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Kazu called me at four in the morning, and he was a fuckin' mess.
Not drunk enough, I thought at first. But he kept using a word that sounded stupid, the first couple times. Then the asshole wouldn't stop laughing. It was creepy.
He raved at me, using the word when he could get enough breath. Already hoarse. Chuckling like a maniac, alright, but a sad one...
So I got over there and knocked.
The door wasn't locked. I let myself in.
As soon as I saw him - sweaty, tired - I knew it was gonna be trouble. For a second or two I just stood there, with my mouth hanging open.
And then there was... a change.
I've replayed that over and over. If it had been windy in Kazu's crib and boom, the breeze just suddenly stopped, that was almost what it was. Just as I noticed it, the worst thing possible happened. The wind changed.
It was like an animal stopped feeding, noticed I was there... and went for me.
I looked down, and didn't see anything. But yeah. Fingers, sneaking under my leather jacket. They felt real. I reared back, and they moved right along with me.
"No - no no nooooo hoh hah hah haaaaa-aaah," I crowed.
Kaz just moved his head. He was still gasping for air. No help.
I couldn't see them, and I had no idea how they were tracing around - pits, chest, belly, and really covering my ribs - but there was no slapping them away.
The sensation was all over me. Careful as hell, tickling everywhere. I threw my head back and roared, totally unable to do anything else.
They pulled me back through the door, and out to my truck...
Moving. The truck was in motion. That was very important, for some reason, but I was way too busy trying to get loose. The damn hands weren't letting me thrash around the way I wanted. And they fuckin' worked me over, digging into my armpits, and ribs, belly, under my knees. The dash was all blurry -
I was looking up at the steering wheel. Fetal position, across the bench seat. My arms wouldn't move, because something had a lock on each of my wrists.
Lying there, and driving at the same time? That didn't make sense.
But we turned right - truck, kidnappers and me - bouncing along.
And the need to fuckin' laugh took over again. If I closed my eyes, I thought maybe I could laugh harder. That's what mattered more than anything else.
The car door was open -
And the hands were still driving me nuts.
More of them curled, slowly, around my arms.
I was moving. It took awhile to figure that out. Dark building in my path, small...
Flopping, and kicking, but all they had to do was speed up. I was coming unglued.
Hands dragged me through a doorway. Screaming laughter, I made one more lunge for the exit.
They let me go, and closed the door in my face.
That was not good. I couldn't exactly remember why, because my number one top concern was bellowing, I mean, I had to just fuckin' howl as hard as I could.
My right leg went up in the air, and my boot was pulled off. I saw no one there, reefing on it. Nothing. But it fell, and then my sock was going -
Unthinkable. There were no words to describe what was going on, all over my sole. Mindblowing.
I couldn't figure out a move that would get my leg free. Or the other one, as the left boot was taken away.
Oh, shit, they were tickling my feet.
Really tickling 'em.
It didn't matter how hard I kicked. They kept on tickling. It made me insane, at least enough to lose track of time. But I laughed. Hell, yeah. They didn't stop tickling, and they didn't even let me roll around.
I wasn't getting any less ticklish.
Somewhere during the longest fuckin' night of my life, I made out a window. Some kind of pad, or mattress, under me. My clothes were all gone.
Fingers, hands, and it seemed like feathers were on me. Busy. I could squirm around, after they finally let go of my legs. But the tickling ran all over me just the same.
Every time they let me catch my breath, the hands started in again.
Over and over again.
I woke up - really wishing I didn't have to - and saw a dusty cabin in late morning sun.
Without daring to look, I figured out what was holding me down. The grip and texture told me it was rope. Nylon, maybe. Something soft. Pulling my hands way over my head, and my feet out, keeping them together.
I flopped once or twice -
No, dammit!
They were back on me. Invisible. That just drove me nuts, in addition to what they were doing. Couldn't see 'em, nothing to watch, no way to brace myself when they were coming back down.
