah nnh! Nnnnnnnnh!" Flailing around again.
This is not a test, Kevin thought. Make it real.
* Make him insensible. Plumb over the cliff, * Zeke huffed.
He brought the feathers down. Paused, looked at Del's face. So totally desperate now. Reared back, forgetting to fight the restraints, just shaking his head frantically -
Kevin grinned suddenly. "Dead. Meat."
Greasy fingers clamped on tight.
Soft edges swept quickly, endlessly...
- - 6 - -
Tim bucked with all he had.
Del spasmed. The recoil yanked him back down on the luxurious fur.
Jamie gave a yell of triumph.
Kevin hooted with glee.
The ticklers started expanding their territory, experimenting with pressure and tempo.
Their captives went wild. Anticipation and helplessness had keyed 'em up, and the stimulation had their full attention.
It's only getting started!
Just fuckin'... beginning.
Jamie kept his fingers nice and slimy. The reaction he caused when he massaged Tim's armpits thrilled him even more. He dug and rubbed and squeezed.
It was like an impossibly good dream.
Kevin stuck a feather-tip between two of Del's smaller toes - and the guy really went apeshit! So he tried all the toe-cracks... And the way Del wailed -
It was like the perfect high.
Tim hiccupped. And pissed.
"Whoa," Jamie said, stepping away. His hands broke contact.
* Now, don't give that another thought. I'll tend to that, * Zeke said quickly.
Tim grunted, and his chest heaved.
* You... sure? *
* Of course. I was waiting for it. *
Something grabbed Jamie's arms. He was pulled back up to the bed. When his fingers bumped against Tim's sides, the invisible grips let go.
* Don't stop tickling! I stand ready to clean up any and all messes. Please, have fun. *
After a second, Jamie grinned. And tickled away.
"Gross!" Kevin said with a grimace. Del shit himself -
* Keep tickling! * Zeke hissed.
Kevin did, but he looked doubtful. Del roared away, opening his eyes.
A towel appeared above him, and descended. Suddenly, it turned into a roll. Something more like baby wipes, dripping -
* Tickle him harder! Let me take care of this. No matter what he does, I'm ready. *
* Hey, thanks. *
* Just spur him on! *
* You know it. *
Jamie wandered all over Tim's torso, solid and thorough.
Kevin took a feather to Del's shins, and knees, and thighs. He kept the other sawing between those wiggling toes.
- - 7 - -
* Wow. I totally lost track of time, * Jamie told Zeke. He peeled off his sweatshirt and tossed it behind him absently. It disappeared before it hit the floor.
* Understandable enough. He's holding up fine. Just needed some water, and a chance to catch his breath. *
Jamie watched Tim as he panted. A water bottle waited over his head.
* So, whaddya think? * Jamie asked.
* Oh, there are no words... *
* How'm I doing? * Kevin crowed, kicking out smoke.
* Top-drawer. It's just extraordinary. Data. * Zeke sounded dazzled. Del made a depairing sound, as he learned how to suck water from the tube without gagging. * And all that reaction, from just... two feathers. *
Kevin gestured at the panting guy laid out before him. * Ain't seen nothing yet. * Sticking the feather between his smaller fingers, he reached down and patted the right ankle-cuff.
* I'd say he's rested enough, * Zeke said.
* He can't get away, can he? He's really... trapped, * Jamie managed.
* Like never before. *
* Huh. *
* He's in the grip of hysteria. Until Saturday. *
* He'd better be. I'm gonna hold you to that, * Jamie said.
* Oh, I've got him right where I want him. You'll see. And that isn't all. *
* It isn't, huh? *
Zeke chuckled, a rich and deep laugh. Relaxed. * I have big plans for Tim. A man doesn't become humble, all in a weekend. It'll be ongoing lessons for him. Give him plenty of time in between each one to rest up, and then discipline him again. He'll be going away on business sometimes, I think. My business. A week, maybe two. *
* Can I quote you on that? *
* You have my solemn oath. *
Jamie reached over and scooped up more bear grease.
Tim's eyes, big and wet, followed his hand.
Kevin's hand picked at an ankle-strap. It was so taut he couldn't raise it from the fur. Not at all.
