Holodeck Pixies Part 1. The Committee Meeting Aboard the Federation Starship Zara, the three members of the Committee on Sexual Harassment were meeting, along with the plaintiff, Chief Security Officer Karen Forrest. Forrest, an athlete and an expert in several martial arts, was in charge of all of the ship's security personnel and procedures. At five feet, ten inches, with flowing blonde hair and sky blue eyes, she had a beautiful face and fantastic figure. She was considered to be the most stunning beauty on the ship. She stated her complaint to the Committee. "I have reason to believe that young Ensign Joseph Lee is using my image in his sexual fantasies on the holodeck. Now, we all have a right to use one of the holodecks for personal recreation, up to three hours per week." "Good thing about the limit," interjected the Ship's psychiatrist, Dr. Susan Wolfe. "Otherwise, the young men might spend all of their off duty hours there." "Many of us use the time for fantasies involving sex," said Alice Chen, Captain of the FSS Zara. "A ship's captain, for example, can't have a sexual relationship with any of the crew. It would ruin morale." She smiled, and Forrest, Wolfe, and Patricia Murphy smiled with her. Murphy, an electrical engineer, was the third member of the Committee. Captain Chen continued, "So there's nothing wrong with sex on the holodeck, if he's using characters from his imagination, or, say, dead music video stars. What makes you think he's using your image? That would be a very serious offense, if he's using it for coitus, but we need evidence to violate somebody's privacy." Forrest was ready with her evidence. "I have two items to report. First, he downloaded a three-dimensional image of me from the karate training holovid that I use to drill my staff. He was clever enough to break the guards against copying, but not clever enough to erase his tracks. Second, at lunch last week, he was stupid enough to say, 'Chief Forrest is better than Sharon Stone.' He said this in the hearing of one of my lieutenants, sitting at the next table, and she reported it to me." "But," asked Captain Chen, "who is Sharon Stone? She may be a security officer on another ship, and all Joe may have been doing was praising you in your job." "No," said Forrest, "she was a film star, about six hundred years ago, in the era of flat, two-dimensional films. She was, according to the computer, known for being the raunchiest, most sexually aggressive female star of her era." Forrest handed over the computer print-out showing the trace of Joe's theft of her image, and the deposition of her lieutenant. It took the Committee only a few minutes to reach its conclusion, announced by the Captain. "By unanimous vote, we authorize a stealth viewing of Ensign Joseph Lee's next recreational holodeck session. We will reconvene on Thursday
at 0900 hours, when he has scheduled himself for three hours on holodeck number 7." Part 2. The Viewing Chief Forrest and the members of the Committee on Sexual Harassment were assembled in one of the ship's theatres. In the large space before them, the three-dimensional, life-sized image of Ensign Lee's holodeck session would be displayed. At exactly 0900 hours, the image of an idealized meadow appeared. Kelly green grass, a small stream, trees, and flowers in bloom. Joe entered, dressed in civilian clothes. He picked one of the flowers, and a cloud of blue dust arose from the detached blossom. The dust entered his nose, and he collapsed, unconscious, to the grass. "What a stupid fantasy," said Murphy. "And that's not an accurate depiction, if it's supposed to be a meadow in Ireland." Floating down from above came more than two dozen pixies. There was no better word to describe them - they were about six inches tall, but perfect miniaturized copies of Karen Forrest. They had cute gossamer wings on their backs, and were all nude. "How dare he! Not only using my body image, but shrinking me down to a toy! The nerve of that bastard! Stop this right -" "Karen, take it easy," said the Captain. "There is not even fourth degree harassment yet. They haven't touched him, and he's not even looking at them yet - he's unconscious, from the pixie dust, I presume. We'll watch and see what develops. Be patient, and, I assure you, he will be punished to the fullest extent of Star Fleet regulations. But there is no offense yet." The scene faded out, and then back in. Joe was now stark naked himself, and bound to a metal frame that had been placed around him. His wrists fastened in padded leather cuffs, and attached together. The cuffs were stretched over his head, and locked to the frame. His elbows were attached to