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A car pulled into the driveway.
When the engine was shut off, the activity in the dark room changed...
Steve pounded on the door. No answer.
He made a face, and dug for his keys.
"Ig. Hey... You here?" He flicked on a light switch.
No Iggy.
Steve looked around the living room - and stared at the cigars.
There was a box of cigars on the coffee table. Expensive ones.
He walked into the kitchen, still thinking about them. Getting a beer and opening it, he looked at the dirty dishes in the sink. They were dry.
He stuck his head in the garage... and looked at Iggy's truck. That was odd.
Lumbering downstairs, he called out for Iggy. No sign of him there.
Or in the spare bedroom. The bathroom was empty...
His bedroom door was closed.
Steve stood there for a minute, and eventually pressed his ear against the door. Then he knocked.
"Ig? It's me. You in there?"
He called a couple more times, and knocked harder. When that didn't bring a response either, he cracked the door open -
Cigar smoke. Stale...
"Whew," he mumbled, stepping back. Then he sniffed.
He stood there, thinking. Sniffed a couple more times. Thought some more. Then he opened the door a few more inches, and peeked inside.
It was dark. The bed had nobody on it. Blankets and sheets all off to the side, dirty clothes scattered on the floor.
Steve closed the door and looked at it for a minute, drinking his beer.
Ig's answering machine had three messages. Two from his boss, and one from Steve himself.
He started playing the outgoing message too, but it sounded the same as always. He hit the stop button after a few seconds and stood there, thinking.
"Huh," he said to the machine.
He chugged his beer, got a new one and went back into the living room. After looking around, he dug in the couch cushions and pulled out the remote...
Surfed until he found the adult channel.
He put his feet up on the coffee table. They were a couple inches away from the cigars.
"But you don't smoke, Ig," Steve murmured into his beer bottle. "You hate smokin'." And he stared at the cigars for awhile.
Steve looked toward the hallway. Over toward the kitchen...
And he sat up slowly. Picked a cigar out of the box. Looked it over, squeezed it, smelled it.
Stuck it between his teeth.
He patted his pockets, and frowned.
In the kitchen, he came up with a dusty ashtray and a box of matches. He took a big knife and whacked the cigar ends off, too.
Back on the couch, shoes kicked off, feet back up, he lit the cigar. Shaking out the match, he took a long pull. And he nodded.
He seemed to be enjoying himself. Smoking, drinking, watching soft-core porn on Ig's thirty-six-inch TV. After a half-hour or so, he got up and went to the can. The cigar, parked in his mouth while he made water, was maybe halfway gone.
Steve's back was to the hallway, so he didn't see anything... unusual.
He stepped out of the bathroom and looked to his left.
The bedroom door was slightly open.
Steve did a slow double-take at that. Looked to his right, and toward the spare room. Stood there silently.
His expression was sour, but he crept toward the bedroom. He stopped and the door and took a silent breath, making the coal of his cigar brighten -
Standing back, he kicked the door open.
Other than the door bouncing back a little, nothing moved inside.
He reached his arm in and flipped the wall switch. Nothing happened. Still no Iggy in sight. After a few seconds, he took a few slow puffs on his cigar, and backed out. Turned on the hall light.
Cautiously approaching the room again, he gave it another thirty seconds. Listening. Pulling on the cigar a few more times.
Steve stepped inside. Scanning the room. The closet was to the left. The door was wide open.
Edging over there, he paused and scooped up a hiking boot that was in his path. He lobbed it into the closet. It thumped off the back wall.
When nothing else was heard, he took two more steps toward the closet. Small ones.
Behind him, the bedroom door slammed.
Your night's about to get... interesting.
You spin around, of course. Start to lunge -
I click on the lamp. Over by the bed. Your head turns. You even get your hand on the doorknob. On the doorknob...
And then you see it.
Stare at it, dude. It's what I'm going to do to you.
I've got a feather, high over the bed. I flick it at you. C'mere. Yeah, you. I wanna change... your... life.
