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"Drink up, now."
"Hell no! Lemme outa here! Haaaallllpp!" I yell. Don't know why I still do. Nobody ever comes...
"Last chance to go along, peaceful-like." The glove brings the water bottle right over my mouth.
"Forget it -"
"O-kay, slugger."
Shit! Fingers on me, rubbing... my belly. Black satin. More starting on - aw, no, no, not my legs, not there. Way up, inside - they found out if they stroke real light, right there, I come unglued.
"No no oh hoh hwwaaaahh hah haaaa haaaaaah pleeeeee heeee wheee heeee heeeeee..."
"There ya go."
I try to flop around. Can't hardly move. Whooping.

It goes on for maybe a minute, maybe five, I don't know anymore. Crazy. Then the gloves lift off one by one.
"Ready to drink now?"
Dammit. I groan... and open my mouth. It's just water, no speed in it. I think.
"There." The empty bottle is carted off, and another empty hand gets me a cigarette. "That'll keep ya going for awhile."
"C'mon, just... lemme go, please..."
"Smoke up. Or else. You know what. More of the same. That's the deal, slugger."

A Zippo is flicked open, giving me a light. "Smoke what I tell ya," it taunts, "drink what I tell ya. Do whatever you're told."
"Why? Doesn't make any difference -"
"'Cause I said so. You give me any shit, I can always tack on another hour. Add a few more gloves. You want that?"
"Doesn't matter... what I want."
"That's right. I call the shots."
"I'm worn out," I say, sounding as pitiful as I can. Tugging at the wrist-straps -
"You're so full of shit. Nowhere near worn out. I'll let ya sleep all ya want, eventually."
"How long?"
"That really gets to you, don't it? Will I let ya go tomorrow... or three days from now? A week? Makes it worse, not knowing - am I right?"
"Please -"
"Aaah, enough. Okay, slugger, you're on."
Six more gloves, zeroing in.
"Nooooo -"
"I'm gonna play with ya. Right now."

The fighting is like a reflex. These straps haven't budged, but... dammit! I can't take this, not again -
Fuckin' palms, and thumbs, and fingers. Rubbing - me - all over.
I bay like a wolf... trying to shake 'em off. It never works. They stay right there and keep rubbing. Quick glimpse of black. My sides, my legs. I can't watch -
Feet. Aw, fuck... I look, but all I see is the stocks. Thick wood. Padded holes, I can't shift at all. And there's gloves down there, can't see 'em but they're digging in, oh fuck fuck fuck -
"Tickle tickle tickle," the voice mocks. "I'm gonna keep doing this to ya all afternoon. You can't stop me, slugger. Laugh it up."
Can't look. Overload... this should be too much, but it isn't. Just shy of the mark. Staying there. Fucking gloves, rubbing and rubbing.

I'm panting. Sweaty. Not laughing...
Gloves still all over me, though.
"Tickle slugger's feet. Caught in the stocks, so I can tickle 'em all I want." Fingers start rubbing again, and I hoot...
After a couple minutes, they stop moving.
"Tickle slugger's stomach." And a couple hands boogie there, make me roar.
"Tickle slugger's ribs." And they do. I can't believe this...
"Tickle slugger's legs." Inside my thighs, roaming up and down, squeezing a knee, fingering under my crotch. I thrash around weakly, barking and giggling insanely.
And finally, they all hold still. Just temporary, I know, but it's so terrific.

Another water bottle comes, and I don't resist.
And they start crawling again. I squirm, and it doesn't help. Doesn't help at all. They still got me, stroking and sliding. It's kicking my ass. Not enough to make me laugh, too much to tune out. All over, they're stroking me -
"Aw fuck," I bust out, chuckling, "This is drivin' me crazy, you gotta let me go..."
"No I don't. Gonna tickle slugger real slow for a few hours."
Gentle, and constant... and I'm just wasted. This is nuts, it's too much, too much...

I try hard to ignore 'em, but it's fuckin' impossible. Work real hard at getting loose. And the gloves keep interrupting. I catch myself rating 'em, almost. Both feet... studying how they move, what direction, how slow. They keep going, and I have to pay attention. Stay up on their moves. Each swipe like a soft little flame, moving up and across, around to the side, circles and squiggles.
They got my feet. I have to get my feet away from 'em, now. Right now. And I squint down there, and see the stocks. They have stocks. Just for this. Brought me here and locked my feet up, and I can't figure out a way to get 'em loose. So they rub my damn feet with satin, and they're heavy. Fuckin' with my feet for days. Days...
The rest of my body is desperate, too. I focus on what they're doing to my feet, tracking the moves - And all of a sudden I'm obsessed with my belly. All that action on my feet, and everywhere else... and I have to study how that pair is, oh fuck, kneading. In and across, and up. They make me cringe, all by themselves. A fingertip wiggles in my belly-button, and others scratch my bush. Oh shit, shit.

