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- - 21 - -

Roy trudged down the hall, feeling like an idiot.
"Oh baby," Max said.
"Wow," Lei added. There was the sound of muffled clapping.
Rolling his eyes, he turned around slowly. Modeling. They were having him try on the kinky outfits they hadn't seen yet...
Thick collar and harness, over a dark brown leather muscle shirt. Drive-chain belt. Black chaps, with his ass hanging out in the air. Fringed leather gauntlets. His hair had grown long enough to make a thick ponytail...
But no boots. Hell, no. They were going to each take a foot. Watch a couple of the tickle videos.
"Arrest that man -"
"And throw away the key."
"Can I have a cigarette now?"
"Is that all of the clothes in the closet?"
He hesitated. "No."
Lei growled at him, almost like a puppy protecting her food dish.
"Then give us one more good look, just like that," Max ordered, "and bring out the next ensemble."

Bright red latex shirt, and shorts. Matching gloves, clinging halfway up to his elbows...
He had to oil up to get into 'em.
"Where's the hood?" Lei said, sounding disappointed.
He opened his mouth, and started to turn around to get it. They both cracked up.
"Never mind, handsome," Max said. "I'd rather look at your face any day."
"I'm not sure red is his color."
"Not that red."
He folded his arms.
"I vote for that last shirt. The brown one."
"Me too. But not the chaps."
"Aaaaaw -"
"Max. Now, you liked the tight pants."
"The simple ones? Ooooo. Yeah. And a big 'affirmative' on the harness.
"Not the collar, though. I want to massage his neck," Lei said.
"Collars are so cliché."
"Tell me about it."
"You two almost done?" Roy demanded.
"Why, you got someplace to be?" Lei taunted.
"Sonebody's in a big hurry to watch 'USS Hysteria'," Max said.
"And get tickled while he does."
He sighed as loud as he dared.
"Oh, okay," Max said. "Quit bein' sassy. Or else. Uh... Brown shirt, pocketless jeans, harness. And the black Harley cap. The painter's cap."
"And those gloves," Lei giggled.
"That's just mean," Max said. "Sure. And those gloves. Now get moving."

Fingers crept under the pants, up his shins... playing with his knees for a long time. There was a long scene in the movie where one guy tortured each of the victim's knees.
The tape kept rewinding and playing that scene, over and over.
Then they kept going. Roaming. Arms, ears, all the way down to his heels.
And the second video was just as exciting. Loggers, or lumberjacks. A blizzard... And two guys getting drilled. One hanging from the rafters, the other tied to a chair...

Hours later, during a smoke break, Roy shifted a little on the bench. Sweat dripped off his nose. His hands felt like they were underwater. At least he didn't have to look at those damn gloves on him, with his arms cuffed behind his back...
The ticklers seemed to be in a good mood. He cleared his throat, and waited.
"You need something?," Max said.
"You need something else?"
"Yeah..." He took a drag, and thought about how to ask. Aw, fuck it. "Can I ask you something?"
"Fire away, sweet thing." In the kitchen, a beer hissed as it was uncapped.
"Why me?"
There was a pause. Several seconds.
Fingers danced around his heels. Roy cackled and started to fidget.
"Does that answer your question?" Max chuckled.
"Well. Get with the program. We like to tickle. You like to be tickled -"
"That's not what I meant," he muttered.
"Of all the ticklish guys in the world...," Lei said.
He nodded, watching the beer drift over. "Yeah."
"He's just stalling for time. Missing out on a few minutes of fun while we talk -"
"No I'm not," he said defensively. "It's a natural question. Why me?"
"You were... my fantasy victim," Lei said - sounding embarrassed. "We each made a list. There's no one I wanted to tickle more than you."
"I gotta say, you've exceeded all of my expectations," Max teased.
"Flatterer," he shot back - and he shook his head. So fuckin' ridiculous... he had to grin.
A glove zipped up, quickly, and socked him in the arm.

