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Cor's Vacation
Nexis Pas
© 2007 by the author

Nexis Pas logoUnauthorised reproduction of this fairy tale will result in durance vile being visited upon the miscreant(s). Nexis Associates will track you down and subject you to merciless torments and frankly pretty sick-making punishments. You will not enjoy it (we, however, will).

The human protagonist of this story objected strenuously when his real name - Mac Vacation - was used in a version of this story posted on another site. We have changed the name in the PC version posted here to protect his privacy. The administrator of this site kindly volunteered his name as a substitute, for which he has earned Nexis Associates' eternal gratitude. He has a free lifetime pass to visit our facilities. We have a nubile team of generously endowed androids equipped with feathers waiting especially for him.

This is a work of not-fiction. Any resemblance to critters living or dead or mechanical is no accident. Please remember to brush your teeth before reading further.

Nexis Associates

PS: Please contact us if you wish to join our production team. Offer void where prohibited by law.


"What's this all about, then?" Cor held up a brochure. Unlike the other ads for cruises, tours, and exotic destinations, the front cover had no pictures, just bright red letters against a black background proclaiming "An Unforgettable Experience: We will take you out of this world!"

"Oh that, that's a fairly new company." Claus, the travel consultant, picked up another copy of the brochure and held it open and pointed toward the bottom of the inside back page. "See, they have this website. You log onto it and fill out a questionnaire. Then, if they accept you, they'll put together a vacation especially for you. Only they don't tell you what it is. They claim that you just suddenly find yourself on your dream vacation."

"Yeah, right. If only that were possible! . . . I don't know. I just don't see anything that appeals to me. I want something really different this year. I'm tired of cruises and lying around on a beach. I'm ready for an adventure."

"Then fill out their questionnaire. I'm told it takes a while, but the buzz is that the people who've tried it and been accepted swear that it was the best vacation they ever had."

And that is how Cor came to be sitting before his computer that evening answering a long series of questions: Did he prefer carrots cooked or raw? Did he like cats? Had he ever shaved his chest? Did he become anxious when confined to a small space? The list was interminable and seemingly ordered at random. There was no discernible relationship between one question and the next. He almost gave up on it halfway through, but there was a certain fascination in trying to guess how his answer to any given question might be used to fashion a vacation. Was he ticklish? You bet, thought Cor. Are you going to send me to a tickling spa? The thought made him a bit horny. Perhaps he should invite Tim over later.

As soon as he clicked the radio button beside "yes", the screen flashed the message: "Thank you for completing our questionnaire. We will process your application and notify you within 24 hours whether you have been accepted. If you are among the lucky applicants, we will design a vacation especially for you. Nexis Associates."

Cor regarded the message on the screen sourly. He didn't know if he wanted to be among the lucky applicants or not. The thought that he had spent close to an hour filling out the form and still might not qualify did not incline him to a favourable view of Nexis Associates. It struck him that they must have a high regard for their services if they dealt with potential customers by turning them down after making them invest so much time in completing their questionnaire. So much for that, he thought. What a waste of time. He shut the computer down and went to see if there was anything on television.

Dear Mr Cor -
Thank you for opting for Plan B. Arrangements for your abduction are being made and will be implemented without warning at our convenience. We will return your body one week from the moment we kidnap you. We guarantee that it will be in working order, although you may experience odd moments of dizziness for a few days. Nothing serious, however. You are not to worry. Just relax and leave everything in our hands. Pleasure is our business.
Nexis Associates
- Unique, Custom-Designed Vacations for the Discerning Male -

Cor didn't know what to make of this message, which greeted him when he checked his email the next morning. What was Plan B? And "abduction" - what was that about? It had to be a joke. The next time he saw Claus, he would let him know that he was not happy, not at all happy, with this silly Nexis Associates. They should call themselves Noxious Gits Associates. He sent the message to the trash folder and then, just to put the whole experience behind him, he clicked "empty" - the sooner he forgot Nexis Associates, the better.

"Little Thornhaugh Street, the park end, please."

Cor leaned back against the seat with a contented sigh and congratulated himself on snagging a cab so easily after work. It was pouring rain again, and he thought he would have to stand in the taxi queue for half an hour, inching his way toward the head of the line. Either that or take a packed bus home. But just as he had stepped out of the office, a taxi had pulled up and dropped someone off. He was in the back seat and pulling the door shut before the other person had finished paying the driver.

