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He knocked on the door. Actually... knocked.
"Oh, boy," I said to myself, turning the knob. I didn't open the door - let him walk in on his own. If this ridiculous setup was gonna work, at least I was gonna play with his head. Anyone who knocked on the door of a dungeon had promising material for head-games.
After a few seconds, he stuck his head inside. Big eyes, scanning my gear. Yuppie, I thought scornfully. Gonna fix that.
This was the first - and I hoped the only - time I went along with the whole volunteer bullshit. Rizey had been after me for a couple years, and in the dumbass spirit of things I didn't even track the dude as he came up. I'd been promised a buff animal to play with...
When he finally opened the door, my attitude improved considerably. Lean, and muscular - but nervous. He was supposed to be somewhat experienced, if you could call what the humans did to each other "power tickling."
Ridiculously, he was mine for five whole days. Whoopee. I got angry whenever I thought about the deadline - that's just not the way I work - so I decided to make him pay. First, though, I had to play along with Rizey's idiotic rules.
"Hey," I said.
To his credit, he didn't jump. It seemed like he was mesmerized by the leather sling. "Uh. Hi."
He swallowed first - making sure he was ready, perhaps. "Purple lagoon."
I chuckled, and made him pass out.

Twenty-five minutes later he was in costume. Greasy black jeans, ragged t-shirt from the concrete workers' union, temporary tats all over his arms. I gave him a buzz-cut, shaved his torso, hit the calluses on his feet with a top-notch softener and oiled him up.
He was starting to look like he was worth my time.
Handcuffs, a cigarette between his teeth - and then I stood him up, facing the door. Woke him up.
And closed the dungeon.
Locked it up tight.
"Unh... hey," he said uncertainly.
I locked a couple hands around his sides - way up there, so the fingertips could mess with his pecs.
He hissed, tensed up, started to flail around. Tripping over his own feet. I could hardly expect the guy to keep from throwing himself every which way - not with the plans I had for his ass - so I pulled him backward. Hoisted him up.
"This is w-wild," he managed to get out, and then he was just chuckling desperately even before his butt hit the sling.

Off came the clothes... and on went the cuffs. I got his left wrist cinched up before he even managed to look, and as I pulled his other arm into position he really started to laugh. At his wrist. That was delightful - the sight of his hand being taken out of commission spurred his distress and made him bark happy-sounding protests at the cuff. I closed it up tight and buckled it down. Oh, yes, sucker, you're gonna be stuck here for some red-line excitement. Tug all you want.
You're in my dungeon now.

"If you change your mind," I tempted him, "stay a couple more days, I'll let you cum."
He groaned again, cackled for a while - and, finally, nodded his head.
Fuck, it was almost too easy. Keep leaning on him in this way, and he'll extend his permission for me to torture him a hundred times. To show him my appreciation I sicced six gloves on his sides in the hard tempo that really got to him most.
And I unsnapped the first strap of the cock restraint.

Acecatcher is sure we need to have this "out." Not yet, obviously. But the day will come when too many of the assholes will believe we exist. And Acecatcher is one of the seers, laying the groundwork, so we can go nuh-uh, mister policeman, this captive is here 'cause he wants to be. Jumped through some hoops for us. And part of his request is that noooo-body from your world ever interrupts the torture...





10aug17 (apparently)

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