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Back to Part 5


- - 21 - -

He walked over the sand.
"How much farther?"
"Five minutes, tops."
That got Amy a grunt in response. Then, "Pretty fuckin' mean. Makin' me walk... After the day I've had."
"It's not even a mile. Big baby."
A big grin came over his face. "But my feet, Amuseur. They're all... Oooooh."
She was on to him. "Your boots fit just fine."
"No. I mean... You've been tickling my feet so much today. Every step just feels like I got gloves rubbing 'em. Up, and down -"
"Don't tempt me, Bodie."
"They're still so sensitive," he chuckled. "This is torture -"
"You're playing with fire..."
He laughed. Of course he was. The fire was gonna get him, no matter what he did. But Bodie was always up for more.
"Hey," he said, stopping. There was a road.
"Move it," she replied. "Did you like the mail-bags?"
"Back there? Oh, fuck. I really did. Really. Magic pouches. No help in there. And the stakes, too."
"It was worth the trouble, then. I got a big ol' kick out of it all. Today was great..."
Headlights appeared. Coming from the south.
"And it looks like it's getting even better."

Bodie stared at the lights. "More 'better' for me, huh?"
"Tomorrow. And then better... gets perfect."
Oh shit, he thought. But then - alright. Cool.
The lights were coming slowly. From the look of 'em he expected a pickup truck, maybe a van.
"Finish your smoke," she ordered. And he did. "Now, put your arms out in front of you."
"Like this?"
She grabbed on, and he couldn't move his hands much. "Just like that..."
Something dark, and fairly big, came floating over. Bodie watched it slide over his arms - interested, but loose. After getting fucked with in the jungle, he didn't have any fear left in him. Especially not about Amy.
"Is this... what I think it is?"
"Maybe," she teased, lowering his arms. "What are you thinking it is?"
"Uh. Straitjacket."
She pulled some straps tight before she answered - and suddenly his hands were real tight against his ribs. "Bingo."

"I thought we were gonna be at Cal-Boss' place," he whined, getting all wiggly. Too late to shake the restraining device - more of that tough-looking leather - but she grabbed his ass and squeezed a little. Down, boy.
"We are."
"What's the deal with the van? My bike's already th-"
"Your bike?"
He stomped a foot. "O-kay. The bike I rode there. The one you stole for me."
Amy sighed. Her fingers played with his neck-tendons, and he got all tense, hissing softly. "You won't see that bike again."
Bodie opened his mouth, and thought some more. Then, "Does Cal-Boss have another place?"
"You're just smart as a whip."
"And my little prisoner's in for something much better than Room Nineteen."
Better? Uh-oh. But the van was almost there.

Behind him, a bandanna spun until it was a rolled tube. Between his teeth it went, and she tied it quickly -
Amuseur laughed, and grabbed his triceps. "Too bad. You're not going to be the only guy running your mouth. I'm saving you from making a bad first impression."
Bodie groaned, real loud. That made her giggle again.
The van rolled to a stop. Magically - of course - the side door slid open.
Amy shoved Bodie. When he backed off a little, she dragged him. Dumped him inside -
His head bumped against... chaps. Somebody's knee.
The door slammed.
And the van took off.

- - 22 - -

Well, fuck, he thought. Rougher than usual, there, Amy... Probably out to impress somebody else. He figured she knew what she was doing, so he went along, and acted all pissed off -
Cheering. Several voices.
Hands picked him up, off the other guy's legs, and slammed his back against the wall of the van - not as hard as possible, but it definitely got his attention. Bodie looked around...
Faint blue light. No windows - and there wasn't just the one other guy. There were three.
"There he is."
Bodie froze. No way. He knew that voice.
"Tuh?," he said, forgetting about the gag.
Poco feliz... And then it growled a little, also in his head.
He shivered, but not 'cause he was afraid. Far from it - Tor had growled like that a lot, in Brazil, just to freak Bodie out. Then it would chuckle. And he played along... oh shit, a monster's got me, it's gonna eat me alive...
So it was Tor. Wow, he thought, I'm so dead. Amy, and Tor -
Two of guys were staring at him, pretty hard, ever since he'd tried to say Tor's name. Bodie stared back. All of the other dudes were gagged too. Leather, everywhere, under matching straitjackets. The biggest guys looked scared. First-timers, maybe. One guy was huge. The other... dark, maybe Hispanic, and it looked like he had tats all over his neck too, like Bodie did -
Oh. Palace shit. Yeah, that ink was probably Tor's work. Another Palace bunny, then. He knew what was up.