"Ow -"
"You're gonna get it."
There was a dreamy sigh, from somewhere above Roy's legs. "What if. You know... wouldn't it be something. Roy Toolman. All by himself... plenty of food and supplies. And some top-of-the line restraints. Mmmmmm. But you work so damn much - and then you got married." She didn't say anything for a second or two. "Then Max gave me a present."
"A copy of your property tax bill. County assessor's office," Max added.
"And then we stalked you for awhile. Everyday stuff. Watched you enter the alarm code, there. PIN number. Open your wall safe. It felt... very sneaky."
"Fun, though. I remember the first time we saw you jack off in the shower." They both chuckled. That mental image did not calm him down any. "But mostly, you know, it was exciting to learn all about you. What you ate, who your friends were. And how serious you are when it comes to working out."
"How long ago did this start?," he said.
"Privileged information," Max shot back.
"Terrific. I only meant you... Uh, I don't work out all that hard unless I'm preparing for a project."
The beer bottle waggled back and forth, and Lei made a sound like she didn't approve. "Such a bad guy... And do you even realize how much you laugh when you're having sex, Roy? You chuckle a lot, and you've got the most exciting little growl."
"The yelping," Max added.
"Oh, yeah! Those yelps you make. Like a dog. Just dripping with pure lust."
Roy had no idea how to respond to that.

"We rode in your car with you. Sal's, the accountants, the studio -"
"Studio? Which one?"
"'Hicktown'," Max said, using a nickname Roy had come up with.
He remembered something. "The wardrobe fitting? Those damn business suits..."
That seemed to catch 'em off-guard. "Yeah. How'd you know?"
"I felt like somebody was watching me."
"But you didn't know it for sure."
"Well... not then."
"We were pawing through your closets one morning," Lei said brightly, "when I found the absolute best thing ever. A black metal box -"
"It was... a sign."
"Feathers. And restraints. Roy-size restraints, too. So somebody was on the same wavelength as us -"
Roy made a protesting noise, and got socked in the arm again.
"But we had to confirm it," Max said. "We tested you. And her."
"So afraid we were gonna get caught -"
"Sherri isn't ticklish," he said curtly. "Almost no reaction at all."
"We know."

Hands kneaded his shoulders... and he started to relax, despite the mood he was in.
"A marathon tickling party for Roy Toolman - it just made me crazy to think about it."
"The psycho masseuse," Max joked.
"Oh, now. He needed work long before I got hold of him."
"Deep tickling. Complete - We just don't know the meaning of the word 'moderation'," Max said.
"The fuck you say."
"Smartass. Keep it up."
"We will," Lei promised. "That's the plan. Your fate was sealed last winter, babe, and you didn't even know it."
He smoked nervously.
"All we had left to figure out," Max said, "was where... and when."
"Your house is nice, but Sherri wouldn't go away. Catch him in his bed, with his own restraints." Lei had a good laugh at the thought. "But then we checked out this place."
"A few days later, we saw something we... didn't exactly need to see."
He was stumped. "What?"
"Sherri. You clod. And you-know-who. You were still in Texas." He nodded. His scenes took a little over a month -
"Ah," he said. "So you knew... I had a break in my schedule. And that I'd head up here. Alone."
"Probably," Max agreed. "Sooner or later."
Roy wrestled with saying it, but the question had been bugging him ever since the holidays. "Christmas. You took a real risk there."
"My family. They could've gotten worried."
"Oh, Roy," Lei said. "Roy, Roy, Roy."
"That might've been a problem," Max said. "But we heard you talking to Weedy."
"Weedy?" The head driver, on the lot... What didn't they know about him?
"The week you got back from Texas. The barroom scenes. You guys had a joint in the van? The craft services van?"
"Fuck. You two don't miss a trick."
"Thank you," Max said, all smug.
"Every other year, you go back and do the holiday thing. The family thing. Since you usually go on vacation when you're not back there, they probably w-"
"Won't even bother to call," he interrupted. "I remember. I was there."
"Uh-huh. When we heard you say that, we joked about it - how jolly we could make you." Max sighed. "But the way you run yourself ragged -"
"And then we heard you talking with Sal!," Lei almost shouted. "All that time off - moving out of the house in Saugus - and we knew where you'd go."
"What'd you do, steal a truck?"
There was no response. Roy figured they had no idea what he was talking about. He shook his head, and caught himself doing it. "How did you resourceful... ladies get all this shit up here?"
"The stocks?," Max asked, just to needle him. "And that tough-lookin' bench?"
"Barstow," Lei said.
A few seconds passed. "O-kay," Roy mumbled. "I'll bite."
"Storage space," Max said. "In Barstow. We rented it over the phone -"
"With your credit card."
"Marcel Buchanan's card. What a sicko."
"Mailed the manager of the storage place five hundred bucks in cash, and he was good enough to sign for deliveries, stash 'em for us... And then we just borrowed a U-Move-It truck from a place in Ontario -"
"I get it," he snapped.
"Hey, you asked."


