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I was drunk when the gloves grabbed me.

My own car was the getaway vehicle. They covered my eyes and held me down, so I didn't know where they took me. North end of town, out in the sticks -
Dark house.

Yelling didn't bring anybody, and they dragged me down to a padded room.
A bench was there. All these machines and shit surrounded it.
They took my hand and made me sign something...
Then I thought I felt a needle-stick.

When I woke up, I was in for it.
Naked. Fuckin' manacles held my arms behind my back, and my legs were spread apart. Straps everywhere.
One of the gloves brought me a bottle of water and some pills.
A cart with a TV rattled over, in front of me, and a video started to play...

"You are in no danger. Our greatest concern is your safety.
"A new drug, already on the market, has been abused as a recreational drug. Data is needed from healthy party animals. You were selected.
"We have your signature on the release form. No one will believe that you're doing this involuntarily. No one will come around, and certainly no one will hear you.
"We can't estimate how long you'll be here.
"We suggest you try to enjoy yourself."

Electrode-leads were stuck all over my chest and head...
A obscenely flexible rubber sheath was picked up by a pair of gloves, filled with lube and pulled over my cock.
Then they started pumping me off.
I lasted maybe six, seven minutes.

Then they jacked me off again!

Massaging me, all over, got more and more personal. Slow, easy tickling.
I couldn't do a damn thing about it except snicker.

After I drank a bottle of water, all the gloves collapsed.
Then the door opened, and closed. The light went out.

Maybe two minutes later, the door was being unlocked. It swung open quickly, closed right away, and locked me in again...
Right away I was scared. Something felt different. Wilder.
I heard a crinkle. My cigarettes! One slid between my lips. My lighter clinked open - and after it fired up and I lit my smoke, it hit me - there was no glove holding the lighter.
Wrong. Oh, shit, I just knew it was bad. The lighter closed, but I was creeped out by seeing it just hover there. My own lighter, moving like one of the magical leather gloves.
Something invisible had come in, and locked the door. Snuck in. Didn't belong here, I suspected...
A single light turned on.
I saw a cabinet door open - and a box of rubber gloves float out.

Shit. I yelled and tugged, cussing at the gloves which were coming to life. No way.
A big tube of something oily was uncapped, and the gloves rubbed each other down. This was not supposed to happen. Bigtime danger...
Oh no - fuck - the fingers reached for my sides. I was helpless, and they -
Jumped on.

They knew how to work on my ribs.
I had to scream, and roar. Flopping all around. Held tight, metal and leather, and the damn fingers were having a field day.

Four hands, tickling me until I pissed. And then still tickling.
One roamed all over my belly. Others crawled down my thighs, the inner sides, sliding down on their palms and scratching with their fingertips on the way back up. Spreading lube.
I couldn't laugh hard enough. Just fuckin' couldn't do another damn thing about 'em, either.

One of 'em started playing with my nipples, and I cackled so hard that pleading was totally out of the question. The other pair was floating... oh hell, no, no!
They were about to slide into my armpits -

Fireworks. They've been going off for a long time.
Armpits, I thought finally. The fingers dug and stroked, never pausing... and I felt more pure sensation than I'd ever remembered before.
One minute led to another, and so on.

I couldn't even thrash around anymore when they finally stopped tickling and just hung over me.
My chest heaved for a couple minutes...
And they moved.
I begged miserably, but they just lubed back up -
Two cruised down to my crotch.
The other pair, oh fuck, was going to my feet.

It was insane. Unfair. I kicked and pulled but my damn ankles were still caught, legs strapped down - and the fingers made me scream laughter. A whole new level of tickling was blocking out every thought, ruining all attempts to fidget.
They kept teasing and sliding. Oh, my feet were beyond impossible.
The sheath was pulled off my rod - and horrible fingers made a new covering, like a thick condom that wanted me to suffer, with the pleasure...
Fingers knew what the hell they were doing to my balls, too.
Even those gloves couldn't keep my attention away from the solid, complete handling my feet were getting.

Eventually I came.
The gloves didn't stop tickling my feet.
Instead, I felt the stimulation increase until I couldn't even laugh.

So damn much harder than before - the power of their tickling...

I gasped for air, again. Drank more water.
And they started back in!

Hands rode my torso. Slippery, merciless. My belly. Laying into every rib, my pits, across my chest and all around my stomach.
And the others didn't slack off at all. Every inch of my damn feet.

It took longer to cum, that time.

Fuckin' gloves. Tickling, tickling...

Hour, after hour.

My energy flagged.
There were more pills. Then I perked up.
Hands grabbed on again. Making me absolutely nuts.

I realized I'd been... dozing.
There was a cigarette in my mouth. The lighter fired again. No hand, working it.
Immediately I was begging, before and after I lit up.
After a couple drags, I felt them landing again. Fingers. One by one, they lined up on my ribs.
All the way to my armpits.
Fuck, I pulled and yelled...
One more drag - and boom.

They were still tickling me. Firm, oily, ever more intense hands...

I woke up, after more breaks and restarts than I could count.
Leather gloves were hanging in the air. They already had the sheath back on my meat.
Nothing I could say or do kept them from getting me hard. But they slowed down before I could really get close to finishing off.
The bastards kept me desperate to cum for an hour.

Make that two hours.

After I regained my breath, they fed me, gave me water...
And started again.

That cum-shot took even longer.
Most of the day, I thought. Beyond wild to get it done.

Finally I watched the gloves sink down to the table, deflating, and the door open - close -
And the damn door creaked softly...

When the door was opened by the fucking daytime tickler, I was yelling and flailing around before the light was even turned back on.





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