You can't take your eyes off it. Message for you, Steve. This is for you. The look on your face makes my night. And it was a really cool night before you even walked into my trap. It's a tight trap you're in, buddy. Shut tight.
Tragically, you don't pick up on the movement... behind your legs.
Four ropes are right where I want them. Here they go -
Slip knots, for a slippery-handed intruder... to take down a dude who's not slipping out of this one.
I wait the extra second for you to look down.
There. Uh-oh, you're so fucked.
And here's a little - boost. Both triceps - hey. Are you a gym rat? I'm even happier to meet ya. Lean. Leaner than some other guys I could mention... I grab your arms, and lift - so I can turn your world upside-down.
You dangle there for a second - and drop the cigar. Lemme get that -
Seeing it float up - and go away... That's what gets you yelling.
I turn on the TV. Fairly loud. Good thing I nailed that blanket over the window earlier, right over Iggy's miniblinds. I don't need you getting lucky tonight, though. Steve, you're getting a powerful... distraction.
And hey, you're hanging by your ankles. The rope circles and knots. Trusty nylon rope. Flopping like a fish on a stringer -
All except... your feet. I wrap around and hold 'em. You look, but there's nothing visible, is there?
So you get creative. Swinging, twisting - oh, now you think you're going to reach up there and pick at the rope, huh? Let's get you away from the wall. And now I'm going to ease these old shoes... off.
There. Just lookit these feet. Staying in the same place, no matter what you do. Tied up tight.
More yelling. "Hallp! Haaaalllllpp!" Hmmmm. You're thrashing around too much to do your best shouting, I'd say. Is that what you call "yelling"? It's not as loud as it could be. I bet it's not loud enough.
Let's find out. Starting with these feet I captured. Old white socks... Hiding a treasure, maybe? I can hope. Bad socks. You're not gonna interfere.
Well, I'll show them. I bring the feather over. Zeroing in, like a very special bomb. Guided feather-missile. In order to foil the socks, I'm giving you - the shaft. The tail-end of this feather is rigid enough, for starters.
The hardest part of the feather lands on your left foot. Dead center. But you can't see that, way down there.
It's the moment of truth, Steve. Don't let me down, now. Here goes.
I drag the feather-stem. Down -
You stop... in mid-yell. Looking up again.
Scratch, back toward the toes. And across.
"Nnnnnnnnuh. Uh," you groan. Or was that... a stifled... laugh? You aren't holding out on me, now are ya? Buddy?
Down up down up down up down. Slightly diagonal lines.
And there's this intense pressure in the room. All of a sudden. Building, building... to a level that just can't be withstood. Am I right?
Up down up d-
"Naaaaaaaaahhh haaaaa aeeeeee hee hee heh heh heh!" you laugh. No, that's more of a... roar. I'm liking it.
You're so ticklish, Steve.
I can't believe how my luck is running. A little bit longer, and I'm really gonna be set. And so will you. Oh, yeah - ticklish, and caught good, with this fine physique...
You flop some more. Just like a big ol' fish, with your arms flying all around. A-ha.
Down up down up down up down up down up down up down...
"Stah ah hah hah whuh huh huh whuh stuh staaah staaaaaaahpppllllllleeeee hooooowheeeee..."
And I am so glad to meet you. We're going to be there for each other. A long, intimate relationship. Intruder-to-captive.
The shaft presses hard, drawing circles and spirals and then some more lines and you're going nuts but I've got you good and tight Steve dude you just can't stand it so you laugh like you really mean every tortured vowel.
You've only started sweating so let me get that t-shirt off -
Whoops. Dropped it. It's lying near one of Iggy's shirts. Out of your reach... like everything will be, from now on. No clothes for you. Your feet are really giving you away, dude.
Your secret's out. The party of parties is waiting for you. The bar's stocked. You're gonna have the best possible time, and it'll seem like it's never, ever gonna end.
Now that I know what to do with you, let's just remove the word "socks" from your wardrobe. You don't need them. I'm anti-socks, so you're gonna be barefootin' it here.
Stick with "ha", Steve. Repeat a hundred million times. That's a good dude.