The last guy, who also reacted to Tor's name, was a dead ringer for Shon Doran. His expression was different than the other two. Doomed... and kinda like he was daydreaming. Bodie knew that look -
Fuck! Yeah, he got it now. The big guys didn't like to get tickled. As much...
So he probably had the same expression on his own face that the Doran-lookalike did. Only happier.

The van bounced along, going much faster now.
"Loaded for bear," a low voice chuckled. Cal-Boss.
Oh, shit. Three ticklers who liked him, totally got off on nuking his ass - and were dangerously good at it...
"You sure about this?" Amy said.
"Yeah. It was time. You get too many cells in one place, the risk goes way up." It sighed. "I was ready for a change, anyway. Endless work... on some badass feet."
The big guy started struggling. He bellowed into the gag.
"Easy there, Rude. Save your strength."
To Bodie's right, Rude banged his head against the wall of the van, and kept it there. Held there, Bodie thought. Cal-Boss is keepin' him still.
Amy's got me, Cal-Boss has Rude...
And Tor? Which of the other two - oh, now, wait just a second here -
Cal-Boss sighed, so Bodie listened up. "Damn shame about the palace."

The two guys across from him looked at each other. Hopeful? Bodie felt like laughing. Oh, c'mon. You gotta know better than that...
"Too big, maybe." A whole new voice.
"Fuckin' loggers," Tor said.
"It was only a matter of time..."
Bodie set his head against the wall of the van. Yup. Oh shit, that voice - that was Vex. He'd gone through some intense nights at the hands of that bastard, too. Four obsessed fuckin' ticklers.
So the palace must be history. He didn't know how to feel about that. Sorta mixed-up.
Amy chimed in. "I can't wait to check out the extracts you guys brought."
Tor just chuckled. As it did, Bodie watched the Hispanic guy kinda slump, shake his head sadly -
Tor, Vex... and the two guys across from him knew. So that had to be Liebre. Damn.
The shorter dude - was that really Buck? Caught again. They were only tickled a couple weeks a year...
Unless -
Aw, Bodie got a wild, horrifying, wonderful idea.

"The tapes look real good," Vex said.
"Nice of you to say so," Cal-Boss sighed. "It can't hold a stick to what you two built, but we like it."
"Uh-huh," Amy said.
"It's great-lookin'. Private as I could want. Shit, we brought everything we need. Everything." And it laughed. Louder.
So did Vex.
Cal-Boss even started to snicker. "Uh... Glad to see 'em, huh?"
"Oh, fuck."
"Plenty of room," Amy added. "Huts for warm weather. And the caverns -"
"Sssssh," and that was Vex again. "Keep it a surprise."
But everybody knew. They looked at each other, the captives did... and Bodie saw some big fuckin' eyes.
A new palace. Within driving distance...
Caverns were underground. Right? Plenty of room -
"Theeooooaah," the little guy said.
After a second, the Hispanic nodded. They both chanted it. "Theeooooaah... Theeoooooooaaaah!"
Vex sighed. Happy as hell. "She can't hear you... Originators."

"Tell 'em," Tor urged.
"Now? Aw... Okay. This oughta be good. Before they're even in the riot chains..."
The overhead light snapped off.
"Listen very carefully," Vex said, almost giggling. "We... beat... Ciuna."
No reaction.
"She's fine. But we know how to hide from her now. And she won't figure out how to track us. Not this year."
"Or next," Tor added.
"Or next year," Amy taunted.
"What the hell. Or the year after that," Cal-Boss laughed.
They all cheered again.
None of the guys moved. Probably as stunned as Bodie.

His legs lifted off the floor of the van. All of their feet were rising -
The captives started to holler and wrestle around. Bodie did, too, 'cause he didn't want the be the only one who was all calm and shit. He was dragged out from the wall, cheap carpeting sliding under his ass...
They ended up with their boot-heels aimed at the ceiling.
His boots started to slide off. And theirs. The other dudes just hated it.
When their socks went, they settled down. Bracing themselves. Oh, fuck yeah, we are so doomed -
Bodie grinned. He was glad the light had been turned off...
Well, it looked as if the other guys would see soon enough. He still thought the actor liked it, too. Doran. Yeeeeah, it sounded like he'd have plenty of time to get to know Buck and the other inmates.
Honestly, he felt as good as he did that first night at the palace. The old palace. Where the tickling never stopped, and it always kicked your mutherfuckin' ass. And they were all gonna open a new palace. Amy, stickin' it to him for years...

He laughed into the gag. Not a feather on him. It was just too insane. And all of the ticklers knew him. Each had taken at least a couple turns - thrashing him good - and they weren't shy about telling him what a fuckin' trip he was...
Right then, every one of 'em must've known how worked up he was getting. New palace. Years!
"Basket case," Cal-Boss said.
"Say that..."
Eight bare feet, almost touching. The one guy's feet were way bigger than anybody else's.
"Now here's a pretty sight."
"The unluckiest feet in the west."
The ticklers all laughed again.
Here it comes, Bodie thought, bracing himself.