"Right, sir. Just sit back and relax. It will take a bit of time in this traffic and weather."

"At least it's dry in here." Cor regarded the sodden scene outside the window with no small amount of smugness and self-congratulation. Pedestrians struggled to keep their umbrellas over their heads in the unpredictable gusts of wind that . . .

"Don't be alarmed, Mr Cor. Just remain calm. You are in no danger." The cold, metallic voice seemed to originate from deep within Cor's head. He wasn't sure if someone had spoken or if he had just imagined it.

As he slowly became conscious of the surroundings, his first thought was that there had been a traffic accident and he was in hospital. In front of his eyes, a bank of television monitors showed the naked body of a man from various angles. The body was floating, face down, in the middle of a bright, white space. That doesn't make any sense, thought Cor. How could a body just float in the air?

Two human-shaped figures glided up to the body. They were covered from head to toe in silvery outfits, as if aluminium foil had been fashioned into clothing. One of the figures stretched out a hand toward the floating body. With a shock, Cor realised that the attendant had touched his shoulder and was steadying his body. He was the person on the television monitors. He struggled to right himself and put his feet on the floor, but when he glanced down, he found that there was no floor. He wasn't even sure what direction was down. Panic took over, and his heart began pounding as he struggled to move. His body wasn't responding, however. His muscles were so sluggish and heavy. It was as if the air had become some thick liquid that slowed movement, as if he were trying to swim through treacle.

"Relax, Mr Cor. You are in no danger. We are Nexis Associates, and this is the start of your week-long vacation. We have taken the liberty of injecting a light muscle relaxant to help get you past the initial shock of your abduction and to prevent you from harming yourself. You will find that you can move only with difficulty. We suggest you simply focus on the screen in front of you and watch the programmed selection of images. Take deep breaths and just let go. Let yourself float and just relax."

On the screen, a spiral made up of complex spots of colour began to revolve slowly. Cor felt himself being gently drawn into it. His heart gradually stopped racing, and his breathing became rhythmic and even. After a few moments, the same metallic voice spoke again. It sounded as if it had been generated by a machine. "Very good. Just continue to watch the screen and relax. We are just going to place a protective helmet over your head before we initiate the depilation sequence."

Depilation sequence? What the hell was that? Cor tried to lift his hands to ward off the metal globe that one of the attendants was lifting toward his head. But his arms were so heavy. The globe opened and then closed around his head. The front of the helmet had a clear inset at eye level, and in the television monitors he could see himself, a body floating in space, with his head encased in a shiny metal ball. The cameras moved in for a close-up. One screen showed his chest, and the thick line of dark black hair that began just below his pecs and continued down the centre of his stomach to his groin. Another focused on his buttocks and the fine covering of dark fuzz that began midway down his glutes and grew thicker over the backs of his thighs and between his legs. The centre screen was filled with a shot of his groin. Black curly hair covered his balls and grew up the shaft of his cock, which hung downward from the tangle of hair at the base of his abdomen.

"The sequence will take only 46.536 of your earth seconds." The two figures stepped away from his body. One of them lifted a small metal box shaped like a remote-control device and punched a button. The lights in the room slowly pulsed red and then black five times. Even inside the helmet, the light was quite intense. The red lingered in his eyes as the room went dark.

"There, doesn't that feel good? We feel so much better now, don't we, now that we don't have that all that hair," the voice assured Cor. It was altogether too cheery for his liking - ominously happy somehow. As the lighting returned to a normal level, Cor discovered that his body had been denuded of hair. All of it was gone. Not so much as a strand remained. His groin was milky white where his swimsuit had covered his body during last weekend's trip to the beach. Tan lines cut across his stomach and the tops of his thighs and then around his body, dividing the golden skin from the ivory. His balls and his cock looked much larger now that they had been freed of all that hair. If he had known that, he would have taken up shaving a long time ago. Cor is big, he thought. Big is good. Bigger is better. Big Cormac is best. Put that between your buns. And try my secret hot sauce. Very spicy, but you'll love it and keep coming back for more. He giggled. He was so cute. No wonder everyone wanted a piece of the Cor roC. Whatever they had injected into him was making him rather giddy and high.

