Sharon Stone and Cybill Shepherd The Tickle Fingers EARTH More spies have been captured in the cold war between the Earth and the planet Mars. Mankind has had trouble staying one step ahead of the seemingly invincible, green-skinned Communists from the beginning. Some of the best secret agents at earth's disposal were somehow susceptible to the torture methods of the Martians, which made it easy for top secrets to be given away to the enemy. The United Nations has been very concerned because of our planet's vulnerability to attack. Determined to discover and uncover this mysteriously effective torture device, the U.N. has sent the world's top two female spies to Mars, in a desperate attempt to regain control of this political war. Secret agents Sharon Stone and Cybill Shepherd were immediately briefed on the matter and headed straight for the red planet to find out what this formidable instrument of torment was. With the tenacious, athletic Sharon Stone leading the way, the two very beautiful women easily broke into the Martian equivalent of the Pentagon. Cybill Shepherd, the computer whiz of the two, tapped into the Mars defense system in no time. Once they opened the file on the treatment of prisoners, there it was. "Tickle Fingers?" Cybill Shepherd said, looking at Sharon Stone, confused. But before Sharon and Cybill could investigate any further, they were both grabbed from behind and knocked out by cloths of chloroform that were placed over their mouths. When Sharon Stone and Cybill Shepherd were awakened, they found themselves in a room, stripped naked, and strapped down to tables. Spread-eagled, the gorgeous saboteurs noticed that their wrists and ankles were held down by pairs of green, disembodied, living hands, fingers interlocked on each limb, that were mysteriously protruding from the tables. There were also pairs of disembodied, living, green arms around their waists, protruding from the tables, interlocked at the elbows, and trapping them securely. The two women were very afraid as they witnessed this phenomenon and pondered their predicament. The room Sharon and Cybill were in was round, with steel walls, and a glass dome on top, giving them a fabulous view of the stars above. Sharon Stone and Cybill Shepherd were so frightened by these freakish body parts holding them captive, that they were just speechless, and could only lie there, stunned, awaiting their fate. Suddenly, a door opened, and a tall, slender, very sexy Martian woman walked in the room. She wore the typical Martian military attire, and had long, silver hair that matched her hypnotic eyes. She walked up to the two captured spies with an almost ominous look of glee about her. The Martian was holding two objects that looked like briefcases, but were transparent and had circuitry and lasers, of all sorts, randomly going on inside. "Well... well... well," The Martian Lieutenant said as she stood between Sharon Stone and Cybill Shepherd, "When will you silly earthlings learn? Your antiquated technologies and politics are no match for Mars. Our race is far more advanced than you primitive humans." Poor Sharon and Cybill, all they could do was lay there paralyzed with fear and give the Lieutenant their full attention. "Well, what do you ladies have to say for yourselves?" she asked in a haunting tone. Still no reply from Sharon Stone and Cybill Shepherd, as they lay on their tables, in shock. Sharon and Cybill were earth's top two spies, and now even they were captives of the enemy, and about to be subjected to the most ticklish tickle torture they've ever experienced. "So, you want to learn about the tickle fingers?" the Martian woman asked as she set a briefcase down on each table between the two girls' legs. She then stood back in a dramatic pause to heighten the tension. Then by remote control, the Martian opened the briefcases to reveal six pairs of green, living, disembodied hands, fingers moving every so often. "Well, it's my pleasure to accommodate my guests as best I can," she teased. "Allow me to introduce you to the red planet's most effective implement of torture." Sharon Stone and Cybill Shepherd began to fidget a little in their bonds, getting very nervous. "These are certified lethal tickle fingers!" she continued, gesturing to the pairs of eerie hands in each case. Again, the Martian paused to intensify the drama. "Now, for this first pair of hands... I could just put them right here on your ribs. And that would tickle," the Martian taunted as she pressed the control, causing one pair of hands from each briefcase to slowly float out and gently land on Sharon Stone's and Cybill Shepherd's ribs. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAHAAAAAAAA!!!" The two lovely ladies screamed and roared with hard belly laughs as they helplessly struggled against their bonds. Indeed, Sharon Stone and Cybill Shepherd were SUPER TICKLISH, and already giggling hysterically from just having the hands resting still on their sensitive ribs. "But, it would tickle even more if I moved the hands down right here around your waist," the Lieutenant continued, pressing the remote again and the hands got up on the two forefingers and walked a ticklish path down Sharon's and Cybill's bellies and settled down at their waistline, with a firm ticklish hold. "AAAAAAAAAGH AAAAAAAAAAGH AAAAAAAAAAGH AAAAAAAAAAAAAGH HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAHAAAAHAAAAHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH!!!" Their tormentor was right! This spot was MORE TICKLISH! And Sharon and Cybill tossed their heads side to side, screaming in ticklish agony, trying even harder to free themselves. As they realized that the fingers