Off they come! Like magic...
Here's the top of the feather -
Take that!
Oh. Hey. You're howling. You're shaking hard. And you yell - but then you start to laugh again. Make up your mind. You gonna raise help... or are you gonna laugh? I know the answer already, but you're going to have to find out the hard way. Another cry for help. And more really sincere whooping. Trying for volume, are ya? Make it count?
Let's try that big ol' left foot -
Oh. Laughing harder yet. You just gotta laugh... so... hard.
Well, if you want to get the cops in here, you just better get your priorities straight. Suck it up. Shit...
You're not as tough as you look. If you're such a soft touch, from one little feather -
I'm gonna help you focus. See?
C'mon now. Hold your mud. Look. You see it?
"No! No no nooooooooooooooo..."
Uh-huh. Oh yeah. It's another feather. There it goes. Your poor, defenseless feet...
Two feathers at once. Twice the tickling. Not a fraction of what you're in for, Steve, ol' buddy.
You'd better get your ass out of my grip. Right... now -
Whoooo. Very impressive. Look at him go. So you aren't gonna yell for help anymore? Shout at the top of your lungs? You were louder before I started tickling. This is nothing.
So let's get your priorities straight. I'm gonna lay it on you... right after I lay you out.
Maybe it's the blood rushing to your head. I don't know. You look more distracted than ever. A little taste of things to come. Big things... Okay, let me take your arms and r-
No? You kidding me?
Then let's just move these feathers double-time -
"Naaaaaawwwlllah hah hah hah nah nnnniiieeeeeee hee heeeeeee neee n-naaah nah aaaaawwwwllll..."
Wow, you're a basket case. Much better. No, quit it... there. I got your biceps. I gotcha. They're not getting away again. I'm serious, I mean that literally... Look down.
That's the bed. Iggy's bed.
And here is the rope that's going to keep y-
Quit kidding around! Roll over. Coming in for a landing, now.
There you go. Kick. Kick kick. If you think I'm letting go of your ankles, you're fuckin' nuts. How could I tickle your feet like this if I let you kick all you want?
Uh, weren't you going to yell any more than that? Good and loud?
No? You just wanna laugh. Huh?
Well, then... Watch this. Up here.
Magic rope trick.
"Awwww haw haaaaawwww..."
Ta-dah! Tied. No applause, please... well, okay. Go ahead and try - oops. Nope. Your hands are tied. Literally. You can say it now and really mean it. Sorry, my hands are tied.
They're staying on the bed, way up there, so your whole upper body is stuck. It's out of your hands, Steve. Get it?
I tied your hands down.
And now I'm anchoring your feet.
See the rope loosen. Oh - you're going to kick harder, are ya? What part of your present situation is escaping you, buddy?
Here. This will clarify things. I have an iron grip clamped on, pressing your ankles into the sheet. Now, I slide your ankles apart.Out they go. And now I retie the rope...
And pull it through the eye-bolts in the floor. My idea. Just put 'em in today. Don't blame Iggy. It's all on me.
There. You're spread nice and wide.
I'm going to let you catch your breath. Off come the feathers. Just for a sec. You like? Not being tickled?
That's what I was counting on.
You... are exactly what I had in mind, Steve. I'm trippin' on you.
Damn. Could you be in any better shape? You're checking out the ropes already. It's not going to help. Well, they help me. Now I can tickle you all night. And oh, dude, I mean... all night.
I got the jump on you. There's an intruder in the house. Iggy's house, broken into. But I'm not here to rip him off.
I'm here... to keep you here. Keep you down, and drive you nuts. You okay with that?
Steve, Steve, Steve. What part of "fucked" don't you understand?
O-kay. That's still not loud enough. I know it, and I'll bet you know it... but since you wandered in here, I'm just not willing to take the chance. This has been a terrific day already, for me, and you've just made my night. Straight up.
The magic goes on and on. See? Now, it's a bandanna -
And now it's a gag.
Hold still, you. Off goes the TV.
