Ticklish Ridinghood When the hunter killed the wolf and freed grandmother and Red, he never knew what he was going to unleash. For the spirit of the wolf was a vengeful creature. He was just so very, very mad that he didn't get to eat Red. But he would - one way or another. In the meantime, Little Red Ridinghood grew up and became Big Red Ridinghood. Her 18th birthday came - by now Red had become quite the woman. Short, small waisted, but large hips and breasts. Long, curly blond hair. Big blue eyes. She was every inch the perfect woman. Not only beautiful, but smart as a whip, could cook anything, sew, clean, do math in her head, basically everything a man wanted to be able to do she could do - except write her name in the snow. Now it so happened that Red didn't think she was all that special and was also very shy. So when the handsome young man came to her in the middle of town square, she turned bright red and ran away. The man smiled almost evilly - for this was no man, this was the spirit of the wolf. And he happily followed the easy trail Red had left as she went to what she called her "special place" - here in an old tree house her father built before he died she would sit for hours. Just daydreaming away. It was such a surprise to her when the young man showed up that her shocked jerk caused the shoes she had just taken off to fly from her hands and down to the ground below. "Wh-what are you doing here?," Red asked, backing into a corner. The wolf spirit licked his chops. "I'm going to eat you up, Red." With that, he extended his powers and Red found herself being stripped by many invisible hands. She actually let out giggles as the invisible fingers accidently touched her flesh, tickling her. This made the wolf spirit pause. There was many things he found awkward about the human body he possessed, and the reaction to Red's laughter was the most awkward yet. There was a stiffening down below... Hmm - maybe he should explore this. Using his powers, he had the invisible fingers begin a slow dance in Red's armpits and along her ribs and belly. Twirling, stroking, and dancing. Red began to giggle sweetly, the laugh. "Nohohoho plehehehease don'thahaa tickle meheeheheee!" Red exclaimed, trying to twist her naked body away. The wolf frowned a bit and sat so he was facing Red's soles. He watched her and listened to her plead, which seemed to make the fire in his loins grow. Pursing his lips a bit, he started to think. Idle hands are the devil's tools - and the wolf, without realizing it, started to play his fingers along Red's feet. This made her start to guffaw and plead for him to leave her feet alone. Red in the meantime was in a delicious agony. Fingers she couldn't see tickled her and made her laugh. Her armpits, ribs, and belly were stroked. Belly button invaded. Even her breasts were being stroked, causing her nipples to harden. But when the man touched her feet an electric shock rolled thru her and exploded in her brain. Unlike most girls, Red had never known a day without shoes and her feet were very sensitive. Small but wide with perfectly round pudgy toes, her feet was one part of her body she hated to have touched. From the tip of her big toe to her heel she was very ticklish. "Nahahahaot my feeeeheheheheet!" she scream-laughed as the man's fingers scrabbled along her soft fleshy sole. She curled her toes, trying to get away, but suddenly that same power that tormented her with tickles over the rest of her body was pulling her toes back and apart. Leaving them exposed for more tickle torture. Meanwhile the wolf spirit was having a lot of fun exploring Red's feet. Tracing each line, darting in and out between her toes, scraping a nail lightly at the heel. It seemed so natural to lick and when she laughed even harder he began to nibble and talk against her soles. "I think I'll not eat you up, Red. I think I'll just tickle you until you go mad. What pretty little feet. And my magic is doing wonders on your creamy skin. Tickle tickle Red - poor ticklish baby. Laugh for me, laugh my Ticklish Ridinghood. Laugh it up." Red was going to lose her mind. It was bad enough with the fingers. But when the man began to use his tongue and teeth she went wild. She could barely feel the other tickles. It seemed like all the tickling centered on her magically imprisoned feet. Worst, the tickling vibrated up her legs and concentrated in her core. A warm flush creeping along there the dizzier she got. Begging was out for now she couldn't get the breath to speak. Her lungs and stomach ached. A thumping began and she could feel moisture gather... The wolf smelled something strange, using his magic to keep tickling her - now the fingers had to be everywhere, from her ears to the tips of her toes, tickling her neck, back, anus, thighs, knees, calves, breasts, belly... everywhere all over that smooth creamy skin - the wolf drew close to her golden hair with a growl. Something about that scent drew him. Like a mating scent. He licks his lips then lunged, burying his face into the gold curls. Indeed, the Big Bad Wolf was finally getting to eat Red Ridinghood ALL up. Jolts of pleasure slammed into Red's brain. She was so dizzy from laughing so much. Yet she somehow found the breath to moan. The evil fingers all over her body as she twisted in mid-air. Her body glistening with sweat. Fingers stroking her ears, fingers on her neck, her breasts - just - everywhere! Tickling her until she was sure she'd go insane! And yet - sweet pleasure coursed thru her from her tickle-tortured nerves to the core of her womanhood and up to her brain. As the man began to nibble her tiny, fleshy nub she screamed and everything went black. The wolf finished lapping away every last drop of the mating-juices. Sweet. He let his magic lay Red down on the floor and picking up her feet, he instinctively used them to massage the stiff member that he released from his pants. They felt so wonderfully soft and he wondered if Red was awake if this would tickle her. A jolt of pleasure ran thru him and his own mating fluids shot out. Hmm - this was something he'd have to examine more at his leisure. But how? How could he get Red to be with him all the time... Wait - this human body he was in had a great amount of the wealth stuff that humans loved so much. And marriages were still arranged by wealth, not love. Besides, Red's body was perfect to carry his pups. As his wife she would have to submit to his will. Yes, there could be many hours of playing with Red's pretty little feet if she was his wife.
by CDeVillon
posted 20aug98 |