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I took another drag. Invisible hands had picked up eight of the rubber gloves - no, ten of 'em - and were slowly pulling them on. Occupying them. A big bottle of oil and two tubes cruised toward me.
There was no doubt left. I couldn't move. No one had come when I yelled for help.
A glove came to each tube. Like magic, thick gray lube was squeezed onto the magically filled palms.
"Don't do this," I said to a pair of the animated attackers, ready to take hold of my left ribs. Others were just a few inches from my right side, and my feet, my thighs...
The voice cackled. Same guy, apparently younger than me. Completely set on this.
The lube was brought to my pecs, and I hurried to smoke again as the bottle of oil started to rotate. The invisible kidnapper had the tip coming down toward the top of my crotch.

"Dammit... I don't want to d-" I grumbled, watching the lubed gloves creep closer.
"Tough shit. I do. And you can't stop me," the kidnapper interrupted, smug and real fuckin' pleased. "That's why you're strapped down right. There's nothing you can do about it. No one knows we're in here, and no one will. I bet you're gonna be a lot more sensitive as we go. This won't be half-ass, and it won't be quick."
"Yes. I want you to feel. More than you ever imagined you could. It'll be a looo-ooong night. And I'll start back in tomorrow."

I had to repeat those words to myself, in my head. "Nooo-oooooo!" I wailed, getting louder.
The cigarette was pulled from my lips.
To my amazement, and my complete dread, one glove after another made contact.
Of course. I couldn't pull a strap free, there had been no sign of anyone hearing me yell for help. Really caught, really hidden, nothing at all I could do...
Except hiss in air, as the phantom gloves traced slowly, spreading the oil and lube. Hips, insteps, knees -
Aw, fuck, both armpits.
I gritted my teeth and moaned. "Ohhhhh... nnnoh."

"This can't be happening," the unseen captor said - with mock-sympathy, as if he was fighting not to chuckle. "That's what you all wanna believe. You guys. Aw, fuck, no way my boss here is gonna make a whole 'nuther day seem like a year. Not again. And again, and again."
A whoop slipped out of my chest. I cut it off, but then I couldn't keep from snickering.
"You're gonna get it," the keeper chuckled.
The gloves got busy.

Some were faster, some pressed in -
Oh, shit, my navel. My neck. The sides of each foot. Shins, shoulders...
Thrashing and kicking didn't change a damn thing. I bellowed laughter, shaking my head when I could figure out how to do it. Wailing, barking, yelping and howling. It didn't help, really - making the noise. I cocked my head back and laughed at the door.
The bastard was already finding sweet spots. Some places were more ticklish than others. Its gloves were confirming how to rub my heels, ride over my ribs, rake those fingertips slowly and heavily around my armpits.
I couldn't defeat the restraints at all.
Fuckin' yelled laughter...

Smoke. Whew. I took another drag. A serious tug. My lips were shaky, though.
Gloves. At least eight pair now, maybe more. Under my balls too, and my knees, high on my ass. Definitely getting to know my most sensitive targets.
Laughing wasn't possible anymore. Neither was writhing around. This magical sadist knew what it was doing. Being worked over all night wasn't unimaginable anymore - since just trying to feel all of the tickling was preventing me from wasting any energy at all. There was too much to try and track...
"Good man," the tickler said.
I snickered - quiet, and hoarse, unable to stop.
"No way out." It chuckled. "I got fourteen toys and tools I like best. Get to see what ramps you up the most. We might as well be on a deserted island, since no one's gonna find you. I have aaalll-lll kinds of ideas to keep you from getting bored here. Food, booze, and drugs to make you feel it even harder. Oh, yeah. It's irresistible. You are. More fun than I know what to do with. Fuck, yeah."
When the words finally made sense, I couldn't help but whine and giggle.
"Smoke up. Try to feel all of my greasy hands. A real long night is in store for you." It hooted a few times, quietly - as if to itself more than me. Calm voice... of a winner in a dangerously good mood.
A thumb eased its way up my cock.
Eager fingers squeezed my calves.
It was time to rock and buck and slam around. Man, I wished I could pull it off.

Oiled, slippery gloves started back in on my sides. Thighs. Around my neck.
After I kicked out a few meaty barks, that was all for now. Apparently my body thought it was more important to breathe than to laugh.
On my gut... under my arms. My attention jumped from one tickled place to another. Ass-cheeks, feet, pecs - they had to be under attack too. I couldn't keep track of it all!
Were my ears being handled? My hips? Dammit, I wasn't sure.
I tried to hoot and slam around... or at least grunt and twitch. The fuckin' level of excitement all over me, skin and muscle, overrode the chance of doing anything. Gloves that really knew my hot buttons, sticking it to me. Way too close. I mean, dedicated. Thoroughly cruel.

So much stimulation, in so many places, made it impossible for me to howl or fight. Smoking was automatic. Moving was beyond me. Snickering for more than a few seconds was still too difficult, since I couldn't stop trying to monitor so many gloves.
It knew how delirious I was. Mission accomplished -
"Nnnaaaaw," I managed to rasp. It was hard. Laughing was too distracting. Insufficient. I ended up kicking out a shaky sigh instead.
"Oh, yeah."





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