* What is it, Kevin? *
He ran a finger up, all the way to the cuff. Buckles, rivets. Thick leather. Thick enough to keep Del here. Of all people. * This is so... He's a top dog, y'know? In town. Picked on me ever since we were kids. *
* Scurrilous. Long overdue for a sound thrashing. *
* About twenty years overdue. And here he is. *
* Here for the taking, * Zeke agreed. And he added, * Laughing so hard, he cries. *
* I never thought I'd get a chance like this. And not just a little... chance. This is - oh, no. I'm dreaming. This isn't real, is it? *
* Kevin. Really. Think a minute. Pull hard on that cigarette. How can you doubt that's real? *
He exhaled, and coughed.
* And if that is... then I am. And Del, cinched down tight. Staying right here. And when I get some help getting out of these woods, I swear he'll get himself a full month of this. *
* At least, * Kevin said quietly.
* Oh, at least. With data like this, I'd like to spend a year with him. *
Kevin giggled.
* Have him all to myself, * Zeke said jauntily.
* That is just totally excellent. * He sighed, and looked at Del's face.
Del was looking back at him... with a whipped-dog expression Kevin had never seen there before. He wasn't sure what it was, but he seriously liked it.
* Gotta hand it to ya, * Kevin said admiringly. * The cuffs, the fur there - the whiskey. This whole place. If I were you, I'd sure as hell put the screws to a guy like ol' Del, here. *
* Really. *
* So, * and he waved the feathers around with a flourish. * Know what I'm thinkin', Zeke? If there were two more feathers, and you wouldn't mind making 'em tickle this fucker's feet - *
* Twice the fun. *
Two more feathers appeared, pointing at Del's toes.
"Nnnnnnh wuuuh uw fauh faaaaaauh! Hauuuuuh!"
Kevin walked around the side of the bed.
"Wish I could say I was real sorry, this was happening to you. Instead of me," Jamie told his captive.
"Don't," Tim rasped. "Jamie, I can't t-"
"But - but - Zeke already told me... you're the most ticklish dude here."
* And worthy of my special attention, * Zeke said.
Jamie dove back in.
Kevin loved the effect. Running up and down Del's sides, while Zeke went to town on his feet. Del sounded like he was gonna bust a lung.
Tim screeched like a fuckin' parrot. His voice was already seriously hoarse.
Jamie's fingers slid down his belly, and across, and up again.
Del couldn't fuckin' believe it. Impossible. Nobody could feel anything this much.
Four feathers. All of him, buck naked. Ready for more feathers, and more, and more. Feeling it more. Endlessly more.
He wanted a cigar. Yeah, like he could hold onto it now. Like Kevin would pull out the gag -
I was pissed off, he thought. C'mon, dude, you got it backwards, you said it backwards. I was seein' red. Just didn't put it together quick enough. And now this mutherfuckin' gag...
I didn't sleep with your fuckin' wife. Not when she was your wife. I'm innocent. You're drivin' me nuts, and I didn't do it.
You're killin' me...
Fuck, but he wanted a fat ol' cigar.
Not his fault not his fault not his fault not him. It's Zeke, Tim thought feverishly. The ship. UFO. Alien, ordering this. Tickling. Un-fuckin'-imaginable tickling.
Zeke will join in, sooner or later. Sure as shit. Tickle my feet and tickle my nuts and tickle my legs and my neck and my ass. Zeke laid fur down here. Fur, in my ass crack.
Zeke made the fur. Zeke made the bear grease. Zeke can make any tickling thing he wants. And Zeke, he - it! It - it tied me down here. To tickle.
'til Saturday.
And probably after. Jamie's a pawn -
The pawn's fingers skated up his thighs, and across.
Oh, fuck. I'm history...
Jamie pounced on a superbly tied foot. Anchored and waiting, for his enjoyment.
Tim started to whoop in a new way. Looked like a coyote. He shuddered, slowly, and Jamie watched the contraction roll down from his chest, right down to h-
* Zeke. You there? *
* Watching every stroke. *
* Pull his feet closer together. *
* Like this? * And Jamie's hands closed on air.