- - 22 - -

February. It seemed like ten years since they started on him.
He was on the phone more often. Kev, every week or so. Maybe once a month with Sal. The world was going on just fine without him. And every time - right after he hung up - he'd remember. The tickling. Max and Lei enjoyed it so much each time he realized it. Long phone calls, usually... and being locked in just completely slipped his mind. Every fucking time.
SLUT had almost faded away from his right knuckles, but one of 'em kept re-inking the word LAFF on the fingers of his left hand. Lei, he guessed.

"That was good," he said, pointing his cigarette at the TV.
Max hummed doubtfully. "I was afraid I held it too long."
"No way. I mean, there's no strict rule or anything... go back. Rewind the tape. More..."
They were discussing The Video.
It was the original version. The one she made just to get his interest. Get him hard.
The edited one, which showed them taking over his house and prepping him, was always a good excuse for full-bore tickling. They'd made him howl along with that one five or six times.
Watching it had been Roy's idea. He was afraid to say it, because of what they'd do to address the situation... but he was bored.
Max laughed at his obvious attempt to get on her good side... until she forced him to tell the truth. He blushed, and couldn't stop himself from stammering that he wanted to see the rest of the movie - but most of all, he wanted shop-talk. That threw her for a loop.
"There," he said. "It's gotta be the pacing. Nice... Shots are roughly the same length, not too short... teasing us. And then - oh, yeah." He chuckled. "Chew on this, fucker. A long, loving look -"
"The victim, at rest."
"But not for long," Roy nodded. "Yeah. I think it builds the anticipation. The dread. But very matter-of-fact about it. I wouldn't cut it down at all. It's not too long..." He cocked his head. "How did you learn to do this, again?"
"Watched a lot of movies," Max said. "Such as yours."
"Oh, man," he groaned. "At least they're good for something."
An invisible hand punched him on the arm. "Alright, you. They did mesmerize Lei, who inspired me."
Roy blinked. "So... getting caught here is all my fault?"
"Well, duh," Lei said.
"What I think my associate means, Mr. Toolman, is that you're far too tempting to walk around unmolested."
"Uh-huh," he sighed. "Kinda got that idea."
"If you cock your head again, slugger, I am not going to be able to keep my hands off you," Lei said happily.
"C'mon. You've seen me... uh, at my worst. I can't be so irresistible now -"
"More than ever," Lei shot back.
"I'd have to agree," Max added.
"Oh... fuck."
"Enough about you," Max laughed. "This scene, here. Too much?"
He looked at the TV again. The closet... "Kinda obvious. This is all like a one-shot, right?"
"I have no idea what y-"
He waved his hands vaguely. "You kept on rolling tape. You didn't stop and reshoot, say, this closet bit?"
There was a pause. "Didn't really have time," Max finally said. "He was starting to come around."
"Ah. See, you could've shot this again later. Spooky lighting. Very mysterious. Take your time setting it up -"
"That wasn't what I was after," she protested. "It was a real-time account. The last minute before his life changes."
"I got that," Roy insisted. "And you pulled it off. I'm not fuckin' with you, here. It's very hard to mix camera angles - shots that are, uh, simultaneous - and keep it from feeling rushed."
"Thank you."
He hesitated for a second... "I'm gonna just make things worse for myself, no doubt, but you have a really good - uh - don't blame me, it's just what they say. A really good eye."
"Well. It was made for you. Grab your attention."
"And it worked, obviously. Other people would appreciate this... for the editing. The direction -"
Arms suddenly hugged him.

