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You thought you were alone, didn't you? But I've just been waiting for you to turn away from the urinal.
Let's go.
I'm pulling you, but you can't see a thing. Maybe I'd better wrap a hand over that big mouth of yours, before you ruin everything.
Out the door.
Let's hustle, now. This way...
Through the back door - with nobody seeing you - and into my car. Great!
It's time to disappear.

I'm taking you away. Nobody knows it. That's so exciting...
When your friend's car pulled in, I sized you up. Wanna know how I do that? Every guy in the bar who didn't show up and leave with the same girl was fair game. The number one thing, for me, is how much they jump when I slip a few fingers under their arms.
You passed. Definitely. I'll bet you don't even remember that, do you? There was a big crowd at your end of the bar. People trying to squeeze through, sometimes a little careless with their elbows. And you were on your third beer already. I love crowds.
The short-haired guy passed too. Your other friend, with all the tattoos - the one who drove tonight - he just didn't react like you did. Too much crank.
You guys came out to find pussy. Didn't you? I heard you talking when you were on the way in. If it was a successful night, you would've split up anyway.
Now the future is gonna be terrific, dude.
Your buddy with the buzz cut went to the bathroom first, but there were two other guys in there. I didn't have the chance to grab him without somebody watching...
Then you went in and took a leak. So here we are.
I don't think your friends will worry. They're probably hitting on chicks right now - jealous of you. We all know what you were saying, as you came in the door. Remember? You weren't gonna leave until a fine vixen took you home, or the bartender threw you out when they wanted to lock up.
Yeah, the guys won't wait around.

We're off. The bar is a mile behind us...
Here's your blindfold. No, you just hold still. I've got more hands than you do...
This rope will make sure you don't do anything stupid.
Nobody can hear you. Do you see anyone around? No. Just settle down. Forty more miles and I'll untie you. That's when the night really begins.

Guess what? We made it. Welcome.
Everything's all ready for you. I know the cabin isn't much, on the outside. But that's the idea. Nobody will guess what's going on inside.
Let's go. You and me. I'm taking you in now.
Say goodbye to the outside world.
I'm going to lock this door. Watch - now you can get away -
And now you can't!
See? No lever for you to flip. The door stays locked until I make it open.
Let's get you out of those clothes.

Oh, these? Just some restraints I picked up. One, two, three, four. You're staying here - and not only that, but you're getting laid out. Heh.
Best of all, you're going to remain... completely helpless. That's the deal.
Do you have any idea why I brought you here?
Look. Here's a hint.

What's the matter? You're not really afraid of a little old pair of gloves, are you?
Why? I'm not going to punch you or anything. Oh, no. Still, this is going to be the longest night of your life.
I'm going to play with you until you just know you'll definitely go out of your miserable mind if I lay a single finger on you again. You can beg, and scream, and cry. That's okay.
You're going to feel... so good.
Nothing can stop me.

Okay. You go ahead and try to get away. It's so funny to watch you try to get up.
I'm going to check your restraints. Ankles - check. Your feet are hanging out there, and no matter how much you want to move them... they're really gonna get it.
Your wrists are down, too. Look at all the ticklish places. There's nothing you can do about it.
Why are you looking at the door? It's locked. We're both staying in here.
If you're thinking somebody else might come around and hear you - well, dude, let it go. This place is far too private.
I'm not going to stop for anything.

You're so helpless, like this. And I already know you're going to be fun. I've been waiting for this moment ever since.
And I'm really stick it to you. See what you can take.
You're waiting. Aren't you? For me to start.
Okay. Watch this.
Ten smooth fingers. They're coming, dude. Nothing at all you can do about it. I love this - you know what's up, and here it comes.
Your belly is where I'm starting...
Does this - tickle?
Oh, yeah, you're incredible. Look at you - grunting, twisting around, desperately trying not to laugh.
Giggles? Aw, good.
You're not going anywhere. Give it up.
Let's hear you laugh... louder.