There. Oh fuck, you should see yourself. Feet stuck... and your sides are just waiting for me. Teasing me. I'm going to do unspeakable things to your armpits. And, let me just say, those are some tight abs you got there. And I'll bet you have no idea how sensitive - how increasingly ticklish you really are.
I think it's time for you to find out. Don't you?
You'd rather test my knots, huh? That's understandable. I'm going to make you wish you never met Iggy. If you hadn't been friends, you wouldn't be here. Hell, Steve, if you hadn't been such a good friend, coming to check on Ig like this... see if he's okay... you wouldn't be in for the absolute longest night of your life.
I'm going to make you laugh so hard. You will not believe it.
You're going to pay for having that spare key to Ig's place on ya. Paying some ultimate dues. Right here.
I'm the intruder who broke in, and you're the unluckiest man alive.
Last chance for a miracle... Steve.
Is that it? You ready?
No, you're not. And you never will be.
Oh well. Take a look. Down, dude. Down there.
Your feet...
Four hands.
These are tickling gloves. They're gonna send you into orbit.
Oh, now you get serious. You don't think you're getting out of this now, do you? Too late. Let that be a lesson to you. You're gagged, buddy. You're tied.
These hands are made of Chinese silk. I'm going to use a pair... right... here. Oh, shit - are your sides that bad? Really? You're not shitting me, are you? Your friendly neighborhood intruder? The one who's going to tickle you until you pass out. Yup. Now, Steve, they must be impressive... if you're gonna wig out like this. Unbearable. Oh, poor Steve, his sides are just unbearably ticklish, and that big bad intruder is working 'em over so hard...
I've got lots of gloves. I don't know how many I can tickle with, all at the same time. I really don't. Maybe we'll find out.
Later on, I'll turn you on to oil. Kick your fuckin' ass.
All the other tools -
You're... just laying here. If I didn't know better -
But I do. And I will. Right now.
"Naaaaaaaaagh aaaaaaawg haaauuuuuu aaaaawwu auw auw auuuuwww..."
The feathers, Steve. Did you forget? Already? You did, didn't you? Got so busy staring at the first four gloves that you didn't see 'em getting ready?
You think that's bad?
Try... this.
Very nice, for a rookie captive.
That was thirty minutes. Yup. That's all. We've got a good seven hours until daybreak. And I don't stop at daybreak. And I sure as hell won't let you pass out on me. Not when you've got so much tickling to take. Not a snowball's chance.
So add fourteen laps like that together, and then you start to get the idea.
Man. You're a fuckin' mess. Look at you. Let's dry you off. Get some moisturizer on ya. A lot of mosturizer.
And, definitely - some water. Let me just untie this gag -
Stop it. No. Get a clue. Your voice is -
No, you don't. See this? This is a finger. Tickling finger. I'm going to wag it in front of your nose. Uh-uh-uh, Steve. No yelling allowed, and no trying to get anyone to come and get you out of this. Too late now.
Oh yeah? You think so? Then here comes the gag, and here comes more tough tickling.
Let's try it again.
I untie the gag...
You - no.
Yelling? Is that what you think you get to do?
Wrong. Gag back in.
Gloves... back down. I'm gonna punish you real good.
Gag, untying -
Are you still thinking help is gonna come? Hear you laugh? Okay.
And retying. Alright. Okay. If that's the way you want it, buddy, here's the gag again... and the gloves, full of tickles. You've just earned a bad case of laryngitis. The hard way.
Breathe, now. There...
Some guys just don't learn. Good thing I enjoy pounding you as much as I do. You needed it -
And now, find out for yourself. No more gag.
Yup. Uh, what? Pardon me? Can't hear ya. I'm right in the room with you, and I can't hear that miserable excuse for a scream.
So you're safe - or rather, I am. Now I can really let go. With your voice that scratchy, the odds of somebody else hearing you are next to zero. Thanks, dude. Now I have nothing to worry about. Except you, of course. My only focus, now, if getting you to feel the tickling more strongly. I don't care how strong it seems now - it's going to get worse. I know what I'm talking about. No limits.