"Good. We are glad to see that you are relaxing and beginning to enjoy yourself, Mr Cor. We realise that this must seem sudden. But your answers to our questionnaire revealed that you wanted an adventure, and we thought an abduction would tickle your fancy. Now, we should explain that you will be with us for one week, Mr Cor. Forty-three of your minutes have already elapsed. Because of the differences between the atmospheres on our respective home planets, we cannot inhabit the same space as you. The two robots will attend to your wants and take care of you. Now, just relax and enjoy yourself, Mr Cor. Your adventure is just beginning."

The two attendants removed the helmet from Cor's head. He was relieved to find that under the helmet his hair still fell in thick, luxuriant locks over his forehead and ears. He tried to speak but his tongue wasn't working. One of the androids patted him reassuringly on the back. Its touch was warm and human. The android removed a yellow bottle from a pocket, which opened on its body, seemingly at will, and then closed again without a seam to show where it had been. Cor watched as it removed the cap from the bottle and poured a green lotion onto the centre of his back. It handed the bottle to the other android, who poured some of the lotion into one of its cupped hands and them rubbed its palms together. Both androids began to massage Cor's body, working the lotion into his flesh.

Cor loved massages. After much trial and error, he had found a masseur whose skills left him first breathless and then totally enervated, but he had to admit now that he was hairless, the massage felt even better. The two androids had superb technique. Their hands glided over his body as if friction did not exist, but their strong fingertips pressed firmly into his muscles, probing deep into the tissue and loosening his muscles. Cor had never felt so relaxed. The green lotion smelled of some exotic herb. It made his flesh glisten and shine, as if his body were being coated in some clear plastic resin. The two attendants worked the lotion into every surface of his body. Cor giggled uncontrollably as one of the androids worked the lotion between each of his toes and along the soles of his feet. Perhaps this vacation won't be bad, he thought.

One of the androids gently grasped Cor's ankles and spread his legs apart. It positioned itself between Cor's thighs and then began to massage the lotion between his buttocks. As its fingers touched Cor's anus, he moaned. The fingertips gently probed into Cor, spreading a thin layer of the cool lotion. The other android concentrated on massaging the lotion onto Cor's cock and balls. Between the ministrations of the two of them, Cor began to be aroused, very aroused. Their touch was so light and yet so stimulating. This was an activity he could get into. He wondered what else the androids had been programmed to do.

"Good. Now we are ready for the next phase."

I'm not, thought Cor. Let's stick with this phase for a while. At least he wanted to say that, but his voice wasn't working. One of the androids held the yellow bottle up in front of Cor's eyes. The label read: "Massage Oil and Skin Sensitizer. For use on male homo sapiens only." It gave Cor a few seconds to read this and then turned the bottle so that he could read the back label: "Caution. Exposure to blue light results in total paralysis of treated areas and doubles the sensitivity of the nerve endings."

The light in the room suddenly flashed blue. Cor's body froze. Every muscle turned to stone. It had been hard to move before, but it was impossible now. Every part of his body but his face was immobilised. "Just relax, Mr Cor. I can imagine that the results of the treatment may alarm you, but the effects are reversible. You will enjoy the next few days much more if you cannot resist what we do to you. Nexis Associates is simply preventing your normal reactions from interfering with the delights and gratifications we have planned for you. Now, in order to feed you and otherwise tend to your physical needs, we will have to tether you. Please be patient a while longer with our set-up procedures. We will proceed to the main agenda shortly."

One of the androids drew a clear plastic device from a drawer in its body. It held it up so that Cor could see it. A short narrow tube flared at one end into a shape rather like the head of a mushroom. Straps were attached to the other end. "This is a feeding tube. Through it we will supply you with a high-energy, hormone-enriched supplement that will keep your body at peak production levels for the duration of your vacation."

"Hormone-enriched"? "Peak production levels"? I should have read the fine print on that web page, thought Cor, rather than just clicking yes to the agreement. One android pushed against the base of Cor's jaw. Cor's mouth popped opened, and the android swiftly inserted the device. Cor wanted to spit it out, but his mouth wasn't working right. The other android quickly strapped the feeder to his head. A tube floated down from over his head, and the first android attached it to the device. Cor could see a clear, light blue liquid flowing through the tube. Within seconds, he tasted the first drops. "We have added flavour boosters to the mix to make the nutrient mix palatable to humans."

