Commitment Kenneth and Jennifer, or Ken and Jen as their friends called them, seemed to be a happy couple. Both 27-year-old lawyers, they had been living together since the summer before their third year of law school. What their friends never saw were the constant, bitter arguments about commitment. Jen wanted to get married, and Ken saw no reason to do so. Living together with no long-term obligations suited him just fine. A common situation, and not very interesting. On the phone with her older sister, Karen, Jen said she was about fed up with Ken's inability to make a commitment. She jokingly asked if Karen had any spells that might change his mind. Karen was deeply into studying the occult, which Jen thought was a lot of nonsense, but she didn't challenge her sister about it any more. It was not worth arguing over, and Karen had spent so many years learning about it. "You must really be desparate," said Karen, "to ask for help. I know that you're an unbeliever." "I was joking, but I am desparate. He's so stubborn!" "Well," said Karen, "I do have an idea. Do I remember correctly that Ken hates to be tickled?" "Yes," said Jen, confused about what that had to do with anything. "He's very ticklish, and he absolutely hates it." "It will take me about a week to prepare and enchant all of the ingredients. All you will have to do is put the powder that I give you in his drink, and say the word that I'll tell you." "Alright," said Jen, sorry that she had gotten into this with Karen, but not wanting to insult her. "Just bring it over when it's ready." ************************************************** ********** Ten days later, on a Friday, Karen came over with a small packet of white powder. It was 6pm, and Ken wasn't home from work yet. "Put this in his coffee tomorrow morning, and don't worry, it's tasteless. After he's finished the coffee, just say 'tiktor.' Don't be shocked at what you see next. He'll disappear before your eyes." "Oh God, Karen, you can't be serious. Anyway, I don't want him gone, I want him here and ready to make a lifelong commitment to me." "Just do it, Jen. Wait five minutes, if you're feeling kindly towards him, or half an hour, if you're angry. Then say 'rotkit,' and it will bring him back. He ought to be a changed man. If not, say 'tiktor' again. Another dose of the powder isn't necessary. Once the pathway is opened, you can send him back and forth as often as you wish." After Karen left, Jen wasn't sure if she would try the powder or not. But Ken was insufferable that evening. All through dinner (which they ordered in from Hong Lee's Szechuan ******) he talked about his colleague, Joseph, who had just gotten engaged. How stupid Joe was, to want to get married in his 20's. How nobody with any sense got married before 30. How it was a half-century commitment, as most people lived into their 70's or beyond. Jennifer muttered that she didn't want to get into their usual fight, and let him rant on. She went to sleep early. ************************************************** ********** Jen was up by 8am, and made her own breakfast, keeping two extra cups of coffee warm for Ken in the pot. She put the powder in his mug, the one with "World's Greatest Lawyer" on the side, along with the two spoons of sugar that he usually took. When she heard him stumble into the bathroom, she poured coffee into his mug, and stirred it up. She put out orange juice, milk, and his usual cereal. "Thanks, honey," muttered Ken, as he sat down and began to read the morning paper. When she saw him drain his mug, as he got up to get a refill, she said "Tiktor." Within a second, Ken began to shimmer. In five seconds, he was gone. Jen stared in disbelief at the spot where he had been. She remembered to look at her watch, and then she phoned her sister. ************************************************** ********** Ken felt weak. The kitchen faded away. He was falling, in a black void. He screamed, but no sound came out. He landed softly, on some grass. His robe and boxer shorts had vanished during the fall; he was naked. Vines rapidly grew out of the ground, and encircled both of his wrists, drawing them together, pulling them over his head, and fixing them, tightly, to the ground. A softly padded, but strong, vine grew around his waist, and tendrils from it held him tightly to the ground there, too. Vines grabbed each of his ankles, and pulled his legs wide apart. Each ankle was fastened to the ground firmly. Vines bound his upper arms to the ground, just above each elbow. Tiny vines encircled each finger, so that his hands were flat, palms up, and immobile. A vine encircled his head, above the eyebrows, like a headband, and moss grew as padding, cradling the back of his skull. Tendrils grabbed his hair, completely preventing all movement of his head. Vines encircled his thighs, just above the knees. Small vines near his ankles grew up to his toes, encircled them, and pulled them back, making his soles flexed and immobile. Ken was terrified, and stared up at the impossibly bright blue sky, which had no sun in it. With his peripheral vision, he could see a crowd of people approaching. Were they people? Their skin and hair were light green, and they were only about four feet tall. Little green men - no, make that little green women. Their nakedness allowed him to see that they were all adult women, despite their short height, with fully developed breasts, green pubic hair, and green hair under their arms. They were now all around him. They were qutie beautiful, actually, with adorable breasts, and perfect legs ending in cute little feet. They