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Stress Buster


It's been a long and particularly stressful day at work, and all he wants to do is to get home and relax. As soon as he gets home, he checks his email, hoping to hear a kind word or two from some of his friends. A couple of letters he reads make him smile, but he is still feeling tense... so he decides to go stretch out on his bed and relax for a few minutes before finding something to eat.

Sitting on the edge of his bed he takes off his shoes and socks, then stretches out on his back with his arms over his head. Closing his eyes, he attempts to totally clear his mind of the horrible day he has just had. He tries thinking of a clear running stream, a peaceful mountain scene, a fun night out on the town, and even a special event in his life. Nothing seems to help.

Suddenly, he feels a slight burning pain in his left armpit. Opening his eyes, he sees the HUGEST bug he has ever seen in his life! Measuring at least twelve inches long, four inches wide, and three inches tall, it has a hard shell covering it's body and what appears to be at least 100 legs! He realizes with shock that the burning sensation he felt was this revolting creature stinging him! Already, his armpit is starting to tingle, and the tingling sensation is rapidly spreading.

Totally disgusted, he attempts to bring his arms down to knock this obnoxious creature off of his bed, only to realize with horror that its sting has left him totally immobilized. He can't bring his arms down to get it away from him, neither can he roll his body over away from it!

As he is realizing this, he has another shocking realization. The farther the tingling sensation spreads, the more it begins to..... TICKLE!!!

Beginning to giggle, he watches with horror as the bug begins to climb up his body, those infernal feet starting to dig into his armpit. Bellowing with laughter now, all he can do is lie there helplessly and watch, as it crawls across his chest, its stinger dipping and pricking his skin with seemingly every step it takes. The tingling sensation starts to spread from each sting immediately. What is perhaps even worse is the fact that its feet get tangled in his shirt with each step it takes, effectively pulling at it until it begins to shred, leaving him no protection whatsoever from its tickling feet.

Winding its way back and forth across his chest, it goes lower with each pass until it is now at his sensitive belly. Just the venom of this creature causes tickling sensations that are so totally unbearable, and the feel of its hundreds of feet just add to the total torture of the situation. The first sting by itself had caused him to be so unbearably ticklish that he thought he couldn't stand it, and he has now been stung dozens of times. As the tingling and tickling sensations spread out from each individual sting, they begin to overlap the sensations coming from all of the other ones.

He begins to wonder if this creature will EVER move off of him, and how long the effects will last even after it has gone. It has now been over thirty minutes since he felt the first sting in his armpit, and the sensations are still building and building, tickling more than ever! Will someone finally hear his screams and come to his rescue? Then he sees that he has reason for even more concern. This horribly, tickly creature has started a journey down his right leg, headed directly toward his bare feet! For now, thoughts of his terribly stressful day at work are the furthest thing from his mind...



by DonnaFreak




posted 05feb1999


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