Oh, my goodness, indeed you have, thought Cor. This is great stuff. It was the best meal he had ever eaten. Rich, subtle, a medley of contrasts. Cor found that by sucking gently on the head of the mushroom he could control the flow of the liquid into his mouth. The fluid moved smoothly down his throat. Soon a warm glow spread outward from his stomach through his entire body. He was filled with a gentle euphoria. It felt so good just to float there. He couldn't move. All he could do was watch the screens and suck on the tube.

It was some time before the voice spoke again. "There now, you have absorbed enough of the nutrient. We can proceed to the next phase." One of the androids opened the drawer on its body and pulled out another device and held it up so that Cor could see it. This, too, appeared to be made of plastic. It was about four inches long and varied in diameter from roughly two inches to a half inch. More oval than round, with a larger bulb at one end. At the other end, the body of the device narrowed and then the base flared out into a flat, wide oval. A short thin wire emerged from the centre of this disk. Cor was so intent on examining the device in the android's hand that he didn't notice the other android had stepped between his legs. A loud cry welled up from his chest as he felt the touch of its finger and the warm wet gel being spread on his anus. Suddenly he understood what the term "skin sensitizer" on the label of the yellow bottle had meant. His nerve endings were twice as sensitive as they had been before. He had never experienced such intense sensations in his rear end as he was at that moment. On the television screen, he watched as the first android smeared a large dollop of gel on the bulbous end of the device. It handed it to the other android who examined it clinically and then slowly lowered it to Cor's rear and then inserted it between his cheeks.

Cor moaned with delight as he was penetrated. Every sensation was heightened. He felt the larger bulb enter him. The device glided smoothly into place. His anal ring closed around the base, holding it tightly inside him. Cor was acutely aware of the entire length of the device. Without conscious thought, he contracted and then released the muscles in his buttocks. The device sprang forward into him and then moved back as he relaxed. The wave of pleasure that moved through him was so incredible that his body seemed to take over as it tried to pull the device further into Cor. His pleasure centre wanted to experience the device over and over. The movement of the disk on the bottom end against the outside of the sensitised skin behind his balls felt like a warm, soapy hand slowly massaging the area. The first android held up the remote-control device again and slowly pushed a button. In response the device began to vibrate within him. Cor's body began to hum in response. The android pushed another button, and the device began to surge back and forth. Cor almost came from the sensation. He felt a shock of disappointment when the android turned the device off.

"Good, the prostrate massager seems to be functioning within optimal parameters. Pay no attention to it for now, Mr Cor. We will use it later to help maximise output."

"Output"? Output of what, wondered Cor.

"Now for the final attachment, and then we will be ready."

The android removed another object from its body and held it up. This one was a shiny metal tube about ten inches long and three inches in diameter. One end was rounded into a dome shape. A long plastic tube about a quarter inch in diameter and looped into a neat coil was attached to a nipple in the centre of the dome. The android rotated the tube so that Cor could see the other end. This was open and filled with what appeared to be a red gel. The other android began stroking Cor's penis. Ah, he thought, at least that isn't frozen.

When his cock was hard and had reached its maximum size, the android swiftly slid the tube over the end. The gel gushed out as Cor's cock was pushed into the tube. The android locked the device in place and wiped up the excess gel from Cor's balls and groin. The other android uncoiled the tube and led it way from Cor's body to some place outside his vision. The red gel closed in tightly around Cor's cock and held it erect. Gentle pulsations throbbed downward from the head of his cock to the base and then back again. The tube was giving him a slow blow job, with just enough stimulus to keep him erect and horny but not enough to bring him to a climax. A loud moan escaped from deep within Cor's chest - at least it would have been loud if the feeding tube had not muffled the sound.

"Now, I'm sure you're wondering what's happening here, Mr Cor. On our planet, human ejaculate is a valued delicacy. It costs thousands of your units of monetary exchange tokens per gram. You will be with us for a total of exactly seven days. Already close to three hours of your earth time have elapsed since we abducted you. If you will direct your attention to the screen in front of you, you will see a clock. We will begin the countdown now. Every 60 minutes, we will bring you to an orgasm and harvest your cum. In return, we will see that you experience unspeakable, ineffable, otherworldly bliss while you remain our guest. Until you are returned to your normal existence, you will ejaculate every hour, for a total of 165 times over the course of your stay with us. Enjoy. If there is anything further we can do to make your stay with us more pleasurable, do let us know. We at Nexis Associates take pride in our unblemished record of satisfied clients."

