Tickle Woods To say Janet was angry would be an understatement. She had been walking around these woods for about a half an hour and was no nearer the lake that when she began. Janet wandered through the woods wearing only a pair of sandals and light blue bikini. The top was a size too small, so her large chest seemed to overflow from the cups. She couldn't believe that she was so embarrassed to pee near the lake and had to go searching for some privacy. She screamed out to her friends, but heard no reply. If she stood still, and listened carefully, Janet could detect the thumps of a Hip-Hop song off in the distance, but she couldn't tell from which direction it came. Damn, she thought to herself, Sara's got the stupid radio on and can't hear me calling to her. Janet's anger was giving way to fear. She had no idea how to survive in the woods, and was certainly not dressed for it. The path was getting narrower and more overgrown as she continued on it, but she could see a clearing up ahead. Having no better direction to go, she walked toward it. As she got closer, she could hear the sounds of human voices, but couldn't make out what they were saying. Janet walked up to the edge of the clearing and peeked through a bush. She saw a group of people standing is a circle. They wore long, dark, hooded robes. She was close enough to hear what they were saying, but still could not understand them. They were speaking a language that Janet had never heard before. They spoke in a hushed, reverent tone. It sounded like a prayer. They walked in a circle with their backs to Janet as they chanted. After they made a few revolutions, they threw their hands up into the air and screamed out in unison. Then they left in single file through a path on the opposite side of the clearing. Janet came out from behind the bush when she was sure that they had all left. The clearing looked pretty normal. The only unusual thing about it was the circle worn into the ground that was made by the group she just saw. Seeing nothing special about it, Janet walked right through the center of it. When she got to the center of it, she tripped on something. When she rolled over to see what it was that she tripped on, she saw that a weed had wrapped itself around her ankle. She tried to free her foot, but the plant was caught around it too tightly. Janet took her sandal off, thinking that she could slip her foot through the tangle. What she didn't realize was that at the same time, another weed was twirling itself around her other ankle. It grabbed Janet's leg and pulled it straight away from her just as she got her sandal off. The jerk from her leg being pulled from under her made her fall flat on her back, with her arms over her head. Instantly, two more weeds grabbed hold of her wrists. She was now tied spread eagle, held to the ground by these strange plants. Janet pulled as hard as she could, but couldn't get free. She screamed out for help, not knowing if anyone would actually hear her. Janet heard a rustling coming from the bushes and out stepped one of the hooded figures she saw just a few moments ago. "Oh, thank God," Janet cried in relief. "Please help me. I've been trapped by these weird plants." The man pulled down his head-cover and smiled at Janet. He reached behind his back and pulled out a folding knife. He walked over to the helpless woman and sat on the ground next to her prone form. He unfolded the knife to expose the shiny serrated blade. Instead of cutting at the vegetation that had her pinned to the ground, he moved the sharp edged metal under the string between her breasts that held up her bikini top. With a flick of his wrist, the thin piece of fabric was cut in two. "What the HELL are you doing!?" Janet asked. "Just preparing you for your punishment, my dear," the man replied as he cut away the rest of the strings that held her top on. "Punishment for what?" Janet was getting hysterical. Here the man she thought was her savior was now stripping her naked, and was probably going to rape her. "Why, your punishment for trespassing," he said as he grabbed the tiny string that still kept the two cups of her bikini top on her. With a quick pull, her large breasts were exposed. "This is our place of worship, and you are not welcome." He moved down to Janet's legs and cut the strings holding the bottom of her bikini on. "Now you must be punished." "W-w-what are you gonna do to me?" "I'm not going to do anything." Janet relaxed a bit. "But the fairies should find you quite amusing!" The man laughed at his own little joke that Janet didn't understand. The bikini bottoms were thrown aside along with the top. Before the man stood up, he slipped the remaining sandal off of her foot. He chanted as he walked around the circle a few times and then left down the trail. Janet was scared. What the fuck did he mean by fairies, she thought. Janet heard a rustling sound coming from her right side. She looked over and saw a root moving towards