"And now, you're so grateful to me that you just have to let me go," he mumbled.
"Not on your life," Max whispered. "It felt like I did some things right, using my instincts. It's just such a relief to know it's true."
"It is," he said, as she let go of him. Still nothing there he could see. Uh-oh, he thought. Major cock-play in my future... "Tell me something - all the way through the movie, you never reveal what's tickling the guy, do you? Tip your hand?"
He smirked - being careful not to cock his head. "That's what I mean. You've got more courage than most directors. Absolute mystery - who, where, how - and why. And if you didn't invent some deliberate explanation and beat the audience over the head with it -"
"I didn't," Max said proudly.
"It just makes their imagination go wild. Answer their own questions..." He shrugged.
"You would say that, though. You're the target audience."
He rolled his eyes. "I meant any audience." Roy looked around the room. "And fuck, Max, I didn't get up and walk out -"
"And we're so glad you didn't," Lei laughed, getting the joke.
"Yeah." He watched a beer levitate down to the coffee table. Rewarding the prisoner, he thought sourly. "So... what happened to that guy?"
"What guy... Do you mean Eduardo?," Lei said.
"The star of my first project," Max chuckled.
"Uh, yeah."
"He's fine. Took a semester off from school." They both started laughing.
Roy had a bad feeling... "He's not an actor? When did you shoot this?"
"April. First week or so."
He sighed. "And you let him go - when?"
"Ii took me about a month to finish shooting," Max replied.
Roy thought that one over. "Uh. I'll ask it again. When did you let him go?"
"Well -"
"Aw, fuck."
"He's in very good hands," Lei said quickly.
"No doubt."
Max paused the VCR. "Some friends are keeping him busy."
"Eduardo's a fun guy."
"Not as fun as you -"
"And a lot more colorful."
Roy took a deep breath, and let it out slowly. "Colorful... how?"
"Well, t-"
Lei interrupted. "Tattoos."
He just closed his eyes, and kept breathing.
"They're really into tats," Max added.
"Your friends," he said quietly. "The ones tickling that poor slob."
"More information than you needed, huh?"
"You could say that."

After enough whining, they'd leave him alone long enough so he could lift weights. Roy felt like he was turning into a fat slob. They disagreed - loudly - but went along with his demands to cut back on the carbs. Extra meat and fish showed up whenever they fed him...
He walked into the bedroom where he worked out, all excited about it. Finally. Something normal, back in his life. His abs and pecs were okay, from all the laughing, but his arms and glutes weren't nearly as cut as they used to be.
Most days, he could kill an hour in there, safe from getting tickled. Usually.
It was great to ignore the treadmill. He already got enough aerobic work. Too fuckin' much, every day.

He reracked the dumbbells and finished his cigarette. Then he started to leave, wiping his face with a towel -
A quiet sound made him pause. Behind him.
Paper... tearing, or peeling open.
His hamstrings tensed up. The next sound confirmed it - something stretchy. Roy gulped.
Surgical gloves, that was his guess. He didn't want to look. Walking faster, as if he didn't hear 'em, he made it almost to the door -
"Oh no you don't," Lei said happily.
He closed his eyes.
"It's massage time. Hop up here." A patting sound...
Roy looked behind him. The massage table was there. It wasn't there before. They had some way to stop time, or at least make him think they did. Post-hypnotic suggestion. Like pausing a videotape, maybe, and next thing he knew he was wearing a rubber bodysuit, or standing in front of the stocks. It happened so often he was used to it. A cigar between his teeth, a dozen gloves poised to grab him... He'd be getting out of the shower, and the next instant he was cuffed to the tickle-bench.
Or Lei's massage table. There were sturdy rings mounted all around it. She didn't like it when he squirmed around. A real perfectionist.
One of the gloves had its palm flat on the vinyl. The other beckoned him with its index finger.
Behind him, the door slammed. He looked back in time to see the padlock close.