Tim's feet were about ten inches apart. More rope had been added, pulling Tim's ankles toward each post. The sinister result was that he couldn't move 'em at all.
* Nice. * He jumped back into his task, on both of Tim's feet at once.
Tim snagged more air and howled it out.
After a few minutes, he started making that cool whooping sound again.
Kevin found a route he really liked - ribs, pit, left nipple, throat, right nipple, pit, ribs, belly - and dusted it continuously.
Zeke just nuked his feet. The feathers flew like lightning, and they never ever hesitated.
It was a hell of a lot of fun to watch. Like they were alive. With Del strapped down tight, they were like his boss...
Maybe Del would like the sight of... eight feathers, going to town, as much as Kevin did. Or ten.
Hell, why not think big?
Tim finally noticed. Shook the tears out, and squinted. Laughing at Jamie, busy at his retied feet. Laughing hard.
Jamie didn't look up. He was focused.
And Tim, he was burning alive.... but so slowly that it could go on forever.
A century later, his sphincter relaxed. He wasn't aware of it.
Zeke cleaned him up - for about ten minutes, before Jamie caught on. * Hey. He's clean. *
* Just making sure, * Zeke said.
Things had gotten wilder for Tim, and he laughed like a lunatic. His feet were stuck tight, Jamie wasn't taking it easy on 'em...
But his pits were also targeted. Quite a few fingers. Invisible. Triumphant. Mindblowing. Same thing on his ribs. Inner thighs. Knees. Much more tickling than Jamie could manage.
At first, Tim thrashed as much as he could and tried to tell Jamie about all the unseen tickling-hands. The laughter won. He couldn't get a word out. Howling, roaring, hooting, cackling real loud... and none of it got across how powerful the fuckin' tickling was on - and in - his body. Wow.
It didn't take him long to realize that it didn't matter if Jamie knew about all the unseen hands. The need to tell the fucker what he probably knew already was a cosmic joke. Tim felt those hands of Zeke's work even more tickle-impact into him minute-by-minute - polishing their moves. Making him feel it harder. Ass, neck, chest, calves. Always ramping up, the stimulation, deeper, more crackly. And he couldn't fuckin' move away from it.
Del pissed like a racehorse.
About twenty minutes later, still roaring, he pissed again.
Zeke's feathers kept right on fucking with him, as the towelettes reappeared and cleaned him up.
And the magic fingers would tickle them all. Tim wasn't comforted by that, but he was pretty sure.
It would find a way to make Jamie ticklish. And then all four of 'em would be on beds, or racks. Nice and tight.
A rainbow of fingers, day after day -
Oh shit, it's not going to let us go...
Can't fuckin' believe it.
Can't believe I thought that again, too. Del poked at the ball with his tongue, but it never popped out. His teeth had bitten down on it. Back teeth.
He tried to concentrate on it - hell, even licking the gag - but he kept realizing he'd forgotten about it. Again. Like fifty times. The feathers - how they felt, it just demanded everything.
Can't fuckin' believe this...
He never would've guessed he could laugh like this. Make this kind of noise.
And what the feathers were doing to him... Fuck. He was in deep shit here.
Got us got us got us -
Easy, Tim told himself. Better to think about the fingers, tickling hard, than this. Don't panic...
Many whoops later, he wondered what he had been thinking about bef-
Oh yeah. All of a sudden, he had a clear thought. Deep, and far away... but he was sure of it. So sure.
Zeke wouldn't let 'em go.
Not all of 'em.
Or, if Zeke appeared to let 'em go, he - it! - would nab 'em again. Made sense. It enjoyed this. It wouldn't just up and quit -
The idea seemed to be stone-cold certain, for him. Zeke would catch him again. Probably - aw, fuck. Take its time. The cabin, maybe. A week, two...
Why? Why why why?
Wrong place, wrong time. Could be...
That whole story, about the... original Zeke. What a load of crap -
Another flash of insight. Of course. It was true, at least partly...
Hell, it could be torturing them any way it wanted right now. But it learned about tickling. Got intrigued.
It got inside that old Zeke's head. This is his fantasy. Expanded.
Then Jamie kicked it into overdrive, and Tim just had to... bray.
On to Part 3
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