- - 23 - -

But no. Something thick slid around his feet. Soft. Dark -
Oh. Okay. Mocassins. Palace shoes, only these were covered in black leather. He flexed his toes, but they were tugged onto his feet anyway. He was so jazzed, he felt like whooping...
He never thought the day would go this well. Dammit - oh yeah. He thought of his little fantasy.

This just figures. The hikers go, and leave me there, massive psychotic tickling... and all I was expecting was that it was gonna go on all night. Maybe the next day. That was all.
Now I've been thrown in a fuckin' van. On the way to some secret underground cells - where I'll be kept. Kept hysterical. For years.
And I thought the ghost won before now...?

Bodie shivered - and then he started to laugh again. Couldn't stop. Tension, maybe...
The moccasins were locked on, so it wasn't like Amy was rockin' out on his feet. With an effort, he lifted his head - and the other guys looked like he was gonna infect 'em. Or something.
They thought he was getting tickled.
All of the ticklers knew he wasn't... but they knew what a happy guy he was, even before the tickling hadn't even started yet. So - he was cool.
Bodie threw his head around and whooped his guts out.

Now, where was he? In the van. The ghost really had him where it wanted him now. Tickler's hands, dumping him into the tickler's... van. Years of tickling! Nobody would ever know.
He remembered being staked out, watching the hikers - imagining them. So damn desperate to get their attention. But the gag comes, and makes sure he's not skipping out yet. And the only other humans he's seen all afternoon - they leave!
So he's still in the clutches of the ghost. And it really loved tickling.
The hikers could've saved him from ending up in this van... on his way to an underground home. But they didn't. Because they left him there, he was in for more of the same. And not just another day of it. Hell, no! As many years as the ghost thought it could get away with. And that sounded like a lot.
Other humans... made it happen. They didn't see him, stretched out there, gagged and everything, and he didn't get a second chance. Nobody else. So the ghost just got the fuckin' straitjacket on him, and hauled him off. For keeps.
And they didn't even know what they'd done to him.
The ghost was real careful. If it got him to the place it had all ready - and, shit, he had every reason to expect it would - he had a feeling there wouldn't be another opportunity to flee from all the tickling.
The fuckers had never known he was staked out there.
And now, no one would know where he ended up.

"Oh, we gotta do something to 'em," Cal-Boss said. "Look at their faces."
Amy sighed. One satisfied wench, there -
"Help 'em sleep," Tor said. Another round of sinister laughs...
Bodie heard a soft burring sound, in the dark.
"Twisted," Vex laughed, as if it was paying somebody a compliment.
Bodie felt something move. By his waist -
His fly was opening.
He looked around, as if Amy would... appear or something. Why was she unzipping him? He didn't have to pee...
The other guys started thrashing around. They'd figured it out already.
His underwear scooted down, and Bodie's dick popped out. It was standing proud. He was embarrassed... but then it dawned on him that these guys were all veterans. Picked for the new palace. They were probably hard too.
Hands pinned Bodie's shoulders to the carpeted floor of the van.
Right at the edge - that insanely sensitive spot, where the helmet met the shaft. Something light was there, and it started to trace around.
Not this. Now.
Not... here.
A gentle finger. No - smaller. Maybe tiny, soft feathers.

The other dudes sounded angry. Mutual embarrassment - but there'd be a ton of that in their future. So that helped him relax. He lifted his head to look, but it was pushed back down. Held, too.
Bodie bucked, and hollered into the gag. They all did. But the tickling continued up and down his shaft, lingering at the edge of his cock-head, making him jump. He started to thrust...
His hands clawed at leather. Thick... Oh, yeah. Straitjacket.
Amy giggled again. "Oh, we got us a fine pack of rabbits..."
"The best!" Tor shot back.
"The very... best," Vex added.
Cal-Boss just laughed like a maniac.
And Bodie, he couldn't come up with a way to get Amy to leave his cock alone. So...
He shrugged, inside. Oh, well.
Amuseur wasn't dragging it out, so he knew - from long experience - that he had more than one cum-shot ahead of him. If she was serious about wanting to help him sleep, he hoped for another one after that...
And tomorrow, damn. He'd really get it! Locked in the new palace. Watching the tickler's hands float closer, nothing he could do to stop her.
Might as well just roll with it, then. That was Bodie's philosophy.



Back to Part 1 - Part 5




The Palace Series

TM Origin - Variation P
The Bunker
The Palace
Slugger's Holiday




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