No itching - this time. After a few minutes, he relaxed under the hands. Making little happy noises, as Lei called 'em. Quiet, involuntary grunts and moans..
Most days, she spent an hour massaging him. If she wanted it to go longer, the cuffs caught his limbs...
And sometimes there was a brush, before she got started. Quick little brush-strokes. Roy figured it was another one of the powders in the vials. A flick of something cool on his heels, on his throat, under his balls. And the shit would start to itch.
A deep itch. It made his eyes water. He couldn't think about anything else.
He couldn't very well wrestle around and scratch himself while she was massaging him. She needed him to hold still, so the restraints would come out... wrapping snug, stretching him until he couldn't do anything except babble and sweat like a pig. Eventually, Lei would pick up a few more gloves and put the itching right out of his mind.

She enjoyed rubbing him down. Head to heels.
"How's this?," and several thumbs started kneading his lower back.
It felt so damn good. "Oh, yeah," Roy groaned. "Oh hell yeah. Don't stop."
Clearly Lei had no intention of quitting. She sighed happily and hummed something, too low for him to hear.
With an effort, he got his tongue working again. "You are... incredibly good at this."
"I know. Thanks."
"It... used to bug the shit out of me. How - I mean, you're skilled. So mean, and so talented. Massages like this. And Max's cooking."
"Why would it bug you? We're being nice to you."
"Yeah. When you're not torturing me."
"I like to think of it as... making you unbearably happy."
The fingers rubbed their way up his spine. "Oooooooommmmm," he growled.

When she was done, she had to shake him a few times to get him to move.
"That's it?," he mumbled. No tickling?
She just giggled. The padlock rattled, and the door swung open. "Hey, Max!," she yelled suddenly, making Roy jump. "He's hungry!"
"Almost there," came the reply. "Make him take a shower."
"Or a bath?," Lei said.
Roy sat up. They never let him take a bath - alone. Bath oil, brushes, washcloths rubbing slowly. And the cuffs holding him in place.
"Hey -"
Phantom hands clamped around his arms and legs, carrying him toward the door. "Bathtime."

No thongs in sight. He didn't want to ask, so he padded down the hall and fell on the couch, naked as a jaybird.
Dinner was pork - he decided, though it might've been veal. A fancy salad. Homemade cookies. Lots of calories he'd have to sweat off. And it all tasted sensational...
Capped with brandy and a cigar. They gave him another minute to burp and get settled. He blew out smoke and looked around, trying to prepare -
"We have a surprise for you," Max said.
Since no safe response existed, he just let his eyelids droop and took another drag.
A big white box floated into the room. And another one. Clothing.
More specifically... lingerie.
Roy stared. "Terrific. It's been twelve whole hours since you made me shoot my wad."
"Such a mouth," Max sighed - as if she liked that.
Shiny material started rising slowly. Light purple. Satin. Black trim...
"You like?"
Roy draped an arm over one knee to hide his erection. "Kinda small for me -"
"Okay. My turn!," Lei announced. Her teddy was snow-white - of course, he thought to himself. Lace and ribbons.
"Very attractive," he sighed.
The boxes were tossed aside -
And the garments expanded. In a very nice way. Roy chuckled before he could stop himself.
Max filled the purple teddy, somehow, with the shape of a body that wouldn't quit. Thin waist, full hips...
Lei's garment was tight across the front, stretched by invisible tits that were full and wonderfully shaped. Big enough to get lost in, but not grotesque.
The purple teddy started moving closer. "Look at him. I'd say they're a hit, Lei."
Roy realized he was breathing a lot faster. He puffed on the cigar a few times, trying to appear casual. Wild new ideas were filling his thoughts -
"Max!," Lei said. "We forgot..." And the white lacy thing flew back to the box, across the room. Picking up -
Shit. Roy saw 'em, and sagged back.
Long white gloves. Vinyl?
A wad of black cloth expanded as Max pulled 'em on, deliberately teasing him. Dark satin.
He gulped, and tapped ash off his cigar. "Am I, uh... I'm supposed to compliment you now, aren't I?"
"If you know what's good for you," Max purred.
He took another long pull, and eased the smoke out. "You - both look so sensational, uh, in those things, it would be a crime to get 'em... dirty. You know -"
"Sweat," Max interrupted.
"Cum," Lei agreed. And they both laughed.
"I think you can do better than that," Max decided. The gloves crossed each other, exactly as if they were worn on arms that were now... folded.
"Hey, I like 'em," Roy said defensively.
Lei laughed. "That's obvious." It wasn't a mystery anymore why they didn't want him to be wearing so much as a thong.

