Shannen Doherty Jokie the Clown's Magic Tickling Act It was another tedious week of filming 90210. The cast and crew were really exhausted after yet another day of having to put up with that bitch, Shannen Doherty. Just this week alone, she stormed off the set five times in dissatisfaction, yelled at stagehands four times for bringing her warm diet soda, complained about the writing in the script three times, twice fought with producers (over something trivial probably), and once slapped a male co-star (who shall remain nameless) just for saying something (God knows what) that she didn't like. But today would be the day that Shannen Doherty would finally get her comeuppance. This week's episode involved a very unusual character. His name was Jokie the Magical Clown, and Jokie played himself in a storyline about the characters of "90210" producing a variety show where the clown would perform for the school fundraiser. Jokie was a gentle, friendly clown. Standing 6 feet tall, his face was painted with the traditional clown makeup and he had bright, silvery hair that matched his gloves and oversized clown shoes; he also wore a black clown suit covered with big, purple polka dots. Known for performing various captivating illusions, Jokie the Clown had earned a reputation good enough to land him a guest role on a hit TV series. But the disgruntled Shannen Doherty was a skeptic when it came to trying to convince her of Jokie the Clown's magical powers. She thought the whole idea of having him on the show was just so stupid. So, the other cast members tried to relate some of Jokie's special tricks to appease Shannen, such as: making a painting of the Mona Lisa speak, pouring a pitcher of water on a pile of wood and watching it light on fire with different color flames, and actually levitating the school band in the air while they played a song. Then there was a secret magic act that Jokie only performed on special occasions; it was known as the Famous Magic Fingers Act. "Magic fingers act?" Shannen Doherty asked with a ridiculing tone. Even after seeing the talking Mona Lisa and the Water Starts a Fire tricks, Shannen was still unimpressed and gave poor Jokie the Clown a hard time during filming. "Yeah, right! What a joke! Now I know why they call you Jokie. Any magician can do that shit. You suck!" scolded the primadonna Doherty. "Gee, sorry you didn't like my magic, Shannen," a dejected Jokie the Clown replied, hanging his head. Shannen really made Jokie feel bad, and the cast and crew were compelled to apologize for her bitchy behavior all week. Well, later that day they called it a wrap and just about everyone had left the set, except for Shannen Doherty who was still in her dressing room, alone, making herself up for her big date tonight. When she finished, Shannen left and proceeded down the long, empty hallway of the soundstage that led to the parking lot. As she got about halfway, she noticed someone still working on stage 14. She peeked inside to find out who the shadowy figure was. Shannen Doherty was startled to learn that it was Jokie the Clown, left by himself, still packing up his equipment. Slowly, Shannen walked towards the stage with a menacing grin on her face. "Damn, you're still here, packing up. What a loser! You shouldn't have bothered getting out of bed this morning." "I'm sorry, Shannen. I'll be done soon, I promise. Then I gotta go to my next gig," Jokie said in his modest, soft voice. "Oh my God, next gig?" Shannen jeered, "Dude, you really need to look for another line of work. You're pathetic." Poor Jokie was so upset by Shannen Doherty's hurtful words. He just continued packing and tried to brush it off. "And what about that Famous Magic Fingers Act? Ha! Famous? I've never heard of it. And how come you only show it on special occasions - I mean, how special does it have to be?" Jokie stopped what he was doing, and sighed as he stood up and turned to Shannen Doherty, looking into her eyes with an eerie stare. "Very special," The clown replied. A chill ran up Shannen Doherty's spine; inside, Jokie was making her nervous, but outwardly she never lost her arrogant demeanor. "Well, I don't think there ever was a Magic Fingers Act. That's something you just made up. You're such a nerd," Shannen scoffed. "Well, if you really want to see it, Shannen, I'll prove it to you." "Yeah, let's see it, Mr. Magical Clown," Shannen replied in a sarcastic tone. "OK, but you asked for it." With that, Jokie the Clown reached into his pockets and pulled out a gas mask and a large purple pill. Shannen Doherty frowned, feeling even more nervous now. "What's that gas mask for?" "You'll see." Before Shannen could even