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His laughter stutters as he pounds his head against the pillow. Rolling it around, picking it up and slamming it down again. He keeps laughing.
The pillow is thick and new. Sweat is staining it. Thick black hair, wet and tangled, shakes a little as he laughs.
And he continues to laugh, because soft fingers are sliding up and down his feet, wrapped around the side of each, squeezing a little with their fingertips. Two more gloves are petting his ribs so heavily, pausing to burrow their fingers into his armpits.
He can't get away from them.
The tickler saw to that - after it brought him in here, and got his clothes out of the way. It buckled the cuffs nice and snug. Stretched him out... and as he strained the taut straps, it laid a single white feather on his breastbone. He looked at it, and then he watched as the tickler started filling up the gloves. Six phantom hands, to start.
Calm, intensive tickling.
There's not a thing he can do about it... except laugh. And pound his head. But even that fails to distract him. He's tried to move in every direction. The restraints have not budged.
His yells and howls didn't bring anybody to his aid. No one else can hear him. The room was chosen carefully.
This is where he'll stay. Until he's set free, he belongs right here. As long as he's this much fun to play with, he'll be the property of the tickler. After all, it caught him. He's explosively reactive... and the room is ideal.
It absolutely hates to rush this.
He went from fear to anger to desperation, but the gloves haven't stopped. The cuffs keep him there... and now his fever has peaked. He moves less, and his laughter grows more and more vague.
More fingers will be joining in, and the tickling will not stop.
He's tried everything to escape it. That failure just makes this all the more exciting. Now that he has no resistance left, the intensity of the tickling will not decrease - quite the opposite. This is only the beginning.
Another half-hour of gleeful torture...
His cock is so hard. He pulls at the cuffs again, knowing they're not going to be taken off. The tickler is pleased to see him writhe around, because he's obviously rested enough to continue.
A bottle of water floats up, insistently forcing its way between his lips.
And then -
Fingers. Coming back down.
He shakes his head, throwing his body back and forth. Very impressive. Passionate. But he's so wonderfully sensitive. He won't be allowed to just lay around. Staring at the gloves, mouth hanging open, he looks hypnotized. Hoping for something else to happen - anything but more tickling.
So the fingers return, slowly. Yes. More tickling. Coming right up. That's why he's here. He can get as delirious as he wants. All that excitement. Much more pleasure than he can stand...
Soft fingertips drag up and down. Resuming the attack, again, over and over. Hundreds of times? Maybe more.
He chuckles, arching his back. Twisting around. The expression on his face seems as if he can't believe it's happening again. But it is.
And it will. Many breaks, each possibly being the end of his ordeal - followed by the continuation of it. There's absolutely nothing he can do.
His stomach is so sensitive, it's astounding. The tickler can send more fingers wherever it likes, teasing and pressing down as they rub, squeezing and coasting back and forth...
Over and over, they pull off. Let him pant until he catches his breath, and drinks more water.
He whines with frustration, pulling at the restraints. The gloves are poised over him again, perfectly motionless - for now - but they'll land again. And again. The cycle will repeat all night, and start over again tomorrow.
He looks miserable. These breaks in the action appear to be having just the effect it intended. Let him hope, against all evidence, that the tickling won't resume soon. Knowing better, and hating himself for indulging that ridiculous dream of the gloves floating away this time...
But they drop down.
He strains to break the cuffs, and babbles wildly, protesting, pleading -
The material nestles against his thighs, his pecs. High on his calves.
About thirty breaks, each followed by a resumption in the tickling - and he passes out.
It changes the sheets and washes him. Coating his skin with emollients, it delights in knowing, from prior experience, that he will be even more ticklish the next day. Fur brushes, along with the slippery gloves, will make the fun even more wrenching.
Each day seems so long, even to the tickler.
It starts tickling him again, and again, and again.
He cackles and squeals.
The tickler makes the fingers move a little faster.
He thrashes helplessly, pounding his head on the pillow in that delightfully compelling way.