Yeah. Here we go.
All these fingers -
This just couldn't be better. You're so crazy, so damn ticklish. You can't help it.
Trying to break the straps? I've got more. Why would I let you cover yourself up? Not a chance. See? Instead, my fingers just start creeping around your ribs...
Wow. This is excellent. Go ahead and howl. Such an energetic noise. So sincere. It make me want to grab on. I've got your ribs now. The tickling is more than you can take, isn't it?
And now?
Howl, that's it, tell me how much you're feeling it. So much more, coming right up, and there's nothing you can do about it. These sides are all mine now.
Howl again. That's nice. Throw yourself around. Keep it up.
Insane, isn't it? The level of sensation. And I'm good at this. You'll see. I can tickle anywhere I want. Lots of tools...
Continuous teasing, tickling, stimulating fingers that definitely aren't going to stop now. I just love this. Make no mistake about it - this is my favorite way to drive a dude crazy. More than you know what to do with, isn't it? Firm tickling, brutal tickling -
Moving up your pecs.
So ticklish. And I won't let you get away from it...
You didn't expect this, did you? So much more intense. And it's increasing.

Neck, nipples, collarbones. Waiting for me to rub and tickle. Go right ahead. Get as wild as you want. You're sweating a lot, already... and I like how red your face is. Laughing so loud.
My hands got you, and there's nowhere to run. They're making tears run down your face. Snot, and spittle -
Just keep laughing. As if you have a choice, huh?
No. You're in for it now. I can't get enough of this.

Finally, though, I pause.
Come on. Catch your breath. Lots more where that came from. I'll wait -
Good. Look at the gloves. Uh-huh. Here they come. Brace yourself... Oh, that's right, you can't. Now you have something to compare -
To this.
Armpits. Yeah, I'm going to stay right here. This is wonderful.
Thrash around. I'll make the gloves pause, so you can take the time and be really sure you can't get away. Oh, yeah. How unbelievably ticklish are your armpits, anyway?
Watch these fingers.
I love this...
You can't really think shaking your head is going to do any good. Or all this yelling. See? Here they come. Right - now!

Oh, now, look at you. I'm hardly tickling at all yet, and you're a fuckin' mess. Laughing so hard.
And I've got your arms pinned down, don't I? The tickling can go on and on and on. Nothing you can do about it.
I insist. Take the tickling I'm dishing out. All of it.
My gloves are not going to stop. You think this is wild? Just you wait.
Nice and ticklish. Anchored, reacting so nicely. This is so perfect...

Maybe you'll think it's more than you can stand. You know - without going insane. But you're about to learn how good I really am. Oh, it'll seem like you've crossed the line. But I'm so good at this.
I can increase the number of fingers any time I want. Now these are going to start way down by your hips -
Gotcha. Oh, yeah, I am. Nice, firm grip -
And now I slide these gloves up.
Alright! You're just going crazy. All this tickling... So unbearable, huh? I want these hands to slide back down your ribs - nice and slow.
Up they go. I could do this all night. Solid tickling hands have got you. Surrounded, squeezed...
I'm going to use these fingers to dig into your armpits again.
Down and up, and down, and up, teasing and tickling.
Scream laughter for me. That's it. I like that. Doesn't it just make you want to climb the walls? But there's no way I'm loosening the straps right now - this is exactly why I brought them. Wouldn't you just love to get out my reach...
Twisting around - and the tears.
You're so ticklish.
There's just no stopping me.

Careful, solid gloves...
You're hardly struggling at all now. The laughter is more important. Even after that fades away, you'll concentrate on the fire of the tickling.
But first, I've got to teach your body there's no point in trying to escape. Lots of tickling ahead for you.
Would it even help, really, if you could still squirm? It's not like you're going to get loose. Of course not.
It's time to start exploring your belly.
Oh, yes! Strong laughter. Very ticklish, here... and across, too?
Yeah. Laugh harder. That's right.
I make the fingers dance on you. It's a very careful dance, and I'm intent on getting it right. It has to be devastating. The best tickling I know how to do. Tonight, of course, I have to get to know you. The best spots, and how to work on 'em. Can you even begin to imagine how long I'm going to do this?
Not a chance. You're just beside yourself.
Try laughing even harder. Maybe that will help.

Another break.
Beg all you want, dude. The tickling isn't going to stop. We're barely even started. Have you even been this hysterical before? Do you know what delirium even feels like?
I bet you don't even know how sensitive your nipples can be.
Check this out...