protest, Jokie had placed the gas mask on his face and slammed the purple pill to the floor, right by Shannen's feet. On impact, the pill burst open - and a large, thick cloud of smoke surrounded Shannen Doherty. She began coughing as the smoke choked her, and eventually she passed out. When Shannon came to, she found herself stripped down to her bra and panties and strapped down to Jokie's magician's table. She was trapped in a spread-eagle position with her wrists and ankles locked in fur-lined, metal clasps. Her soft, beautifully manicured feet hung just over the edge of the table, bare and vulnerable. What the fuck?!, Shannen thought as she became fully alert, scared and confused. She looked up to see to see Jokie the Clown standing over her with a disturbing grin on his face. "Hi, Shannen. Ready to see the Famous Magic Fingers Act?" Shannen Doherty freaked out! Her eyes grew wide with fear as lashed out angrily at him. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! YOU LET ME OUT RIGHT NOW, YOU FREAK, OR I'LL SCREAM! DON'T YOU DARE LAY A HAND ON ME!" "But Shannen... you said you want you want to see my famous act. And I see that this is a very special occasion." "DON'T YOU DARE TOUCH ME, YOU MANIAC! LET ME GO, NOW!!!" Shannen Doherty shouted as she struggled helplessly against her bonds that held her down tight. "Yes, of course, Shannen. Right after I show you my act. And Shannen Doherty, no one deserves this more than you," Jokie said with a chuckle. Jokie then reached into his pocket and pulled out another large, purple pill. Again, he slammed it to the floor. The pill burst into a cloud of smoke that consumed the magical clown. This time, the cloud quickly dissolved - and Shannen saw that Jokie the Clown had vanished into thin air. Shannen Doherty was paralyzed with wonder and disbelief. "OH MY GOD! WHAT HAPPENED? HOW COULD YOU DISAPPEAR LIKE THAT! JOKIE, WHERE ARE YOU!" The frantic girl hollered. She heard an eerie voice began to whisper. "I'm right here, Shannen," the now invisible Jokie the Clown said. "OH MY GOD! WHERE ARE YOU! PEOPLE CAN'T TURN INVISIBLE! HOW CAN THIS BE? I MUST BE LOSING MY MIND! OH MY GOD! HOW CAN THIS BE HAPPENING?!" Poor Shannen was beside herself. She didn't know what to think. "Yes, my beautiful captive. I am a magical clown. Now, do you believe me?" "I CAN'T BELIEVE THIS! WHERE ARE YOU! WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO, JOKIE?" Shannen whimpered. "I'm right here, sweetheart... and now, I shall begin." Jokie paused, heightening the drama. "Hey, Shannen. I can see your ribcage. I wonder how many ribs you have. Let me the count them." Jokie reached down and gently poked each ridge of Shannen Doherty's ribcage, starting at the bottom ribs and working up, "1-2-3-4..." "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH!!! AAAAAAAAGH!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH!!! STOP! THAT TICKLES! THAT TICKLES!" the gorgeous brunette screamed. Jokie quickly learned that Shannen Doherty was EXTREMELY TICKLISH. "But Shannen, I'm showing you my Famous Magic Fingers Act. Now let me continue the show."Shannen Doherty really panicked now. She realized just how ticklish her situation was. Now she knew what Jokie's intentions were - and that she was bound, half-naked, and helpless to stop it. And the worst thing of all... she was dealing with an invisible attacker. "OH MY GOD! LET ME GO, NOW, JOKIE! OH! OH! HAHA! WHERE ARE YOU? OH! PLEASE, JOKIE LET ME GO! DON'T YOU DARE TICKLE ME! PLEASE! I'M TOO TICKLISH! LET ME GO! OH! OH! WHERE AAAAARE YOUUUUUU!!!" Poor Shannen Doherty jerked again and again in very ticklish anticipation, not knowing where Jokie was and where he'd strike next. "I never left, sweetie. I've always been right here." "LET ME GO, PLEASE, JOKIE! OH MY GOD! I CAN'T BELIEVE THIS!" "I will, just as soon as I have finished performing for you. Now, let's see. Shannen, does this tickle?" The phantom fingers began digging into Shannen Doherty's sides, right at her waistline. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH!!! JOKIE, STOP IT! PLEEEEEEEEEASE! THAT TICKLES! HAHAHAAAAAAAAAA!!!" "Hmmm, let's see, now. Hey - you know, Shannen, everybody's ticklish right heeeeere," Jokie said as he put two fingers on each of Shannen Doherty's vulnerable bare arms and walked a ticklish path down to the soft, ultra-sensitive hollows of her armpits. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH!!! OH! OH! NOT THERE, JOKIE! AAAAAGH AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH!!!" screamed the 90210 beauty. This was definitely one of her most ticklish spots. "My goodness, you are a ticklish girl. How did you get to be so ticklish?" Jokie teased, "Now, let's see here, hmmm...," Jokie continued as he pondered where to tickle Shannen Doherty next. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH!!!" Shannen howled with a loud belly laugh, just anticipating being tickled and where Jokie would touch her next. She jerked and twitched and giggled, with more dread now than ever. "OH! OH! AAAAAAAAAGH! WHERE ARE YOU! JOKIE, I BELIEVE YOU NOW! YOU ARE A MAGICAL CLOWN! OH! AAAAGH! OH! NOW, PLEEEEEEEASE STOP TICKLING MEHEEHEEEEEEEE!!!" "Well, Shannen, I'm glad I was finally able to convince you that I'm for real... but the show's not over yet. Hmmm, let's see, now. Have you ever been tickled here before?" Jokie reached down and began wriggling all ten of his fingers in that hyper-ticklish spot below Shannen Doherty's navel, just above her pubic line. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH!!! OH! OH! JOKIE! STAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAHP!!!" Jokie chuckled under his breath, enjoying this ticklish revenge. "Ooooh, Shannen. I think I know a spot where you're reeeeeally ticklish," the invisible, menacing clown taunted as he lay the fingers of his right hand on Shannen Doherty's knee, then walked an excruciatingly ticklish path up the lovely girl's inner thighs. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAGH!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH!!! OOHOOHOOOHOOOHOOOHOOHOOO!!! AAAAAAAAAAGH!!! HAHAHAHAAAAAAA!!!" Shannen Doherty screamed, hollering with a loud belly laugh. This spot was even more ticklish than her super-sensitive armpits. Finally, Jokie let the very ticklish Shannen Doherty have a little rest. She was covered with sweat and her hair was matted to her face.; she breathed heavily as she gasped to catch her breath. "OH, JOKIE, PLEASE DON'T TICKLE ME ANYMORE! I'M SORRY I WAS MEAN TO YOU! REALLY, I AM! PLEASE, I'M BEGGING YOU! I CAN'T STAND TO BE TICKLED, LIKE THIS!" she pleaded. "Oh, but Shannen... I still haven't found your most ticklish spot yet. That's the big finale of the show. Hmmm, now let's see here," Jokie said, continuing to psychologically torture poor Shannen Doherty. "OH, NO, JOKIE! PLEEEEEEASE! AAAAAAAAAGH! WHERE ARE YOU! OH! OH! PLEASE STOP! HAVE MERCY! I'M TRULY SORRY FOR BEING A BITCH! OH GOD! AAAAGH! OH, WHERE ARE YOU!" the beautiful girl cried as she jerked and tugged against her bonds in more ticklish anticipation. She wondered if this tickle torture would ever end. "Oh, Shannen - I think I've found your most ticklish spot." With that, Jokie placed both his hands on the bottoms of Shannen Doherty's soft, smooth, and extremely ticklish bare feet. Shannen went berserk! "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARGH!!! AAAAAAAAAGH!!! OH! OH! STOP! STOP! STOP! DON'T TICKLE MY FEET!!! PLEASE! I CAN'T STAND IT! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!! OH! OH! AAAAAAAAAAGH!!!" Indeed, Jokie had found Shannen Doherty's most ticklish spot. She thrashed, pulled, and tugged at her bonds more violently than ever. She screamed and screamed as Jokie used both hands on one foot at a time, methodically stroking and scratching her soles. Shannen thought she'd surely be tickled to death when Jokie started probing and tormenting her unbelievably ticklish toes, in-between and under them... "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH!!! AAAAAAAAAAGH!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAAAA!!! OH! OH! JOKIE, YOU'RE KILLING ME! STAAAAAAAAAHP! I'M SORRY! I'LL BE NICE TO EVERYBODY! I WON'T BE A BITCH ANYMORE!!!" "You promise, Shannen?" The clown asked. "YES! YES! I'LL BE A GOOD GIRL! SO, PLEASE STOP TICKLING MY FEET!!!" "OK. I guess you've learned your lesson. I'll let you go." Jokie reappeared and released the still very pretty Shannen Doherty from the metal clasps that trapped her ticklish body. Exhausted, all she could do was lay there gasping to catch her breath, her chest heaving. Jokie walked away leaving the young, hot actress to recuperate from her ticklish ordeal. "Yep. That's my Famous Magic Fingers Act," Jokie the Clown said, congratulating himself for his successful revenge. "There couldn't have been a more special occasion." Poor Shannen Doherty finally gained enough strength to pull herself up. Suddenly, she had a ticklish flashback and Shannen Doherty immediately curled up into a fetal position and curled her toes locked, in the cutest little way. She noticed the magical clown leaving the sound stage, just about out of the door. Shannen sighed in relief, rolling her eyes. She whispered to herself, "God, I've never been so ticklish before in my life."
by Rockauthor
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