each other by a leather strap. A leather headband, with D-rings, was tightly fastened around his forehead. Many thongs went from the D-rings to the frame, so that Joe could not move his head. "Boy, is he kinky," said Murphy. The pixies had put a belt around Joe's waist, and many thongs from the belt went to both sides of the frame. His legs had been stretched wide apart, so that he looked like an inverted 'Y'. Each ankle was attached, in a padded cuff, to the metal frame. The frame itself was anchored to the ground at all four corners, and in the middle of each of its sides. Padded leather straps encircled his lower thighs, and were attached to a spreader bar. Finally, each of Joe's toes had twine tied around it. Each toe was bent back, and fastened to a D-ring in the adjacent ankle cuff. "He did save a lot of time by having the holodeck do the bondage in an instant," added Wolfe. "Now let's see how he uses it. He's still unconscious." All of the pixies now surrounded Joe's immobilized body. He could wiggle his fingers, and open his mouth, but it seemed that all other movement was denied to him. One pixie, near his head, got some red dust from a tiny pouch, and sprinkled it in his nose. Joe woke up. The pixie put her pouch down, and hovered over Joe's face, looking into his eyes. There was a pleased smirk on her lips, and a look of childish delight in her eyes. She spoke, in a high version of Karen's voice. "Naughty, naughty baby, you're not allowed to pick our flowers! Now you're our prisoner, and you'll suffer the favorite torment of the pixies." "That's fourth degree harassment. He's looking at Karen's naked images. Record it," said the Captain. Murphy, acting as secretary for the Committee, keyed it in. The pixie who had spoken flew over to a pile of bristly little brushes and took one, as did many of the other pixies. She returned to hover over Joe's face, and touched the brush to his nose. She began to stroke his nose, and said to the others, "Begin!" "That's third degree harassment. Karen's images are touching him. Record it." Murphy did so, and spoke. "Why is this perv wasting his time in the holodeck being tickled? When I'm there, I spend the whole three hours having non-stop, steamy sex." "Most people," said Dr. Wolfe gently, "prefer a little foreplay, a little teasing." All thirty pixies were now tickling Joe. He was shrieking hysterically and straining at his bonds, but barely able to wriggle. At each of his feet were three pixies. One brushed the pads of his immobilized toes. One dug her tiny hands into the ball of his foot. One drew figure 8's with the pointy end of her brush on his arches and heels. Two pixies were tickling his calves, and two more were devoting themselves to scratching his knees, both the kneecaps and the hollows behind his knees. Each of Joe's thighs had two pixies at it, scratching away. One pixie, hovering at his groin, stroked his testicles with a tiny soft brush. He had an erection, but she never touched it. Several pixies were on each side of Joe's ribcage, digging in with both hands. One pixie was stationed at each of his armpits, poking with surprising strength in a steady rhythm. One pixie worked a brush under his neck, and stroked the nape. Two more pixies tickled the sides of his neck. At each ear, a pixie was sitting on the ground and drawing patterns with her brush in the ear. The only pixie who ever spoke continued to torment his nose, tickling both the tip, and inside the nostrils. She now began to taunt him. "Poor ticklish baby! Tickle, tickle, tickle. We pixies love to tickle, but we're not ticklish ourselves. Not at all. That's why we're so happy to have a human to torment. If only you hadn't picked the flower, then we wouldn't have captured you. Poor ticklish baby! Tickle, tickle, tickle. You probably wish we would stop. Tickle, tickle, tickle. But we won't stop - it's too much fun. Tickle, tickle, tickle. We'll never stop! Tickle, tickle, tickle. Never!" All the pixies have the same look of delight, as they worked on Joe without ever pausing. As computer simulations in the holodeck, of course, they never got tired or bored. In fact, it was hard for the four women watching to believe that the pixies weren't alive. Their obvious joy seemed all too human, as they smirked and grinned at each other, relishing the task of tormenting Joe's sensitive spots with their hands and brushes. Barely able to wriggle, his struggles provided no escape whatsoever from their attentions. They were clearly delighted with Joe's helpless state, and at his being extremely ticklish. Their little faces were beaming with pleasure as they tickled and tickled. Joe became hoarse, and