Yes. I've got your neck, and your chest. Slipping back into your pits, just a few seconds of agony before I rub your sides again.
This is just ideal.
I stroke your arms, and even that makes you giggle. This glove will keep squeezing the back of your neck -
So much reaction. You just hate this, don't you? Way too much. You're not roaring as hard. The need to breathe is keeping you nice and conscious, fully alert.
Dude, are you really this ticklish? You don't have to fake it just to impress me. I'm going to keep working you over anyway. My hands are not going to stop. You got that?
They pause, so you can pant a few times. But they start tickling again. Always.

It's a long time before I lift all the fingers off.
You look as if you're going to doze off on me - so I start taking hold of your thighs.
That's right. Not done yet. Legs, knees... and I bet your shins will be unbearably ticklish. Right?
Look at you...

So incredibly reactive.
How do you like my gloves? Huh?

I love hearing you scream laughter.
Up and down your sides. Around your basket. Ticklish everywhere, aren't you? Great.
It's only going to get worse. Wait until you feel how much I'm going to turn up the heat.

The quivering, all the sweat, tears rolling down. Tickled out of your mind.
This next break is going to be a nice long one. I've got water for you. Some food, too. But no cigarettes. Not tonight.
Gotta get you all rested up and ready for the main event.

No, not there.
I'm wondering if, maybe, your feet -
Excellent. That's it. I wanted to see that look on your face. Pull, and kick, because you've got to be as sure as I am that your feet will not possibly move. I'm going to make the rest of the night seem like a dress rehearsal. It's time to get very, very serious.
I'm going to use these rubber gloves...
And this lube.
See these bands? They hold your big toes back. Can you even imagine how ticklish your feet are, now, stretched like this? Standing tall. Ready for my hands to tickle and tickle. And then, I'll use these brushes - and these crochet needles. You won't believe it...
I'm just going to have to show you. Oh, you're not missing out on a thing.

Watch these index fingers. They get to go first.
Yeah. All over your feet. Not a thing you can do. So loud, and restless.
Four fingers.
Eight -
And the oil... is it just making you go out of your mind? I think so.
Let's add the thumbs.
Now, I think I'll really get these fingers moving.
Beautiful. Bounce, and slam around, laughing your heart out. I've got your feet. Yes, I do. Hours of fiery excitement for you, dude. Laugh harder...

It won't stop. Not yet. I'm getting to know your whole feet, and I really love the way you shudder when I rub between your toes.
Feel it. Suffer through each impossible second. I'll keep it coming.

Twice as many fingers. What do you say?
Ah, I thought so.

These feet just make me want to dig in and never stop.

It's so hard to pause, and let you rest...
But it's only a pause. Here we go again.

Too much, isn't it?
That's what you think. You're going to really suffer now.
Here come the brushes.

Wild, feverish laughter. A savage animal, just coming unglued. You're so happy it's almost frightening.
Your ticklish feet belong to me. Do you know that? I claim these feet, and they're going to get tickled harder and harder. That's a promise.

Aw, you're too far gone to squirm around.
Maybe these crochet needles will wake you up a little.
Very nice. Dude - you're in for the ride of your life. I mean it.

After you've caught your breath, looking all dazed still, so lost... the begging starts back up.
Here's my response. Yes - these ticklish ribs are getting polished again.
And your feet, too. I think you need more oil.

It doesn't stop. Not until I decide to let you rest up, and then only so you can get more tickling. More, and more, leaning harder on you.
Let's see if your belly is still ticklish. And your nipples -
Crying with glee. Hoarse, and addled. That's a good dude. Do you feel it increasing? Stronger, now. Just shattering everything you thought you knew about being tickled. I'm going to speed up. Make it more intense.
You just try and deal with this...

No squirming. That's not allowed. You're not going to do anything - except feel this.
Both armpits. Hips, knees.
Harder tickling now.

Stay with me, dude. I'm not done yet.
What if I really drill your toes? Huh? And your thighs...
You don't get to cum yet. That urge should be making the impact so much worse. I don't want to rush things, here.
Drink some more water. Be quick about it, though. I want to get these hands roaming again.