were conversing in a language that sounded like none he had ever heard. "Where am I? Who are you? What are you? What is all this?" They ignored him, and crouched down all around him. A new one, taller than the others, about five and a half feet tall, also with green skin, but with red hair, walked up near his head. She knelt down and looked into his eyes. He was astonished at her beauty, and surprised to hear her answer his questions in English. "You're no longer on earth, but in our realm. We are not people, but glefol. What you would call dryads, or wood sprites. My name is Zara. This is your punishment, as decreed by the human Jennifer. I'll be back to talk to you, from time to time. The sprites around you are quite young - some of them are barely 500 years old. Good-bye now." Zara got up, said to the other sprites, "Gorplagg, prehopk!" As she walked away, the sprites all began to tickle Ken. They were dragging feathers across his cheeks, into his nostrils, across his nose, in his ears, over his upper lip, and on his neck. They were scratching his palms with their nails. They were stroking his biceps with soft brushes. They were tickling his collarbones with their fingers. They were poking into his armpits, relentlessly. They were digging into his ribs with their small thumbs, on both sides. They were twirling a brush in his navel. They were stroking his soft, sensitive belly with toothbrushes. They were scratching his thighs with their nails, and digging into his knee caps. They were stroking the hollows behind his knees, and also his calves. They were stroking the tops of his feet with stiff brushes. They were pulling feathers between his toes. They were scrubbing he pads of his toes with toothbrushes. They were digging their nails into the balls of his feet. Their fingernails were scratching at his heels and arches. For the first ten minutes, Ken howled, and shrieked, and laughed, and struggled at the vines that held him. Not being able to breathe well, he struggled less, and gasped instead of howling. By twenty minutes into his torture, he had been reduced to silent laughter, quivering in his bonds, unable to utter a sound. His arms and legs hurt, from pulling on the vines. His diaphragm ached. His throat hurt from the yelling and laughing. Tears streamed down his cheeks. The sprites were delighted at reducing him to the state of a quivering, ticklish jelly. They grinned at each other, and traded positions for variety. They talked and gossipped, but never ceased the movement of their hands, in perpetual motion, tickling Ken all of the time. By the one-hour mark, Ken wished that he would faint. He was in tickle hell. But somehow he remained conscious, shaking and quivering in ticklish agony, too weak to do anything but suffer. By the two-hour mark, Ken wished that he would die. The sprites saw that he was about to faint, and one near his head ceased tickling his nose. She reached behind her, and picked up a pouch from the grass. Taking some gold powder from the pouch, she sprinkled it in his nose. Ken sneezed. Miraculously, his body felt fine. He felt just as he had two hours ago, just before they had started. He began shrieking and howling, and pulling at his bonds. The other sprites had never stopped tickling him, and even the one who had given him the miracle powder was at it again, brushing inside his nostrils. The sprites were overjoyed at his renewed strength, for they now had the opportunity to reduce him to the jelly-like state all over again, and amuse themselves watching him suffer. ************************************************** *********** After another two hours he got another dose of the powder, and the cycle repeated itself, over and over again. At first Ken tried to keep track of the cycles, but he lost count somewhere in the 300's, and just gave up. All he know was this: Periodically, he was restored to being not hungry, not tired, not in any way uncomfortable. He didn't know that each cycle was a mere two hours - it seemed like much longer to him. How he could live without sleep, without food, and without needing a toilet, he did not know. He knew that new sprites came and replaced those tickling him every ten or twelve cycles, but that they often came back later. He knew that he was in hell, being unbearably tickled, endlessly. He desparately hoped that Zara would come back - her command has started his ordeal, and he presumed that she could stop it. ************************************************** ************* Back on earth, Jen's call found Karen at home. "I can't believe it! He really vanished. He did! Where is he?" "I told you, you skeptic. You never believed me when I told you that I have spells that really work. Ken is in a different realm, a magic realm, not in this universe, among the dryads." "The what?" "Dryads. Wood sprites. Forrest nymphs. They call themselves glefol." "I don't like the idea of Ken being among a bunch of nymphs." "Don't worry, sis. Even though they are all naked - they don't allow clothes in their realm - he's not enjoying himself. He's tied down to the ground, and they're tickling him without mercy." "Really? That sounds like just what he deserves. He never lets me tickle him. It might teach him not to be so arrogant, so smug. Why did you suggest I call him back after only five minutes?" "Because time doesn't flow at the same rate on earth as in their realm, or even at the same rate in different parts of their realm. He is in a dilated zone. As one minute passes for us here on earth, a much longer time passes for him there." "How much longer?" "I'm not sure. The glefol