No. 1

The seconds began to tick off on the clock on the screen. One of the androids pulled a small tube of what looked like toothpaste from a pocket and held it up for Cor to see. "Double-Strength Sensitizer", read the label. The android unscrewed the cap and smeared a dollop of the gel on its index finger. The other android spread the big toe on Cor's right foot away from the next toe, and the first android smeared the gel between the two toes.

The sensation of its finger moving between his toes was so overwhelming that it was agonising for Cor. He couldn't move and avoid it. All he could do was experience it. One by one, the androids applied the gel to the area between each pair of toes. By the time they finished Cor had nearly fainted from the strength of the pleasures engulfing him.

Then each android open a drawer in its body and pulled out another object. They shook them in the air so that Cor could see them and identify them as silk scarves. One android held one end of the scarf in each hand and then stepped up to Cor's right foot and threaded the scarf between his big toe and the next toe. The android drew the scarf slowly back and forth.

Cor's consciousness was reduced to a small bit of his body. All he could feel was that wonderful smooth silk caressing the area at the base of his big toe. His stomach and chest convulsed as he began to giggle and then to laugh. He couldn't help himself. If he could have moved, his body would have been writhing. But he was frozen in place. All he could do was lie there and experience this incredible torment. He couldn't stop it. He couldn't prevent it. All he could do was enjoy it.

Just when he thought he couldn't take anymore, the other android stepped forward and began drawing the scarf through the toes on his other foot. Both androids coordinated their movements. Cor shrieked frantically - soon overcome with booming laughter, but it was trapped inside by the soft feeding tube. His eyes, blurry with tears, roamed to the screen where he could watch the scarves moving in unison up and down between his toes.

Cor was ticklish - so ticklish in fact that he often broke into uncontrollable laughter in the middle of sex. His partners either became disgusted with his reaction to their touch or immediately took advantage of him. But never in his wildest imaginings had he thought he would become so aroused because he was being tickled. His cock was throbbing. At ten minutes to the hour, the prostrate massager began vibrating and then moving gently back and forth. A few seconds later the gel in the tube attached to his cock began to move more forcefully up and down. The androids gradually increased the speed at which they were drawing the scarves through his toes.

Scarves, prostrate massager, tube, all began to move faster and faster. Cor was shouting inside himself now, his tongue fighting the feeding device in the attempt to open his mouth and let the sound out. It was the only thing he could do to relieve the pressure building up inside him. When the clock registered fifty-nine minutes, he thought he would burst. His entire body was having an orgasm. But the pressure kept building. The seconds seemed to move more slowly. His body was being assaulted by blasts of lightning. The final twenty seconds lasted an eternity as he ejaculated time after time, the cum flowing swiftly down the tube. On the screen in front of him, the clock reverted to 00:00, and the number 1 appeared in the other corner of the screen. One second later, the clock read 00:01.

The nutrient fluid flowed into the feeding tube and Cor greedily sucked it down as the androids cleaned him up. They allowed him a rest period of five minutes before beginning again, this time with two scarves each.

No. 34

Cor tried to work out how long he had been there. The counter showed that he had had thirty-three orgasms already. There were twenty-four ejaculations in a day. Therefore he had been there one day and eight, no nine, hours since the start of the milkings. And the voice had said that three hours had elapsed between his abduction and the start of the production run. So it had been a day and a half already. Damn, he thought, time was passing too swiftly. It always did when you were having fun on a vacation.

The nutrient liquid stopped flowing through the tube. Cor sucked greedily on the head trying to pull the last drop into his throat. He watched the screens eagerly, trying to figure out what the androids would do next.

A pocket opened. The android pulled out another toothpaste tube and held it up for Cor to read: "Quadruple-Strength Sensitizer". Cor shivered in anticipation - triple strength had been so deliciously erotic. The android spread the gel on a small brush. Cor squealed as it painted the bottom of his right foot with the gel and then spread a thin line upward along the back of his right calf and right thigh and then placed a large dollop of the gel between his legs behind his balls. Cor would have sworn that the androids were smiling. But perhaps, he thought, he was just projecting onto them the pleasures that he knew were about to begin for him.

