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What the hell?
Why - he's trapped.
As it wasn't bad enough to be dragged in here -
Mystery room.
Yeah. Rubber sheet on the bed.
That's not all.
This leather was just waiting. All hooked up -
And now he's caught good.
Somebody strapped him down.
Really snagged right.
Maybe if he yells loud enough -
But no. No! Aw, shit. Doesn't look like anybody's coming.
Nobody heard him.
So he's still stuck.
Oh, yeah.
Right here.
At the mercy of... somebody.
But who?
And why?
How frustrating.
How eerie.
This could be the end.
This could be only the beginning.
Hold on.
There's pressure -
His shoe. Right trainer.
Something... invisible.
Pulling -
It's coming off.
Maybe if he kicks harder?
Awwww. Looks like he can't get loose.
Those ankles are still strapped down.
Oh, no.
It's gone.
How can his shoe just float away like that?
Bye, shoe.
He doesn't look happy about this.
It's not needed anymore -
More of a hindrance, actually.
And - oh, no - the other one!
Taking his shoes - who would do such a thing?
Why is it necessary to take his shoes off?
How kinky.
Aaaaaand his socks.
C'mon, fight harder, dude! Do something!
This is crazy.
This is so bizarre.
Why are his socks being sloo-ooowly pulled off?
Anchored feet -
And with his wrists pinned too.
He can't do a damn thing.
So diabolical.
So unfair.
Nobody can hear him yell for help -
Or the other noises. Even if he gets loud.
When he gets loud.
Barks, bellows -
No, no. Shit. Not his socks too!
Floating away.
For good.
They won't be back?
Probably going right into a trash bag or something.
No new socks coming, either.
That would be a welcome sight -
But instead...
His feet are naked!
Just... sitting here.
Well, he can't get 'em loose. Of course they're staying put.
Healthy feet.
Good circulation.
Deliberately locked in place.
So screwed...
He's flailing around again.
Still helpless, though.
A prisoner.
Worried feet.
Exposed, helpless soles.
All alone -
Or... maybe not.
Wait a second. What was that?
He's staring.
But there's nothing.
Or - nothing visible.
Ah. Did something touch you, dude?
Right foot?
Down the middle -
Toes, to heel.
Shoes off, socks gone, and now this.
What did it feel like?
Was that... a finger?
No way. This is just impossible.
Kick harder -
Get your feet out of here.
This is so crazy!
Who knows what's going to happen?
Well, now, it's pretty obvious.
Oh, not... that!
What else? Look at him.
That's so twisted.
This kind of thing just doesn't happen -
There it goes again.
The finger?
He can't see a thing. But it was definitely there.
Yup, if feels like a finger.
How twisted.
Bottom to top this time? So it reversed course.
He just can't do a damn thing about it.
Looks like his legs are staying down like that.
Could be that it's still there. That invisible finger -
Light pressure.
Just under the middle toe.
He feels it.
Oh, crap - maybe it'll go away. Leave him alone -
Instead of sli-iiiiding back down.
Wow, he's just freaking out.
That grunt was interesting.
Stifled. Choked back.
He almost sounded like...
Like what?
Nah. Too crazy.
Apparently nothing's too crazy for this poor slob.
Well, despite the serious bondage, he almost laughed there.
Hmmmm -
Bad idea.
Oh, right. Confirming the worst.
Almost like rewarding the finger. Easing down the sole of his foot? Ain't no doubt it's tickling him.
And all he can do is lay there.
Pissed off.
Fighting not to laugh -
Imagine... being ticklish, and strapped down like this.
He jumped!
That damn finger. On the move again -
Nothing he can do -
Oh, shit!
Watch him lunge around.
His feet are in for it now.
You can say that again -
Is it pressing a little harder? As it slides?
Well, he moaned that time.
That's about all he can do.
His face is red.
Check out the sweat at his temples -
It must be hard to keep the laughter from busting out.
What a trip.
Tickling, and he can't get away. No one else will know.
Oh, yeah.
Srill moving - and is it... speeding up?
Wow. He snorts -
That was a big gasp.
He's fighting it.
That finger won't let up.
Tickling, and tickling.
Damn, look at him reef on those straps -
Now that was a chuckle.
He's laughing.
Oh, shit. He's ticklish.
And caught.
Bare feet.
What a nightmare.
He's a goner.
Really gonna get it.
And there it is. Real laughter.
A roar, almost.
But the finger's still moving.
Playing with that foot -
He's squealing.
All alone.
Definitely ticklish.
And that's bad.
Isn't stopping yet, is it? The finger.
Well, somebody's got his number. Why hold off now?
So frantic.
Wait a minute -
That's not just a finger.
It's two fingers.
Twice as much tickling insanity.
Man, look at how scared he is.
Must be horribly ticklish.
Nobody around to call it off.
What? Get real. Everything's all set. Invisible hands.
They got a way with restraints, don't they?