her. Turning her head, she saw another one coming at her from the other side. They both moved beside her and stopped less than an inch from her body. Janet was really getting scared now. She had no idea what the magical plants would do to her next. They were covered with a light fur, like a peach. Without warning the roots started to rub up and down her rib cage. They would start at her armpit, and dance all the way down to Janet's hips. "Ahh! That tickles!" she screamed. She tried to hold back the laughter, but a few giggles leaked out. While these strange roots had her occupied, two new plants stated to sprout near the bottoms of her feet. These plants started to grow what looked like pine needles, but they were soft and not very sharp. They were like brushes. When these started to sway back and forth across her delicate soles, Janet screamed out in laughter. Two fern-like plants popped up on either side of Janet. These unfurled into something that looked a lot like a pair of feathers. These came down and flicked back and forth across her breasts. Her nipples became harder from the teasing of the plants. Another one moved into her belly button and swirled around in it. Soon, even the grass beneath her bound form started to sway back and forth, tickling her back, buttocks and legs. No matter how she squirmed, she couldn't get away from the magical plants. If she managed to get away from one, it only put her closer to the others. She was laughing so hard that she started to feel lightheaded. Janet soon passed out from lack of oxygen. Janet woke up to feel something itching her nose. She raised her lids - and couldn't believe her eyes. Flying less than an inch from her nose was a small winged woman. Her hair was long (compared to her body) and blonde. Her wings were moving so fast that Janet could hardly see them. She was also completely naked. When the miniature woman (a fairy, Janet realized) noticed that Janet was awake, she raised her hands to her face and giggled. The fairies' laugh sounded like the ringing of a tiny bell. Janet stared up at her in awe. It was then that she saw the little feather the fairy carried in her hand. The fairy spun around in the air and whistled. The pitch was so high that Janet could barely hear it. All around the clearing, dozens of tiny lights that looked like fireflies started to appear. One at a time, the points of light turned into fairies. Soon the small, naked women surrounded Janet. They flew down to Janet's prone naked body. When they got close to her, their fast beating wings brushed against Janet's skin. When they landed on her, she tried to stifle the giggle that was bubbling up in her. When several started to walk across her stomach, she couldn't hold it in any more. At the sound of her laughter, the fairies started cheering and clapping their tiny hands. A couple more landed on her legs so they could run up and down Janet's sensitive thighs. Janet was laughing so hard now that she didn't even notice that the roots holding her arms and legs had loosened. The fairies surrounded her body and lifted her into the air. All those tiny wings vibrating that close to her body set her laughing even harder. They flew her across the clearing to a giant spider web. Janet had always been afraid of spiders, and freaked when she saw it. She struggled to get out of the fairy grasp, but when one started to jump in and out of her belly button, it took all the fight out of her. They placed her body on the web and wrapped it a few times around her wrists and ankles. When they let her go, Janet found herself suspended a few inches from the ground, spread out like an 'X'. She couldn't move very much, and the sticky threads left her whole body vulnerable. As Janet struggled, the fairies all around her were whispering and giggling to themselves. Some would point out her more ticklish areas, and they would all laugh. A few would even fly over and tickle her in those spots, causing her to shriek. "What do you want from me?" Janet screamed at them. "Why are you doing this to me?" "Because you must be punished." The voice scared Janet. She hadn't really expected a response from them, especially not one like that. The voice sounded like the songs of a hundred birds, mixed with the sound of the wind passing through the leaves in a forest. It was the most beautiful voice she had ever heard. The fairies turned away from Janet. Their mood suddenly changed from jovial to reverent as they parted to let someone enter the clearing. Janet was completely amazed at what she saw walk toward her. "Walk" is the wrong word - the apparition before her seemed more to float towards Janet than walk. If Janet thought the voice was beautiful, then the woman that now stood before her was absolutely gorgeous. She stood about as tall as Janet and had a slim build. An elegant gown of the sheerest fabric and decorated with leaves and vines covered her. Her skin was a faint shade of green, but it also was shining like she