Out of the corner of his eye, he caught a flash of red on one of the screen. He watched as a butterfly slowly fluttered about the room. It was a very large butterfly, larger than any he had ever seen on earth. It slowly circled the room, flying closer and closer to his feet. It seemed to be attracted to them. Finally it landed on his right foot. The camera zoomed in until the image of the insect filled the centre screen. It flexed its wings back and forth.

Cor's skin had become so sensitive that he could feel the puff of air set in motion by the movement of the butterfly's wings. Each of the butterfly's feet touching his sole seemed to set a hurricane of sensory overload in motion. When it moved, it felt as if a thousand fingers were tickling him. He watched helplessly as it unfurled its feeding tube and began to feast on the gel. The butterfly leisurely probed each spot, stroking Cor's skin as it sucked up the gel. Slowly it inched its way up the sole and then onto the back of his calf and eventually his thigh. Cor grew more and more stimulated. The delicacy of the insect's movements and the sensitivity of his skin combined to leave him exhausted.

Finally as the clock approached the hour, the butterfly reached his balls and extended its feeding tube into the base of his ball sack. Cor screamed again as the prostrate massager vibrated into life and the cock tube began stroking him harder. When he had finished ejaculating, he wished he could speak. He wanted to tell the butterfly that he hoped it had enjoyed that as much as he had.

No. 165

No, thought Cor. It can't be over already. One hundred sixty-four ejaculations every hour for six days and twenty hours. Now only one more hour to go. They seemed to be feeding him more nutrient than they had previously. What could they do to him that they already hadn't done? He had lost track of the many delights he had experienced over the past seven days. As each one ended, he told himself that it would be unforgettable, but then, as the next session began, his mind soon became so entranced by what was happening to him now that he forgot the previous session.

The two androids appeared on the centre screen. To Cor, they seemed to be standing there, waiting expectantly. Their bodies were less metallic than they had been before and were taking on a more human form. Before they had been identical, indistinguishable, but now they were clearly growing more and more distinct from each other. Their skin was almost fleshlike now, and their facial and bodily features were becoming more and more masculine. They were beginning to remind Cor of someone.

The transformation was complete in about five minutes. Each android had transformed into one of Cor's favourite porn stars. Andre Le Tournevis and Peter Grosskopf filled the screen, their huge bodies muscular and tanned, their ball sacks dangling down beyond their long cocks. Andre held up a bottle so that Cor could see it in the view screen: "Maximum-Strength Sensitizer". He and Peter swiftly spread it over Cor's entire body. Each touch of their hands was like an orgasm exploding in his flesh. Peter unbuckled the straps binding the feeding tube to Cor's head and removed the device from Cor's mouth. Andre gently pulled the prostrate massager from Cor's ass.

No, wait, thought Cor. We're going to need those later. Andre and Peter positioned themselves at Cor's feet. Each took one of his feet into his hands and began massaging and tickling it.

They worked over every area of Cor's feet. With the feeder removed from his mouth, Cor recovered his voice. For the first time in seven days, he could speak and make himself heard. His repeated cries of "no" and "stop, please stop" soon faded into incoherent moans. Andre and Peter were relentless, merciless, deaf to Cor's entreaties. Their knowledge of how to tickle his feet was unthinkably complete. He was unable to deal with the monstrous impact that obliterated every memory of what he used to think of as tickling.

Peter moved around till he was standing before Cor. His cock bobbed slowly up and down before Cor's face. Andre coordinated the movements of his fingers over the soles of Cor's feet to match the movements of Peter's cock. Up and down. Up and down. Cor was hypnotised by it. His eyes were drawn to the slit, and, as he watched, a bead of golden pre-cum oozed out. Cor licked his lips. He opened his mouth and extended his tongue to the slit and licked off the drop. Another oozed out, and he licked it. It tastes even better than the nutrient, he thought. Peter brought his cock closer, and Cor closed his lips around the head, working his tongue up and down the underside. It was so large and hard. It felt so great in his mouth. He slowly sucked it in until the entire length was extended down his throat and Peter's groin was pressed against his face. The hair above Peter's cock was silky and soft. Peter slowly began to fuck his face.

