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Exams got closer. We picked our specialties - warned over and over to treat them as secondary skills, never more important than tickling the shit out of our captives.

Pal studied anatomy, which included an absolutely thorough understanding of all the nerve endings between ass-cheeks and belly-button.

Hardball picked pharmacology, always up for a way to make the tickling hit 'em harder and go on through the night.

Handler liked communication, so it worked on audible dialogue, and things like slang and tone.

Shadow was ambitious - it started on the discipline that took the longest. Mental influence. Lures, autosuggestion, taunts - even mindgrip. Messing with their thoughts, so they'd deliver themselves to their cells, describe their wildest fantasies... tell it how to fine-tune its technique as the tickling was going on.

Harrier was intrigued by tattoos, branding, piercings - and the leaders had rolled all that in with the new experiments in "tagging" and tracking individual guys.

Me? Oh, I went for field medicine. That included teeth, and a little immunology. Advanced skin care. I always had the same goal in mind... Catch guys that were worth tickling - getting more and more fun as I worked 'em over - and keeping 'em around. For a long time.

Even by the standards of my classmates, I'm talking long.

I did what White told me. The model student.

Surprised and almost embarrassed myself, I pushed Ogden and Boulder to heights of ticklishness I hadn't expected to find. That played out much as White had said.

In order to avoid the "imprinted" label, I spent less time with Taos - but I played like a wolverine during the less frequent visits to his lab.

For my three-day exam, I grabbed a long-haired skateboarder who smoked way too much pot. Despite that, I got reluctant compliments from Gold and Purple...

And when my final test rolled around, I haunted the university. After considering a couple hundred guys, I ended up focusing on the locker rooms. Predictable, maybe - but we weren't expected to be all that innovative yet.

My choice was young and musclebound, shorter than most, with a really obnoxious inferiority complex. His hands and forearms overwhelmed him when they were provoked right. When I taught him what could be done to his own palms, his elbows...

He wasn't more ticklish after ejaculating - unlike all the captives I'd trained on - but after my week with him, that had changed forever.

Anyway, I passed - with Red giving me a boost when he said I was "extra vicious". That's pretty incredible praise, coming from Red.

Taos snored, totally unaware of what I was going to do to him.

White was there too. I'd just laid out a plan for Taos, and since White pretty much owned him, I'd use it on some other guy if it objected. But it was pretty damn amused by the prospect.

Chuckling, it indicated assent. So long as he's getting tickled, and it's barbaric tickling, I don't care who's doing it.

Good, I shot back. I have a mystery to solve.

I'm telling you, White barked, they don't feel tickling as pain.

Well, I do believe I'm going to check that out for myself, I sassed back. When I get him alone, I'll see.

White sighed. Well - on one condition -

What's this? Another condition?

Yeah, it is. Take it or leave it.

Well, I said, ogling his feet... shoot.

You have to come back here and teach sometime.

Hold it a second! I protested. I just graduated. This is my time to go out and tickle the world.

I didn't say you had to revisit us right away, White insisted. But you have to teach. We're getting more recruits than we thought - and you, frankly, are just one of the most determined ticklers I've ever seen.

Aw, thanks, I chuckled.

When you decided to focus on field medicine, it made me happy. You'd be fearsome no matter what... but the marathons you're going to stage. Whoa.

Well, you taught me right, I said shyly.

And sooner or later, you're going to get the urge - mark my words, you'll see - to see lots of other ticklers being turned loose. Joining the hunt. In a little way, it's like I'm out there with every one of you, increasing the number of maniacs in the world. All those crazed savages. Doesn't that sound real good, now?

In theory, I protested. Right now I wanna get my... hands busy.

I know. Okay, it said, being persistent. But if you want Taos now, that's my price. At some point in the future, you pay your debt by helping us get more ticklers trained. There's only two students in this bunch that I'm leaning on. That's how impressive you are.

