Alright. Slip off that blindfold. Wanna see the reaction. Squinting, blink blink, window ceiling - yahHOOO! Yep, that be rope. Hee hee. Big fight, lookit that expression... Oh yeah, buddy. It's real. Louder, c'mon, yell all you want. You can do better than that... Good try. Some clever moves. Still tied, though, ain'tcha? Snug. Beautiful. Pale-lookin' in the moonlight there, dude. Nice bright ropes, soft and thick and new-clean-white... Chest and arms and legs all pale and worried and held down and uncovered. All stretched out. Nice effort, but no cigar - well, not yet. You ride that mattress, bud. Ride it for a long, long time. Ready for overdrive. Down and dirty psychotic rumble maximum full-bore hard wild insane reaction. Just knowin' how to rip into ya and never hit the brakes. Quality time. Oh yeah. New satin hands in the night, at least twenty seein' to your weak spots. More? Okay. Gotcha gonna fuck with ya like nobody's business, uh-huh. Some longass freakin' nights. No gadgets, no power out here - we're roughin' it, bud. Just satin and latex and leather and grease. More than you can handle, so we're just gonna have to getcha up to speed. Damn, but you're a squeamish fucker. What a great reaction, when we laid that first little test on ya. Jumped a mile. We ain't gonna let sensitivity like that go to waste... Hey, why so quiet? Just catching yer breath, huh? Give you something to howl about. Betcha your voice is gone after, oh, an hour - two at the most. That's the plan, or you're just gettin' off too fuckin' easy. No more smokes, ya maniac. Alright, let's go. Time to rock. Boom! Oh yeah. Boy, you're all tense. That's okay, about ten minutes of heavy-duty satin and you'll loosen right up. There ya go. Feet thighs pits belly nipples so whattya think? We got yer number or what? Why you lookin' so surprised, there? Soundin' kinda surprised too fucker maybe pissed off just a little but we just barely started uh-huh it's gonna be intense like nuthin' you ever knew before. You got no fuckin idea' and how many hours 'til the sun is over the treeline and you get to crash... No passin' out oh no dude. That's it. Nice and loud. Too much fun - just wanna make it louder more frantic that there's a real encouraging noise you're makin', there. Squirm your brains out, you only wish you could put up a real fight. All that wasted effort but it'll fade real quick cause you got lotsa hands and fingers to think about yessir. Apeshit, fuckin' apeshit. Oh you're stayin right here take that get a big handful of this yeeeeehaw that's it and a helluva lot more where that came from. Well, ain't you a sight. We're diggin' this. Lookit all the muscles... all laid out, bare and reachable - and tied down tight. Yeah, buddy. Stayin' put. Excellent. Ready and waiting. What we live for. A classic example, that'd be you... pinned down nice and snug. All we needed was some serious privacy. Find the right place, and stock up. One shitty ol' mattress to press ya down into, don't care if it stinks or not, to keep ya from beatin' yer head on the floor. None of that shit. We get to say when. Plenty of nice strong rope, or big wide cuffs and straps. Or chains. Pin these limbs, lock yer feet down real good. Vitamins, carbs, water, maybe a blunt or two... if we're not feelin' real rowdy. Roids and speed, if we're stretchin' it out. Y'know there's a max we try for, right? Gotta work ya over long and hard. Bust through yer limit, and over the next one, and another one. And so on. Damn unlikely we'll get to max ya out... but we'll try. Volume and reflex. Fuckin' with ya big time. We like that. You look like ya might be gettin' the picture. Whafuck, huh? Naw, nuthin' to be scared of. We know what we're doin'. Shit, you're gonna be fun. And noisy. You ready to howl like ya mean it? It's a rush, causing all that... Tug and snap. Test 'em good, fucker. You're down for the count. Flat on yer back. Comfy? No chance of goin' numb on us, no bruises allowed... or sprains, and definitely no rug-burn to steal yer focus. No where were we? The rush. Yeah, maybe you're pissed off now, but that'll change. A few more minutes of tuggin' hard and you'll give it up. And we'll dig in, and you better believe you'll go ballistic. But that thrashin' won't last, dude. Uh-uh. We got big plans. Gonna be needin' that energy. No shit. You can count on us - Hey, yell yer head off. Man... you must be real worried to holler like that. Where's yer pride? Toldja we aren't gonna do any, heh, damage. As if we'd set up in a room where somebody could hear ya. Hnuh. You like this place? it's real private. If you had a bullhorn, it wouldn't even matter. Nobody's around, fuckhead. No chance of anybody gettin' curious. It's just you and us now. We'll keep boredom away, and that's a promise. We got all the time we want. Almost time to rock again. Gettin' closer and closer. And all these captive nerve endings to fuck with. Pedal to the metal, or tease 'em til they're screamin'. And we know when to pull off, and how much - shit, before the sun comes up, we'll know all yer sweet spots. And you'll know why you're still tied real pretty. Down to business. Well, not that it's a chore or anything... and it's lot more of a kick than just playin' around. It's a passion. Hey. You look like a man who knows he's cornered. Water now, or later? You're gonna be real cooperative, oh, about three minutes from now. Suck down anything we bring ya. Any ol' distraction... Got cases of shit in the hallway for ya, too. Oils and creams that'll do a number on your skin. Tender as a baby's butt. We got tools and toys and some kickas- But why talk yer ear off? You're ready. Let's go. Looky... here. Yeah. Fuck you. Twenty-one of us. Big and bad... Whatcha lookin' at? Huh? Shiny and wide and plenty strong. You ever felt satin before? No. Whatever you think you felt, it wasn't nuthin' compare to what we'll make ya feel. Rassle around, hey, get it out of your system. Cause your arms and legs are stayin' right there against that mattress. Guess the rest of you is too. Ain't polite to stare like that. Maybe you need a distraction. Got just the thing - Heeeere we come! Harder. Dude, you're still gonna be here when we close the gap if you don't pull about ten times harder than that. That's your best? Fuck. Inches, only a few more inches... gettin' closer! And no one's gonna know. Just us. Naptime is, oh... six, seven hours away, and we got a lotta ground to cover before then. One inch away from ya. One little inch. Are you tryin' to imagine, maybe, what it'll be like? How intense we're gonna kick yer ass? You can't begin to know. We'll learn ya... Stick around. Stay awhile, for some of - This.
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