his struggles became feeble. Between sqeals of manic laughter, he managed to get out one word, "Mercy." "Oh, no!" said the pixie at his nose. "No mercy for you, baby, not ever. Tickle, tickle, tickle. We're just going to tickle you, and then tickle you, and then, to amuse ourselves, tickle you some more. Your only hope is that a pixie queen comes by, and has an interest in you. But I don't see any around just now. Tickle, tickle, tickle. So it's nothing but more tickle torture for you, baby! Tickle, tickle, tickle. Poor baby, we're really going to tickle you forever, endlessly taking joy in your helpless laughter. Tickle, tickle, tickle." Dr. Wolfe asked the ship's computer to give a medical read-out on Ensign Lee - he had been undergoing the incredible tickling for a half-hour now, and she wondered how he was taking it. She looked at the charts on her screen, and reported to the Captain. "His agony is real. He is actually laughing uncontrollably, and pulling on his bonds. He must be very ticklish. But he is in no danger yet - his heart rate is about what mine would be after a half-hour on my racing bike. The holodeck medical monitor is working perfectly." "But such a childish fantasy! It's infantile," said Murhpy. "It's not so rare a fantasy, or practice," said Dr. Wolfe. "We all begin life as a helpless infant, sometimes tickled by our caregiver. Remembering the happy time when all your needs were met by a loving mother, it's understandable to want to regress to that state. Joe is rather an extreme case, though, in that -" "He's not your patient, and we're not here to psychoanalyze him," interrupted the Captain. "We're not here to talk about common or uncommon fantasies of regression to infancy. We only need to determine the degree of sexual harassment suffered by Karen. So far, it's only third degree. No orgasm using her image, and no coitus. The maximum penalty for repeated third degree harassment would only be a fine of six month's pay, to be paid to the plaintiff, and loss of his holodeck privileges for six months. Let it continue. I have a feeling that a pixie queen, whatever that might be, will soon show up." The pixies were all still tickling Jay, as the speaking pixie continued to taunt him. Each pixie had a pleased smirk on her lips, and a look of chidish delight in her eyes. The four women kept watching. More time passed. The speaking pixie kept taunting Joe. "Do you wish we would stop? Do you, baby? Tickle, tickle, tickle. We'll never stop. Never! Tickle, tickle, tickle. We love what we're doing to you. You're not even laughing out loud any more - you haven't got the strength for it. Tickle, tickle, tickle. You're hardly wriggling any more. You haven't got any strength for that, either. Tickle, tickle, tickle. You're just a mass of quivering, quaking ticklish flesh, here for our amusement. You're totally helpless, entirely at our mercy, and that's the way you're going to stay. Tickle, tickle, tickle. We're so amused by your feeble twitches, that we'll just keep on tickling you, forever. Tickle, tickle, tickle. Poor baby! You're really in for it now. Tickle, tickle, tickle." It was clearly true that Joe could barely quiver, and that he had no strength or stamina left. He was obviously close to fainting dead away. "One full hour seems to be his limit for this torture," said Dr. Wolfe. "That's how long since they started tickling him. He'll faint in another few minutes, and the holodeck medical monitor will override the program." As if on cue, a giant figure appeared in the holovid display. She was about seven feet tall, and oversize exact copy of Karen Forrest. She was stark naked. "Back from the prisoner!" said the giant, in a deeper, but recognizable version of Karen's voice. All of the pixies flew away from Joe. Karen, who had complained bitterly at the toy-sized pixies, seened to have no complaint about this giant version of herself. The giant placed one bare foot on his chest, and addressed him, as he lay there still panting and gasping. "You're very lucky, little human, that I came by. And you're even luckier that I'm quite horny. If you please me well enough, then I may set you free. If not, they my little pixies will be permitted to tickle you forever." She now straddled Joe's groin, and began to lower herself towards his erection. "Freeze program!" said Captain Chen. "Karen, it's up to you. He's clearly about to commit sexual harassment in the first degree, a felony under Star Fleet regulations. But if we stop the program, and if he's never used it before, then he's only guilty of harassment in the third degree." The holovid image was still frozen, with the giant squatting inches above Joe's member. Only Joe was moving, straining at his bonds, trying to rise to meet her, and looking confused that she was frozen. "Abort it," said Karen. "It's clear from his remark at lunch that he has used it before, and I don't need to see it." The Captain spoke into her communicator. "Manolo, take a security team into holodeck number seven and put Ensign Lee under arrest. Hold him in an isolation cell pending charges." "Aye, aye, Captain," said Lieutenant Manolo. "Computer, abort the program in holodeck number seven." The display now showed an empty holodeck, with a naked Ensign Lee, looking even more