I looked at his sleeping face. Wanting, so badly, to wake him up, wear him out so he slept again, and repeat it over and over...

No rush - to come back here? You mean it?


There was no way I could resist Taos. Fine, I told White, you got a deal.

Alright, then. it laughed. I guess I could close up his lab room... day after tomorrow.

No sooner than that, huh?

Why, all the other students are going to want to come in and say goodbye to our buddy, here. And - listen - if you really want to set him up right, you have to give him plenty of reminders of what you feel like. Make that contrast nice and sharp.

I thought that over. You know, White, that's absolutely sinister. Thanks. Maybe I could get into hanging out... learn all of your tricks.

You know it. We all pick up a lot from each other. And - it made sure no one else was monitoring us - you know, we have a couple guys stashed away... Just for the staff.

I caught on, and laughed along with White. Well, of course you do. Wouldn't that be a kick.

Oh, it is. So - let's firm up the plans for Taos' departure, it said, with a cruel, delighted gleam. This is going to be exciting. For him. I bet he'll be glad to get back here by the time you get done with him.

A half-hour later, we left the lab room, slamming the door as we did. Not that we even needed to use the door - but he watched it close.

I gave him a few minutes to enjoy his solitude...

And then I gloved up.

Only this time, I used different gloves. He hadn't seen that pair. Stained white cotton, frayed. Work gloves.

I opened the door slowly. Tentatively...

His head was up. Pained expression on his face. Anxious.

When my fingers crept into view, he dropped his head and sighed. Trying to prepare for the attack -

But I didn't attack. I had the gloves move as if I was... uncertain. Afraid of something.

He watched, clearly puzzled, as I made the gloves stop over his head. Held 'em there. And floated down - slowly.

Instead of tickling, my fingers pushed the hair out of his eyes. They touched his face, and his forehead. And stroked his cheek. A soothing touch. As if I... pitied him, like they feel sorry for each other sometimes.

The other glove got his attention as it went for the cigarettes. Shook one out, and held the lighter for him.

Taos looked from one hand to the other, completely at a loss.

After he'd taken a couple of drags, I took the cigarette and held it. Considerately. So he didn't have to squint. I flicked the ash off to the side. And rubbed his temple gently.

He heaved another sigh - very different, this time. When he looked at the cigarette, I moved it toward him a little, and stopped. As if I was... asking him. Ready for another drag?

A long pause... and he nodded!

I let him smoke, fighting to cover my excitement. He was buying it. Relaxing. I held the cigarette when he wasn't tugging on it, and ran glove-fingers through his hair slowly. And his breathing calmed right down.

He had a friend here. Someone who understood...

After a minute or two, White slammed another door in the hallway. I made the gloves jump - and punch out the cigarette frantically. I untangled the glove-fingers from his hair and flew 'em right to his hand. Grabbing on. A quick squeeze of encouragement -

And he watched my gloves race out the door.

Not long after the door closed - White came in. It rummaged in the toy-box ostentatiously, and brought him a big bottle of oil, a dozen brushes...

The next day, a few students took a last hard slot with the guys.

I gave Taos the little gesture that still made him swallow hard. Hey, fucker. Me again. And I made him screech his head off.

Still worked up, I wandered over and waited for Shadow to get done with Cheyenne, and I laid into him so hard that he almost passed out.

After a couple hours, Taos was supposed to be sleeping. So I got the cotton gloves and "snuck" in again. White had deliberately left him gagged - so I got to be the big hero and untie it. Give him water, let him smoke, feed him... and I got a comb out of the toy-box. When my glove went and got it, he didn't even look worried. Taos had taken the bait, alright. For once, he didn't have to be afraid. Not even of a comb. It wasn't used to tickle him. Instead, I eased it through his hair...

One of my cotton gloves held his right hand - but didn't do anything about his restraints! - as he nodded off.

And when he woke up, I was ready.