And they picked out this private, secret... cell.
To tickle him. As much, as long -
All they want -
Oh, shit, look at him arch.
More fingers.
Well, of course. Yup.
Left foot too!
Both feet at once?
Ticklish, aren't they? Oh, yeah..
He can arch, slam around -
But he doesn't seem to be making any progress.
Still stuck.
It doesn't look voluntary.
Well, what else can he do?
Laugh his ass off, I guess.
Exactly. Those ticklish soles -
Four fingers now.
Oh, this is just brutal.
They got his number.
Don't they though.
What? Now there's three per foot.
He's gone. Wrecked. Mindless laughter.
Can't stop.
Legs still won't move -
Can't stop the fingers.
Whooping it up now.
He can't stop the tickling!
It's increasing - there's ten fingers now. Five for each foot.
Raking, petting.
That's gotta be unbearable.
More where that came from.
You think?
Hanging just over his toes. Ready to grab on -
Uh-huh. Jackpot. See?
They're really goin' at it.
He's... unhinged. Sweaty.
Was that a howl?
Two hands for each sole. And they're not messing around.
He can't do a thing -
It tickles so much.
Nooooobody else is gonna hear this? That was clever. Good planning.
Yeah, this guy's going out of his mind.
I think these hands are barely gettin' warmed up.
Seriously ticklish feet -
How many hands do you think there are, altogether? Waiting...
Whoa! He really arched hard that time.
Six hands in motion.
He's just perfectly screwed.
Wait a minute. Oh, no.
Did you see that?
Uh-huh. His t-shirt.
Wow. More hands - going under his shirt.
And he was thrashing around before? Damn.
Louder than ever.
Are they in his armpits yet?
Oh, they're just gonna have a field day.
With him. These ribs.
How many hands are there now? Huh? Touching him -
So many more, ready to get to it. Work him over. Pull out all the stops.
Knees, neck, thighs -
Check him out. Just losing it already -
Two hands on each of his side, ready to fly.
No matter what he tries, the poor slob's still strapped down tight.
What a trip.
Complete tickling.
The worst.
He's a goner.
They're all tickling.
Damn, they got him just howling now. Big laughs.
Busy fingers -
Anchored feet.
Ticklish sides.
Yeah. Very ticklish.
This is unbelievable.
How much harder can he laugh?
Well, eventually the noise will fade away, won't it?
Yeah. But that doesn't mean it's any easier to take.
Look at this. These hands are serious.
They're just gonna rock on, aren't they?
Looks like it.
Why not, huh?
What's he gonna do to stop 'em? He can't do shit!
Rubbing, tickling. Squeezing.
Oh, they're good.
Dangerous -
They definitely know how to tickle. Heavy-duty.
He's crying.
Tears of joy. It tickles that much.
Those straps haven't loosened up at all.
How long will this last?
If they're this experienced, I bet these hands are in it for the long haul.
Knowing when to let him catch his breath, and so on. Hours.
Wow. Can't even imagine -
Shit. Look at him. Just a wreck already.
Even more ticklish now.
Imagine how long -
Tonight's gonna seem like a whole week.
No, no. Why would they quit... at the end of the night?
He's still caught.
Are they possibly gonna let him off the hook after -
Only one night. No. Never.
They're gonna keep right on nuking him.
That's sinister.
Another day of this -
And another night.
And so on?
He'll laugh himself hoarse.
Doesn't look like that'll stop 'em.
No way. Maybe he'll adapt.
Get used to it or something -
Look at him! They're total pros. Why would they want him to...
Be able to handle it?
Exactly. Not a chance.
So they'll just keep pushing.
Finding new spots. Waking 'em up.
Aw, now, this is just sadistic as hell.
And they're doing it with tickling.
Long-term. That's why the room is so far off the beaten track.
These straps aren't lightweight -
So these hands really know what they're doing.
And this is it.
Guess so.
He's laughing his head off. In private.
Feed him, give him water -
On and on and on.
Why wouldn't they?
Think about what it's gonna be like for him.
All these hands -
On the move.
Clamping and kneading.
Teasing and roaming. Hard tickling.
They made sure he couldn't do a thing to stop it -
Get away -
Not a chance.
It's creepy, almost. How determined they are.
Well, they got themselves a live one. Look at him.
A whole week? Like this?
More than that, I think.
Lots more.
Just like this.
No - remember, the hands will really know how to... push his buttons.
More intense yet?
They got all the time they want. Maybe there's no upper limit.
This is amazing.
They're not hesitating at all.
Nobody can take tickling like this -
Don't sell 'em short. Check out the way they're covering his feet. These are insanely good ticklers.
Look at how addled he is.
The heat's getting turned up -
Real tickling.
No holds barred.
Whoa, it really sucks to be him.
Poor guy.
The fingers haven't even gotten to know him yet. Not really.
But they will -
No doubt.
Look at 'em go...