Andre bent Cor's legs back at the knees so that he could move closer to Cor's butt and still keep stroking Cor's feet. His cock sought out Cor's tenderised hole. Andre pressed the head of his swollen member against the now-supersensitive tissue. If Peter's cock hadn't been filling Cor's mouth, he would have been shouting with pleasure. As it was, he nearly fainted when the head of Andre's shaft plunged into him.

The two superstuds slowly fucked Cor. He became a mindless corridor of gratification for their cocks. Gradually their speed increased, and Cor knew that all three of them were approaching orgasm. When he felt the tube around his cock begin to stroke him, he groaned with pleasure and frustration. Pleasure because he knew that this ejaculation would be the best ever and frustration because he knew it would be the last. The seconds ticked off. At one minute to the hour, all three spurted the first gusher. Sixty seconds later, Cor was drained and spent. He had no more to give.

"Where on Little Thornhaugh Street did you want to be let off, Sir?"

"What?" Cor looked around in confusion.

"You said Little Thornhaugh Street, didn't you? We're there now. Where did you want me to stop?"

Cor couldn't think. He knew he lived somewhere on this street. "Here will do. Anyplace you can stop."

"Are you all right, Sir?" Cor stared at the driver's face in the rear view mirror. The street lighting made it look oddly washed out, almost metallic.

"I'm fine, thanks. Just a little tired. It's been an exhausting week." Cor stumbled out of the taxi and handed the driver several bills.

"Here, Sir, wait. You gave me too much. It's only 32 pounds. You must have given me 75."

"No, it's yours. That was the best ride I ever had. I can't thank you enough."

Cor staggered down the street, trying to get his bearings. He lived in one of these buildings, he knew. God, what a daydream that had been. He must have a fever or be coming down with something. Maybe he had eaten some tainted food at lunch.

Finally he found his doorway. He nearly fainted in the elevator up to his floor, and it took him several tries to get his door unlocked. Once inside, he collapsed immediately in the nearest chair. It seemed like a week since he had left his flat that morning.

He awoke after midnight to find himself still dressed and splayed out in the chair, but he felt much better. After switching on his computer, Cor went to his bedroom to change while he waited for the programs to cycle on. He stripped off his clothes and stopped to check his body in the mirror. Not bad at all, he thought. His exercise program was really beginning to pay off, and now that he had gotten rid of his body hair, his muscles were much more visible. Cor got about five steps away from the mirror before he did a doubletake and turned back to stare at himself.

What had happened? That morning his chest and abdomen and legs had been covered with black hair, and he had had the beginnings of a definite paunch. Now, his smooth body gleamed in the ceiling spotlight positioned over the mirror, the muscles rippling and hard. He flexed and posed. He was beautiful. Almost edible, good enough to lick. When had that occurred? When had Cor the average become Cor the magnificent? Things like this didn't happen. He must still be feeling the effects of the bad food, still be hallucinating.

The email program chimed to signal that he had new messages. As Cor strode into the next room, he felt how smoothly and comfortably his new body moved.

The first email was from Nexis Associates.

Dear Mr Cor -
We hope you enjoyed your recent stay with us. We at Nexis Associates are always striving to improve our services for our valued clients, and we welcome feedback. Please let us have your comments. If there is anything we can do to make your next visit to our facilities more enjoyable, we want to hear about it.
In addition we trust you will not mind that we took some liberties with your body to improve it and increase your productive capacity as well as to augment the enjoyment you find in your physical plant. You came close to breaking our best-ever total for sperm production in a seven-day period. We sincerely hope that your next stay with us will be one for the record books.
In your briefcase you will find a blue bottle with supplemental vitamins and nutrients. Please take one capsule a day. This will speed your recovery and help prepare you for your next visit. Because of the concentrated exertions you have been through in the past week, your next visit will not take place until two weeks from now. This will allow all your systems to recover and reach maximum working capacity again.
In a week, we will email you a new questionnaire in order to programme our facilities to your satisfaction for your next visit. In the meantime, please get plenty of rest and remember to take your vitamin supplement each day.
Thank you again for your patronage. We look forward to seeing you again shortly.
Sincerely yours,
Nexis Associates




by Nexis Pas




posted 04jun07


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