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We got him.
Oh, yeah.
This one's also ours!
Definitely. We got another one...
The gloves were in the zone. Rubber tubes, huge and snug, kept the young man's forearms and calves pinned down, no matter how he tried to move 'em. Satin scooched his pits and pecs, crawled around his stomach, teased his package through the damp nylon underwear... and they'd found a devastating pressure-tempo-path across or down his soles.
He yelled laughter. Tears and sweat were dripping. The victory was complete, and intense tickling... finally made sense.
- Excellent, - a phantom chuckled.
They paused, sending their thanks. The target hooted slowly but steadily. He was too tired and distracted to squirm. A more relaxed body let him feel more of the growing impact that was already far beyond what he could process.
The gloves had hauled him to a Practical Joker vault, and found an empty cell with only a padded X-frame bench and a mattress on the floor. It was in the cellar of an office building in the hipster bar district. Inner doors to the stairs descending from the first floor were sealed. Cheap owners would ignore the basement level, it appeared. The PJs had secretly taken over fourteen brick rooms, split some in half and furnished them. Spanking, itching powder, tattooing, cock-play...
PJs were getting more creative all the time. Young studs, in particular, wrote off the wild times in a couple dozen vaults like this as bizarre dreams that must've been due to getting shitfaced. The new ink had to be what they, well, stumbled into a tattoo parlor and asked for. Maybe they found a roll of twenties on the street or something.
His ticklishness was fully revealed now. They could light him up for hours.
- This team is what he's made for, - Modatuch the phantom said. It had focused on that particular practical joke for many years. Confident and experienced. PJ's found it a little unnerving when healthy men walked and drove around with no "attention" being given to them.
The ticklers responded... Incredible / we rule over this cat / this makes so much sense now / more of this, more more more / he's just a decommissioned piece of meat / the effect we're having is increasing / so much more to learn about him.
- You're unified. Not competing at the expense of what he can provide you. -
The glove-users were complimented, seeing the practicality, and were even more eager when their teamwork was praised.
- Are you ready to coalesce? -
That was a legend, or something that only happened to other glove-teams. Oh, yes, they responded almost simultaneously. It became a chant. That would be clearly advantageous, they'd be so much closer to each other's awareness, and even the possibility was irresistible. One was concerned about permanent joining.
- Not at all, - the phantom reassured them. - I can split and fuse immediately. My team is "me" now, until "I" wish it to be... "us" again. -
Go go go, all of the inhabitants of the gloves whooped. What do we do?
- Pull his underwear down carefully, and pet down his shaft. Light and easy, because an ejaculation is not far off. In sequence, let one of your crew dig in more, for just a few seconds... and rotate that full tickling one-by-one. Stimulate and distract him from coming at the same time. You do that already -
We sure do, and several laughed in agreement.
-Oh, yeah. Get his focus on the tickling... this glove, that glove, this glove, that glove. -
Easy enough -
- All the joining-together requires is the exact same shift you already know, when you move from an old glove to a new one. But you will inhabit the surging tube in his cock, all of you there, coexisting. Layered, until you emerge in the spurt of cum. -
Moving together. Okay!
- Stay close, and move to the same place. Out you come, as one. Able to separate to haul off three or four bikers at once, and rejoin when you wish. -
It's that easy?
- Into him, instead of into another object. The fluid he'll eject. Join together, and ride -
Most were clear on the transformation. Questions and doubts were communicated, and their teammates usually had the correct answers...
- Keep it simple. If it doesn't work, another cumshot or two will. I'm sure of that. One glove after another goes maximum. When I tell you, all gloves meet around the cock. Before he spurts, abandon the gloves temporarily and enter the cum - as if it was a concrete object. It will feel different, but that's okay. Hold on to each other, and the ejection from his body will do the rest.
- You will know immediately... so much larger together, not restricted to any small set of objects. And you'll have an unlimited number of energy-hands. His focus on the ejaculation, the receding impact of your stimulating contact, and the spurt will unify you... into a tickler. -
They took zealous five-second turns on the spots they tickled, easing up when others were featured.
- Watch his rocket, all of you. Get ready to move. Here's what you will do when he cums... -
He roared laughter, starting to arch...
- Here it comes. Ready, aim... -
Their captive's relevant muscles started to contract.
- Meet! -
The gloves clamped to each other and his package, as the first pumping reflex began.