The inhabited lingerie floated slowly toward the couch.
"You're both... going to be in my dreams. For a long time."
"As if we weren't already," Max said - and she reached over quickly, and messed up his hair.
Not being a total moron, he sat there and let the glove do it. And then it backed off. Another few minutes of freedom from the tickling. Weird, Roy thought. My life has come down to buying just a little more time...
"So... uh, Roy," Lei said - and she sounded different. Shy?
"Which one d-"
"No," he snapped.
Both teddies stopped moving.
Max recovered first. "What did you say?"
"Absolutely not," he said evenly. "Nuh-uh."
"Oh, now -"
"They're equally beautiful."
"But which one do you like best?," Lei asked.
He shook his head, as the gloves started reaching for him. Very slowly -
"Roy," Max said. "Choose."
"I'm trying to save my skin -"
"Aaaaaw," Lei crooned. "You are such a bad guy - it's... irresistible..."
"Listen," he said. That one word came out quietly, without any of the panic he was feeling. It was so matter-of-fact that the gloves actually paused. "This time you've gone too far. I'd rather put a gun to my head and pull the trigger. I am not stupid enough to choose one over the other."
The ticklers didn't say anything. He was not reassured.
"He's right."
Lei said it. The white gloves backed up a little.
"What?," Max said, puzzled.
"I get it. Tell ya later."
The black gloves tightened into fists.
Suddenly the vertical-rack was in the living room, waiting to be used.

They brought out a vial of blue dust - so dark, it was almost black. Roy didn't remember seeing it before, but ten minutes later he knew it wasn't the first time they'd used it on him. It revved him up. All night - fire burned within him. So horny it was all he could do to remember to breathe...
The teddies stayed close by him, "supervising", as the tickling went on and on. Every time he opened his eyes, they were still there. Those incredible... bodies...