can't or won't tell me everything. How long since he vanished?" "About ten minutes. I'm going to leave him there at least the half hour that you suggested. He was insufferable last night. I'll take a long, hot bath, then read some of the paper, then retrieve him. Say - is there any way that I could go there? To watch him being tickle-tortured, even to join in?" "Yes, you can, Jen. I thought you might want to. You can go back with him by touching him, any part of your bare skin touching his bare skin, while saying 'tiktor.' The dryads know who you are, and they'll welcome you as a guest." Jen thanked her sister, hung up the phone, and went to take her bath. ************************************************** *********** The cycles of Ken's tickle-torture went on with no respite. As each cycle began, he shrieked and howled, unable to control himself. He sometimes tried speaking to the sprites, but they ignored his pleas. As the cycle progressed, he grew weaker, and the sprites soon had him a helpless, hopeless, quivering mass of ticklish flesh. So passed the days and the weeks. ************************************************** ************ One full year had passed, in local time, in the grassy corner of the glefol realm where Ken was held prisoner, when Zara returned, and knelt by his head. "Poor Kenny baby, you've been through thousands of cycles of being tickled into near unconsciousness, and then revived to suffer all over again. You've probably got questions, but I know that you can't speak." She smiled down at him. He was indeed in the jelly state, unable to speak, struggling to breathe, quivering in ticklish agony. "So I'll guess what's on your mind. What does the gold powder do? It transforms every molecule of your body, except your brain, to the ground state, the state it was in at the beginning. That's why you never need food, or water, or sleep, or to go to the toilet. You haven't aged. But your brain remembers every moment of the tickle-torture! That's the beauty of your situation. We can torture you forever, because you aren't getting any older, and you'll experience and remember it all, every moment of it." As Zara grinned at the thought of this, Ken looked horrified. She continued. "You probably wonder if anyone misses you back on earth. No, because you've only been gone for one minute on earth! Yes, don't look so shocked, that's correct. One year has passed here, where time is dilated, and in this corner of our realm, but just one minute has passed on earth. Jen is just now dialing the phone to call her sister, and find out where the spell has sent you." At the mention of Jen's name, Ken's face took on a look of homicidal rage, underneath the contortions of silent laughter. "No, no, Kenny baby, don't even think about it. When Jen calls you back to earth, don't even think about harming her. If you hurt her in any way - one bruise, one drop of blood, one hair on her head - then we will call you back here ourselves, and keep you forever. And I do mean for all eternity. And you can be sure that your punishment will be much worse than just tickling, if you've harmed our friend Karen's sister." The rage in Ken's face was replace by despair, as the sprites tickled, and tickled, and tickled. "I don't know when she will summon you back, but each minute for her on earth means another year for you down here. Bye now." As Zara walked off, it was time to put the gold powder in Ken's nose, and begin a new cycle of his tickle-torture. ************************************************** ********* Jen dried off, after her bath, put on her robe, and stretched her arms overhead. She yawned. She padded into the living room, and made herself comfortable on the couch. She began to read the paper. She glanced at her watch, as she put it back on. 45 minutes since Ken had vanished. Well, she sighed, may as well make it a full hour. ************************************************** ************ Jen tossed the paper aside, and glanced at her watch. One hour and fifteen minutes. She had lost track of the time. She stood up, and said "Rotkit." ************************************************** ************** The vines all moldered. The sprites got up, turned away, and ran off. Ken felt himself rising through the air. Soon, he was rising through a black void. Then he found himself lying on his own living room rug, looking up at Jen. He barely had time to open his mouth, and had not yet spoken, as Jen planted her bare foot firmly on his chest, and said "Tiktor." Ken and Jen fell together, tumbling through the black void. Ken tried to speak, to plead that no more punishment was necessary, that he didn't need to be sent back, but no sound could be made in the void. They landed, softly, next to each other on the grass. As Jen stood up, vines grew rapidly out of the ground, and captured Ken. He was bound exactly as he had been before. Jen watched, fascinated. She was now naked also, her robe and watch having vanished during the fall. "Please, Jen, please, no more. I'll do anything you want, anything you say. You don't realize how long it was for me! One year here for each minute on earth. Oh, God, Jen, I can take any more, I'll do anything you want. Please ..." "Shut up, Ken, that's the first thing that I want, so do it," answered Jen, with a pleased smirk on her face. Ken did cease his pleading, and Jen watched with interest as dozens of wood sprites arrived, surrounded Ken, and all began to tickle him with no mercy, as they had before. They were so cute, Jen just adored them on sight. She tried to speak to them, but they had their own language, and it