It was just as dumb to plead, so I decided I wouldn't give 'em the satisfaction.
But I did. Shit, I begged - on automatic pilot, there - and I shook my head, sometimes, as if that was gonna slow 'em down at all.
Things were slammed down, and I guess that roused me. No tickling, for the moment?
Boxes. Cans -
The fuckers were gonna feed me.
Then, I guessed, they'd start right back in.
"Get Kaz, now. Get him, you gotta go get him again, Kazu's ticklish," I mumbled, over and over. "You know he is. Go get him for awhile..."
Where the hell was he? I needed help, here. It took me a long time to remember that he had no way to know where they'd taken me.
Kidnapped, and tickled. Shit like that just didn't happen. And invisible fuckers doing it? No way.
But there I was.
"Guys, c'mon... Get Kaz now. He's all rested up. Right? He's ticklish. Get Kazu..."
I was tied down almost all the time. The hands were tickling, tickling, tickling. And they weren't gonna stop. Hell, no they weren't. I was really in for it. That's what I kept telling myself. Lots more. They had their feathers, and all these different brushes. Shit.
Not the slightest idea where they were keeping me, either. All I knew is that I hadn't heard a thing from outside the cabin. Ridiculous secret tickle-prison, just for me.
No voice left at all - but I kept on laughing. Yeah. Just the way they wanted. Tied, or cuffed, and I never managed to get loose.
All those fingers...
"Why meeeee?" I moaned, starting to laugh again. A pretty stupid question, really. The fingers tickled me, and I laughed like a fool. Tied down.
Ticklish. Just what they wanted.
I wasn't going anywhere soon.
I was usually in some weird feverish state. Everything was funny, time had totally stopped...
But the tickling didn't. No, no, no. It was always on. Feathers, moving from one place to another, and brushes. So many hours of fingers, everywhere, and they were good. Oh, they learned just how to smoke my ass. Where to really dig in, where to squeeze, barely tracing along here, kneading there, creeping up my sides, fingering my ass, scrabbling all over my belly. They kept starting in again.
And I just had to stay there and take it.
When I woke up again, the sense of doom is the first thing I felt. More tickling. Aw, shit.
And they brought me a chair. Thick wood, with a padded seat - and big ol' leather cuffs bolted on.
I looked at it and told myself I was just gonna laugh my ass off again today.
Wrong place, wrong time. I fuckin' snickered my head off, thinking about that...
Why wasn't Kazu there instead of me? Hauled off, nice secret place. I wished I'd never answered the phone when he called. But he wasn't the one who got carried off, was he? No. That was me. Tickled every day. Oh, fuck, I wanted to get out and see Kaz brought in here. Right now. It's his turn -
And I was ashamed. Dammit. I don't want that, and I do want it. Frustrating, crippling, anger doesn't help, crying doesn't help, nothing matters. I get tickled.
I completely lost track of the days.
Racks showed up. The window was blocked off.
They kept feeding me, and washing me off after I passed out.
The tickling didn't stop, it wasn't gonna stop, and it really didn't matter at all if I believed it or not...
I'm hearing... laughter. And it's not me.
Somebody else is in here. I think he's cuffed to the chair. Squirming, cackling.
I think I know that voice -
Brushes lay into my crotch, and I moan. Hell, I try to shout at the guy, and I groan, but none of it makes a sound.
When the sun rises enough, I get to confirm who it is.
They must've let us sleep. The food is coming, now.
We just eat, and we don't talk at all.
About the last thing I expected, right then, was that they'd take the cuffs off...
Not him. Just me.
A bundle of cloth floats over, and we both watch it.
They drop it on my chest. A pair of shorts... and I guess the shirt is a part of a soccer uniform. Sandals land near my feet.
I get to leave?
Something shiny is the last thing coming - and it's my key ring.