I should thrash around some more. Force myself to laugh. But it just doesn't work. Maybe... these gloves gotta be watched. Open my eyes, and throw my head around a little to shake the tears out. There they are. I have to know what they're gonna do next, I just have to. Circles, real slow. Not that. So wide... heavy.
And now one clutches my kneecap. Right knee - oh fuck, now both of 'em. Don't. Aw shit! They're killin' me! Oh... Down. Shins, my shins, like electricity. Like ice.
Down, and up, curling under, and they got my calves now. Crazy. I try to arch. They don't care. Down, and back up, and digging under my knees. I can't kick. They roll back on top, outside thighs, and back down. Fuckers. I shake my head back and forth, but they're still moving, toward my crotch. Stop! They do, sliding away. At some point they'll keep going up, maybe next pass, I can't take this. And I wish they'd get it over with too. On my knees again. Over and over an-
Look. I look at the ceiling first, then at my pits. Look slowly... at fingertips. They're digging, and squeezing. Riding the curves, back and forth. My eyes dart from one armpit to the other. Two. Gloves in both, slow, so slow. They're firm. And mean. I watch 'em reposition, creep around. They don't pause. They all... just... keep going.

They're deliberately crawling on my feet. Can't see those, but they're dedicated fuckers. Gotta keep up with 'em, that's all I can do. Dammit, I can't squirm enough, roll and twist and flop my head all around. There's still fingers way down there and they're always on me and everything they do is unbelievably demanding. All over, tips and long fingers and they do circles and long lines and now loose clamps, pumping in slow-motion -
They inch up my thighs, and it's unbearable. Under on my right knee, over on my left. No, aw noooooo... Squeezing at the same time, and now they stagger it. I can't... My calves! Stop it, no. Fuck. I've gotta get my legs free, right now. Now. My arms, something. I have to, I can't, I'm stuck here...

No - swiping down toward my navel, big open hands, stop there and slide away. Together, pause, away. Oh, now down, and over. And up. It's insane. Now what? They're just sitting th- no, oh the thumbs, the thumbs. Digging in. The others creeping into my bush, and they stop - start again, no - and stop. And start. Up, out, togeth-
My back. Squeeeeeezing me - ribs - no - fuck! I can't... They're up, get off me, oh, down! No no no around back you can't. You - aw, up, up, squeeeeze, and down! No. This can't be. Gotta look. Blink, shake the tears out - now are they gonna c- No! Up! Up, and on top... sliding under, down. Squeeeeze, aw shit! Up again. Down... over, and - they're going under.
I look at the ceiling and shake my head, just a little. Big hands... up, up, rib rib rib - down, aw fuck, down! Under! You fuckers, you fu- back on top, squeeeezing! Up.
Under my toes. Between. Try to turn. Can't turn. Heels, sides, short lines right in the middle of my... soles. Oh. Fuck. All over, they can go all over, like fire. I'm in the stocks. They did this on purpose. Toes, sides and ball-joints. Oh no, no! Not my sides. Horrible. Heels. All afternoon. They meant it. I'm stuck.

I lie here and focus on 'em. One screaming place at a time... I look up, accidentially, at the window. Can't see for the tears, but outside it's still bright. They've been on me for hours and hours, and it's still afternoon.
Fingers. I'm gonna get played with for a while yet. I know it's true. And I can't totally believe it.
They stroke and stroke. The fucker said hours, and it means it. I can't get loose, it's gonna keep tickling me and I'm in for it.

Gotta cigarette. I tug on it, and moan. I sound like I'm fucking...
Rubbing my pecs. Slow and deep, with their thumbs paying with my nipples. Ash falls on 'em. They don't care. They got me. I moan again.
Fingers digging under my knees. Tracing along the sides of my feet. Shit. Soft, and light. Nonstop. They never get tired. They keep on going.
Fuckin' stocks. This is insane. Make a set of stocks, so they can tickle a guy. Kidnap me, lock 'em tight... How the hell could I get my feet out? Even if I managed to get my hands free, I'm still locked down here, stuck on this bed. I can't get away from 'em. They can just team up on my feet and the stocks are gonna keep me down here anyway. They get the ideal setup to keep fuckin' with me. I'm trapped.
Worse - I'm trapped so they can keep tickling me. All over. Overwhelming hands, pin me down in this fuckin' house with no neighbors and keep on strokin', on and on and on.

I kick out smoke, try to chuckle... but it doesn't keep coming. I wish it would. Need to do something, can't find anything to do. Except get rubbed. Oh, fuck, maybe it'll stop soon, maybe this is the last time... the fuckin' gloves will go away and the stocks will open up, and it'll let me go. Fuckin' torture chamber.
The gloves keep on tickling. Still like fire, and I never get numb.

How can my sides still be this sensitive?
I tug on another cigarette. A lot of smokes in a row. I don't care, they're still rubbin' all over. All over...

Salt, stinging in my eyes. And smoke.
It - oh, hell yeah, maybe the sun's setting. I take a drag...
And I notice they're not touching me. Whew. Yeah.
"Just a break, slugger. Dinnertime, then naptime. And then I'm gonna tickle you all night. Real intense, real wild. You get rested up - gonna get tickled ya good."



But the fun didn't end there...
check out Slugger's Holiday.





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