You drink some of this water, while I think about what "unlimited" really means for my newest captive. That's you, Steve. Definitely. That's you.
How ya doin'?
We're having some fun, huh? Well, I am. You better believe it.
Got a ways to go, to reach the halfway point. Of your first night.
All night, tickling your badass self. Badass muscle-man, except that there's too much rope. And all these gloves.
You know, you're not pulling anywhere near as hard as you were earlier. Most guys would be starting to flag...
The thing is, you're not fading. And that's an excellent sign. Your limbs - those muscles are just about done for the night. But your breathing is... well, wow. I get to keep going harder, and harder, and your endurance is right there.
Incredible stamina. I gotta say. We're gonna be at this long after the sun comes up. Oh, yeah. Because I say so, ultra-ticklish dude. Yeah.
You sure are quiet now. No more yelling out of you. All gone. Your voice will still be weak tomorrow. But you're not going to help it any, if you know what I mean. Tomorrow. Get it? Aw... you will.
Pretty impressive thrusting action. I mean that. You seem to be real desperate. Goin' at it for a couple hours now. And you can pump all you want, Steve. All you want...
I'm in it for the tickling. In case you didn't figure that out.
You want some relief from that flagpole you got there, you're gonna have to do it yourself. Which looks like it's gonna be a problem. Tied down, like you are.
So you better make me happy, or else you're not getting your rocks off. Steve. Gotta feel the tickling a lot harder than you have been. And maybe then I'll tickle your balls for a while. And tickle your ass-crack for a while.
Get some more feathers on that... aching... cock. Get you off.
I can do that. Just with feathers. I like to tease it hard, though.
And you know how I don't like to rush things.
That's better. You're warming up now. How 'bout some food? Huh?
Shit. Okay. Let me put that differently. Open your fuckin' mouth.
Like that. Now... chew.
Very good. That's it. Aw, what now? Why that face? It's a MightyBlock. Dude food. You're a gym rat, I bet you've scarfed a ton of these. Chocolate fudge...
And this one's chocolate banana.
Now, peanut b- Oh, yes you are. Look around. You're gonna eat it.
Last one for now. Open up.
Steve... See that glove? Yeah? Guess what it's gonna do to your feet, right now, if you don't op-
That's better. Oatmeal raisin. Lots of energy for a guy who's gonna need it. I'll have to take care of your teeth myself, I guess. If Ig's out of floss, don't sweat it. I didn't forget.
Oh yeah, I'm gonna take care of you, man. Every little detail. Top-flight tickling needs top-notch fuel. I planned ahead. A real thoughtful intruder. See, out back of the house, I've got more MightyBlocks. You don't wanna know how many. And all kinds of other stuff. And anything else you need, Steve... I'm totally ready to go out and get it.
Have some water. And -
Hey. Knock it off. I saw you, earlier...
There. Yeah! I slapped you. Now take the d-
Look. I'm going to keep on slapping you until you take this cigar. You are gonna smoke it. Think about it a sec.
That's better. Your alternative is to get back to some serious full-scale tickling. Which you'll get anyway... I'd prefer that, myself.
But a longer break works for me. Makes the next tickling real wild. Aw no, here it comes again.
I want you to sit here and think about it. Get revved up nice and high.
So here's a match.
Very good.
With the stamina you've got, buddy, I say go ahead and smoke up. I insist. That's why I brought 'em.
You're gonna smoke when I want you to. And you're gonna enjoy the fuck out of each smoke.... or I'll spend that time tickling you instead.
Steve, Steve, Steve - This cock, here... well, that just can't be healthy. Does it usually look like that? Are you sure you wouldn't like to cum now? All over yourself?
Keep it up, and I might just break down and give you some help with that. A silk hand. Very slow...
Was that hour the best, or what? You are so damn ticklish - and nowhere near like you will be when I get done with you. But I'm liking this, tonight.
I'm liking this a lot.
If I hadn't picked Iggy's place to break into, you'd be home sawin' logs right now - instead of getting all this insane tickling.
Iron-man tickling.