were just resting on their waist, not squeezing or tickling, Sharon and Cybill tried to relax and regain their composure, but every so often they would let out a odd shriek and spasmodically jerk again and again, ticklishly anticipating the slightest movement from the tickle fingers."Doesn't that just tickle?" the Martian teased. "EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK! (moan) EEEEEEEEEEEEEK! (groan) AAAAAAAAGH! HAHAHAHAHA!!! (moan)" Sharon Stone and Cybill Shepherd continued to shriek, moaning and groaning despairingly, trying to adjust to having these creepy things resting on such a ticklish spot on their bodies. "Now, for these next pair of hands, I'm going put on an even more ticklish spot on your bodies. I'm going to put them right here on the bottoms of your ticklish feet!," the Lieutenant informed as she hit the button again, and the second pairs of tickling hands climb out their cases and walked up to Sharon's and Cybill's frantically wiggling feet and grabbed them, with the fingers resting on their ultra ticklish soles. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH!!! AAAAAAAAAAAGH!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!" "Wow! I had no idea how ticklish you two were," the Lieutenant jeered. The bottoms of poor Sharon Stone's and Cybill Shepherd's feet were definitely an even more ticklish spot, and now the two beautiful and extremely ticklish blondes found it even more difficult getting used to the idle but dreaded tickle fingers. "AAAAAAAAAAAAGH! (groan) EEEEEEEEEEEK! (moan) AAAAAAAAAAAGH! (groan) HEEHEEHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEHAHAHAHAHA!!!" "Don't forget now, girls - you still have tickle fingers resting around the sides of your horribly ticklish waists. They could start moving at any time as well," the Martian said, continuing the psychological torture. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH HAHAHAHA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA AAAAAGH AAAAAGH AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH!!!" Sharon and Cybill struggled more violently than ever, tossing their heads from side to side, but they were secured down tightly by the other live, alien arms and hands. "Now for these last set of tickle fingers, I going to put on perhaps the most ticklish spot on your helpless bodies. I'm going to put them right here in your incredibly ticklish armpits," the Martian woman said as she hit the remote control one more time, causing the last pair of hands to gently float out of the cases and softly nestle in the excruciatingly ticklish hollows of Sharon's and Cybill's armpits. Sharon Stone and Cybill Shepherd went berserk. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH AAAAAAAAAAAAGH HAHAHAHAHAHAHA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH HAHAHAHAHAHAHA AAAAAGH HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH!!!" This indeed was both Sharon Stone's and Cybill Shepherd's most ticklish spot. They screamed and screamed, roaring with choruses of hard belly laughs, and trying even more desparately to escape, but to no avail. As the two beautiful women began to feel that the fingers were just resting still, and not wriggling, they once again futilely attempted to relax and adjust to having these freakish monsters of their ticklish body parts. "(groan) EEEEEEEEEEEK! AAAAAAAAAAAAAGH! EEEEEEEEEEEEK! (moan) AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH!" Relentless in her mental torment of Sharon and Cybill, the Martian Lieutenant continued, "Remember now, you still have tickle fingers resting on the soles of your feet..." "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH AAAAAAAAAAAAGH HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH!!!" "...and also around the sides of your waists!" "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH AAAAAAAAAAAAAGH AAAAAAAAAAGH HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHA AAAAAAAAGH AAAAAAAAGH AAAAAAAAAAGH AAAAAAAAAAGH EEEEEEEEEEEEEK! (moan) AAAAGH HEEHEEHEEHEEHEEHEEHEE (groan) EEEEEEEEK! AAAAAAGH!!!" Sharon Stone and Cybill Shepherd were almost driven insane by this torment of ticklish anticipation. They jerked and twitched and shriek and were now finally begging and crying out to their tormentor. "PLEASE, STOP! I CAN'T TAKE THIS AAAAAAAAAGH ANYMORE! I'LL TALK! I'LL TALK, ANYTHING YOU WANT TO KNOW, JUST PLEASE STOP!!!," Sharon Stone pleaded. "YES, WE'LL TALK! HAVE EEEEEEEEEEEK MERCY! WE'RE JUST TOO HAHA TICKLISH FOR THIS!!!," Cybill Shepherd hollered, in ticklish hysteria. "Talk? I'm not doing this for information, you silly harmless earth creatures. This is your punishment for espionage. And I will continue to torture you for as long as I see fit." But after that, the Martian hit a combination of buttons on the remote control, and all six pairs of hands floated off the girls' bodies and landed back into the suitcases. Then the disembodied hands and arms that held them to the table, mysteriously retracted down into the table and disappeared. Sharon Stone and Cybill Shepherd lay there on the tables completely exhausted. They were sweating profusely and panting, gasping to catch their breath. Every so often the two would explode in a fit of ticklish giggles, remembering their torture. "Enjoy your rest now, ladies, for tomorrow there will be more tickle-torture, and the tickle fingers will be more eager to wriggle and poke, and stroke," the sexy Martian woman informed as she picked up the two briefcases and exited the room. All Sharon Stone and Cybill Shepherd could do was lay there, staring at each other with looks of fear and fatigue in their eyes, pondering their sealed fate.
by Rockauthor
posted 16jul00 |