Hey, Thanks for the good news. He's gonna blow you away. And I wish I could see the look on his face when he figures it out. Running away from St. Paul isn't gonna get him off the hook, is it? And the shithead moves to Barstow. I mean honestly, it's like he's begging for it. The only thing I'd add to his med. history is that you don't want to use any of those cheap-shit generic versions of testosterone on him. The acne gets even worse, and it gives him the runs. Tactilex kicks him into overdrive - just show him a feather and he starts to whoop. 3 caps a day will fuck him up good, two with lunch and one after dinner sometime. Last time I got him chain-smoking again. If you cut him off, the frustration peaks after 36 hours or so. It's a riot. Booze doesn't work too well on this guy, but speed does. If you keep him up all night, he won't disappoint. Even if you're not going to add to his tat collection, show him the gun. The "aw-fuck" routine is priceless. The other thing you really don't want to miss is the hissy-fit. He can be coaxed into doing it about twice an hour. You need at least, oh, ten fingers on the side of each thigh. Move 'em like he's a harp. Not too heavy. His laughter will get more and more spacey, and suddenly he'll pump his arms and legs like he's throwing a tantrum. That ends, and he'll go "Hooooooooooo... aah hah hah hah," and so forth. But his eyes open a little, and the expression is pure gold. The way he laughs right then just says please stop, pretty please, I can't live through another damn second of this, you just gotta pull off. I usually give him a minute to cackle like that and then I just drill his sides, or get busy on his crotch. I really don't mean to tell you what to do. He'll inspire you to dream up your own hot plans for his ass. That hissy-fit sound, though - it just makes me double up the gloves. Here's your answer, fuckface. Take that. You'll see right away how to deal with his toe-pads and his spine. And maybe the most ticklish breastbone I've ever come across. Half the time I hit him with a dart, so he wakes up in the cell all ready to go - and the other times I grab his thighs. My way of saying hello - the last time he knew who it was. I mean, immediately he's trying to run. My longest party on him was ten months. Worth every second too. You'll see. That pitiful laugh of his after he throws a fit is not to be missed. Hmmmm, what else to say. Studs on the sex toys get a better response than pins. If you have any chain-mail sleeves or cages he almost starts to smirk. Liniment worries him but the effects are impressive. I like the molded uncut "Wise Guy" dildo for him with a pencil vibrator insert. This dude can squeal... His nips are great. Too much weight on the clamps and he can distract himself from the tickling after a few minutes. A wedge gag is what he's used to and his sinuses are always open enough to let him wear a full hood. His cock makes him seem younger. Stroke that rod for a few hours and you'll see the tough guy fade away. He giggles more, and even the moans sound like they're coming out of a frat pledge - but only until he shoots. And he's been that way since day one, even before I tatted him up. Take your time with his cumshots and it'll seem more like you got an Eagle scout chained up, less shady and more wholesome somehow. It's cool. This is more detail than you need, and it's not because you won't find out for yourself anyway. I've been on this fucker's back for a good eleven years now, ever since he moved out on his own, and obviously we've had a lot of grueling nights together. He'll give you a great year if you want it, no sweat. If I didn't have other fish here... You know how some of these guys are just built for the long haul - not a week of fireworks, but all those lonely months of tuning? You made him right away. This wolf doesn't level off. It may seem like I'm overselling him, but just you wait. He's one sweet ride. Yo - Three things. I know he doesn't look like anything special. That's why the first ten seconds on him will give you one of the best surprises you've ever had. Guaranteed. Of course I have videos! I've never shown them to him, and it's a terrific idea. He'll go nuts trying to figure out how you got them... Most important - you're being an incredibly good sport. I'm glad you understand how it is. Sometimes an animal just catches my imagination, y'know? Hey there - Your e-mail made my day. Didn't I tell you about him? Huh? I love imagining what your cell looks like - and with him looking around, eyes all scrunched up as he just laughs and laughs. Every second of delirium he gets is a gift for me, too. Obviously. I just knew you'd like him. Cutting up his fishing license was a great idea. I'll bet he flipped out. No time to waste on hobbies. It's great to know he's in expert hands. Dear "Warden" - The photos are just GREAT. I owe you bigtime. He's not going anywhere, is he? Fuck. Nasogros is the decongestant you want. Works right away. When he can't smoke, he gets plugged up - I should've remembered to tell you - but it'll pass by the fourth or fifth day. If you wanna keep him off the cigarettes then the Nasogros will open him up real nice, in about an hour, all ready to take everything you wanna throw at him. Hard as you want. That's what he deserves. Your cell is everything I hoped it would be. It's a relief to hear that you think he's worth it too. I never would've guessed it to look at him, either. To Whom It May Concern - Thank you for your e-mail... but I'm not sure what you're taking about. Some animal getting tickled in the desert? Nine weeks and counting? I really couldn't care less if he wants it to stop. Do whatever you wish. I mean, really, his continued tickling is of no interest to me. Naaaaaaaaah, I'm just kidding! Ha ha! Throw away the key, because every day he isn't tickled is a tragic waste that'll never be repeated. But I guess I don't have to convince you, huh? There's nothing you could tell me that would make me happier. Keep him hysterical, and when you're done for the day set him up for another long one. I'm glad you went with those tats. Padlocks and iron feathers... Excellent. Is he sick of the almonds yet? They're just the perfect food for him - under these circumstances, of course. I never could get over that. He just keeps bouncing back for more. Thank you thank you! I mean it. Yo yo yo - Six months of excitement. Where does the time go? Congrats. Bottled espresso drinks, and THC - wish I'd thought of that. He's gotta be just fuckin' beside himself. You've made my day (again). Don't you cut him loose one minute early - as if he'd quit being fun, huh? Now you've got me thinkin' about him. I think I will come out and bring him home when you're through. Let me repeat that - only after you decide he can leave, and it would just be wrong to hold back for one minute because of me. That's not what I want for him. Ever. But I guess you know that. If I understood that remark about "rounding the corner", you want to keep him around for at least as long as he's been there already. At least. And I say tack another year on! Heh. You're my hero, you know that? When - hell, IF - you ever get done with him, I'll be glad to give him a ride home. You can count on that.
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