Look at these feet. I can't resist.
See? Fingers, brushes and the crochet needles. I've got a good idea where each texture will be the most devastating -
Alright. Let's keep it slow and awful.

Endless torture.
Now it's picking up. Slow and certain.

All rested up again? Then here it comes. Faster.
The most brutal tickling yet on these wonderful feet. You can't even move, but all the signs are still there. You're feeling it real nice. No escape...
I'm really going at it. But I will let you get some sleep. After, oh, another fifteen minutes of this solid blitz.

Good morning.
Yes. Give me what I want, now. That expression on your face is so wonderful. But the confusion won't last.
I wish you could see yourself right now. Waking right up. You remember, don't you? Yeah. Last night was intense -
And I watch you lift your head. Cuffed ankles, strapped-down shins and thighs. The thin strap around your waist.
You kick - twice - but I suspect that's involuntary.
Glancing up at one hand, and then the other, you can see that I've still got your upper arms cinched down. Fat cuffs anchor your wrists... just like last night.
Oh, you're caught. It's going to continue. Twist, slam, snap. The leather creaks, but it won't let you go. I absolutely love this -
Yes! Even better. Trying to arch, gritting your teeth, and giving me that soft little growl. I bet you don't even know you're growling, do you? The look on your face is even better. You know you're going through it again - spectacular tickling today - no matter what you do. And you don't want that. It couldn't be any clearer.

I see you trying as hard as you can to get off the pad. Dreading it, but you know that doesn't matter to me. You're not panicking. I think that's because you know it's absolutely, one-hundred percent certain you're going to suffer some more.
You pull at the straps, but it's not as fierce. You're not leaving. These feet are not going to move, and you know it. I get to lay into these incredibly ticklish sides, don't I? And now you're settling down, which only proves that we both know it. What a day we're going to have.
Panting for breath, you look so frustrated. I think you're just about ready to cry... And it's not fear. You just don't want to go through it again. I bet you've never been controlled to this extent - but you have nothing to worry about. Not really. I think you know that. No injuries, no scarring. You've got eleven or twelve hours of utterly mind-scrambling excitement ahead of you.

I bring you a water bottle. I'll feed you later. Right now, it looks like your adrenaline will keep you sharp for awhile. Drink it slowly. Very good, dude.
You're going to howl again. There's no chance whatsoever that you'll miss a second of it.
Are you ready?
Laid out like a sacrifice... as I bring you some feathers.
Go ahead and struggle some more. I know you can't help that. The sight makes me even happier - you, naked, so ticklish, perfectly restrained -
Grunt, moan, slurring into rough snickers. Yes. Fight the leather, dude. You're gonna get it now. Starting out slow...

Let's see how insane two feathers can make you. I move 'em faster, and faster!
Two more.

Let's make it eight.
Your ribs are are wide awake. Nice and reactive. I dust all around the waist-strap, watching you convulse, and the sight just fills me with gratitude.

That hysterical whoop is a fine reward, too. Over and over, as the disbelief fades away. Oh, it's happening again. Count on it. I won't stop, and you're not going to escape this flood of sensation.

Begging, in that raspy voice, is all the more entertaining when you're strapped down like this. Sweaty, with your chest heaving, and we're just barely getting started today. But you plead, and you've must know it's not going to work. Right?
Sure you do. I think you just can't help it.
You have some more water.
Now, I'm going to enjoy getting a pair of gloves nice and full, so you can watch them reach for your armpits.

Squeal and cackle. That's it. Whimper...
You'll stop laughing soon. But just keep on suffering, dude. I'm not even sure an overdose of pleasure counts as suffering - I can see your rod, so it's clear that you like this, at some level - but it's sure going to be an long day. Even more hours of hot, expert tickling than last night. You can take that to the bank.
What am I saying? Forget the bank - you're not going there. Oh, you are not getting off that pad today. That's a promise. Not when there's so much tickling in store for you.

Is it worse for you, when you beg?
I don't think you can help yourself, even though it won't do any good at all. You beg me to stop tickling you.
Beg and laugh and beg some more. Squeal at me. I'm still not going to stop.