was clear that they didn't understand a word of hers. One offered her a brush, and and gestured towards the prisoner. Jen didn't hesitate to accept the invitation. She took the brush, and stationed herself at his right armpit. She joined in with gusto, and soon lost all track of time, watching him become weak, until he was reduced to squirming and quivering helplessly, without the strength to struggle or even to laugh out loud. Just when she thought that he would surely faint, giving him respite, one sprite put some gold powder into his nose, and he sneezed. It was as if a miracle had happened! Ken was full of energy, howling and shrieking, begging her for mercy, and yanking at his bonds. The sprite came up to her, and she allowed the gold powder to be put in her own nose. She sneezed. How astounding! She was no longer tired, nor hungry, nor did her fingers ache from tickling him for so long, nor did she need to ask where the bathroom was. She returned to tickling him with great glee, and began to taunt him. "How amusing - with that magic powder, we don't ever have to stop tickling you. Not ever. So we'll just keep it up, for days, for weeks, for years! Does it tickle? Does it? Too bad. It's going to go on, and on, and on. No rest for you, and no mercy. None at all. You didn't want to make a commitment to me? You didn't want to marry me, at our ages, because it was a half-century commitment? Here's my commitment to you, Kenny boy - it's Saturday morning back on earth, and I have nothing planned for today. So I'll commit to spending 200 years here, subjecting you to endless tickle-torture. Yes, I mean two full centuries! And it will only be Saturday afternoon back home when they have passed. Tickle, tickle, tickle. Maybe, just maybe, I'll take you back with me. If you can convince me that you deserve it. Or maybe I'll just leave you here, an amusing tickle-toy for these dear little sprites." Ken couldn't answer her; he was again gasping for breath, and tears flowed down his cheeks, as he laughed silently. Jen just grinned and kept on tickling him. ************************************************** **************** Jen lost track of the cycles and just enjoyed herself, relishing the totally helpless state of her formerly arrogant boyfriend. Periodically she was refreshed by the gold powder, and she noted that sometimes new sprites came to replace the ones tormenting Ken. She herself never left, but just explored every ticklish spot on his body, over and over again. She taunted him often, and happily passed the weeks and years. ************************************************** *************** Jen was surprised to see a tall sprite, maybe an inch shorter than her own 5'7", approaching. This one had the same pale green skin as the others, but the most glorious head of red hair that she had ever seen. She was shocked to hear the newcomer speak in English. "Hi, Jen, I'm Zara. I trust that you're enjoying your stay here." Jen stopped tickling Ken, and let a sprite take her place. "Oh, yes! We're really putting him in his place - he was so arrogant, and so stubborn! How long have I been here? My watch seems to have vanished on the way down." "You humans are all so obsessed with time. Let's see, about six years, so six minutes have passed back at your home." "I'll be staying for quite some time - about two hundred years total. I really don't age here?" "Not at all! And your memories don't fade either. I'll be glad to let you know when 200 years have passed, so you're not late for anything back on earth. Will you be going back alone, or with him?" Jen walked away from where Ken was bound, and Zara followed, understanding that she didn't want him to have any chance of overhearing. At a safe distance, Jen said, "Alone. I could never trust him now. No matter that he knows I can send him back here, no matter if he's afraid, he might just have the courage to cut my throat while I'm asleep back on earth. No, here he stays. Do you mind keeping him?" "Of course not! We sprites are not allowed to just capture a human from earth ourselves, unless they have been sent to us by another human first. And we do so love tickling males! So we are very grateful to you and to your sister for sending us this perfect tickle-toy: He's extremely ticklish, and he truly hates it. He's ever so amusing for us, and we'll show our gratitude to Karen and to you. For her, an appropriate gift will be a book of spells that she hasn't learned. For you, would you like to visit him here often?" "Yes, absolutely. That will be the perfect gift for me! I'm sure that I can spare 200 years each weekend day, and 10 or 15 years each weekday, to enjoy myself here. Is that too much?" "No, not at all, you'll be an honored guest here. Let me give you some passwords to get back and forth yourself, without him. Say 'pletik' to come here from earth, and say 'kitelp' to return to earth from our realm. Also, remember that you'll lose any clothing or jewelry on the trip here, so you may as well be naked when you say 'pletik.' " They walked back to where the vines held Ken bound to the ground. Jen approached his right foot, and a sprite got out of the way for her. She dug her nails into the ball of his foot, and began to taunt him again. "Only 194 more years until I go back home. You'll have to guess whether I'm going to take you back with me - I haven't really made up my mind yet. Tickle, tickle, tickle. We'll see to it that you're not bored during that time. We'll be sure to see that you don't fall asleep. Guess how? Tickle, tickle, tickle ... " The End
by Milagros317
posted with permission |