confused, lying on the floor. Part 3. The Verdict Captain Chen turned to the other members of the Committee. "We have enough evidence from our viewing to break privacy for all his previous sessions. Make that a formal motion. I vote yes." "Yes," said Wolfe. "Yes, unanimous," said Murphy, recording the vote. "Computer," said Chen, "by unanimous vote the Committee on Sexual Harassment revokes the privacy of Ensign Joseph Lee for all holodeck sessions on this ship. What program was he just running?" The sythetic voice of the ship's computer answered, "One of his own creation. He named it 'Recreation KF, version 4.'" "Does it continue to coitus, with ejaculation by the Ensign?" "Yes," said the computer, "there are three ejaculations, all via coitus with the tall woman's image." "How many times has he run it, not counting today's aborted run?" "Twenty times, since he created this version, nine months ago. Earlier versions were -" "That's enough," interrupted the Captain. "Just print out what you've told us, with the dates and times of the twenty uses." Chen looked at the other members of the Committee and grinned. "Move that Lee is guilty of sixty counts of sexual harassment in the first degree. My vote is yes on all counts." "Yes," said Murphy. "Yes, clearly guilty," said Wolfe. Murphy recorded the verdict. Now it was Karen Forrest who was grinning from ear to ear. "What can he get for this?" "For each count, he can be sentenced to five years in prison, with all his pay going to the plaintiff during his confinement. Of course, I intend to have the sentences run consecutively, so he'll get 300 years." They all laughed at her joke. Even with the best of 26th century medical care, life expectancy was 160 to 180 years. "Don't forget," said the Captain, "that we are free to negotiate an alternate sentence with him, a substitute punishment right here on our ship, with re-education and the chance of rehabilitation. Facing a life sentence on a prison colony, it should be easy to get him to agree." The Captain smiled, and went on. "I've got some wonderful ideas for his punishment, but I have to discuss the question of stamina with you, doctor." "I've just been thinking about that, Captain," answered Dr. Wolfe. "I'm sure that you'll be pleased with my suggestions. We do have to get him to agree, so we'll all have to appear sympathetic and kind when we put the offer to him." "Don't worry, I'll keep my mouth shut," said Murphy. Dr. Wolfe now spoke to Karen. "I can promise you that he will regret that he was ever born, if I he agrees to rehabilitation under my care." "I'm sure," said Karen, "and I've got some ideas of my own, if the plaintiff is allowed to make suggestions. Ideas of how to make him respect me. It will use up some of my off duty time, but it will be so much fun." Each of the four women had a pleased smirk on her lips, and a look of childish delight in her eyes. Part 4. The Punishment The Committee played its role perfectly. First, the Captain was very stern, and explained that serial sexual harassment in the first degree was a very serious offense. She noted that sixty offenses was the worst case she had ever heard of. She sentenced him to 300 years in prison, to be seved in a maximum security penal colony. There, he would live and work among others convicted of serious felonies. Joe was stunned, barely able to stand. He was trembling, and could not speak. But then all of the Committee members smiled at him. The Captain explained that they didn't want to be so harsh, and that even Karen herself had asked them to be merciful to him. So they had agreed to offer him a substitute punishment, confinement and re-education aboard the ship itself. He need not go to prison. They offered him the papers to sign. It said that he was to be confined in the ship's medical section, while being re-educated and rehabilitated. His confinement was to be under the supervision of the Committee, and they would be the sole judge of when his re-education was complete. It was guaranteed to be a shorter period than his original