Those iron-man races, they just go on forever. Don't they?
Water. Drink up. And now this -
Hey! Don't... even try to spit it out. You like beer. I saw you earlier.
Man needs a light, here. You forget how to start a cigar, Steve? Suck on it.
C'mon. Puff.
That's the way. Lookin' good. You are a hell of a guy to have tied down, buddy. You are the man to tickle. Incredible. And we're not even done for the night. Oh, hell no.
Yeah! You're doing just fine. For a first-timer, you're definitely worth tickling. I'm ready to jump right back in, buddy. Your knees...
I could get used to 'em. I think - no, I know - I am going to tickle those knees for a lot longer than you can imagine, and I sure wouldn't want the rest of your body to feel left out. So you're gonna get it, the full ride, head to toe.
I mean that, Steve. Never been more serious in my life.
I can't hear you. Your voice is gone. I did that on purpose, dude...
Caw? Call? Oh. Cock. What about it? Yeah, it's impressive. You ever gone this long, with it this hard, and not get your rocks off?
You've had silk on your nuts for a while. All around... Oh. Not enough, huh?
Gee, you'd almost think I was deliberately not touching your meat. Squeeeeeezing it. Pumping... You'd like that, I bet.
See, the thing is, you may think you're ticklish now... But after you come, you're probably going to be - impossible. I don't know how to describe it. All these hours of excellent tickling. And when I get you off - 'cause, buddy, you know your hands are staying right where they are, I mean, I'd sooner pick up the phone and call the cops myself than untie you right now.
Anyway. When I get you off... and tickle you real hard... well, then I might start to see how much potential there is for you to maybe start to learn how to feel tickling enough. The way I like it.
Don't worry about it. I'll show you. No rush.
Okay. Here. Some water...
That? It's a cigarette.
Yes, you will. Because I say so. You don't have time for a cigar, because I want to feather your cock for a long time. I think you need to cum. Yes. Finally, this is gonna be the money shot. So to speak.
This is your chance to show me what you got, Steve. When I finally get you off, the next ten minutes will tell it all. Sensitivity...
I'm feeling confident. You're very promising -
Smoke it. Tap. I'm going to do it again. I tap your chest, then I point at the cigarette. And you better smoke up. I'm not kidding around, here.
Yeah. Okay. You look good with a 'Boro hanging out of your mouth. I like it. That's all that counts... It's a trade-off. The good news is, since you were in such great shape when I caught ya, I feel pretty sure you can smoke and still get more and more ticklish. It's an endless pursuit, Steve. No upper limit. Not really.
So - smoking is bad, usually, 'cause it usually delays your orgasm. You still feel it harder, and harder, but not as fast as you would if you didn't smoke.
But I definitely like what I'm putting you through. We'll just have to see how this next blazing, screaming lap goes. I'll lean on ya hard. And if I think you've got what it takes...
Personally, I think you do. Real badass. Steve likes these 'Boros almost as much as his cigars. Get used to 'em.
Alright, buddy. Last drag. Go for it. Yup. I'll take that, thank... you.
Here they are. Your silk buddies -
Oh yeah? Well, the more you shake your head, the longer this round is gonna last. I'll just get 'em wrapped around you -
Shake that head. Just keep shaking it. You dog. Extra tickling, coming up. I'm gonna push you into the next dimension. I will. And tomorrow's gonna be even better.
Yeah. I am. I'm tickling you again.
Laughing? I haven't seen that in a while. Yeah, sure, knock yourself o- Whoa, hey. I was kidding. Just kidding. You haven't had a cigarette in a while, huh? Alright, you done coughing now? You sure?
Then - go for it. Laugh. Real hard, Steve, ol' buddy, you ticklish iron-man, you. Laugh like it helps you take it. Laugh like it'll make me back off.
You know better than that. I have big... long plans for you.
You lay there and laugh like it's showing me some small part of the endless blast of tickling sensation you're getting hammered with, deep inside. And if I'm enjoying myself enough, I'll let you come - just so I can shove that tickling floodgate all the way open.