- Inside him - now! -
They left the cloth hands, and all entered the surging fluid. The gloves collapsed.
- Yes. -
Moving, rising...
- As ONE! -
In the air, above him.
Not a "we," and not only a collective... but an "I", so astounded by its obvious ability to manipulate far more than just the gloves.
Unhinged laughter was suddenly replaced by a moan, and he passed out.
- Welcome, - Modatuch said happily.
Yes, the new phantom laughed in response.
It wasn't constrained by any object. Intricate manipulation of many objects was the new scale. At a thought, the new phantom lifted the bench off the floor. One end was much lower than the other, until the new "it" thought about leveling his position again. That was so easy! And it wasn't... trapped within the wood at all!
- Slow and steady, - its adviser chuckled.
I can take him away... and tickle him anywhere!
- That's right. Soon, very soon. A little practice, and you'll carry out any such thought. Think about moving the bench... smoothly. Intimidating. The way you want it to be moved. -
I understand this now.
His bench rotated, facing the door.
And back again.
It reversed the half-turn, and gently set him down.
Completely amazed, it picked up the gloves. Filled them - not too much force, good, and try curling the fingers slowly. There. Yeah. Instead of animating the material from within, the new phantom wore them... on smooth replicas that were shaped like his own hands, but a size or two larger.
- What you just did blends and unifies teams. From a "we" to a more powerful "I." Please let me and other phantoms teach you how to maintain him, heal injuries... to his body and his mind. -
- Exactly. Doing more than one thing at the same time will be easier than ever. Wash him, at the same time you're sneaking more cigarettes from a store - and testing a stoned janitor in the utility closet there. Is he worth a full tickling? Sneak him to the same vault! -
Easier to catch multiple howlers.
- Much. Yes. You'll see little groups, and never have to decide which one to test first. Three weightlifters, the starting lineup of a basketball team, all six convicted felons in solitary confinement... grab them all, test them all. Practice, and time, will make such things simple.
The new TM sent a gentle glove around his half-erect cock. -- I owe this man... --
- And you own him. There's more - some of their behaviors you've observed will make more sense. Their long relationships with each other are... mutually beneficial. Human loyalty will make more sense. Affection. Pride in what the howler becomes. Customized practical jokes. -
Not only tickling.
- Of course not. Entirely up to you. And we'll help you learn. Your ideas of what he should become are quite different than his thoughts and emotions about you. That isn't a flaw of his, or of yours. He's used to being in charge... of his exquisite feet, for example. -
I want to avoid... accidentially hurting him. Does that make sense? You have so much knowledge I need.
- Tickle monsters help each other. These animals need to be tickled completely, intricately. Extensively. More, more, more. I know of nothing as enjoyable. Today is a powerful success. Another phantom lives, and more men will be tickled correctly. Rock bands, surfers, lumberjacks, roofers, rugby teams. There's more ticklish men than I could ever hope to snare... -
Get 'em.
- Yes. Your skills and wishes are more available than ever. Relax and they will blend just fine. -
Shall we wake him, Modatuch?
- He needs to rest and recharge now. Uniting you was done inside him. When he comes around, I imagine before the sun rises, he is ready for your reward. -
More laughter from the new TM. One voice.
Out in the hall, a PJ chuckles. = Am I meeting ... two TMs? =
Affirmations, greetings were exchanged...
- Any assistance, in getting him to a vault about a mile from here, would be greatly appreciated, - Modatuch told it.
Laughter. - Well, it just so happens I've got a car, down in the alley... -
- We'll prop him behind the wheel, put sunglasses on him, and work the pedals. I'll show you. -
The PJ grinned, studying the new TM. = You're not even close to done with this target. Long-tickle is about to begin? =
A strong affirmative mood indicated by sinister chuckling.
= If okay, when you're ready, I'd like to... understand what output energy and what other payoffs are so damn fascinating. Sometimes spanking or tattooing just ain't all there is. =
- Tickle all night, and repeat, - Modatuch sighed happily. - No bruising to get in the way. -
= Mindblowing tickling, personalized... and here comes another cigar, and slow tickling around his cock, and on it. He squirts, and my fingers return to his feet, and his sides. That's an interesting PJ. I can imagine that being worth the effort. Serious tickling. =
Deep power-tickling.
- Full tickling. The depictions in their mass media aren't accurate. Not light, teasing, _brief_ tickling. Ever. Not for these animals. -
= Hmmmm... =
uploaded 31dec22