was covered in silver glitter. Her long dark red hair flowed around her body as if blown by a mysterious wind. On her head she wore a crown made from the most delicate flowers of the forest. Her eyes were the deepest green Janet had ever seen. It was these eyes that stared deep into Janet's soul. "Who are you?" Janet whispered when she found her voice. "I am Titania, Queen of the Fairies." Janet was again speechless. How can this be, she thought, she's just a fairy tale. Then it hit her - the fairies were real, why not their queen... "Wh-what are you going to do to me?" Janet asked. She didn't say a word, but held her hands out. Into one, a fairy dropped a small leather sack with a string tying it closed. In the other a fairy placed a large white feather. The Queen opened the bag and dipped the feather into it. When it came out, the feather was coated with a shiny powder. She floated towards Janet and raised the feather to her right arm. The Queen dragged it along the top of Janet's arm, leaving the silvery dust behind. Janet screamed with laughter at the touch of it. This one feather had tickled her more than all of her other torments combined. The Queen coated the whole of the top of Janet's arm with the powder, including all of her fingers. She then dipped the feather back into the pouch and started on the underside of her arm. Janet screamed and pulled as hard as she could, but the web held her almost perfectly still. The Fairy Queen proceeded painting Janet's body with the dust until her whole body was covered in a light coat of it. She paid particular attention to Janet's nipples and vagina. When she was done, tears were streaming down Janet's face, and her hair had been matted to the spider web. The Fairy Queen bent down and blew across the skin of Janet's underarm. Janet started to laugh. The dust that the Queen had covered her with had somehow made Janet EXTREMELY ticklish. The Queen smiled at Janet and then stepped back. As if on cue, the creatures of the forest come from their hiding places and advanced on Janet. Squirrels came and brushed their fluffy tails under her toes. Caterpillars crawled around and in her belly button and over her nipples. Large hairy spiders were crawling all over her arms. Deer were licking her ribs and her thighs. She screamed and shrieked and laughed, but even though the tickling was much worse than when the plants tortured her, she did not feel like she was going to pass out any time soon. She also felt a warmth growing between her legs. Janet thought she was losing her mind. Why else would this be turning her on? Just as she thought her mind would crack, the animals backed off. Relief flooded over Janet's body. Oh thank God, she thought, it's finally over. She stood there panting, trying to catch her breath, and she could feel that her pussy had gotten quite wet. Then she looked up and saw hundred of fairies swarming around their Queen. "One more test and it will all be over," the Queen said. "Please! No more," Janet cried. "I can't take anymore." "Ssshh, it will be over soon." She walked over to Janet's bound body and kneeled down in front of her. She raised the feather and ever so gently ran it across the length of Janet's moist vagina. Janet was overcome with the sensations. It tickled like crazy, but it also felt really good. Her laughter was mixed with moans. Then the Queen used her free hand to part Janet's lips and attack the poor girls clit with the feather. Despite the tickling, Janet could feel herself reaching orgasm. But just before she hit the point of no return, the fairies attacked her. Every inch of her body was covered with the tiny naked women tickling her. The new sensations kept her at the edge of orgasm. Janet was screaming with laughter in moaning in pleasure. She was kept in this state for a while. The tickling kept her so distracted that the little bit of stimulation she was getting from the single feather was not enough to push her over the edge. She was crying now more out of frustration than from the tickling. Between laughs she begged, "Please, ah ha ha ha ha ha, f-f-finish me. I n-n-need to cum so b-b-badly! Ah hahaha!" The Queen looked up and smiled at Janet. Then she removed the feather and kissed the girl once on her engorged clit. That one warm touch was all she needed. She closed her eyes and screamed as the orgasm hit her. It spread though her whole body like a fire. Every ticklish nerve turned into a pleasure nerve. The orgasm seemed to last forever. When it finally ebbed, Janet passed out. When she woke up, she was lying on the ground in a fetal position. She stretched out her sore limbs and sat up. Then she noticed that what she'd thought was a tree... was actually a blade of grass. She looked up and saw the Fairy Queen standing over her. "Come, my dear," the Queen said, without using her mouth. "You are one of us now."After a few test flutters of her wings, Janet took flight and joined her new family.
by guitman69
posted 27nov01 |