It's addictive, feeling you suffer like this. A full day isn't nearly enough... Really, it would be frustrating - when your energy fades - if I didn't get to start right back in the next day.
Now let's get some food in you.
And then I'm taking a couple hours to build up the heat - on your feet.

Yeah! Pull on those straps.
Your feet are getting tickled tickled tickled tickled!
Insanely sensitive dude, I guess you can't even laugh right now... but the reaction just radiates off you. Everywhere. You almost look like you're dreaming, with that expression on your face. A deep, consuming dream.
I'll make sure it doesn't end.

Rest breaks don't count, of course. You need 'em, just as much as the water. A big meal too, but that delays me - when I'd much rather be tickling again.
These gloves will coast back down and make you hysterical. I keep 'em close...
When you look at them, and wince, it's especially thrilling. Still right here. Two, four, six. They're gonna work you over again. And you know that.
We've got all day.

Impossible place, impossible bondage, impossible torture.
I rub your sides and speed up whenever I want. Lay right here and feel it, dude.
Can't get enough. Both of us, I guess. If you think the effect of this is building up for you...

Sliding over the bumps, giving your hips a slow squeeze, and riding back up. The results are like food for me. A feast. And you can't stop feeling this, can you?
Teasing your armpits, another little squeeze... and coasting back down.

Wow. I completely lost track of time, there. You need more water.
This is so much fun. No wonder I can do it for hours. Satisfying... and peaceful, now. You're too crazed to struggle. The cuffs are my friends.
And so are these brushes...

You struggle again, for a little while.
Then you just chortle.
And the suffering goes on even after you fall silent again.

I think you've got enough energy. The fun will continue. A nice, torturous survey of your most ticklish places - and then I'll make you snap at these cuffs.

Oh, yeah. Still that ticklish, huh? Roaring like a fool.
I pull all the gloves off - but I'll let 'em hang close. And you can catch your breath, dude.
Okay. When you're able to look at my hands again, with that dismal expression, I know we can proceed. Check this out... It's stretchy. All these little bumps inside - guess where this is going.
You shake your head. No? Wrong. I'll just open up this bottle of lube, and soak the toy.
There's nothing you can do to stop it. Fight all you want. I'm pulling it over your cock-head. Down -
A couple inches of perfect ecstasy. Just for you. I'll do the honors. See?
Well, you're going wild already. This is going to be a climax you never, ever forget. And it isn't just the toy. Of course not.
These feathers are for your thighs, and this set will fuck with your belly. Yes.
You're wailing again. It feels that good, huh?
I'm gonna tickle the cum out of you. How long will you last? I slide the greased rubber up a little -
And stroke you, slowly, with the feathers.

Your cock twitches, but you also bray with laughter. This is going to be a whole new world of excitement. Maybe you think you've been ready to cum for awhile, but you've got no idea how long this can take.
Tickling for a solid minute, before I work the toy back down your shaft as slowly as I can - making you jerk again, so far away from shooting your load, giving me a hoarse shriek. You slam your ass into the pad as you try to get away from the breathtaking feathers. But they don't let up, do they?
Another minute or so, and when I think you're delirious enough - I push the cock-toy up. The feathers speed right up again, you bark laughter at the ceiling and flail around... and the tickling continues anyway.

I have two feathers traveling all over you now, adding to the fun. It takes me a good ten minutes to move the toy from your glans to the base of your cock - that's how desperate your ticklish meat is to explode.
Whenever you tense up in that certain way, I get busy with the feathers. This is not going to be rushed, dude. I want the full magnification to be slamming home right afterward. That's the big reason I'm messing with your cock at all.
It is pretty satisfying to keep you from the relief you need. And the laughter sounds different - another degree of desperation in it - so let's just rake the feathers across your nipples, solid contact that barely creeps back and forth.
Laugh. Oh, yeah. That's it.

We've settled into a good rhythm, here. Obviously you can't ejaculate until I move the cock-toy. One good stroke might do it... down, and up, and then down. Boom.
But these four gloves are staying away from your meat.
They're going to terrorize your armpits, and your neck - just like this.

You're a wreck. Do you know that? I don't think you know anything right now. Just... sensation. A big, silent animal in heat.
Perhaps this feather will take things up another notch. Dusting the tip of your cock -
Oh no you don't! I'm mauling your sides until you stop trying to thrust. You don't get to shoot yet. Thrash, instead. Yes. Laugh for me.