- - 23 - -

He was glad when he woke up. For a few seconds. Roy had been dreaming he was caught in a factory, everything shiny and automated. Hanging over a conveyor belt. Feather dusters came down the line, and steel arms picked them up and tested them all over his body. Quality control...
Then he remembered. Max and Lei. Shit. Another day.
Next, there was the discovery. Pure reflex. Was he in restraints... or not?
Roy's arms wouldn't move. He laid there and sighed.
A tube bumped against his lip. Hollow. So he sucked down water, and expected a cigarette to be next. He was right...
After a couple drags, he finally opened his eyes.
Oil, all over him, shimmered dully in the soft light. A camcorder floated high above him.
"He confirms the awful truth," Max said quietly. "After all these months, there's no surprise left. Totally resigned to his fate."
"Do you have to d-"
"Shut up," she ordered. "One of the most recognizable men in the world. Wealthy, powerful... And none of that matters now. No one knows what he's going through, so there's no chance he'll be rescued." The camera started panning, slowly, up to his hands. "Securely caught, every need taken care of... He can only lay here. All day. Unable to flop around, or cover up... and he definitely won't be able to interfere with what's going to happen. No possible way to pull the busy fingers off him, or slap the toys away."
Something touched his left hand. He looked up there - leather. Gloves were being pulled on his hands. The camera was beyond, recording the action. In line with his face, too, as he watched. Roy took a drag and tested the straps.
"He's used to doing whatever he wants. But now, he's a prisoner. He may want to have another smoke, or scratch his butt... go to the bathroom and take a leak. But he can't. His desires don't matter."
"Is there a point, here?," he drawled.
The camera moved a little. "I'm trying to understand you."
"What it's like for you," Max explained. "Dealing with all this."
Guilty conscience, he thought - but he stopped himself from saying it. Instead, he just closed his eyes and smoked.
"The excitement, the pleasure. Unbearable. Day after day. And he knows this is not the last of the tickling. Far from it."
He shifted his ass on the satin sheet, getting antsy. Get on with it already...
"Literally nothing he can do..."
Quiet snapping noises -
"And it starts. Again."
Fingertips. Low on his sides. He clenched his teeth and got a hard drag in. As soon as he stopped inhaling, the cigarette was pulled from his lips.
"Impossible, intolerable stimulation," Max went on, "ruling him, crippling him like a fever. Body stretched out. Helpless."
Roy hooted out the last of the smoke. The camera was over his face. He shook his head... just a little, side to side.
"Played with by a sadist that knows every square inch - intimately. Nerves that are so much more ticklish now, destined to become even more sensitive..."
"Aaaaaahhhaw haw haw haaaawww," Roy begged.
The fingers rubbed a little harder. Shocks - no, heavy flames - somewhere. Down. His feet started reporting in... we got trouble here. It's serious. Those damn fingers again - and they're not fuckin' around. Help us. Do something...

He was being... carried. Bathroom.
Oh, fuck. That had been harsh. When Max said "all day", it turned out she meant it. Roy landed, carefully, in the tub.
"You're a mess," Max told him. The water faucet turned on.
He started to get up, but she pulled his arms over his head and spread 'em apart. The cuffs tightened quickly.
A frustrated whimper made it out of his mouth, but his ankles were cuffed down anyway. A pack of smokes came over from the sink.
Pouting, he took a light and watched the Zippo float away. "Don't you want to get this on tape? Bathtime?"
"I've got enough of that already," she said. A bottle of shower gel stopped over him, and the cap started unscrewing. "Several baths."
"You do?" He didn't remember a camera - but that hell, apparently they could make him forget all kinds of stuff. "Huh."
"And about nine hours of you sleeping."
"That's creepy. Sorta."
She laughed, and dunked a sponge in the water. "I love watching you sleep. A break from the tickling, for a while. And then you start dreaming. Scrunching up your face, twitching... and those adorable little yelps. I'll show you one of my favorite collections later."
"That's okay," Roy said quickly.
"Smoke up," and he did. "Wait'll you see. Just you and us - it's electrifying, Roy."
"For you," he grumbled.
She took his cigarette, and poured gel all over the sponge. "The hardest part is narrowing down which takes are the very best. Best of the best."
The loofa started scrubbing his belly. Immediately he arched his back, and started to cackle.
"Such a basket case," Max said, her voice all husky. "So ticklish. And so pretty..."

"You're way more fun than any woman we've... gotten to know," Lei said.
"Maybe you just don't get around enough -"
"Good try," Max interjected.
"You guys are fun. Wanna know why?"
"You're so blown away by being helpless," Max said. "Especially a top dog like you."
"Alpha dog," Lei said, cracking herself up.
"Plus you get to torture my cock," Roy snapped.
"Well. That too."
"Yeah, that never gets old," Lei admitted.




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