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(No "action" in this one, FYI)
The trap was all set.
"You're so warped," Dddd said fondly.
"Ssssh. He's waking up."
Both ticklers watched him groan and start to move.
There was no chance he'd see them. Or escape. The little cell was long-forgotten, and Ffff had bolted the outer door shut after getting everything in place. The first room had supplies in it - leaving a good twenty feet between the door of his new home and the hallway, making absolutely sure nobody could hear him laugh.
Howl his guts out. Harder than he ever had before.
He squinted in the dim light, trying to figure out where he was. Then he froze... seeing the stocks. Different racks on either side, the dangling manacles behind that.
"Uh-oh," Ffff sneered. He couldn't hear either of his captors unless they wanted him to.
"Hey. This is some kind of dungeon," Dddd chuckled.
"Wonder what's up..."
By that time he discovered that he was sitting on a comfortable bench - almost like a giant's deck chair - which was surrounded by straps and restraints. He jumped nicely, recoiling - and found out his wrists were tied together. He stared at the loose knots. Apparently he hadn't realized yet that he was naked.
Scooting down, he worked diligently at getting his hands free. By the time he was standing, the rope was coming off.
"Aw," Ffff said.
In front of him, the door opened.
He stared - just locked up with amazement - at the entering pack of gloves.
They were black and sheened with oil. Big, alive... moved with purpose by Ffff. Authoritative. At least a dozen intimidating hands were in the doorway, blocking his exit. Obviously they were somehow responsible for him being in a bondage chamber, stripped and tied. They were returning - just in time to keep him from spoiling their fun.
"He's not gonna bite," Dddd murmured.
"Sure won't."
There had to be a chance to get out. That's what his face said. He looked around wildly, then back at the gloves... which were looking impatient. Putting more distance between them and his body was the way to go -
Scanning again, he saw the other door.
"Dammit," Dddd complained.
He bounded back there in no time.
"How silly of me," Ffff said darkly, "to forget about that door. Leave it open."
The knob was loose - just about ready to fall off. That increased the tension nicely, as Ffff started bringing the gloves over to recapture their prize. He got it on the fourth try, though. The door started to open, swinging toward him. A big, relieved sigh made his state of mind completely clear.
With a rattle, the broom fell.
It was an old wooden broom with an ordinary handle. Just one of those things. A simple obstacle, at just the wrong time, dropping across the door frame - and it just happened to be caught behind tall stacks of boxes on the right side of the door and some kind of suspension tripod on the left.
"Of all the rotten luck," Dddd teased.
Ffff chuckled happily. "If only, if only."
For a second it didn't sink in. He yanked on the door once, twice... but it couldn't open any further. That meant he couldn't get out of the dungeon, because of a freakin' broom. With a frightened glance behind him, the captive learned that the gloves were not much more than a meter away now. Within seconds they'd grab him.
He turned quickly and reefed on the right end of the broomstick. Ffff was putting just enough weight on it to simulate the notion that it was wedged behind the boxes.
With a grunt, he switched to the other side of the stick. Dddd was riding that end, and by prior arrangement it didn't apply as much pressure. That way he had the anxious pleasure of actually moving the stupid little object - so much more ordinary than all of the devices around him which were designed to restrain...
Finally he slid the broom handle up and shoved the whole thing over. Almost out of the way. A slight whine of desperation accompanied the effort.
Behind him, Ffff's gloves had paused.
He cleared the door, grabbed the knob, started to swing it open -
A glove clamped over his mouth. Many more grabbed his limbs.
He screamed and danced as they dragged him backward, slowly hauling him away from freedom. All of the panic he could muster didn't change the outcome.
"May I do the honors?"
"Sure," Ffff said.
Using no gloves at all, Dddd shut the door - invisible magic - and snapped the knob off.
He screamed again, fighting like crazy as the gloves pulled him back and then down to the sleepsack.
Fully encased, with every strap buckled tight, he squirmed until the panic died down.
"Yeah, that just never gets old," Dddd remarked.
"I know," Ffff agreed, unsnapping the rear flap. "You wanna pick out a vibrator for our treacherous friend, here? I got a message for his runaway feet."
"Excellent. Teach 'em a lesson. Max 'em out."
"Oh, I'm on it," and Ffff brought gloves down to his bare soles.