These nipples are so ticklish. And your ass, even your forearms now. You just can't help but feel it all.
Surprise - I'm pumping you. Once.
That got your eyes open, didn't it?
Wham! Two hands clamp under your knees. Deal with this. Yeah. You still have enough energy to squirm, huh? Then I'm going to feather your glans again.
Oh, give it up. You're not going to come yet.
How about these fingers? Digging in...
Get even more crazy, dude. That's right.

I want this to take a long time. Another hour, if I can pull it off. You're already so crazed that you don't look quite human. That ol' animal urge to spread your seed has taken you down the ladder, alright.
But the tickling keeps throwing you off-track.

Tense up, and try to cum.
My gloves rub faster, and faster. Not yet.
Sag back down. Hoot for me.

You don't want to know how many times you've tried -
Ah, here we go. Frankly I don't know where you found the energy to thrust your hips again. I haven't seen you do that in a half-hour. But nature is taking its course, no matter how hard I tickle soles, ribs, armpits.

You look so relieved, when the spasms start to slow down. But I know something you don't.
My fingers start to move again...
Oooo. Wow. Surprised? Are you really? Just more tickling - now that you're a hundred times more sensitive. I dig in. This is even better.
Screaming laughter, you can't possibly get away from this. Not one second of it.

That was the best hour yet.
Let's do it again. Tomorrow. You and me, right here.
You're already fading. I stroke your face, and your ears, making you twitch. So peaceful, now...
Rest up. I want everything you have, when you wake up. So much more tickling in store.

I tie the last knot. There.
Your toes are caught again. Aren't they? Such perfect, trapped, ticklish feet.
Maybe you dreamed of being somewhere else. A world without me...
I start with feathers.
All of this bucking and writhing won't do any good.
Skillful, unbearable tickling. Again. For the next hour. You can't hope to escape it, and you can't will yourself to be less ticklish. The opposite effect has ruled for awhile, now. More sensitive. I can tell.
Feeling it more and more.
Absolutely unable to get away...

Stroking your sides. This is so perfect. You wail, silently, and grunt for me. All of the arching and twisting ended long ago, and now I just get to keep doing this. Careful fingers rubbing down, and back up again. Tracing through your sweat...
The second hour is no less enjoyable than the first.

I let you rest -
When you've caught your breath, a single glove floats up. Fingers menace you. Symbolic, because there are many places I'd rather work on, instead of your face.
But you laugh.
Oh, you're just losing it. I'm not even tickling you right now, and you squint at the fingers and laugh, and laugh, tears streaming down your face, limbs all restless. Still strapped down tight.
This hand will tickle you again. You're certain of that - if you weren't, would the sight of it make you hysterical?
Your reaction is the best compliment I could hope for.

After another minute, because I can't disappoint you now, the glove cruises down to your navel.
Yes. You shake your head weakly, but the fingers land and slide around.
That's it! Slam from side to side, and whoop with all your heart. Maybe I'll see how pathetically ticklish you are, and stop.
Or... maybe I won't.
My fingertips move faster, and press down. More tickling. More.
Finally, you can't move. Your navel is just spectacular.
The sensation overwhelms you so much that you fail to see the pair of gloves poised over your feet. I guess they'll be a big surprise -
Harder. It's so much more shocking, isn't it? You're not getting away from my gloves.
Minute after minute...

And I realize another electrifying hour has passed.
After you catch your breath again, I cruise up and down your sides. Nice and slow, but still unbearable, so maddening. Digging in, once in a while, just to make you jerk under my gloves.
Another hour, just like this.

Okay. One more hour, then...

And now I surround your knees.
The amount of frantic energy you display tells me how unspeakably intense this is.
Slowly, more fingers creep over your belly. Sneaking down your thighs, and back up, down and back, down and back. If sheer writhing could help you deal with all of this, clearly you'd be a relieved man.
Rhythmically, moving all the fingers at the same time, I tickle even harder.

Wow. Where did the day go?
Sleep well, dude.

Good morning...
Wide awake? Excellent.
More hot tickling for you, then. Definitely.
Here we go!





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