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When I looked up and saw the dark purple gloves waiting, a few thoughts raced across my brain even before the adrenaline did.
Gonna get it. Their posture couldn't have been clearer.
But I was grinning around the cigarette I'd just lit - because this was a phantom I met a long time ago. That shade of purple, even more than the telltale "incoming grips," took me way back.
I didn't want to be a plaything any more than I ever did, but this joker and I had a history... that was not nightmare-fuel. The TM about to pounce had learned from me, and I'd learned from it, whether I liked that or not. The master-slave bullshit wasn't enough for this culprit.
"Xenoslick," I growled.
Easy laughter. "Zacker." That twisted version of my name, Isaac, confirmed who was about to catch me.
The gloves moved in.
A TM who knows its way around you can hardly ever avoid revealing it.
This one rubbed at least four gloves right over my ribs, more than between them, back-to-front. So damn many dreams. That made me feel like I was fuckin' sixteen again.
My arms were pulled up, and I had no hope of budging them...
Magical fingers crept under my knees, up from my calves - another mindblowing bullseye.
Pulling, kicking, rolling, twisting were expertly prevented. I hadn't even seen all those gloves latch on and pin me.
Oh, fuck, the back of my neck... from bottom to top, just firm enough. Maddening pace. Slow, but not too slow. Probably ten fingertips that were impossibly smooth for thin leather -
And the impact on my sides expanded, as if it was the most natural thing in the world for dozens of fingers to be moving there. I hadn't even noticed that it had pulled my shirt off. My whole torso was owned, well, more thoroughly than hardly any of them could accomplish in the first ten seconds. Roaring with laughter was out of the question. Shit, after a long hiss and a few chuckles, I wasn't even able to tense up anymore.
"You dropped your cigarette," that familiar voice teased.
"Huh huh," I managed. It came out more like a sigh than a couple of laughs. When the filter slid on top of my lower lip, a glove pushed my chin up a little. It was gentle, but I had no doubt would crank up the heat later, hours and hours. Xenoslick really liked my body.
Its gloves slowed down here, and eased up just a little there. I took a long drag... then finally eased it out.
"Whuh, where the heh heh heh hell have you buh been?"
"Disrespectful cuss," it whispered, cocky teasing. I wasn't the least bit surprised when leather fingers got around my dick. Mindblowing times were just ahead.
"Whoah." It was time for another serious tug on the cigarette.
"I got no right," it teased.
"No right," I nodded. "And makin' me... like you."
More suggestive chuckling. The gloves paused. "Zack's the warped one. Complimenting one of us."
"Don't I know it," I sighed.
"There's some new pals of mine. Listening. Eating this up."
"Oh, you're a sneaky b-bastard."
The gloves lifted off my sides, and my neck, let go of my knees. After a lazy little squeeze, my dick was left alone.
I blinked, and saw a new cigarette waiting in front of me.
A low growl, in front of my chest, sounded different. Frustrated.
"Quittin' so soon?" I was pretending to be surprised, but I tried to play it straight.
"Aw, I hate not tickling you."
I had to nod at that, and sucked in when it held the last cigarette to the end of the new one. Done. There. "How many times have you said that?"
"But later, ohhhhh," it hissed. "Boom." I heard a sigh that seemed to confirm that it was trying to stay in the moment. "Gotta check in on the new troops. Don't go anywhere, you. Aaaarggg - so let's hear it. Feedback."
"This is incredible," another phantom said.
"Definite history together, right here," a lower voice chuckled.
"You know every millimeter," an excited voice chimed in. "And Zack doesn't hate you. Both of those things are absolutely clear."
"He's feeling it too deeply to laugh! Right from the start -"
"But the way he keeps smoking! If I hadn't seen it..."
"So. You really wanna run away?" Xenoslick teased me.
"Fuck, yeah. Before you get busy."
"He means it," one of the students said, sounding like it was blown away by that conclusion. "But look at that smirk! Wow."
"Knows he can't outrun us."
"I mean, damn, you two know each other so well."
"For better or worse," Xenoslick agreed - and then it laughed. My groan turned into hopeless chuckling too.
"Don't tickle me, pleeee-ase," I finally whined.
"Dude's - just, whoa, he's teasing Xenoslick. On purpose."
"The shit I put up with," it drawled.
"You put up with?" It felt like bullshitting with an old friend from high school. Derry - oh yeah, the only other dude who started junior year with core-tats on both arms. "Sheeee-it."
"Slow it down," Xenoslick said, down near my feet. "Find the hot path before you dig in."
After a pause, soft bristles crept back up the center of my right sole. I pulled at the damn straps, got a big breath and yelled serious laughter. Hours of intense tickling had been dished out all over me, and the breaks had flown by.
The brush made a long oval... and sometimes it hit the most sensitive spot. I threw my head around and howled then.
Gloves busy in my armpits didn't quite hit the mark, although they were moving like Xenoslick was in 'em.
Oh, fuck no. "Yooooh hooooh hoo-oooooh," I squealed. "Nuh huh huh huh huh noooooh nah aaaah-hah-hah-hah. Yooooooh -" And I caught a break then, because fingers were sliding deep in my inner thighs and yet another load was on its way out. I tensed up, arched and gritted my teeth.
"Uh-oh," another voice chuckled.
"No. You. No. You duh-don't. Set 'em all. On m-me. All. Fuck no."
"Wrong again, dude."
I started to shake my head, and just had to bark out loud laughter.
"Good work," it leered.
"Thank you," a lower voice replied.
"No no noooh nooooooh," I hooted.
"Quiet. Hold him."
The gloves paused. Oh, yeah. Sitting there.
"Nine minutes," the bastard said - proudly?
"Really?" a different student raved.
"Whuh," was all I could manage. "Aaaaw hah hah haaaah!"
"I showed these students how to put it to Zacker. They got close enough - only took 'em nine minutes to snap you out of focus-trance."
"Alright!" a voice laughed.
"A fine first attack."
I looked at all the gloves parked on my skin. "Nooooooh. Puh huh huh huh pppplleeeze, aw naaah hah hah hah huh nuh -"
"That's enough of a pause," Xenoslick said. "Git 'im!"
Sexy fire. Gut, back, knees, pits, pecs, forearms, throat, hips...