prison sentence. Joe signed eagerly, and the signature was witnessed by the ship's computer, and the document sealed. After Joe had been taken to the medical section, the Committee members summoned Karen, told her the good news, and opened a bottle of champagne. They laughed as they planned his punishment. "The jerk didn't even stop to think that 299 years meets the guarantee of a 'shorter period than his original prison sentence,'" said Murhpy. "Yes, we've got him for life," said Karen. "My revenge is going to be constant, long lasting, and ever so much fun." Dr. Wolfe was the chief architect in planning Joe's new life. She had three key ideas to make him regret not choosing to go to a maximum security prison. Her first idea came from the treatment of coma patients. Joe would be kept in a medical module usually used to maintain patients who were in a coma. Such a module would care for all of the patient's bodily needs. The module, perfected by the 24th century, would feed him intravenously, remove his wastes, clean him, exercise his muscles to prevent atrophy, rotate him often (to prevent bedsores), and monitor his vital signs at all times. She modified it to restrain him, so that he could not attempt to get out of it. A portable holodeck link was put into the module, so that Joe could be kept connected to the holodeck for 16 hours every day, all of his waking hours. Coma patients were routinely kept in excellent health for decades in such modules, and there was no reason that Joe should ever leave it. Dr. Wolfe's second idea was her solution to the problem of Joe's stamina. They had all seen that one solid hour of the relentless tickling by 30 pixies had brought him to exhaustion, to nearly fainting from lack of oxygen. She realized that the problem of breathing for a patient whose lungs did not function had been solved long ago; even in the primitive 20th century, crude heart-lung machines existed. The current portable artificial lung was no larger than a shoebox, and one had been installed in Joe's module. Blood ran from one of his veins to the artificial lung, where it was oxygenated. Aother tube returned the blood to him. Thus, even while Joe was being tickled strenuously, so strenuously that he could not breathe, the artificial lung could be set to begin breathing for him, so that he would never faint. Dr. Wolfe programmed the artificial lung to give him enough oxygen to keep him awake and suffering the tickling, even as he gasped for air. In this manner, for the entire 16 hours that he was awake each day, the pixies could tickle him without mercy, and he would never faint. He would be conscious for every last minute of it. Dr. Wolfe's third idea came from her knowledge of medical history. The first cure for ALS (also known as Lou Gehrig's Disease, whoever he may have been) was discovered in 2117. It had a curious side effect: The patient, cured of ALS, became extremely ticklish. When a cure with no side effects was discovered forty years later, production of the original drug ceased. But Dr. Wolfe had some of it sythesized in the ship's pharmacy. She determined that double the dose used to cure ALS would be safe for Joe to take. He became super-extraordinarily ticklish, more ticklish than the most ticklish human infant. One single minute of tickling would seem like an eternity to him now. Every single square inch of his body became a ticklish zone, and the previously sensitive areas even more so. They took the one hour of pure tickle torture from Joe's own program as the basis for their new program. They made some modifications. More bondage was added: Each of Joe's fingers was tied down to a stake sunk deep into the ground, so that his hands were immobilized, palms up. Four more pixies were added, two tickling each palm. Sixteen copies of the program were appended, so that it would cover a full day's waking hours for him. The pixies, now 34 of them, were no longer nude. It would not do to allow Joe to look upon Karen's body. They wore miniature karate outfits, complete with black belts. The fact that they were barefoot was a bonus, to remind him of his job whenever Karen visited him on the holodeck. Every day, usually about three hours into his torture, Karen enters the holodeck program to visit Joe. She uses her normal body size, and wears the same karate outfit as the little pixies. She sits in a chair near Joe's immolbilized head, and dangles her bare feet, one at a time, at his lips. It is his job to lick the soles of her feet, without stopping, for however long she chooses to sit there. He must do this despite the incredible distraction of being tickled to madness by the pixies. Sometimes, on