White happily obliged me. For two hours, it gave him the works. It was a truly astounding ordeal.

I was next... So I showed him the emptiness of the satin again, curled the fingers and gave him my patented knuckle-nod. Then I drilled him for a mean hour and a half. I wanted him to connect this caliber of delirium with the tickler who shot him that signature greeting.

So, about halfway through my session, I ended a break by grabbing a handful of hair and pulling his head up... so he'd watch my identifying move one more time - just before two pair of gloves cruised to his feet. Took their places, reached across, and tracked across his soles. Over and over and over. Double the fingers. Yeah, Taos. It's me again. Laugh - muther - fucker...

Clearly enjoying this as much as I was, White went back in right after I left. Got him drunk, and hit him with a great hour-long finale. Right after it finished, it poured a liter of water and a few more shots of scotch down his gullet.

Ten minutes after, I returned - wearing the cotton work-gloves. They opened the door wide -

And rolled in a gurney.

He was worried, but we'd worn him out nicely. Plus, he was shitfaced. He couldn't even roll over.

I took off the cuffs, and rubbed his wrists and ankles. Rapidly, like time was a problem. Rolling the gurney next to him, I helped him get on it - pulling at him, gently, when he tried to resist. Gesturing too - no, no, Taos. Get on it. You have to. Now. Hurry!

When he looked scared, I pulled his hair back and stroked his face. Once. Threw him the pack, and handed the lighter over...

That did it. He allowed me to "help" him, and laid there on his side. Lit his own cigarette, for the first time in weeks.

I rolled him out the door, and sped up in the hallway. Swung right, then left -

A door was open. The night sky framed the dark loading dock...

And a truck.

I stopped the gurney, threw the truck door open and picked him up. Propped him behind the wheel, and slammed the door. Turned the key...

He tried to grab the gearshift. Head bobbing drunkenly. So I batted his hand away, and took over. Drove him out of there.

Away from the lab. "Liberated."

Sticking to the back roads, I handed him an open pack of smokes.

In a matter of minutes, he was snoring.

Will you look at him, White said - and then it laughed.

Do you think he bought it?, I wondered, taking the cigarette from his fingers.

Oh, yeah.

It gave him a little shove, and he fell over onto the bench seat.

We took him to a little place White knew about. Maybe thirty miles...

Parked the truck in the garage, and carted him in -

A nice, secure room. With a mattress, stocks, a rack, lots of rings in the ceiling and the walls.

I shaved him and cleaned him up. We piled on the moisturizer... and got out the restraints.

When we were done wrapping him, he couldn't even twitch. Massive overkill. Ankles, shins, thighs, waist. Leather encased each arm up to the elbow, and big fat layers pinned his biceps.

Aren't you forgetting something, White teased.

Hmmmm.... I looped cords around each of his toes, and his fingers.

No, it snickered. I mean, that's better... But there's still something you missed.

So I picked up a satin thong, and it signalled its approval -

Wait, wait, it said, digging in a toolbox.

With a couple of slits, White was satisfied. Now...

As I fastened the last of the side-snaps, his cock sprang out of the new opening White had made. Triangles of black satin rested against his shaft... But his balls were still hugged tight.

Oh, that's just what he needed, alright, I crowed, jamming the thong well under the strap anchoring his waist. I wanted it to stay right where it was.

White took a feather and stroked Taos under his chin. I'm glad I let you talk me into this, it said. From the way it used the feather, and the way it communicated, I could tell it was remembering fun times with this guy. You'd better stick it to him good and hard.

Count on me, I swore. He's my first solo captive. You must remember yours.

Do I ever, White said, edgy and excited.

Taos started to wake up.

Here it comes - the big payoff.

Don't I know it, I answered. If he's on to us, I'm going to take it out of his hide.

Even if he hasn't caught on, take it out of his h-

Sssssh. Put the feather away.

He groaned, and moved his head.