Laugh, Steve. And feel it so much more...
Water. Yes. You like water, don't you?
Now -
Hold it right there. You know what I did to you last night. You do not want to take me on, Steve. Grab it.
Here. I got you a lighter. You smoke cigarettes too now.
Okay. Looking good, there. After that last round, I decided. Yes. You're going to get where I want you to be. It's just going to take a little longer. And that, dude, is A-OK with me.
It was going to take a hell of a long time, anyway. I'm gonna go for it -
So. You smoke 'Boros now. You're gonna get hooked. And I'll be tickling. You can do both at once. Feel what I'm doing to you, and do some serious smokin', at the same time. Well, sometimes. You leave that to me. I'll keep plenty of cigarettes around. And cigars.
We'll spend a lot of time together. Right here...
This? Well, I thought you'd recognize it. Iggy's basement.
Blankets over the windows, so nobody can get nosy. Spoil our fun. And it'll be a whole lot of fun. Count on me.
You're staying right here, and I'll gonna have me more and more fun -
This basement is all yours. You could use some furniture. I got it covered. Special furniture, for tickling captive jocks. And tools made for... overdrive tickling. Wait 'til you see, Steve. You'll shit.
I'm the intruder, and I took charge here.
You are my captive. And that's what you're going to stay, dude.
I believe in long-term... everything. So I moved you, because I want you hidden good. Locked in. When I think of how much tickling I'm going to put you through! And how much more you're gonna feel it - Anyway. The basement, and the spare mattress, are just for you. I mean, you didn't think you could stay in Iggy's bed forever? It's his room.
You're not an upstairs guy.
And your car is next to Ig's truck now. Stashed away. I had to reorganize the whole garage...
See, you moved in to Iggy's house, Steve. And nobody knows it. Except you. And me. That's how it works. Iggy needs his room.
Have another smoke. Now.
Okay. So you wondered where the hell Ig was at, and you came over. Had a key and everything! Just walked right in. And if, say, an intruder was already in here... tickling the fuck out of a guy, all day long, before you came in and helped yourself to the beer... That intruder's got a real problem - or an opportunity.
So maybe you didn't see anybody, when you looked around the house, because you didn't look hard enough. Another guy could have been... oh, I don't know, stuck in the bedroom closet. Ig's bedroom. Gagged real well.
But you set your ass down and fired up a cigar - one of my cigars, I might add, and you're welcome. Never knowing if there was a guy in Iggy's closet, getting tickled. Real hard, all day. By an intruder... One that likes to show guys how to feel a thousand times more tickling than they did before it caught up with 'em.
And when you went to take a leak, maybe that guy had a blanket thrown over him before he was hauled downstairs. But the next thing you did was walk into Ig's room, and that's when I tied you up.
Can you imagine what it was like? If I spent all day having fun - to see you walk in after it got dark? Double bonus. You shut the door, got your beer, a cigar, and sat there. And then you were even considerate enough to get up and pee, so maybe I could free up the bedroom for ya. Throw a new sheet over Iggy's bed. A sheet which you messed up, by the way. You shit the bed -
But I brought new sheets. Oh yes I did. They're... you know, say it with me now - satin sheets! You'll like 'em, under your ass. Tomorrow. Real soon.
So it's possible, while you laughed your guts out, that a guy was in the basement. Sleeping it off. With earplugs - or toilet paper and tape, which would work, since Iggy doesn't own any earplugs. Anyway, that guy who got moved to the basement wouldn't even hear you...
Hey, Steve, you're ready for another smoke. Go.
There was no way I reckoned on catching two guys. Keeping 'em here. I broke into Iggy's place... and I also get you.
Your voice went before anybody outside got wise. So maybe, just maybe, I switched the guys after you finally conked out. Upstairs guy, in the bedroom... and you really look good down here. I mean it.
While you sleep, I can be kicking his ass.
Iggy would need more sleep than - well, than I'm gonna allow you to get. So you get... more tickling.
How long could I work a situation like that, dude? Huh? I think I'd have to give it a good try. And so would he -
Even more important, so do you. I'm gonna tell you a secret. If some fucker busts in and finds out what I'm doing...