a busy day, Karen brings along work to do. Then Joe's job is merely to keep licking continuously. Other days, she gives him orders, to lick slowly or quickly, with short strokes or long strokes, with curled tongue or flat tongue. This is her part of the re-education program, to teach him to respect her. It has worked very well, and Joe has learned to listen to her instructions and to obey instantly. He has learned to lick with zeal and enthusiasm. That is because, if Karen is even a tiny bit dissatisfied with his performance, then she punishes him. The punishment is three-fold, administered just before she leaves the holodeck, and it lasts for the remainder of his 16-hour session. When she gets up from the chair, she may say, "That was ... satifactory." Then Joe is relieved. But when she says, "That was ... not satisfactory," then Joe knows that his misery will increase. First, Karen inserts a large, uncomfortable ball-gag into his mouth. She tightens the staps quite cruelly, fixing it in place. It is covered will a foul tasting paste, something like the essence of rotten eggs. Second, Karen inserts a large, uncomfortable butt plug up his rectum. It is attached to straps that go around his waist and thighs to keep it firmly in place. She tightens the straps quite cruelly. The butt plug is covered with an itching cream that drives him crazy. Third, Karen dumps a large jug containing computer simulated ants onto Joe. Unlike real live insects, they don't have to eat or work. All that they are programmed to do is crawl all over Joe, never resting. Their feet are specially designed to tickle him. If they get brushed off by the pixies' tickling, then they crawl back onto him. There are 30,000 ants in the jug. The pixies, of course, never stop tickling him, and are delighted to see the ants adding to his torment. Joe has learned to lick the soles of Karen's feet with great zeal and complete devotion. He is desparate to please her. What he does not know, however, is that Karen has decided to punish him at least twice a week, regardless of his efforts. At the beginning of each week, she randomly chooses two days to punish him, and also does so whenever he actually fails to please her. She does this to keep him afraid of her, and just because she loves the look of despair in his eyes when she says, "... not satisfactory." Joe's punishment is far worse than anything he could have imagined. The tickling is endless, ruthless, merciless, and unbearable. But he does bear it, cared for by his medical module. He has no choice, and there is no escape. He would gladly go to the worst maximum security prison colony now, or gladly die. But those options are not open to him - he can only note that he is well and truly trapped. The tickle torture, and Karen's extra punishments, will go on, week after week, year after year, until old age claims him. At 25, that will be well over a century away. Karen has explained to him that the Committee will never deem him rehabilitated, and that his sentence is really for life. As he licks her soles, she often taunts him with how gullible he was to sign the agreement. She has reminded him that she is collecting his pay during his confinement, and has explained how she is using it. She has put it into a research fund. It is being used to fund research by biochemists to find a fouler tasting paste for his gag, and a more effective itching cream for his plug. She finds this quite amusing. Joe's torture is public; that is, any woman on the ship is welcome to observe it on a holovid display in her quarters, or in ship's theatre number 2, reserved for women only for that purpose. Many women spend an hour or two watching each day. They are delighted to see Joe's utterly helpless condition in bondage, and his supreme ticklishness. They greatly enjoy seeing his feeble wriggling, completely futile in avoiding the attentions of the pixies. They love watching him lick the soles of Karen's feet, while the tickling goes on without a pause. They always root for Karen to inflict the extra punishments. If she does, then they chuckle as the ball gag is inserted, laugh as the butt plug is inserted, and cheer as the ants are dumped on him. If Karen lets even two consecutive days go by without declaring his service "not satisfactory," then women all over the ship chide her for being too easy on him. They urge her to punish him extra the next day. When Karen knows that she will, she promises them in advance. On those days, almost every woman on the ship is sure to be watching. Each woman watches with a pleased smirk on her lips, and a look of childish delight in her eyes.
by Milagros317
posted with permission