Kaz giggles, sounding pretty mindless already, but his eyes get to me. They're just about as sad as they could be. Anguish. That's the word. He's doomed, and he doesn't want to be but he already knows he is. Tickling that just won't quit.
Numb inside - but my skin sure isn't asleep, it almost burns as I get dressed. And I keep snickering. It's not funny. Just the feel of the clothes is enough now.
It takes a long time to get up and walk to the door. Kazu is wailing laughter, and his voice is just about gone.
I've been here for days and days, and nobody knows better than me how fuckin' awful the tickling will be for Kaz.
But there's another thing I know now. The fuckers are bigger than I am. If it picks him, or me, there's fuck-all I can do about it.
So I walk out, and it's real hard not to look back at him. What the hell can I say? It's gonna be a nightmare of tickling. I mean, a real unbearable load of pleasure, all the time. Take it from me. Dude, you're not gonna believe how much more intense it'll get after you cum a couple times. Not a fuckin' soul knows you're in here, either. So yeah - it's a bad deal.
And if I try to stop 'em...
The door creaks as it closes behind my back. And they lock it up.
Kazu howls. I can barely hear it.
It's his turn. Kootchie kootchie koo, mutherfucker. You got me into this.
Limping out to the truck, I wish I could run. Get the fuck away from the racks and the oil, all those hands...
I can't help but groan as I slide behind the wheel. My hand's already digging under the seat. Oh, yeah. There's two packs left. Cool. I need a smoke right now. My lighter is still in my right-hand pocket, just like always, and I'm so fuckin' relieved.
Oh, yeah. Whew.
It's over.
Now I can fire up this truck and get the hell away from them.
During the third or fourth smoke it hits me... I haven't left yet. That's because I thought of a problem. If I leave, he's fucked. If I go back -
No, no. Not a fuckin' chance.
Sorry, Kazu. I sold you out. And I knew a lot better than you did just how it would be. But I let 'em have you...
I sigh, and get one more cigarette lit.
Not even sure what the hell is happening, I fumble for the handle and open the door.
With both feet on the ground, the truth hits me hard.
Say I do get out, and walk back there. To the door. Maybe they won't even open it... but I doubt that. Seriously.
Well, would you look at this! We cut him loose - and he doesn't want to go. Isn't that something. He knows what we'll do to him, and - hell, maybe he wants it. Let's just pull him back in here and lock the door again. Months and months of fun with this one.
And Kaz. Shit, we got both dudes now. Laughing all year.
Why should they exchange him for me? There's plenty of racks. Enough for two.
Imagine the hands grabbing on, and pulling me back in there - more tickling! The door locks real quick. And then we'd look at each other, Kazu and me, knowing...
This is just an impossible fuckin' situation. Maybe they'd spring him, but I can't take that chance.
So I finish the cigarette, looking back at the cabin. There's no sign, of course, of the hysterical hell going on inside there. I don't hear a thing. They could already be tickling him as hard as they worked on me, and there's no way to tell.
Dazed, I reach over for the smokes again... and set my feet on the floorboard. Then I shut the door of my truck.
When I drive off, that's it. No evidence. Just another old cabin, and they can have all the fun they want with ol' Kaz. I'm the only one who can do anything - no. Make that, try to do anything.
There is zero doubt in my mind that I'll be tickled again if I don't keep my mouth shut. I can't go through that again, I fuckin' can't.
I've gotta try to help.
No, if I do, they'll make me pay. Maybe two whole months next time, or six. Even an anonymous tip won't work, because they'll know who it was. And they'll get me. Lock us both up. Some other place, just as secret. Even harder tickling.
So if I tell the cops to get their asses out here, and spring Kazu, I have to skip town. Maybe that would work, but I even wonder about that -
I feel them. Silk hands, latex hands, spinning brushes - but it's not real this time. I remember it, just as strong as if they were on me again. It's so real.
Laugh and laugh. They're not even touching me and I'm hysterical. It takes a full minute to wind down, and I'm still snickering when I start the truck.