You know that's just not gonna be allowed. Oh, no. I bet you're wishing hard for that. The landlord, some other intruder even. Maybe they'll come down here and see you, feel sorry for you, get you away from all of my gloves. You just keep on dreaming about that. The end of the tickling. Sure, buddy. Uh-huh.
But what I was saying is that if somebody does get in, you're my top priority. Steve's going straight to another room. Tickle-captive. I'm totally serious.
But hey, you enjoy that smoke. I got everything covered. Whatever you need, the intruder's on top of it -
Even better - can you believe it? Better yet. I caught another break. Let's just say... Nobody's going to get nosy enough to come inside for a while. A long-ass while. Heh.
We'll see, won't we?
Okay. Drink up. I'll feed you soon... but not right now. Guess what I'm gonna do now - with these.
Oh hell, yeah. Get used to it. You're getting tickled harder today, buddy.
Don't shake your head at me. I say yes, yes, yes. Here goes.
That's so cool. Feel it, Steve. Go ahead. Wiggle around. I've got you tied right. Oh, you think this is funny? Insanely funny?
Not even close. You'll know this is nothing, later on - and I mean much later. I'll get you up to speed.
Feel it harder, dude. I get to tickle you until...
Hah. I'm the intruder, and you're gonna find so fuckin' much to laugh about. You're staying down here until you feel it... as much as I want you to feel it, and that's so damn much tickling I can't believe it myself.
Let's have a great fuckin' time, Steve. This basement is your ultimate tickling retreat. There are other places too, where you could stay, but I got you.
If you know you're my captive, laugh now. Yup. And if you know this tickling is only going to increase - laugh now.
Nothing's gonna get in the way of all this tickling, will it? Laugh real hard if you follow me...
That's right.
You know it.
Time for a treat. Here it comes. This... is more oil.
Uh-huh! All for you, buddy.
Back among the living, huh? Notice anything different? Exciting... Or should I say, arousing?
You seem to like 'em, Steve. Jet-black. You look good on top of 'em - and check out how much they shine. Nothing but the best for you, dude. Satin sheets, as promised.
I got a case of 'em. Let's keep this fine satin under you, so you can tickle yourself when you squirm.
Now, this works for me.
I was getting real tired of massaging the welts on your wrists. Rope just doesn't work, for the long-haul. Am I right?
These bad boys are much better. They go with your jacket, Steve. Not that you're going to be wearing it any time soon. But I figured, hey, you like leather. You'll get used to these. Look at 'em. They're just better for you, dude, all the way around. Your limbs are really pinned, just the way I like. There is no way you're getting up now.
While you sleep, I take care of your skin. I spend a lot of time on your wrists and ankles... and your backside. I am not gonna let anything go wrong. No bedsores allowed. No damaged skin. Zero.
These cuffs are... just what the intruder ordered.
So what do you think?
It's padding. Nice and dark, like the sheets.
When I get the ceiling finished, I'm gonna do the walls.
Hey. Yeah, it got darker... here in your basement. I gotta say, dude, it was worth all the hassle. It's like being in a box of satin, isn't it?
Steve's chamber. No in-out privileges.
Track lights. Twenty-five watt bulbs. Nice and dim - and they're only on that one wall.
Take another drag, now. That's it. Kick it out. See? You see that, bud? The way the smoke sorta drifts up?
I like the way the satin walls look through that haze.
Yeah. You know, when you stare like that, I'm glad I went to all the trouble.
Still got the overhead light - Or I can hit the track lights instead, like this.
Damn. I crack myself up. It's like a cave, isn't it? Some real fuckin' kinky... cave. In Ig's basement. Your room.
There's not another room like this anywhere, I bet. Really sets the tone - I mean, I'm gettin' some wild ideas. Buddy. Trapped in a cave like this. A private club, just for you - and me.
And the way you're feeling it now, when I tickle you... feeling it harder, and harder... I know you're worthy of a cave like this.
On to Part 2