When he opened his eyes, and started to look around - we didn't dare move.

He studied the ceiling, the rings - the rack - the stocks...

Surveying the restraints. And the thong.

He pulled, long and hard. Gritting his teeth. Nothing yielded.

When he quit that... I brought the cotton gloves over him.

Peeling -

Smooth, underneath. Shiny. Revealing... the cold truth.

I tossed one cotton glove aside, then the other. Lowered the satin gloves that were hidden within. Over his chest.

The openings were displayed.

He shook his head mechanically. Taos' lips moved - no, no, no, no.

Then I curled up the fingers...

He started trying to move. Eyes wild, all around him. Looking for help. Some other gloves - anybody who might get him out of here. Private cell, run by - me.

The knuckles nodded at him. Smooth, slow... with finality.

Of course, I had to start at those extra-helpless feet.

Taos watched his doom get into position, extend its fingers across...

And scrape.

He pounded his head on the mattress, and yelled. That gave way to raucous laughter. He shook his head a time or two. Oh, no.

White chanted, as I dug in. Feel - the - heat - Taos... It - won't - stop.

I liked that, so I kept it up. White stuck around and watched.

Over an hour raced by...

Okay, don't cut him any slack, now, White ordered. And then it left.

He was alone with me - a brand-new tickler, up for an overblown celebration.

After exhaustive testing, I decided my leaders had it right.

Tickling caused embarassment... and not pain. All the agonized expressions and thrashing around were body reflexes. Flat-out lies. I was giving him pleasure, and Taos had no way of showing me how good it felt - so his body got frustrated. The squirming and the dark looks resulted because he couldn't demonstrate enough... delight.

That removed the last nagging doubt I had. So I tore into him with a pure, new concentration.


Just a few more words.

That was a while ago. I've caught a few guys since.

Hauled 'em to my place. I have a partner. Maybe "understudy" would be a better word. It does all the scut-work, and keeps a couple of guys ready so I get to tickle as much as I want.

My favorite pet is a twenty-year old jock. I ran across him the year before last, and broke him in right. He's still worth my time. You won't see him. The black chamber is where he's kept.

You're staying in here. The mirrored chamber. When he's asleep, I'll be keeping you awake.

Hardball put me on your trail. It had a blast with you. Last year - you remember.

And I trust you didn't forget me.

There are twenty-two guys with that tattoo. A number that low should give you some idea how thorough I am.

I've learned so much more since I inked that brand on your arm.

Your education isn't over, either. Guess what. I'm going to make you love the tickling. Beg for it.

Sooner or later, I'll have to go and pay off an old debt. White hasn't let me forget. It's in Alabama now, cranking out skilled ticklers by the dozen. After I've given my jock a long, lingering farewell, I'll head on back to where I was trained. The jock will take your car and haul ass.

Not you. You're with me now. When I finally go back to teach, you're going too. I'll make sure you get your old lab room.

And I'm going to keep you company.

After that, I guess you're moving to Alabama. White says it misses you.

You've been running for too long. Times when you should've been getting tickled, and weren't. But now that's behind you.

It's really great to see you again, Taos. And your feet.

I'm sticking close to you. Just like before - when I put my name on your skin.

He stares at the last page, and takes an enormous pull on his cigarette. Shaking like a leaf -

And his eyes travel to his arm. Left forearm, on the inside. The storm clouds, the ghostly glove - and the three letters which spell his tickler's name.

Something moves - approaching him. Reflected from the mirrors all around. Four huge cuffs. Straps are pulled taut, leaning toward his legs.

And then - from above, and behind him... twelve black satin gloves. They land, and start pulling his jacket off. Untying his shoes -

At eye-level, two of them pause. Empty, inside.

The fingers slowly curl into tight, shiny fists...

And rock toward his head. A suave, cool, familiar cue.




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To learn more about what this TM has been up to, check out Mal and Seminar. It also appears in Ampcat.




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